# Western Australia 40,000 Year Stalagmite Stable Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 2.0 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/22990 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/australia/ballgown2017iso.txt # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Speleothems # # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes, carbon isotopes #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2017-09-24 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2017-09-24 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Western Australia 40,000 Year Stalagmite Stable Isotope Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Denniston, R.F.; Asmerom, Y.; Polyak, V.J.; Wanamaker, A.D., Jr.; Ummenhofer, C.C.; Humphreys, W.F.; Cugley, J.; Woods, D.; Lucker, S. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Stable isotope (d18O and d13C) data from stalagmites collected in 2 caves (Ball Gown Cave and Cave KNI-51) in tropical Western Australia # for the past 40,000 years. Kimberley composite stalagmite record utilized in Denniston et al. 2017 Late Glacial through Holocene paleomonsoon reconstruction. # Provided keywords: stalagmite, carbon isotope, oxygen isotope, Australia, monsoon # #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: R.F. Denniston, Y. Asmerom, V.J. Polyak, A.D. Wanamaker Jr., C.C. Ummenhofer, W.F. Humphreys, J. Cugley, D. Woods, S. Lucker # Published_Date_or_Year: 2017-11-15 # Published_Title: Decoupling of monsoon activity across the northern and southern Indo-Pacific during the Late Glacial # Journal_Name: Quaternary Science Reviews # Volume: 176 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 101-105 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.09.014 # Online_Resource: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379117305681 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Recent studies of stalagmites from the Southern Hemisphere tropics of Indonesia reveal two shifts in monsoon activity not apparent in records from the Northern Hemisphere sectors of the Austral-Asian monsoon system: an interval of enhanced rainfall at ~19 ka, immediately prior to Heinrich Stadial 1, and a sharp increase in precipitation at ~9 ka. Determining whether these events are site-specific or regional is important for understanding the full range of sensitivities of the Austral-Asian monsoon. We present a discontinuous 40 kyr carbon isotope record of stalagmites from two caves in the Kimberley region of the north-central