This folder contains images and descriptive text from the NOAA Paleoclimatology Educational Slide Sets. The images are presented in .jpg or .gif format, and also as .tiff scanner files of the original 35mm slides. The .tiff format files have been compressed using pkzip, and the resulting compressed files are also available here, and have the file name extension .zip. The accompanying text files describe each image, and collectively provide a description of some of the major proxy data types utilized in paleoclimatology, how the data are collected and analyzed, and summarize paleoclimate information which can be deduced from these proxy data. Tree Rings: Ancient Chronicles of Environmental Change Scientific Authorship: Connie Woodhouse and Bruce Bauer Set Abstract: Trees record information about past environments and climate in their annual growth rings, and dendrochronology is the science that studies tree rings. This set includes a narrative background and color photos depicting dendrochronological techniques, including tree coring in the field, sample preparation, cross-dating, standardization, and chronology building. In addition, there are photos and graphics of tree physiology and climatic interpretations derived from tree ring data at sites around the world. This slide set would be appropriate for upper level high school and college level audiences and could be used as an educational tool for studying current environmental issues such as drought, global warming, and dendroclimatology.