# Yangkou Cave, Southwest China 124-206KYrBP Stalagmite d18O Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # # Online_Resource: http://ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/17287 # # Original_Source_URL: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/asia/china/yangkou2014yk23.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Speleothems #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2014-10-14 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Yangkou Cave, Southwest China 124-206KYrBP Stalagmite d18O Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Li, T.-Y.; Shen, C.-C.; Huang, L.-J.; Jiang, X.-Y.; Yang, X.-L.; Mii, H.-S.; Lee, S.-Y.; Lo, L. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Oxygen isotope (d18O) data from 5 stalagmites collected in Yangkou Cave, Chongqing, southwest China, # covering the interval from 124,000 to 206,000 years before present. # #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: T.-Y. Li, C.-C. Shen, L.-J. Huang, X.-Y. Jiang, X.-L. Yang, H.-S. Mii, S.-Y. Lee, and L. Lo # Published_Date_or_Year: 2014-06-24 # Published_Title: Stalagmite-inferred variability of the Asian summer monsoon during the penultimate glacial-interglacial period # Journal_Name: Climate of the Past # Volume: 10 # Edition: # Issue: 3 # Pages: 1211-1219 # DOI: 10.5194/cp-10-1211-2014 # Online_Resource: http://www.clim-past.net/10/1211/2014/cp-10-1211-2014.html # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The orbital-timescale dynamics of the Quaternary Asian summer monsoons (ASM) are frequently attributed to precession-dominated northern hemispheric summer insolation. However, this long-term continuous ASM variability is inferred primarily from oxygen isotope records of stalagmites, mainly from Sanbao cave in mainland China, and may not provide a comprehensive picture of ASM evolution. A new spliced stalagmite oxygen isotope record from Yangkou cave tracks summer monsoon precipitation variation from 124 to 206 thousand years ago in Chongqing, southwest China. Our Yangkou record supports that the evolution of ASM was dominated by the North Hemisphere solar insolation on orbital timescales. When superimposed on the Sanbao record, the precipitation time series referred from Yangkou cave stalagmites supports the strong ASM periods at marine isotope stages (MIS) 6.3, 6.5, and 7.1 and weak ASM intervals at MIS 6.2, 6.4, and 7.0. This consistency confirms that ASM events affected most of mainland China. Except for the solar insolation forcing, the large amplitude of minimum d18O values in Yangkou record during glacial period, such as MIS 6.5, could stem from the enhanced prevailing Pacific trade wind and/or continental shelf exposure in the Indo-Pacific warm pool. