# Northern Morocco Holocene Speleothem d18O Data and Rainfall Index #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/27150 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/africa/grottedepiste2019d18o.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Speleothems # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2019-07-04 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2019-07-04 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Northern Morocco Holocene Speleothem d18O Data and Rainfall Index #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Ait Brahim, Y.; Wassenburg, J.A.; Sha, L.; Cruz, F.W.; Deininger, M.; Sifeddine, A.; Bouchaou, L.; Spotl, C.; Edwards, R.L.; Cheng, H. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Speleothem oxygen isotope (d18O) data and derived rainfall index for 3 speleothems from Northern Morrocco over the Holocene. # Provided Keywords: NAO, Western Mediterranean, North Atlatic ice-rafting #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Y. Ait Brahim, J.A. Wassenburg, L. Sha, F.W. Cruz, M. Deininger, A. Sifeddine, L. Bouchaou, Christoph Spotl, R.L. Edwards, H. Cheng # Published_Date_or_Year: 2019-06-17 # Published_Title: North Atlantic Ice-Rafting, Ocean and Atmospheric Circulation During the Holocene: Insights From Western Mediterranean Speleothems # Journal_Name: Geophysical Research Letters # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1029/2019GL082405 # Online_Resource: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2019GL082405 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: In this study, we present a Holocene rainfall index based on three high-resolution speleothem records from the Western Mediterranean, a region under the influence of the westerly winds belt modulated by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). On centennial to millennial timescales, we show that the North Atlantic ice-rafting events were likely associated with negative NAO-like conditions during the Early Holocene and the Late Holocene. However, our data reveal that this is not clearly the case for the mid-Holocene ice-rafting events, during which we also show evidence of positive NAO-like patterns from other paleo-oceanographic and paleo-atmospheric data. Hence, contradictory mechanisms involving prolonged periods of both north and south shifts of the westerly winds belt (resembling positive and negative NAO-like patterns) might at least partially trigger or amplify the ice-rafting events and the slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Jasper A. Wassenburg, Stephan Dietrich, Jan Fietzke, Jens Fohlmeister, Klaus Peter Jochum, Denis Scholz, Detlev K. Richter, Abdellah Sabaoui, Christoph Spotl, Gerrit Lohmann, Meinrat O. Andreae, Adrian Immenhauser # Published_Date_or_Year: 2016-07-18 # Published_Title: Reorganization of the North Atlantic Oscillation during early Holocene deglaciation # Journal_Name: Nature Geoscience # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report Number: # DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2767 # Online_Resource: http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ngeo2767.html # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The North Atlantic