# Grotte de Piste, Morocco 11.5 - 2.5 ka Speleothem Isotope and Geochemical Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/20266 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/africa/grottedepiste2016bu2mg-ca.txt # # Archive: Speleothems # # Parameter_Keywords: carbon isotopes, geochemistry, oxygen isotopes, trace metals, age control, other #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2016-07-18 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Grotte de Piste, Morocco 11.5 - 2.5 ka Speleothem Isotope and Geochemical Data #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Wassenburg, J.A.; Dietrich, S.; Fietzke, J.; Fohlmeister, J.; Jochum, K.P.; Scholz, D.; Richter, D.K.; Sabaoui, A.; Spotl, C.; Lohmann, G.; Andreae, M.O.; Immenhauser, A. #--------------------------------------- # Description and Notes # Description: Stable isotope, geochemical, and trace metals data from speleothems collected in Grotte de Piste, Morocco for 11,500 - 2,500 years before present. # # Provided Keywords: Holocene, North Atlantic Oscillation, deglaciation, NW Africa, Europe #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Jasper A. Wassenburg, Stephan Dietrich, Jan Fietzke, Jens Fohlmeister, Klaus Peter Jochum, Denis Scholz, Detlev K. Richter, Abdellah Sabaoui, Christoph Spotl, Gerrit Lohmann, Meinrat O. Andreae, Adrian Immenhauser # Published_Date_or_Year: 2016-07-18 # Published_Title: Reorganization of the North Atlantic Oscillation during early Holocene deglaciation # Journal_Name: Nature Geoscience # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report Number: # DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2767 # Online_Resource: http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ngeo2767.html # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The North Atlantic Oscillation is the dominant atmospheric pressure mode in the North Atlantic region and affects winter temperature and precipitation in the Mediterranean, northwest Europe, Greenland, and Asia. The index that describes the sea-level pressure difference between Iceland and the Azores is correlated with a dipole precipitation pattern over northwest Europe and northwest Africa. How the North Atlantic Oscillation will develop as the Greenland ice sheet melts is unclear. A potential past analogue is the early Holocene, during which melting ice sheets around the North Atlantic freshened surface waters, affecting the strength of the meridional overturning circulation. Here we present a Holocene rainfall record from northwest Africa based on speleothem d18O and compare it against a speleothem-based rainfall record from Europe. The two records are positively correlated during the early Holocene, followed by a shift to an anti-correlation, similar to the modern record, during the mid-Holocene. On the basis of our simulations with an Earth system model, we suggest the shift to the anti-correlation reflects a large-scale atmospheric and oceanic reorganization in response to the demise of the Laurentide ice sheet and a strong reduction of meltwater flux to the North Atlantic, pointing to a potential sensitivity of the North Atlantic Oscillation to the melting of ice sheets. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) # Grant: IM 44/1, DFG WA3532/1-1 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Max Planck Society # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: Grotte de Piste # Location: Africa>Northern Africa>Morocco # Country: Morocco # Northernmost_Latitude: 35.86 # Southernmost_Latitude: 35.86 # Easternmost_Longitude: -5.41 # Westernmost_Longitude: -5.41 # Elevation: 1260 m #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: BU2MgCa # First_Year: 10656 # Last_Year: 8038 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # Sample nr. Depth below top (mm) Age (ka BP1950) Error (2 sigma) # GP2 U3.1 6.4 2.722 0.018 # Artifical age 20.2 3.154 0.453 # GP2U3 34 3.586 0.025 # GP2 U2.5.1 63.2 4.060 0.013 # GP2 U2.5 130.9 4.792 0.027 # GP2 U2.4.2 177.51 5.364 0.019 # GP2 U2.4.1 198.1 5.757 0.016 # GP2 U2.4 216.1 5.935 0.040 # GP2 U2.3.3 246.21 6.259 0.023 # GP2 U2.3.2 265.49 6.549 0.017 # GP2 U2.3.1 280.6 6.581 0.047 # GP2 U2.3 301.4 6.890 0.039 # GP2-U2.2a 316.5 7.278 