Australian tropics. Heinrich stadials are represented by pronounced negative carbon isotopic anomalies, indicative of enhanced rainfall associated with a southward shift of the intertropical convergence zone and consistent with hydroclimatic changes observed across Asia and the Indo-Pacific. Between 20 and 8 ka, however, the Kimberley stalagmites, like the Indonesian record, reveal decoupling of monsoon behavior from Southeast Asia, including the early deglacial wet period (which we term the Late Glacial Pluvial) and the abrupt strengthening of early Holocene monsoon rainfall. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: AGS-1103413, AGS-1502917, AGS-1602455 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research # Grant: Seed Grant #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Investment in Science Fund # Grant: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Cornell College # Grant: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Kimberley Foundation Australia # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Ball Gown Cave # Location: Australia/New Zealand>Australia # Country: Australia # Northernmost_Latitude: -17.33 # Southernmost_Latitude: -17.33 # Easternmost_Longitude: 124.083 # Westernmost_Longitude: 124.083 # Elevation: 100 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: BGC2017iso # Earliest_Year: 39971 # Most_Recent_Year: 8367 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: Dates with asterisks(*) not included in age models; age models for stalagmites not listed here # are presented in data for Denniston et al. (2013) QSR 78, 155 and Denniston et al. (2013) QSR 72, 159. # # Stalagmite Mineralogy Distance from Base (mm) 238U (ppm) 232Th (ppb) d234U_corrected (permil) error 230Th/238U activity error 230Th/232Th (ppm) error Uncorrected Age error Corrected Age (yr BP) Error # KNI-51-1 calcite 341 75.2 1,829 410.8 1.9 0.1029 0.0015 69.8 1.4 8,295 126 8,021 186 # KNI-51-1 calcite 292 157.2 365 508.3 1.2 0.1070 0.0006 761.0 47.0 8,064 50 8,019 67 # KNI-51-1 calcite 261 1354.5 43,786 442.8 1.4 0.1376 0.0010 70.3 0.6 10,995 85 10,341 659 # KNI-51-1 calcite 249 405.5 10,519 434.8 1.1 0.1460 0.0006 92.9 0.5 11,777 54 11,249 530 # KNI-51-1 calcite 243 67.6 430 324.5 2.8 0.1679 0.0025 435.7 52.7 14,880 234 14,741 273 # KNI-51-1 calcite 231 61.1 154 300.2 2.3 0.1694 0.0018 1,106.3 204.4 15,322 180 15,265 189 # KNI-51-1 calcite 221 84.0 246 325.0 2.0 0.1780 0.0016 1,001.5 123.7 15,843 156 15,779 169 # KNI-51-1 calcite 216 85.1 322 379.9 2.9 0.1903 