Paleo Slide Set: Coral Paleoclimatology Long Delta 18O record from Urvina Bay, Galapagos. The last figure demonstrated the accuracy of coral d18O as a proxy measurement of sea surface temperatures. d18O can also serve as a proxy measurement for precipitation, particularly in areas like the central Pacific where large ENSO-related oscillations in annual rainfall occur. Now that scientists have established the reliability of coral d18O as a proxy signal, they are beginning to take deeper cores that provide increasingly long climatic records. Think of coral d18O as a paleothermometer that enables us to answer important questions about climatic variability in the world's oceans. This core from the Galapagos Islands gives us a 350-year record of sea surface temperatures and, by extension, El Nino activity in the eastern Pacific. Photo Credits: Thomas.G. Andrews NOAA Paleoclimatology Program