0.022 # GP2 U2.2 365.02 7.572 0.047 # GP2-U2.1a 414.52 8.347 0.060 # GP2 U2.1 426.23 8.654 0.044 # GP2-U2.0 432.77 9.000 0.028 # GP2U2 493.5 9.753 0.059 # GP2 U1.4 540.92 10.581 0.095 # GP2 U1.3 582.5 11.050 0.058 # Artifical age 589.8 11.239 0.300 # GP2 U1.2 597.1 11.427 0.165 # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## age_calkaBP age, , , calendar years before present, , , ka BP 1950, ,N ## Mg/Cacarb Magnesium/Calcium ratio, calcium carbonate, , , ,speleothem, , Laser Ablation ICPMS,N # #------------------------ # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: # age_calkaBP Mg/Cacarb 8.038 -0.57 8.044 -0.44 8.05 0.57 8.057 0.07 8.063 0.23 8.069 1.07 8.076 1.74 8.082 0.90 8.089 0.90 8.095 0.90 8.102 -0.10 8.108 0.90 8.115 0.40 8.121 0.57 8.128 1.07 8.135 0.57 8.141 0.57 8.148 -0.77 8.155 0.07 8.161 -0.30 8.168 0.87 8.175 0.87 8.182 -0.64 8.189 1.21 8.196 1.37 8.203 1.04 8.21 0.54 8.217 1.37 8.224 1.21 8.231 0.37 8.238 1.21 8.245 0.37 8.252 -0.47 8.259 0.54 8.266 0.70 8.274 0.87 8.281 0.17 8.288 0.34 8.295 -0.50 8.303 0.17 8.31 -0.50 8.317 -1.17 8.325 0.50 8.332 0.50 8.339 0.17 8.347 0.34 8.354 -0.84 8.4 0.00 8.407 0.34 8.415 -0.20 8.423 0.64 8.43 -0.03 8.438 0.47 8.446 0.64 8.453 -0.37 8.461 0.64 8.469 -0.37 8.477 0.13 8.485 0.13 8.492 0.13 8.5 0.47 8.508 0.47 8.516 0.30 8.524 -0.20 8.532 0.64 8.54 1.14 8.548 0.94 8.556 -0.40 8.564 0.60 8.572 0.10 8.58 0.27 8.588 0.77 8.596 0.44 8.604 0.44 8.612 0.60 8.62 1.44 8.628 -0.40 8.637 -0.23 8.645 -0.40 8.653 1.11 8.661 0.60 8.669 0.44 8.678 0.94 8.686 -0.23 8.694 -0.10 8.702 1.24 8.711 0.40 8.719 0.74 8.727 1.41 8.736 -0.44 8.744 0.40 8.752 0.57 8.761 -0.27 8.769 -1.11 8.777 -0.60 8.786 1.24 8.794 1.41 8.803 0.90 8.811 -0.10 8.819 -0.44 8.828 0.90 8.836 0.40 8.845 0.54 8.853 0.37 8.862 2.04 8.87 -0.30 8.879 1.04 8.887 1.21 8.896 0.20 8.904 0.37 8.913 0.70 8.922 1.04 8.93 0.87 8.939 -0.47 8.947 -0.47 8.956 -0.47 8.965 0.54 8.974 0.37 8.984 0.03 8.993 0.34 9.003 -1.17 9.013 -2.18 9.023 -2.35 9.033 -1.51 9.044 -2.51 9.054 -2.01 9.065 -2.68 9.076 -1.34 9.087 -1.17 9.098 -0.50 9.11 -0.67 9.121 -1.17 9.133 -0.84 9.145 -0.17 9.157 -0.17 9.169 -0.87 9.181 -0.20 9.193 -0.20 9.206 -0.54 9.218 -1.21 9.231 -1.04 9.244 -0.20 9.256 -0.70 9.269 -0.03 9.282 -0.70 9.295 -1.21 9.308 -1.04 9.321 -1.71 9.335 -1.54 9.348 -1.71 9.361 -1.71 9.375 -1.74 9.388 -1.41 9.402 -1.57 9.415 -0.23 9.429 0.44 9.442 0.27 9.456 -0.74 9.469 -0.07 9.483 0.44 9.496 -0.07 9.51 0.60 9.524 -0.07 9.537 -0.07 9.551 0.44 9.565 0.10 9.578 -0.74 9.592 -0.60 9.605 -0.94 9.619 -0.77 9.632 0.90 9.645 1.07 9.659 -0.10 9.763 0.23 9.776 0.57 9.789 1.41 9.801 1.37 9.814 0.37 9.826 -0.47 9.838 0.87 9.85 0.54 9.862 1.54 9.874 0.37 9.886 1.88 9.897 1.37 9.909 2.04 9.92 0.87 9.931 0.87 9.942 0.54 9.953 2.21 9.964 1.37 9.974 1.21 10.07 0.17 10.078 0.50 10.086 0.50 10.094 0.50 10.102 0.00 10.109 0.34 10.117 1.34 10.124 0.00 10.131 -0.03 10.138 -0.37 10.145 -0.70 10.153 -0.03 10.16 0.47 10.167 1.47 10.174 -0.37 10.181 0.30 10.188 -0.03 10.195 0.64 10.202 0.80 10.209 0.30 10.216 0.47 10.223 0.97 10.23 -0.03 10.236 0.47 10.243 -0.70 10.25 -0.03 10.257 -0.37 10.264 -0.03 10.27 0.47 10.277 0.97 10.284 0.64 10.29 0.80 10.297 -0.20 10.303 -0.20 10.31 -2.55 10.316 -2.38 10.323 -2.21 10.329 -2.38 10.336 -2.41 10.342 -2.58 10.348 -1.57 10.354 -1.57 10.361 -1.24 10.367 -0.07 10.373 -1.57 10.379 -0.90 10.385 -1.74 10.391 -1.74 10.397 -0.90 10.403 -1.91 10.409 -0.90 10.414 -1.91 10.42 -1.41 10.426 -0.74 10.431 0.77 10.437 -1.74 10.443 0.27 10.448 0.27 10.453 1.78 10.459 1.27 10.464 -0.23 10.469 -0.23 10.475 0.77 10.505 1.07 10.509 0.07 10.514 -1.11 10.519 0.23 10.523 0.57 10.528 -0.60 10.532 -0.94 10.537 -0.44 10.541 -0.77 10.546 -0.60 10.55 -0.60 10.554 -0.44 10.558 -0.44 10.562 -0.60 10.566 0.74 10.57 0.23 10.573 0.23 10.577 -0.10 10.581 0.90 10.584 1.58 10.588 -1.11 10.591 0.57 10.595 -0.27 10.598 0.07 10.601 -0.10 10.604 -1.44 10.607 -0.27 10.61 -0.27 10.613 -0.60 10.616 0.54 10.618 0.03 10.621 1.21 10.623 1.21 10.626 0.87 10.628 -0.13 10.631 0.54 10.633 0.37 10.635 -0.13 10.637 0.54 10.639 0.70 10.64 0.87 10.642 0.03 10.644 1.54 10.645 1.88 10.647 0.20 10.648 -0.47 10.649 -0.13 10.651 0.37 10.652 0.87 10.653 1.37 10.653 0.87 10.654 0.03 10.655 -0.64 10.655 -0.13 10.656 0.70 10.656 0.37