# Central Asia 500Kyr Speleothem Stable Isotope and Trace Element Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 2.0 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/21350 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/china/kesang2016ks06a-hiso.txt # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Speleothems # # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes, carbon isotopes, trace metals #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2017-01-21 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Central Asia 500Kyr Speleothem Stable Isotope and Trace Element Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Cheng, H.; Spötl, C.; Breitenbach, S.F.M.; Sinha, A.; Wassenburg, J.A.; Jochum, K.P.; Scholz, D.; Li, X.; Yi, L.; Peng, Y.; Lv, Y.; Zhang, P.; Votintseva, A.; Loginov, V.; Ning, Y.; Kathayat, G.; Edwards, R.L. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Speleothem oxygen and carbon isotope and trace element records from Tonnel’naya Cave, Uzbekistan, and Kesang cave, western China # over most of the last 135,000 and 500,000 years, respectively. # Provided Keywords: Speleothem, oxygen and carbon isotope, trace element, Ton cave, Uybekistan, Kesang cave, paleoclimate #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Hai Cheng, Christoph Spötl, Sebastian F.M. Breitenbach, Ashish Sinha, Jasper A. Wassenburg, Klaus Peter Jochum, Denis Scholz, Xianglei Li, Liang Yi, Youbing Peng, Yanbin Lv, Pingzhong Zhang, Antonina Votintseva, Vadim Loginov, Youfeng Ning, Gayatri Kathayat and R. Lawrence Edwards # Published_Date_or_Year: 2016-11-11 # Published_Title: Climate variations of Central Asia on orbital to millennial timescales # Journal_Name: Scientific Reports # Volume: 5 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: 36975 # DOI: 10.1038/srep36975 # Online_Resource: http://www.nature.com/articles/srep36975 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The extent to which climate variability in Central Asia is causally linked to large-scale changes in the Asian monsoon on varying timescales remains a longstanding question. Here we present precisely dated high-resolution speleothem oxygen-carbon isotope and trace element records of Central Asia's hydroclimate variability from Tonnel'naya cave, Uzbekistan, and Kesang cave, western China. On orbital timescales, the supra-regional climate variance, inferred from our oxygen isotope records, exhibits a precessional rhythm, punctuated by millennial-scale abrupt climate events, suggesting a close coupling with the Asian monsoon. However, the local hydroclimatic variability at both cave sites, inferred from carbon isotope and trace element records, shows climate variations that are distinctly different from their supra-regional modes. Particularly, hydroclimatic changes in both Tonnel'naya and Kesang areas during the Holocene lag behind the supra-regional climate variability by several thousand years. These observations may reconcile the apparent out-of-phase hydroclimatic variability, inferred from the Holocene lake proxy records, between Westerly Central Asia and Monsoon Asia. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Basic Research Program of China # Grant: 2013CB955902 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation of China # Grant: 41230524, 41561144003 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: German Research Foundation # Grant: DFG WA3532/1-1 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: 0502535,0908792, 1103404, 1137693 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Kesang Cave # Location: Asia>Eastern Asia>China # Country: China # Northernmost_Latitude: 42.87 # Southernmost_Latitude: 42.87 # Easternmost_Longitude: 81.75 # Westernmost_Longitude: 81.75 # Elevation: 2000 