Oscillation is the dominant atmospheric pressure mode in the North Atlantic region and affects winter temperature and precipitation in the Mediterranean, northwest Europe, Greenland, and Asia. The index that describes the sea-level pressure difference between Iceland and the Azores is correlated with a dipole precipitation pattern over northwest Europe and northwest Africa. How the North Atlantic Oscillation will develop as the Greenland ice sheet melts is unclear. A potential past analogue is the early Holocene, during which melting ice sheets around the North Atlantic freshened surface waters, affecting the strength of the meridional overturning circulation. Here we present a Holocene rainfall record from northwest Africa based on speleothem d18O and compare it against a speleothem-based rainfall record from Europe. The two records are positively correlated during the early Holocene, followed by a shift to an anti-correlation, similar to the modern record, during the mid-Holocene. On the basis of our simulations with an Earth system model, we suggest the shift to the anti-correlation reflects a large-scale atmospheric and oceanic reorganization in response to the demise of the Laurentide ice sheet and a strong reduction of meltwater flux to the North Atlantic, pointing to a potential sensitivity of the North Atlantic Oscillation to the melting of ice sheets. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Natural Science Foundation of China # Grant: 41888101, 41731174 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China # Grant: 2018M640971 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil # Grant: 2017/50085-3 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: CLIMACTE Tripartite Cooperative Project (IRD-France/CNPq-Brazil/APGMV-Africa # Grant: 457400/2012-9 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: German Research Foundation (DFG) # Grant: WA3532/1-1, DE 2398/3-1 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: 1702816 #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: Grotte de Piste # Location: Africa>Northern Africa>Morocco # Country: Morocco # Northernmost_Latitude: 33.95 # Southernmost_Latitude: 33.95 # Easternmost_Longitude: -4.246 # Westernmost_Longitude: -4.246 # Elevation: 1260 m #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Piste2019GP2d18O # Earliest_Year: 11415 # Most_Recent_Year: 2537 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # Sample ID Depth from top (mm) Age (BP) Error # GP2 U3.1* 6.4 2.78223 0.01788 # GP2U3 34 3.64566 0.02492 # GP2 U2.5.1 63.2 4.11986 0.01280 # GP2 U2.5 130.9 4.85171 0.02735 # GP2 U2.4.2 177.51 5.42352 0.01920 # GP2 U2.4.1 198.1 5.81658 0.01606 # GP2 U2.4 216.1 5.99469 0.03970 # GP2 U2.3.3 246.21 6.31870 0.02306 # GP2 U2.3.2 265.49 6.60950 0.01675 # GP2 U2.3.1 280.6 6.64146 0.04663 # GP2 U2.3 301.4 6.94975 0.03938 # GP2-U2.2a 316.5 7.33799 0.02245 # GP2 U2.2 365.02 7.63162 0.04737 # GP2-U2.1a 414.52 8.40684 0.06048 # GP2 U2.1 426.23 8.71421 0.04442 # GP2-U2.0 432..77 9.05953 0.02807 # GP2U2 493.5 9.81275 0.05924 # GP2 U1.4 540.92 10.64095 0.09539 # GP2 U1.3* 582.5 11.11024 0.05813 # GP2 U1.2* 597.1 11.48672 0.16491 # # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # ## depth_mm