0.0019 830.0 72.5 16,321 182 16,241 198 # KNI-51-1 calcite 188 48.2 259 352.4 2.8 0.1901 0.0026 585.2 86.5 16,649 246 16,533 272 # KNI-51-3 calcite 247 52.1 276 362.2 1.6 0.1903 0.0024 593.5 47.6 16,542 227 16,429 254 # KNI-51-3 calcite 189 94.3 279 325.9 1.5 0.1920 0.0013 1,071.9 105.8 17,191 127 17,155 128 # KNI-51-3 calcite 165 115.9 279 311.1 151.0 0.1959 0.0014 1,343.3 185.0 17,788 141 17,734 151 # KNI-51-3 calcite 108 189.7 169 318.2 1.8 0.2008 0.0013 3,712.8 1,070.9 18,174 127 18,154 129 # KNI-51-3 calcite 101 93.9 290 304.5 1.6 0.2097 0.0022 1,119.9 125.0 19,271 216 19,202 227 # KNI-51-3 calcite 63 71.9 56 343.3 1.9 0.2172 0.0018 4,634.7 2,613.0 19,411 172 19,394 173 # KNI-51-3 calcite 48 158.6 264 340.9 1.3 0.2432 0.0020 2,407.0 402.0 22,050 204 22,013 207 # KNI-51-3 calcite 43 107.4 349 337.0 1.5 0.2405 0.0023 1,220.3 122.0 21,839 229 21,768 240 # KNI-51-3 calcite 3 58.9 3,719 388.5 3.7 0.2608 0.0036 68.2 2.0 22,927 352 21,596 1,377 # KNI-51-8 calcite 140 107.6 233 331.8 1.7 0.1465 0.0013 1,117.9 139.6 12,787 118 12,740 127 # KNI-51-8 calcite 135 103.4 1,536 347.0 2.6 0.1542 0.0011 171.5 2.7 13,340 106 13,018 338 # KNI-51-8 calcite 130 94.3 1,091 329.2 1.4 0.1742 0.0012 248.8 6.5 15,431 113 15,177 277 # KNI-51-8 calcite 122 70.7 762 354.3 2.4 0.1888 0.0016 289.4 10.5 16,505 149 16,273 275 # KNI-51-8 calcite 105 65.4 43 349.8 2.2 0.1887 0.0019 4,750.6 3,985.0 16,551 184 16,537 185 # KNI-51-8 calcite 85 115.6 1,040 319.2 2.2 0.1916 0.0012 351.8 10.5 17,250 123 17,052 233 # KNI-51-8 calcite 76 143.4 94 306.9 1.4 0.1979 0.0011 5,007.7 1,524.2 18,048 112 18,034 113 # KNI-51-8 calcite 60 78.7 1,054 306.7 1.3 0.2093 0.0013 258.1 6.5 19,190 134 18,892 327 # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## stalagmite stalagmite name,,,,,,,,C ## depth_mm depth, , , mm, , , distance from base, ,N ## age_calBP age, , , calendar years before present, , , reference period: 356-39971 yrBP, ,N ## d18OcarbVPDB delta 18O, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothems, , isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N ## d13CcarbVPDB delta 13C, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothems, , isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # stalagmite depth_mm age_calBP d18OcarbVPDB d13CcarbVPDB BGC-5 300 26991 -2.98 4.70 BGC-5 305 26961 -3.50 2.59 BGC-5 310 26931 -2.89 2.97 BGC-5 315 26901 -3.63 3.18 BGC-5 320 26870 -2.35 3.41 BGC-5 325 26840 -3.03 3.76 BGC-5 330 26810 -3.51 3.31 BGC-5 335 26779 -2.66 2.69 BGC-5 340 26749 -3.09 3.93 BGC-5 345 26719 -3.17 