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: KesangKS06a-Hiso # Earliest_Year: 9890 # Most_Recent_Year: 3570 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: 0.034 m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_mm depth, , , mm, , , distance from top, ,N ## age_calkaBP age, , , calendar Kyears before present, , , , ,N ## d18OcarbVPDB delta18O, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothem, , ,N ## d13CcarbVPDB delta13C, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothem, , ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # depth_mm age_calkaBP d18OcarbVPDB d13CcarbVPDB 0.00 3.57 -10.19 -6.28 0.30 3.61 -10.65 -7.50 0.50 3.65 -10.90 -7.81 0.80 3.68 -11.18 -7.59 1.00 3.72 -11.16 -7.57 1.30 3.76 -10.88 -7.14 1.50 3.80 -10.99 -7.72 1.80 3.84 -10.85 -7.59 2.00 3.87 -10.73 -7.43 2.30 3.91 -10.56 -7.45 2.50 3.95 -11.01 -7.97 2.80 3.99 -10.92 -7.51 3.00 4.02 -10.96 -7.44 3.30 4.06 -10.73 -7.63 3.50 4.10 -10.25 -7.93 3.80 4.14 -10.16 -7.82 4.00 4.17 -10.35 -7.39 4.30 4.21 -10.26 -7.30 4.50 4.25 -10.39 -7.46 4.80 4.29 -10.44 -7.47 5.00 4.32 -9.90 -7.00 5.30 4.36 -10.48 -8.01 5.50 4.40 -10.92 -8.11 5.80 4.44 -11.07 -7.74 6.00 4.47 -10.54 -7.04 6.30 4.51 -10.63 -7.93 6.50 4.55 -10.73 -8.41 6.80 4.59 -10.63 -8.41 7.00 4.63 -10.98 -8.42 7.30 4.66 -10.30 -7.92 7.50 4.70 -9.86 -6.48 7.80 4.74 -9.66 -6.19 8.00 4.78 -10.05 -7.33 8.30 4.81 -10.15 -7.00 8.50 4.85 -10.09 -6.67 8.80 4.89 -9.99 -6.36 9.00 4.93 -10.60 -6.89 9.30 4.96 -10.75 -7.49 9.50 5.00 -10.43 -6.52 9.80 5.04 -10.28 -6.84 10.00 5.08 -10.29 -7.62 10.30 5.11 -10.37 -7.77 10.50 5.15 -10.41 -7.00 10.80 5.19 -10.31 -7.00 11.00 5.23 -10.01 -6.80 11.30 5.27 -10.26 -7.03 11.50 5.30 -10.77 -7.50 11.80 5.34 -11.01 -7.62 12.00 5.38 -11.04 -7.52 12.30 5.42 -11.04 -7.28 12.50 5.45 -10.64 -6.68 12.80 5.49 -10.52 -6.46 13.00 5.53 -10.37 -5.59 13.30 5.58 -11.41 -7.21 13.80 5.67 -10.65 -7.04 14.00 5.71 -10.43 -7.13 14.30 5.75 -10.84 -6.31 14.50 5.80 -10.84 -5.85 14.80 5.84 -10.84 -6.06 15.00 5.88 -10.76 -5.98 15.30 5.93 -11.20 -6.65 15.50 5.97 -10.94 -6.20 15.80 6.02 -11.36 -7.40 16.00 6.06 -11.25 -7.58 16.30 6.10 -11.45 -7.63 16.50 6.15 -10.90 -6.26 16.80 6.19 -10.92 -6.17 17.00 6.23 -11.39 -6.85 17.30 6.28 -11.66 -6.87 17.50 6.32 -10.92 -6.36 17.80 6.36 -11.65 -7.67 18.00 6.41 -12.06 -8.00 18.30 6.45 -11.81 -7.86 18.50 6.50 -11.65 -7.48 18.80 6.54 -11.30 -7.20 19.00 6.58 -11.09 -6.07 19.30 6.63 -11.02 -6.41 19.50 6.67 -11.37 -7.64 19.80 6.71 -11.47 -7.56 20.00 6.76 -11.80 -7.07 20.30 6.80 -11.13 -5.61 20.50 6.84 -11.37 -6.27 20.80 6.89 -11.12 -6.32 21.00 6.93 -11.63 -7.25 21.30 6.98 -11.74 -7.50 21.50 7.02 -11.24 -6.49 21.80 7.06 -11.13 -6.51 22.00 7.11 -10.97 -5.75 22.30 7.15 -11.51 -6.10 22.50 7.19 -11.60 -6.22 22.80 7.24 -11.16 -5.55 23.00 7.28 -11.86 -6.99 23.30 7.32 -11.56 -7.13 23.50 7.39 -10.98 -6.26 23.80 7.45 -11.24 -6.09 24.00 7.51 -11.29 -7.09 24.30 7.58 -11.53 -6.97 24.50 7.64 -11.59 -7.30 24.80 7.70 -11.32 -6.95 25.00 7.77 -11.71 -6.58 25.30 7.83 -11.33 -5.92 25.50 7.89 -10.77 -5.49 25.80 7.96 -11.16 -6.81 26.00 8.08 -10.83 -5.48 26.30 8.19 -10.80 -5.37 26.50 8.31 -11.45 -6.70 27.00 8.49 -10.59 -6.85 27.30 8.57 -11.56 -6.75 27.50 8.62 -12.54 -7.46 27.80 8.67 -12.05 -7.06 28.00 8.72 -11.91 -6.67 28.30 8.77 -11.47 -6.35 28.50 8.82 -11.55 -5.78 28.80 8.87 -11.98 -6.22 29.00 8.92 -11.90 -6.47 29.30 8.96 -11.98 -6.76 29.50 9.01 -11.82 -6.54 29.80 9.06 -11.46 -6.45 30.00 9.11 -11.64 -6.79 30.30 9.16 -11.71 -6.60 30.80 9.26 -12.03 -6.04 31.00 9.30 -11.95 -6.28 31.30 9.35 -11.99 -6.18 31.50 9.40 -11.69 -5.26 31.80 9.45 -11.86 -5.73 32.00 9.50 -11.60 -5.61 32.30 9.55 -11.97 -5.78 32.50 9.60 -11.46 -5.19 32.80 9.64 -11.53 -5.46 33.00 9.69 -11.59 -5.54 33.30 9.74 -11.25 -5.16 33.50 9.79 -11.53 -5.42 33.80 9.84 -11.68 -5.09 34.00 9.89 -11.62 -5.46