depth, , , mm, , , , ,N,Depth from stalagmite top ## age_calBP age, , , calendar years before present, , , , ,N, ## d18OcarbVPDB delta 18O, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothems,,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # depth_mm age_calBP d18OcarbVPDB 0.5 2537.16 -4.96 1.104 2556.11 -5.07 1.292 2562.01 -5.34 1.832 2578.96 -5.06 2.196 2590.40 -4.98 2.891 2612.27 -4.77 4 2647.15 -5.01 4.5 2662.81 -4.99 5.581 2696.49 -4.81 6.419 2722.60 -4.89 7.323 2750.95 -4.78 8.238 2779.79 -4.83 9 2803.83 -4.84 9.637 2823.99 -4.59 10.486 2851.09 -4.74 11.732 2891.62 -5.00 12.658 2922.27 -5.07 13.232 2941.47 -4.87 13.96 2966.11 -5.05 14.797 2994.93 -5.03 15.326 3013.41 -5.19 15.899 3033.59 -5.00 16.737 3063.28 -4.85 17.619 3094.42 -4.97 18.435 3122.65 -4.89 20.022 3175.54 -5.03 21.059 3210.28 -4.95 21.654 3230.41 -4.92 22.558 3260.52 -5.05 23.44 3288.78 -4.86 23.66 3295.70 -5.04 24.388 3318.42 -5.04 24.785 3330.80 -5.00 25.49 3352.60 -4.85 25.997 3367.87 -4.61 26.923 3394.19 -4.47 27.519 3410.08 -4.71 28.158 3426.68 -5.04 29.04 3449.69 -4.88 29.856 3471.36 -4.94 30.76 3495.59 -5.02 31.598 3518.01 -4.91 32.391 3538.85 -4.94 32.964 3553.53 -4.68 34 3579.64 -5.15 34.64 3595.90 -4.75 35.764 3624.10 -5.01 36.933 3648.73 -5.41 38.124 3666.68 -5.53 38.719 3673.68 -5.33 39.755 3684.40 -5.52 40.637 3693.95 -5.62 41.387 3703.42 -5.37 42.225 3715.16 -5.05 43.327 3731.62 -5.09 44.165 3744.72 -5.18 45.312 3763.47 -5.09 46.524 3783.99 -4.82 47.891 3807.34 -4.82 48.861 3823.85 -4.91 49.677 3837.67 -5.00 50.868 3857.93 -5.11 51.353 3866.22 -5.06 52.367 3883.52 -5.24 53.116 3896.14 -5.22 53.888 3909.06 -5.21 54.792 3924.23 -5.07 55.74 3940.27 -5.22 56.578 3954.44 -5.24 57.5 3969.91 -4.99 59 3994.91 -4.60 59.5 4003.17 -4.72 60 4011.33 -4.80 61.142 4029.42 -5.35 62 4042.60 -5.03 63 4057.92 -5.14 63.5 4065.66 -5.17 64.713 4084.90 -5.09 65.308 4094.61 -5.18 65.903 4104.45 -5.31 66.741 4118.39 -5.25 67.777 4135.61 -5.09 68.527 4148.01 -5.07 70.137 4174.35 -5.22 71.305 4193.14 -5.11 72.099 4205.94 -5.22 73.091 4222.25 -5.12 73.709 4232.30 -4.93 74.965 4250.65 -5.07 75.913 4261.09 -4.93 76.707 4267.91 -4.90 77.28 4273.38 -4.90 78.162 4278.41 -5.20 78.802 4278.54 -5.17 79.728 4278.71 -5.28 80.367 4278.84 -5.23 81.161 4278.99 -5.10 82.175 4285.54 -5.11 83.079 4291.63 -5.27 84.336 4297.58 -5.27 85.394 4307.46 -5.18 86.519 4320.19 -5.15 87.709 4333.54 -5.07 88.878 4346.60 -5.22 89.98 4359.08 -5.24 91.171 4372.61 -5.04 92.053 4382.62 -5.12 93.64 4400.64 -5.19 94.985 4415.88 -5.07 96.617 4434.31 -5.05 97.874 4448.49 -5.18 99.086 4462.22 -5.02 99.946 4471.99 -4.99 101.291 4487.27 -5.11 101.975 4495.04 -5.27 103.011 4506.79 -5.22 103.606 4513.53 -5.13 104.929 4528.52 -5.10 105.877 4539.26 -5.16 106.958 4551.54 -5.24 107.641 4559.31 -5.18 108.17 4565.34 -5.19 109 4574.79 -5.12 109.78 4583.65 -5.05 110.86 4595.90 -5.00 111.544 4603.63 -5.00 112.69 4616.60 -4.93 113.661 4627.63 -4.85 114.741 4639.90 -4.87 116.152 4655.87 -4.72 117.144 4667.11 -4.93 118.136 4678.35 -4.98 119.349 4692.06 -4.98 120.143 4701.02 -4.96 121.311 4714.20 -5.10 122.083 4722.92 -5.12 122.899 4732.14 -4.97 124.09 4745.63 -4.81 124.751 4753.12 -4.93 125.743 4764.37 -4.98 126.603 4774.13 -4.96 127.617 4785.64 -4.95 128.676 4797.68 -5.16 129.69 4809.24 -4.98 130.44 4817.79 -4.99 131.366 4828.31 -4.91 132.358 4839.54 -4.98 133.24 4849.52 -4.88 134.32 4861.72 -4.68 135.555 4875.68 -4.78 136.172 4882.65 -4.81 136.878 4890.61 -4.88 137.649 4899.31 -5.26 138.84 4912.79 -4.99 139.81 4923.83 -5.08 140.714 4934.13 -4.81 141.552 4943.65 -4.80 142.544 4954.94 -4.83 143.559 4966.51 -4.74 144.529 4977.55 -5.04 145.389 4987.28 -5.01 146.667 5001.71 -5.09 147.615 5012.42 -5.09 148.674 5024.38 -5.10 149.688 5035.84 -5.20 150.7 5047.31 -4.89 151.915 5061.13 -5.11 152.863 5071.88 -4.86 154.164 5086.57 -5.16 155.2 5098.27 -5.05 156.391 5111.73 -5.06 157.339 5122.40 -5.03 158.552 5136.08 -5.17 159.764 5149.88 -5.13 161.043 5164.43 -4.99 161.969 5174.89 -4.78 163.248 5189.36 -4.72 164.13 5199.37 -4.84 165.497 5214.89 -4.97 166.379 5224.90 -5.02 167.239 5234.68 -5.00 168.165 5245.20 -4.95 169.399 5259.22 -5.20 170.259 5268.97 -5.21 171.23 5279.97 -5.43 172.31 5292.18 -5.30 172.993 5299.90 -5.32 173.941 5310.61 -5.13 175.044 5323.08 -5.17 175.727 5330.80 -5.19 176.565 5340.30 -5.03 177.513 5351.09 -5.02 178.528 5362.79 -5.02 181 5390.85 -4.95 182.41 5408.33 -4.97 183.41 5424.65 -5.17 184.998 5438.26 -4.89 185.939 5449.30 -5.11 187.056 5517.91 -4.59 188.15 5620.54 -4.89 189.643 5671.49 -4.92 190.76 5672.37 -4.90 191.525 5678.21 -4.88 193.053 5700.15 -4.76 193.759 5707.71 -4.85 194.994 5720.45 -5.03 195.699 5728.49 -5.01 197.052 5744.00 -5.37 198.228 5756.71 -5.05 199.345 5768.47 -5.34 200.403 5779.53 -5.33 201.697 5793.08 -5.04 202.755 5804.14 -5.48 203.99 5817.02 -5.19 204.695 5824.38 -5.33 205.871 5836.67 -5.33 206.636 5844.66 -5.22 207.576 5854.43 -5.44 208.694 5866.11 -5.34 209.282 5872.30 -5.44 210.34 5883.44 -5.57 211.986 5900.58 -5.39 212.692 5907.91 -5.26 213.574 5917.10 -5.18 215.161 5933.66 -5.16 216.102 5943.48 -5.04 217.101 5953.84 -5.03 218.513 5968.46 -4.89 219.512 5978.88 -5.14 220.512 5989.35 -5.20 221.629 6001.03 -5.07 223.099 6016.32 -5.18 224.216 6027.91 -5.17 225.039 6036.47 -5.20 226.274 6049.37 -4.98 227.508 6062.27 -5.16 228.626 6073.94 -5.03 229.6 6084.09 -4.98 230.684 6095.39 -5.05 231.918 6108.28 -5.14 233.153 6121.20 -5.10 234.27 6132.90 -5.28 235.505 6145.81 -5.35 236.504 6156.22 -5.37 237.32 6164.71 -5.32 238.268 6174.59 -5.28 239.327 6185.66 -5.49 240.561 6198.55 -5.30 241.62 6209.55 -5.40 242.737 6221.21 -5.38 243.56 6229.90 -5.50 244.67 6241.56 -5.56 245.667 6251.91 -5.39 246.559 6261.18 -5.52 247.264 6268.60 -5.11 248.382 6280.44 -5.24 249.616 6293.51 -5.43 250.498 6303.05 -5.01 252.027 6320.56 -4.99 252.85 6330.70 -5.09 254.79 6356.04 -5.38 255.79 6370.27 -5.07 256.789 6388.17 -4.94 257.965 6413.60 -5.02 258.847 6431.23 -5.07 260.023 6450.11 -5.03 260.964 6463.58 -4.82 261.963 6477.44 -4.98 262.904 6489.86 -5.15 263.668 6499.43 -4.95 264.962 6514.79 -5.10 266.256 6528.99 -4.90 267.784 6543.75 -5.33 268.372 6549.13 -5.40 269.43 6558.92 -5.22 271.136 6574.89 -5.49 272.018 6583.12 -5.41 273.311 6595.03 -5.70 274.722 6606.16 -5.47 275.781 6612.21 -5.46 277.192 6617.89 -5.31 278.191 6619.10 -5.54 279.25 6619.10 -5.62 280.132 6619.11 -5.54 281.602 6627.60 -5.56 283.071 6648.95 -5.47 284.541 6669.46 -5.50 286.07 6688.72 -5.12 287.364 6706.12 -5.33 288.422 6721.07 -5.12 289.421 6734.78 -5.25 290.009 6742.78 -5.53 290.95 6755.91 -5.40 