2.01 BGC-5 350 26689 -3.19 1.58 BGC-5 355 26658 -3.79 0.28 BGC-5 360 26628 -4.61 1.02 BGC-5 365 26598 -3.42 1.46 BGC-5 370 26568 -2.03 2.01 BGC-5 375 26537 -2.91 2.05 BGC-5 380 26507 -4.18 0.63 BGC-5 385 26477 -6.06 1.23 BGC-5 390 26446 -3.61 3.61 BGC-5 395 26416 -4.78 0.80 BGC-5 400 26386 -5.30 0.57 BGC-5 405 26356 -5.52 -0.06 BGC-5 410 26325 -2.74 1.67 BGC-5 415 26295 -3.03 2.93 BGC-5 420 26265 -2.35 2.93 BGC-5 425 26234 -3.81 3.12 BGC-5 430 26204 -5.13 0.31 BGC-5 435 26174 -4.41 -1.27 BGC-5 440 26144 -3.82 0.83 BGC-5 445 26113 -4.77 -3.44 BGC-5 450 26083 -4.77 -3.43 BGC-5 455 26053 -4.46 -2.71 BGC-5 460 26023 -4.49 -1.44 BGC-5 465 25992 -2.38 5.78 BGC-5 470 25962 -3.66 0.34 BGC-5 475 25932 -2.94 1.42 BGC-5 480 25901 -2.93 -0.48 BGC-5 485 25871 -3.07 -1.86 BGC-5 490 25841 -3.35 -5.32 BGC-5 495 25811 -5.38 -5.37 BGC-5 500 25780 -6.24 -5.88 BGC-5 505 25750 -3.35 -4.32 BGC-5 510 25720 -3.59 -3.56 BGC-5 515 25689 -3.30 -1.36 BGC-5 520 25659 -5.40 1.16 BGC-5 525 25629 -4.68 1.02 BGC-5 530 25599 -3.46 0.64 BGC-5 535 25568 -3.29 2.91 BGC-5 540 25538 -5.17 1.17 BGC-5 545 25508 -3.31 4.17 BGC-5 550 25478 -4.23 2.35 BGC-5 555 25447 -4.48 2.50 BGC-5 560 25417 -4.91 0.40 BGC-5 565 25387 -5.99 -0.28 BGC-5 570 25356 -5.29 0.46 BGC-5 575 25326 -3.31 2.30 BGC-5 580 25296 -3.30 1.72 BGC-5 585 25266 -4.76 -2.52 BGC-5 590 25235 -4.44 -2.41 BGC-5 595 25205 -4.88 -2.15 BGC-5 600 25175 -3.72 -1.79 BGC-5 605 25144 -5.65 1.00 BGC-5 610 25114 -4.97 -0.56 BGC-5 615 25084 -5.45 -0.08 BGC-5 620 25054 -4.42 0.30 BGC-5 625 25023 -3.60 2.03 BGC-5 630 24993 -4.21 3.62 BGC-5 635 24963 -5.25 1.03 BGC-5 640 24933 -3.03 1.75 BGC-5 645 24902 -3.73 2.66 BGC-5 650 24872 -2.95 3.62 BGC-5 655 24842 -4.87 0.75 BGC-5 660 24811 -5.71 0.85 BGC-5 665 24781 -4.61 0.76 BGC-5 670 24751 -5.20 1.60 BGC-5 675 24721 -4.76 0.38 BGC-5 680 24690 -4.21 0.19 BGC-5 685 24660 -2.83 1.43 BGC-5 690 24630 -4.71 -0.04 BGC-5 695 24599 -2.26 2.08 BGC-5 700 24569 -3.25 4.23 BGC-5 705 24539 -4.11 1.64 BGC-5 710 24509 -3.48 1.93 BGC-5 715 24478 -2.04 4.77 BGC-5 720 24448 -4.70 0.75 BGC-5 725 24418 -5.10 -1.24 BGC-5 730 24388 -4.02 0.95 BGC-5 735 24357 -0.97 8.17 BGC-5 740 24327 -4.57 1.34 BGC-5 745 24297 -4.63 1.38 BGC-5 750 24266 -4.02 1.73 BGC-5 755 24236 -4.39 1.82 BGC-5 760 24206 -3.82 0.91 BGC-5 765 24176 -4.77 0.11 BGC-5 770 24145 -3.71 -0.19 BGC-5 775 24115 -5.47 -0.61 BGC-5 780 24085 -2.76 1.76 BGC-5 785 24055 -4.50 0.62 BGC-5 790 24024 -4.83 1.43 BGC-5 795 23994 -4.02 3.00 BGC-5 800 23964 -3.92 1.56 BGC-5 805 23933 -4.59 3.23 BGC-5 810 23903 -4.90 0.75 