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Taiwan ROC MOST and NTU # Grant: 101-2116-M-002-009, 102-2116-M-002-016, 101R7625 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Natural Science Foundation of China # Grant: 41030103, 41172165, 41072141, 41272192 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China # Grant: XDJK2013A012, XDJK2012A003 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology # Grant: Opening Fund SKLLQG1310 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Yangkou Cave # Location: Asia>Eastern Asia>China # Country: China # Northernmost_Latitude: 29.0333 # Southernmost_Latitude: 29.0333 # Easternmost_Longitude: 107.1833 # Westernmost_Longitude: 107.1833 # Elevation: 2140 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Yangkou2014YK23 # Earliest_Year: 206839 # Most_Recent_Year: 172620 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: 0.0772 m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology: # # Table 1. U-Th isotopic compositions and 230Th ages for subsamples of five Yangkou stalagmites on MC-ICP-MS at the HISPEC, NTU # # Subsample ID Depth 238U 232Th d234U [230Th/238U] [230Th/232Th] Age (kyr) Age (kyr, BP) d234Uinitial # (mm) (ppb) (ppt) measured*a activity*c (ppm)*d uncorrected corrected*c,*e corrected*b # Stalagmite: YK5 YK5-01 3.0 8730 ±13 553.0 ±7.1 215.8 ±2.1 1.0192 ±0.0024 265626 ±3445 179.7 ±1.3 179.6 ±1.3 358.5 ±3.7 # YK5-02 24.0 7335 ±14 263.1 ±7.1 218.4 ±2.7 1.0235 ±0.0027 471128 ±12563 180.4 ±1.6 180.4 ±1.6 363.6 ±4.8 # YK5-03 57.0 4322.4 ±7.6 5997 ±17 192.9 ±2.3 1.0002 ±0.0024 11903 ±39 181.2 ±1.4 181.1 ±1.4 321.9 ±4.1 # YK5-04 79.0 5041 ±10 500.2 ±5.7 187.7 ±2.9 0.9997 ±0.0026 166348 ±1928 183.2 ±1.7 183.2 ±1.7 315.1 ±5.0 # YK5-05 88.0 5729.6 ±9.4 356.1 ±5.1 184.6 ±2.4 0.9986 ±0.0027 265267 ±3814 184.2 ±1.6 184.1 ±1.6 310.6 ±4.2 # YK5-06 103.0 5375.3 ±9.9 593.2 ±5.0 202.1 ±2.6 1.0161 ±0.0022 152028 ±1290 184.2 ±1.5 184.1 ±1.5 340.1 ±4.7 # YK5-07 128.0 4986.2 ±8.8 137.6 ±5.8 201.6 ±2.3 1.0175 ±0.0023 608876 ±25827 185.1 ±1.4 185.0 ±1.4 340.0 ±4.1 # YK5-08 149.0 6076 ±14 269.0 ±5.2 205.0 ±3.0 1.0259 ±0.0028 382639 ±7471 187.2 ±1.8 187.2 ±1.8 348.1 ±5.3 # YK5-09 177.0 8808 ±11 1103.7 ±7.2 215.0 ±1.9 1.0374 ±0.0016 136699 ±889 187.9 ±1.1 187.8 ±1.1 365.7 ±3.5 # YK5-10 188.0 12100 ±19 168.3 ±6.1 210.0 ±2.5 1.0368 ±0.0027 1230671 ±44610 189.9 ±1.7 189.8 ±1.7 359.2 ±4.7 # Stalagmite: YK12 YK12-01 3.6 6262.6 ±4.1 3895 ±24 309.6 ±1.2 0.9620 ±0.0015 25540 ±164 133.76 ±0.46 133.69 ±0.46 451.8 ±1.9 # YK12-02 10.5 5016.7 ±2.5 12393 ±25 296.1 ±1.2 0.9590 ±0.0017 6410 ±17 135.88 ±0.51 135.78 ±0.51 434.7 ±1.8 # YK12-03 21.5 6384.1 ±3.6 1050 ±21 296.2 ±1.1 0.9796 ±0.0014 98334 ±1947 141.43 ±0.46 141.36 ±0.46 441.8 ±1.7 # YK12-04 40.0 5675.3 ±5.8 9675 ±32 273.0 ±1.6 0.9792 ±0.0017 9483 ±34 147.07 ±0.67 146.98 ±0.67 413.7 ±2.6 # YK12-05 57.5 13314 ±13 1488 ±21 259.4 ±1.5 0.9840 ±0.0015 145382 ±2094 152.20 ±0.62 152.14 ±0.62 398.9 ±2.4 # YK12-06 78.0 11746.6 ±5.5 1425 ±24 253.54 ±0.90 0.9852 ±0.0013 134061 ±2272 154.30 ±0.49 154.24 ±0.49 392.1 ±1.5 # YK12-07 80.0 8830.3 ±5.3 38573 ±98 212.8 ±1.2 0.9796 ±0.0027 3702 ±14 165.3 ±1.1 165.1 ±1.1 339.4 ±2.2 # YK12-08 92.0 7106.6 ±3.6 7546 ±25 199.70 ±0.89 0.9823 ±0.0014 15274 ±55 171.08 ±0.64 170.99 ±0.64 323.9 ±1.5 # YK12-09 101.0 9513.1 ±6.5 4483 ±23 203.4 ±1.1 0.9976 ±0.0013 34954 ±182 175.80 ±0.72 175.73 ±0.72 334.3 ±2.0 # YK12-10 105.0 5118.6 ±6.7 2378 ±21 185.4 ±1.9 0.9924 ±0.0018 35265 ±317 181.0 ±1.1 180.9 ±1.1 309.3 ±3.3 # YK12-11 109.5 6109.1 ±3.8 572 ±18 178.4 ±1.2 0.9875 ±0.0013 174125 ±5633 181.93 ±0.77 181.87 ±0.77 298.4 ±2.1 # Stalagmite: YK23 YK23-01 2.4 2893.2 ±2.3 13899 ±26 102.8 ±1.5 0.8935 ±0.0018 3070.9 ±8.0 172.8 ±1.0 172.6 ±1.0 167.6 ±2.4 # YK23-02 9.6 2608.9 ±1.7 13210 ±23 99.6 ±1.1 0.9008 ±0.0016 2937.3 ±7.1 177.70 ±0.95 177.53 ±0.95 164.5 ±1.9 # Hiatus # YK23-03 11.2 2705.2 ±1.3 1370 ±17 59.55 ±0.91 0.8799 ±0.0016 28683 ±355 187.3 ±1.0 187.3 ±1.0 101.1 ±1.6 # YK23-04 14.8 2541.1 ±1.2 10313 ±20 60.06 ±0.89 0.8830 ±0.0015 3592.3 ±8.9 188.73 ±0.98 188.57 ±0.98 102.4 ±1.5 # Hiatus # YK23-05 16.8 3255.5 ±2.0 1365 ±14 32.5 ±1.1 0.8632 ±0.0012 33986 ±363 193.47 ±0.99 193.40 ±0.99 56.1 ±1.8 # YK23-06 27.6 3084.7 ±1.5 2354 ±14 32.53 ±0.92 0.8671 ±0.0012 18764 ±112 195.87 ±0.93 195.79 ±0.93 56.6 ±1.6 # YK23-07 35.6 2208.7 ±1.3 2343 ±15 47.1 ±1.0 0.8848 ±0.0014 13768 ±89 197.5 ±1.1 197.5 ±1.1 82.2 ±1.8 # YK23-08 42.4 1917.04 ±0.90 4503 ±17 39.3 ±1.1 0.8795 ±0.0013 6182 ±25 199.3 ±1.1 199.2 ±1.1 68.9 ±1.9 # Hiatus # YK23-09 43.0 2720.4 ±1.5 1128 ±14 21.23 ±0.90 0.8633 ±0.0013 34369 ±430 201.0 ±1.1 200.9 ±1.1 37.5 ±1.7 # YK23-10 62.4 3355.3 ±2.2 698 ±23 16.2 ±1.0 0.8657 ±0.0014 68753 ±2263 206.2 ±1.2 206.1 ±1.2 29.0 ±1.8 # YK23-11 77.2 2262.6 ±1.5 899 ±19 15.0 ±1.1 0.8655 ±0.0015 35976 ±777 206.9 ±1.3 206.8 ±1.3 26.9 ±2.1 # Stalagmite: YK47 YK47-01 118.8 812.37 ±0.81 6437 ±11 395.2 ±1.8 1.0173 ±0.0022 2120.0 ±6.0 130.19 ±0.61 129.99 ±0.61 570.7 ±2.8 # YK47-02 137.5 765.96 ±0.70 2997.5 ±7.6 398.9 ±1.8 1.0295 ±0.0019 4343 ±13 132.27 ±0.57 132.14 ±0.57 579.7 ±2.8 # Stalagmite: YK61 