292.067 6772.30 -5.60 292.773 6783.04 -5.56 293.419 6793.08 -5.22 294.889 6816.22 -5.29 296.771 6846.25 -5.07 298.182 6869.83 -5.13 300.064 6903.53 -5.15 301.416 6928.75 -5.06 302.65 6952.71 -5.00 304.003 6980.59 -5.02 304.65 6994.38 -5.07 305.708 7017.34 -5.19 307.766 7062.99 -5.43 308.53 7080.23 -5.48 310 7113.71 -5.61 311.2 7140.61 -5.63 312.5 7169.16 -5.72 314 7201.84 -5.54 316 7239.63 -5.61 317.5 7254.72 -5.84 318.5 7264.47 -5.77 319.407 7273.48 -5.63 320.407 7283.45 -5.70 321.407 7293.20 -5.58 321.994 7298.85 -5.58 322.494 7303.67 -5.58 323.817 7316.50 -5.66 324.417 7322.33 -5.49 325.346 7331.28 -5.57 325.846 7335.97 -5.41 326.846 7344.88 -5.50 327.846 7353.74 -5.32 328.846 7364.35 -5.37 329.846 7376.88 -5.31 330.846 7388.74 -5.27 332.283 7396.97 -5.48 333.636 7397.26 -5.42 334.636 7397.48 -5.48 335.136 7397.59 -5.66 336.136 7397.81 -5.71 336.636 7397.92 -5.31 337.636 7398.13 -5.46 340.136 7398.68 -5.03 342.636 7399.22 -5.31 345.136 7402.89 -5.28 346.136 7405.89 -5.29 347.747 7413.84 -5.42 349.099 7423.58 -5.37 350 7431.24 -5.46 350.52 7435.78 -5.60 351.686 7445.77 -5.40 352.568 7453.27 -5.41 353.685 7462.85 -5.50 354.567 7470.43 -5.45 355.449 7477.99 -5.43 356.39 7486.08 -5.40 357.389 7494.75 -5.43 357.977 7499.87 -5.40 358.859 7507.52 -5.46 360.035 7517.65 -5.35 361.048 7526.37 -5.29 361.93 7533.97 -5.21 363.253 7545.38 -5.33 364.311 7554.49 -5.23 365.017 7561.54 -5.28 365.767 7574.45 -4.99 366.296 7583.57 -5.10 366.913 7594.24 -5.04 368.325 7618.73 -5.19 369.119 7632.42 -4.99 370.927 7663.72 -5.39 372.1 7684.30 -5.47 372.294 7687.70 -5.58 373.53 7709.25 -5.41 374.058 7718.38 -5.60 375.293 7739.58 -5.40 376.881 7766.75 -5.39 377.94 7784.97 -5.44 379.218 7807.10 -5.39 380.012 7820.87 -5.48 381.114 7839.83 -5.44 382.041 7855.61 -5.36 382.305 7860.09 -5.37 383.717 7883.96 -5.34 384.202 7892.17 -5.40 385.569 7915.46 -5.22 386.803 7936.68 -5.31 387.979 7957.00 -5.20 388.626 7968.14 -5.25 389.92 7990.31 -5.02 390.743 8004.45 -4.97 391.801 8022.72 -4.93 392.683 8037.89 -5.08 393.859 8057.94 -5.07 394.8 8073.99 -5.34 395.799 8091.15 -5.24 396.799 8108.40 -5.39 397.299 8117.03 -5.34 398.299 8134.32 -5.30 399.299 8151.63 -5.43 400.799 8177.58 -5.32 402.799 8211.94 -5.37 403.799 8228.96 -5.29 405.299 8254.80 -5.46 406.299 8272.18 -5.62 407.299 8289.39 -5.77 408.299 8306.43 -5.80 409.299 8323.44 -5.67 410.299 8340.47 -5.58 411.299 8357.57 -5.51 412.799 8383.44 -5.36 413.858 8401.87 -5.38 414.519 8413.32 -5.23 416.13 8440.91 -5.34 417.15 8458.43 -5.15 417.852 8470.64 -5.10 418.868 8488.63 -5.05 419.617 8501.90 -5.07 420.465 8516.13 -5.20 421.293 8529.01 -5.12 422.441 8549.87 -4.95 423.058 8564.37 -5.10 424.16 8582.15 -5.05 424.998 8588.92 -5.15 426.234 8600.39 -5.25 427.292 8719.11 -5.38 428.394 8875.75 -5.27 429.232 8933.73 -5.39 430.379 8947.35 -5.50 431.613 8963.14 -5.38 432.407 8978.67 -5.36 433.509 8996.02 -5.23 434.524 9009.22 -5.31 435.274 9019.50 -5.41 435.98 9029.62 -5.35 437.216 9047.28 -5.27 438.627 9067.05 -5.57 439.95 9085.76 -5.45 440.876 9098.85 -5.31 442.464 9121.14 -5.27 443.126 9130.42 -5.27 444.892 9155.23 -5.37 445.245 9160.21 -5.44 446.26 9174.51 -5.53 446.613 9179.48 -5.41 447.613 9193.50 -5.44 448.73 9209.16 -4.98 449.436 9219.08 -5.11 450.435 9233.11 -5.31 451.317 9245.47 -5.26 