BGC-5 815 23873 -4.54 1.57 BGC-5 820 23843 -5.48 0.25 BGC-5 825 23812 -4.32 0.96 BGC-5 830 23782 -5.34 0.50 BGC-5 835 23752 -4.56 2.94 BGC-6 0 17365 -1.97 4.15 BGC-6 2 17328 -3.94 0.76 BGC-6 3 17309 -3.13 2.11 BGC-6 5 17274 -4.00 0.70 BGC-6 7 17239 -3.14 1.86 BGC-6 8 17223 -3.03 1.39 BGC-6 9 17206 -3.48 1.98 BGC-6 10 17190 -2.43 2.77 BGC-6 12 17159 -2.37 2.80 BGC-6 13 17144 -2.51 2.48 BGC-6 14 17129 -2.35 2.46 BGC-6 15 17114 -2.33 3.39 BGC-6 16 17100 -1.69 2.92 BGC-6 18 17071 -2.19 2.30 BGC-6 20 17044 -2.74 2.86 BGC-6 25 16980 -1.50 3.63 BGC-6 30 16922 -1.92 4.53 BGC-6 35 16868 -2.94 0.08 BGC-6 40 16819 -3.44 1.48 BGC-6 45 16773 -3.63 0.56 BGC-6 50 16731 -3.28 0.07 BGC-6 55 16692 -4.25 -0.20 BGC-6 60 16655 -3.82 -1.33 BGC-6 65 16620 -3.91 0.60 BGC-6 70 16587 -3.48 1.75 BGC-6 75 16554 -4.10 0.64 BGC-6 80 16523 -4.16 0.29 BGC-6 85 16493 -3.11 1.80 BGC-6 90 16462 -2.82 3.97 BGC-6 95 16432 -3.12 0.99 BGC-6 100 16401 -3.56 1.69 BGC-6 105 16370 -3.99 0.29 BGC-6 110 16338 -3.55 0.76 BGC-6 115 16305 -5.31 -0.50 BGC-6 120 16271 -4.94 -0.12 BGC-6 125 16236 -4.83 -0.15 BGC-6 130 16199 -4.74 -0.44 BGC-6 135 16160 -5.12 -0.36 BGC-6 140 16119 -4.62 -1.40 BGC-6 145 16077 -5.00 0.06 BGC-6 150 16033 -5.53 -1.84 BGC-6 155 15986 -3.67 -1.96 BGC-6 160 15938 -3.92 -2.54 BGC-6 165 15887 -4.88 -3.75 BGC-6 170 15833 -3.76 -2.72 BGC-6 175 15778 -4.14 -1.91 BGC-6 180 15720 -4.51 -2.26 BGC-6 185 15660 -3.12 -0.90 BGC-6 190 15597 -3.78 -2.11 BGC-6 195 15532 -3.95 -1.39 BGC-6 200 15465 -3.59 -1.10 BGC-6 205 15396 -3.81 -2.30 BGC-6 210 15324 -4.16 -1.50 BGC-6 215 15250 -4.57 -4.98 BGC-6 220 15174 -3.96 -3.21 BGC-6 225 15095 -3.85 -1.70 BGC-6 230 15015 -1.93 1.62 BGC-6 235 14933 -2.67 0.55 BGC-6 240 14849 -2.71 -0.41 BGC-6 245 14763 -1.85 -0.55 BGC-6 250 14675 -3.87 -2.60 BGC-6 255 14586 -0.32 0.90 BGC-6 260 14496 0.54 5.88 BGC-6 265 14404 -0.01 5.26 BGC-6 270 14310 0.34 6.72 BGC-6 275 14216 0.21 6.04 BGC-6 280 14121 0.26 3.23 BGC-6 285 14024 -0.41 5.95 BGC-6 290 13927 -1.73 3.98 BGC-6 295 13830 -0.49 6.11 BGC-6 305 13633 -2.45 1.88 BGC-6 310 13534 -0.80 2.30 BGC-6 315 13435 -2.22 -0.39 BGC-6 320 13336 -1.58 -0.17 BGC-6 325 13237 -3.69 -3.46 BGC-6 330 13139 -2.20 -0.11 BGC-6 335 13040 -3.62 -3.06 BGC-6 340 12943 -0.93 0.89 BGC-6 345 12846 -2.91 -0.35 BGC-6 350 12749 -2.30 -0.20 BGC-6 355 12653 -4.04 -1.27 BGC-6 360 12559 -2.62 0.87 BGC-6 365 12465 -2.10 1.12 BGC-6 370 12373 -3.72 -0.92 BGC-6 375 12281 -3.36 -0.86 BGC-6 380 12191 -3.27 -1.16 BGC-6 385 12103 -2.04 -0.47 BGC-6 390 12016 -3.14 -0.13 BGC-6 395 11930 -2.49 2.33 BGC-6 