YK61-01 13.6 3427.4 ±2.1 13736 ±25 295.8 ±1.2 0.9172 ±0.0019 3779 ±10 125.39 ±0.51 125.26 ±0.51 421.5 ±1.8 # YK61-02 15.5 3636.8 ±1.9 4502 ±12 275.4 ±1.2 0.9027 ±0.0013 12039 ±37 125.80 ±0.41 125.72 ±0.41 393.0 ±1.8 # YK61-03 17.0 3974.8 ±2.4 4663 ±10 261.5 ±1.2 0.8936 ±0.0013 12577 ±32 126.29 ±0.41 126.21 ±0.41 373.6 ±1.8 # YK61-04 20.0 3418.6 ±3.7 1271.0 ±8.9 302.6 ±1.8 0.9278 ±0.0013 41205 ±291 126.64 ±0.48 126.58 ±0.48 432.9 ±2.6 # YK61-05 22.4 1520.4 ±2.4 3627 ±33 340.2 ±2.4 0.9619 ±0.0024 6658 ±63 127.60 ±0.72 127.50 ±0.72 487.8 ±3.5 # YK61-06 26.0 2414.5 ±4.3 2217 ±29 315.2 ±2.4 0.9448 ±0.0027 16993 ±229 128.33 ±0.80 128.25 ±0.80 453.0 ±3.6 # YK61-07 28.3 4454.4 ±4.8 801.0 ±8.8 313.7 ±1.7 0.9452 ±0.0013 86784 ±959 128.70 ±0.47 128.63 ±0.47 451.4 ±2.5 # YK61-08 30.1 2434.4 ±2.3 657.4 ±8.6 314.5 ±1.6 0.9479 ±0.0012 57958 ±756 129.21 ±0.43 129.15 ±0.43 453.1 ±2.3 # YK61-09 40.8 3633.5 ±4.6 207 ± 25 302.5 ±2.1 0.9389 ±0.0019 271567 ±32442 129.37 ±0.64 129.31 ±0.64 436.1 ±3.2 # YK61-10 47.8 3140.5 ±3.0 132.3 ±7.0 305.6 ±1.6 0.9459 ±0.0013 370865 ±19563 130.52 ±0.45 130.46 ±0.45 441.9 ±2.3 # YK61-11 61.3 5420.5 ±6.6 3648 ±10 306.2 ±1.8 0.9502 ±0.0016 23311 ±67 131.47 ±0.55 131.39 ±0.55 443.9 ±2.7 # Hiatus # YK61-12 63.1 2307.3 ±1.8 1947.5 ±8.3 303.9 ±1.3 0.9801 ±0.0012 19171 ±84 139.78 ±0.45 139.70 ±0.45 451.0 ±2.0 # YK61-13 74.0 5853.2 ±7.4 3435 ±11 287.2 ±1.7 0.9743 ±0.0017 27409 ±90 142.09 ±0.63 142.01 ±0.63 429.2 ±2.7 # YK61-14 88.0 3614.8 ±7.1 352 ±20 321.2 ±2.9 1.0365 ±0.0027 175586 ±9727 151.4 ±1.1 151.3 ±1.1 492.7 ±4.7 # YK61-15 110.0 4705.3 ±8.5 672 ±16 320.3 ±2.6 1.0476 ±0.0026 121199 ±2976 154.9 ±1.1 154.9 ±1.1 496.2 ±4.4 # YK61-16 130.0 5173.2 ±8.0 646 ±18 303.7 ±2.3 1.0495 ±0.0022 138661 ±3763 160.25 ±0.98 160.18 ±0.98 477.6 ±3.8 # YK61-17 137.8 6174.8 ±8.5 405.3 ±7.9 299.4 ±2.0 1.0514 ±0.0019 264459 ±5140 162.16 ±0.87 162.10 ±0.87 473.5 ±3.4 # YK61-18 167.8 4766.3 ±5.3 347.8 ±7.3 274.1 ±1.7 1.0478 ±0.0014 237115 ±4998 169.06 ±0.77 168.99 ±0.77 441.9 ±3.0 # YK61-19 185.8 2984.1 ±2.9 1897.4 ±9.4 239.0 ±1.7 1.0238 ±0.0015 26585 ±135 172.56 ±0.84 172.49 ±0.84 389.2 ±2.9 # # Chemistry was performed during 2011-2012 (Shen et al., 2003) and instrumental analyses on MC-ICP-MS (Shen et al., 2012). # # Analytical errors are 2s of the mean. # # a* d234U = ([234U/238U]activity - 1) x 1000. # # b* d234Uinitial corrected was calculated based on 230Th age (T), i.e., d234Uinitial = d234U x eLambda234*T, and T is corrected age. # # c* [230Th/238U]activity = 1 - e-Lambda230T + (d234U/1000)[Lambda230/(Lambda230 -Lambda234)](1 - e-(Lambda230 - Lambda234) T), where T is the