452.552 9262.74 -5.49 453.61 9277.51 -5.46 454.434 9289.01 -5.55 455.433 9302.98 -5.39 456.492 9317.80 -5.28 457.491 9331.78 -5.20 458.491 9345.76 -5.31 459.491 9359.72 -5.29 460.314 9371.21 -5.33 461.784 9391.79 -5.15 462.843 9406.59 -5.28 463.901 9421.31 -5.20 464.489 9429.48 -5.35 466.076 9451.58 -5.08 467.487 9471.27 -5.10 469.016 9492.68 -5.23 470.309 9510.85 -5.11 471.426 9526.50 -4.97 472.544 9542.13 -5.20 473.429 9554.49 -5.11 474.072 9563.50 -4.96 475.072 9577.56 -4.96 476.13 9592.49 -5.22 477 9604.73 -5.23 478.247 9622.24 -5.02 479.246 9636.26 -4.94 480.128 9648.64 -5.05 480.951 9660.18 -4.95 481.833 9672.53 -5.13 482.48 9681.57 -5.02 483.362 9693.87 -5.03 484.479 9709.49 -5.05 485.42 9722.75 -4.85 486.419 9736.87 -4.97 486.949 9744.35 -5.16 487.831 9756.75 -4.94 488.801 9770.35 -4.93 490.016 9787.37 -4.91 490.868 9799.33 -5.02 492.015 9815.49 -4.98 493.5 9836.47 -4.99 494.179 9846.05 -4.88 495.119 9859.27 -4.92 495.942 9870.81 -4.97 497 9885.66 -5.03 497.706 9895.60 -5.01 499.058 9914.60 -4.97 500.175 9930.28 -4.91 500.998 9941.85 -4.99 502.056 9956.75 -4.91 502.997 9969.98 -4.86 503.82 9981.54 -4.74 504.761 9994.75 -4.65 505.643 10007.16 -4.79 506.349 10017.13 -4.70 507.407 10032.16 -4.79 508.407 10046.38 -4.85 509.23 10058.04 -4.88 510.171 10071.36 -4.85 511.17 10085.52 -4.88 512.346 10102.28 -4.78 513.581 10119.99 -4.92 514.58 10134.38 -5.00 515.756 10151.34 -4.95 516.814 10166.57 -4.92 517.696 10179.23 -4.89 519.166 10200.31 -4.92 519.696 10207.92 -4.71 520.636 10221.40 -4.92 521.695 10236.57 -5.09 522.821 10252.61 -4.65 523.753 10265.83 -5.02 524.635 10278.39 -5.05 525.693 10293.56 -5.11 526.693 10307.85 -5.21 527.633 10321.16 -5.20 528.692 10336.14 -5.15 529.75 10351.17 -5.17 531.22 10371.97 -5.26 532.219 10386.03 -5.02 533.336 10401.78 -5.08 534.159 10413.40 -5.07 535.217 10428.35 -4.85 536.335 10444.13 -4.92 537.569 10461.55 -4.84 538.922 10480.63 -4.83 540.068 10496.80 -5.03 540.95 10509.26 -5.21 541.788 10521.12 -4.91 542.802 10535.41 -4.86 544.802 10563.49 -4.79 546.301 10584.64 -4.80 546.83 10592.13 -4.81 547.948 10607.95 -4.82 548.8 10619.95 -4.67 549.565 10630.66 -4.54 550.594 10645.03 -4.57 552.034 10665.11 -4.41 552.504 10671.66 -4.56 553.386 10683.91 -4.84 554.033 10692.87 -4.76 555.21 10709.11 -4.72 556.474 10726.50 -4.89 557.708 10743.43 -4.61 558.443 10753.46 -4.50 559.267 10764.61 -4.52 560.56 10781.89 -4.50 561.973 10800.54 -4.52 562.723 10810.40 -4.60 563.737 10823.75 -4.56 564.619 10835.35 -4.57 565.765 10850.39 -4.82 566.956 10866.09 -4.75 567.706 10876.04 -4.61 568.808 10890.71 -4.66 569.646 10901.90 -4.73 570.748 10916.64 -4.77 571.939 10932.59 -4.77 573.174 10949.12 -4.83 574.1 10961.52 -4.95 575.202 10976.35 -4.98 576.349 10991.83 -5.09 577.363 11005.50 -4.97 578.421 11019.85 -4.80 579.347 11032.62 -4.80 580.141 11043.71 -4.75 581.199 11058.64 -4.87 582.478 11077.33 -4.92 583.404 11091.69 -4.20 584.595 11110.83 -4.15 585.653 11127.86 -4.43 587.755 11159.76 -3.85 589.048 11181.10 -3.82 589.812 11194.74 -3.84 591.165 11216.34 -3.94 592.223 11233.33 -3.94 593.046 11251.14 -4.11 594.163 11280.62 -3.99 595.104 11305.30 -3.99 596.221 11330.83 -4.09 597.103 11347.15 -4.08 598.278 11365.38 -3.60 598.925 11375.22 -3.70 600.219 11395.38 -3.67 601.572 11415.94 -3.47