400 11846 -2.79 1.95 BGC-6 405 11763 -3.37 0.03 BGC-6 410 11682 -2.25 1.12 BGC-6 415 11603 -2.71 0.56 BGC-6 420 11526 -1.53 0.26 BGC-6 425 11450 -2.41 1.66 BGC-6 430 11376 -2.42 3.89 BGC-6 435 11303 -2.77 3.46 BGC-6 440 11233 -1.82 3.71 BGC-6 445 11163 -2.53 2.57 BGC-6 450 11096 -2.93 5.43 BGC-6 455 11030 -2.80 2.67 BGC-6 460 10965 -2.32 2.55 BGC-6 465 10902 -3.11 -0.61 BGC-6 470 10840 -2.78 2.12 BGC-6 475 10779 -2.49 1.83 BGC-6 480 10719 -2.66 0.01 BGC-6 485 10660 -2.40 1.98 BGC-6 490 10602 -3.19 -1.51 BGC-6 495 10544 -2.64 -0.31 BGC-6 500 10486 -2.63 1.16 BGC-6 505 10429 -2.64 3.59 BGC-6 510 10371 -3.03 1.88 BGC-6 515 10313 -2.62 3.56 BGC-6 520 10254 -3.44 0.82 BGC-6 525 10195 -3.52 -1.83 BGC-6 530 10134 -2.22 4.67 BGC-6 535 10071 -3.66 0.92 BGC-6 540 10007 -4.43 0.06 BGC-6 545 9940 -2.73 0.87 BGC-6 550 9870 -2.86 0.36 BGC-6 555 9798 -1.90 3.70 BGC-6 560 9722 -3.90 0.97 BGC-6 565 9642 -4.29 3.22 BGC-6 570 9557 -3.51 3.21 BGC-6 575 9467 -4.94 -2.57 BGC-6 580 9372 -4.38 -2.61 BGC-6 585 9271 -4.11 -1.13 BGC-6 590 9163 -1.73 0.63 BGC-6 595 9048 -4.71 0.62 BGC-6 600 8925 -5.29 -7.06 BGC-10 150 39971 -2.28 1.83 BGC-10 160 39887 -2.54 1.80 BGC-10 170 39812 -3.11 1.60 BGC-10 180 39744 -3.33 -0.61 BGC-10 190 39684 -5.69 -4.18 BGC-10 200 39631 -2.69 -2.26 BGC-10 210 39584 -4.13 -2.81 BGC-10 220 39543 -5.43 -4.99 BGC-10 230 39507 -6.00 -3.24 BGC-10 240 39477 -4.37 -2.42 BGC-10 250 39451 -6.56 -3.69 BGC-10 260 39428 -4.70 -3.14 BGC-10 270 39410 -2.74 -0.73 BGC-10 280 39394 -2.93 -3.17 BGC-10 290 39381 -4.88 -2.92 BGC-10 300 39370 -3.28 -1.71 BGC-10 310 39361 -2.74 -1.45 BGC-10 320 39353 -3.54 1.21 BGC-10 330 39345 -1.80 1.66 BGC-10 340 39338 -3.32 -0.61 BGC-10 350 39330 -3.93 -2.15 BGC-10 360 39321 -4.65 -1.86 BGC-10 370 39312 -3.53 -2.49 BGC-10 380 39300 -3.16 -2.35 BGC-10 390 39286 -3.30 0.63 BGC-10 400 39270 -3.25 0.80 BGC-10 410 39250 -4.73 0.39 BGC-10 420 39226 -3.89 0.34 BGC-10 430 39199 -4.60 0.02 BGC-10 440 39167 -2.05 0.71 BGC-10 450 39129 -2.25 1.14 BGC-10 460 39086 -3.06 0.56 BGC-10 470 39037 -5.75 -0.14 BGC-10 480 38982 -4.22 1.30 BGC-10 490 38919 -4.60 0.35 BGC-10 500 38849 -2.92 2.08 BGC-10 510 38771 -3.73 1.68 BGC-10 520 38684 -3.47 1.21 BGC-10 530 38589 -4.33 0.52 BGC-10 540 38484 -2.79 4.58 BGC-10 550 38369 -4.70 0.01 BGC-10 560 38243 -3.68 -0.16 BGC-10 570 38107 -5.41 0.69 BGC-10 580 37960 -4.68 0.40 BGC-10 590 37800 -4.83 -0.77 BGC-10 600 37628 -3.65 0.64 BGC-10 610 37444 -5.07 0.61 BGC-10 620 37246 -3.36 3.09 BGC-10 630 37034 -4.88 0.23 BGC-10 640 36809 -3.95 2.01 BGC-10 650 36568 -4.13 