age. # # Decay constants used are available in Cheng et al. (2000). # # d* The degree of detrital 230Th contamination is indicated by the [230Th/232Th] atomic ratio instead of the activity ratio. # # e* Age [yr BP (before AD 1950)] corrections were made using an 230Th/232Th atomic ratio of 4 +/- 2 ppm. # # Those are the values for material at secular equilibrium, with the crustal 232Th/238U value of 3.8. The errors are arbitrarily assumed to be 50%. # # # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # Hiatus between 9.6mm and 10.4mm, and between 15.2mm and 16mm # ##depth_mm depth, , , mm, , , , ,N ##age_calkaBP age, , , calendar kyears before present, , , , ,N ##d18OcarbVPDB delta18O, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothem, , ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # depth_mm age_calkaBP d18OcarbVPDB 2.4 172.620 -10.868 3.2 173.165 -10.301 4 173.710 -10.175 4.8 174.255 -10.017 5.6 174.800 -10.143 6.4 175.345 -10.151 7.2 175.890 -9.094 8 176.435 -8.684 8.8 176.980 -8.093 9.6 177.525 -7.399 10.4 186.961 -7.427 11.2 187.254 -7.519 12 187.547 -7.507 12.8 187.839 -7.485 13.6 188.132 -6.407 14.4 188.425 -7.441 14.8 188.571 15.2 188.717 -6.942 16 193.224 -9.479 16.8 193.401 -9.402 17.6 193.578 -8.535 18.4 193.755 -8.847 19.2 193.932 -8.619 20 194.109 -9.985 20.8 194.286 -10.064 21.6 194.463 -9.954 22.4 194.640 -9.843 23.2 194.817 -9.13 24 194.994 -10.022 24.8 195.171 -9.964 25.6 195.348 -9.843 26.4 195.525 -10.178 27.2 195.702 -10.203 27.6 195.791 28 195.874 -10.046 28.8 196.04 -9.842 29.6 196.206 -9.972 30.4 196.372 -10.374 31.2 196.538 -10.22 32 196.704 -9.934 32.8 196.87 -10.164 33.6 197.036 -10.173 34.4 197.202 -10.32 35.2 197.368 -9.851 35.6 197.451 36 197.552 -9.982 36.8 197.755 -10.008 37.6 197.958 -9.975 38.4 198.161 -9.634 39.2 198.364 -9.387 40 198.567 -9.528 40.8 198.769 -9.623 41.6 198.972 -9.662 42.4 199.175 42.8 200.313 -9.395 43 200.882 43.6 201.045 -9.272 44.4 201.262 -8.266 45.2 201.478 -7.06 46 201.695 -7.158 46.8 201.912 -6.645 47.6 202.129 -6.958 48.4 202.346 -7.081 49.2 202.563 -6.585 50 202.780 -6.402 50.8 202.996 -6.798 51.6 203.213 -6.843 52.4 203.430 -6.259 53.2 203.647 -6.154 54 203.864 -5.861 54.8 204.081 -6.539 55.6 204.298 -6.76 56.4 204.515 -6.633 57.2 204.731 -6.575 58 204.948 -6.779 58.8 205.165 -6.712 59.6 205.382 -6.893 60.4 205.599 -6.727 61.2 205.816 -7.018 62 206.033 -6.377 62.4 206.141 62.8 206.1598649 -6.065 63.6 206.1975946 -6.392 64.4 206.2353243 -6.606 65.2 206.2730541 -6.335 66 206.3107838 -6.471 66.8 206.3485135 -6.292 67.6 206.3862432 -6.253 68.4 206.423973 -6.266 69.2 206.4617027 -6.452 77.2 206.839