1.19 BGC-11 25.0 11173 -0.64 7.26 BGC-11 27.5 11125 -2.84 4.23 BGC-11 30.0 11076 -2.75 4.22 BGC-11 32.5 11028 -1.94 5.54 BGC-11 35.0 10980 -3.21 4.93 BGC-11 37.5 10931 -2.14 5.73 BGC-11 40.0 10883 -2.01 4.32 BGC-11 42.5 10835 -1.69 3.91 BGC-11 45.0 10786 -1.58 4.60 BGC-11 47.5 10738 -2.30 4.69 BGC-11 50.0 10689 -2.19 4.15 BGC-11 52.5 10641 -1.78 3.39 BGC-11 55.0 10593 -2.15 3.99 BGC-11 57.5 10544 -2.32 2.59 BGC-11 60.0 10496 -1.94 4.13 BGC-11 62.5 10448 -3.45 3.22 BGC-11 65.0 10399 -2.74 3.48 BGC-11 67.5 10351 -1.73 3.80 BGC-11 70.0 10302 -3.44 4.01 BGC-11 72.5 10254 -3.42 3.19 BGC-11 75.0 10206 -2.59 2.79 BGC-11 77.5 10157 -1.70 4.12 BGC-11 80.0 10109 -3.45 1.41 BGC-11 82.5 10061 -3.07 2.27 BGC-11 85.0 10012 -4.92 1.13 BGC-11 87.5 9964 -4.21 2.43 BGC-11 90.0 9915 -4.41 4.94 BGC-11 95.0 9819 -3.81 3.99 BGC-11 97.5 9770 -3.00 4.00 BGC-11 100.0 9722 -2.82 4.32 BGC-11 102.5 9674 -4.03 3.97 BGC-11 105.0 9625 -3.64 5.83 BGC-11 107.5 9577 -3.12 5.52 BGC-11 110.0 9528 -3.26 5.10 BGC-11 112.5 9480 -2.11 9.22 BGC-11 115.0 9432 -5.08 3.72 BGC-11 117.5 9383 -5.24 3.95 BGC-11 120.0 9335 -2.47 4.52 BGC-11 122.5 9287 -4.05 2.52 BGC-11 125.0 9238 -4.29 2.29 BGC-11 127.5 9190 -3.01 3.35 BGC-11 130.0 9141 -2.73 5.32 BGC-11 132.5 9093 -3.82 3.68 BGC-11 135.0 9045 -4.51 -0.06 BGC-11 137.5 8996 -3.87 1.02 BGC-11 140.0 8948 -2.54 5.22 BGC-11 142.5 8899 -3.86 2.68 BGC-11 145.0 8851 -3.40 3.56 BGC-11 147.5 8803 -3.94 4.38 BGC-11 150.0 8754 -5.99 1.24 BGC-11 152.5 8706 -3.89 3.80 BGC-11 155.0 8658 -4.11 3.82 BGC-11 157.5 8609 -5.48 -1.92 BGC-11 160.0 8561 -5.48 -0.67 BGC-11 162.5 8512 -4.98 0.88 BGC-11 165.0 8464 -5.11 1.14 BGC-11 167.5 8416 -4.60 2.07 BGC-11 170.0 8367 -4.78 3.93 BGC-14 0 24379 -3.26 4.05 BGC-14 4 24037 -4.26 7.79 BGC-14 6 23878 -2.93 3.48 BGC-14 8 23726 -2.35 4.23 BGC-14 10 23582 -3.45 4.20 BGC-14 12 23445 -3.73 4.07 BGC-14 14 23315 -3.03 4.56 BGC-14 16 23192 -3.51 4.13 BGC-14 18 23075 -2.90 4.37 BGC-14 20 22965 -3.28 4.49 BGC-14 22 22860 -2.37 5.35 BGC-14 24 22762 -2.25 4.64 BGC-14 26 22670 -2.27 5.55 BGC-14 28 22582 -2.82 5.37 BGC-14 30 22500 -1.49 6.22 BGC-14 32 22424 -2.06 5.63 BGC-14 34 22352 -0.72 6.07 BGC-14 36 22284 -2.93 5.75 BGC-14 38 22221 -2.32 5.38 BGC-14 40 22162 -3.26 6.84 BGC-14 42 22107 -2.48 4.85 BGC-14 44 22056 -2.40 3.58 BGC-14 46 22008 -2.99 4.19 BGC-14 48 21964 -3.38 2.69 BGC-14 50 21923 -3.32 4.42 BGC-14 52 21884 -3.29 4.88 BGC-14 54 21849 -4.13 3.95 BGC-14 56 21815 -2.62 5.42 BGC-14 58 21784 -3.75 5.02 BGC-14 60 21755 -3.63 3.97 BGC-14 62 21728 -2.91 5.59 BGC-14 64 21702 -2.99 3.66 BGC-14 66 21678 -3.15 5.75 BGC-14 68 21655 -3.58 5.74 BGC-14 70 21633 -3.72 4.68 BGC-14 72 21611 -4.25 4.59 BGC-14 74 21590 -2.86 5.11 BGC-14 76 21570 -3.27 5.97 BGC-14 78 21549 -4.08 4.71 BGC-14 80 21528 -3.55 5.18 BGC-14 82 21507 -3.05 5.01 BGC-14 84 21485 -3.19 5.82 BGC-14 86 21463 -2.35 5.18 BGC-14 88 21439 -3.68 2.72 BGC-14 90 21415 -3.77 3.27 BGC-14 92 21388 -3.64 3.66 BGC-14 94 21361 -3.25 4.76 BGC-14 96 21331 -2.99 6.20 BGC-14 98 21299 -1.93 5.63 BGC-14 100 21265 -3.48 4.86 BGC-14 102 21228 -3.02 6.27 BGC-14 104 21189 -3.09 6.60 BGC-14 106 21147 -2.98 6.85 BGC-14 108 21101 -2.37 5.94 BGC-14 110 21052 -2.54 5.98 BGC-14 112 21000 -2.38 7.16 BGC-14 114 20943 -2.74 7.05 BGC-14 116 20883 -2.42 7.58 BGC-14 118 20819 -2.53 7.46 BGC-14 120 20749 -2.63 6.84 BGC-14 122 20676 -2.40 6.66 BGC-14 124 20597 -3.12 5.22 BGC-14 126 20513 -1.01 7.91 BGC-14 128 20424 -2.35 7.65 BGC-14 130 20330 -2.54 6.51 BGC-14 132 20229 -4.12 4.07 BGC-14 134 20123 -3.07 4.31 BGC-14 136 20010 -3.78 3.51 BGC-14 138 19891 -4.00 3.36 BGC-14 140 19766 -3.54 3.62 BGC-14 142 19633 -2.70 7.13 BGC-14 144 19494 -3.92 4.31 BGC-14 146 19347 -2.89 4.98 BGC-14 148 19193 -1.39 6.49 BGC-14 150 19031 -1.82 7.47 BGC-14 152 18861 -2.07 7.32 BGC-14 154 18683 -1.10 8.39 BGC-14 156 18496 -1.30 7.90 BGC-16 0 37614 -3.40 1.52 BGC-16 20 37592 -4.32 0.62 BGC-16 40 37564 -2.00 0.36 BGC-16 60 37530 -2.02 4.40 BGC-16 80 37491 -2.91 -0.01 BGC-16 100 37445 -2.83 -0.13 BGC-16 120 37393 -4.01 -0.33 BGC-16 140 37335 -4.16 -0.48 BGC-16 160 37271 -5.27 -1.52 BGC-16 180 37201 -3.42 1.26 BGC-16 200 37126 -3.63 1.62 BGC-16 220 37044 -4.42 0.40 BGC-16 240 36956 -4.30 -0.27 BGC-16 260 36862 -5.38 -0.49 BGC-16 280 36762 -2.73 1.15 BGC-16 300 36656 -2.93 2.74 BGC-16 340 36427 -6.51 -0.82 BGC-16 350 36366 -5.30 -1.72 BGC-16 360 36303 -2.66 2.93 BGC-16 370 36239 -4.18 -1.97 BGC-16 380 36173 -3.66 -1.93 BGC-16 390 36106 -2.99 1.87 BGC-16 430 35822 -2.26 3.74 BGC-16 445 35710 -2.62 3.89 BGC-16 455 35633 -3.34 3.48 BGC-16 465 35554 -1.58 3.99 BGC-16 470 35515 -3.47 -0.12 BGC-16 475 35474 -1.81 3.67 BGC-16 490 35352 -4.02 1.92 BGC-16 510 35183 -3.26 2.68 BGC-16 530 35008 -4.76 2.13 BGC-16 550 34827 -3.74 1.92 BGC-16 570 34640 -4.91 1.38 BGC-16 590 34448 -4.53 1.24 BGC-16 630 34044 -2.64 3.44 BGC-16 650 33833 -3.31 2.46 BGC-16 670 33616 -2.16 3.14 BGC-16 690 33393 -4.23 -0.32 BGC-16 710 33165 -5.20 -1.15 BGC-16 730 32930 -5.82 0.21 BGC-16 750 32689 -3.94 0.98 BGC-16 770 32442 -3.07 2.87 BGC-16 790 32189 -2.81 2.04 BGC-16 810 31930 -3.04 2.41 BGC-16 830 31666 -3.96 1.17