# Northern Alps 60-120kY NALPS19 Speleothem d18O Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/28390 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/europe/nalps19grete-ruth.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Speleothems # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2020-01-08 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2020-01-08 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Northern Alps 60-120kY NALPS19 Speleothem d18O Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Moseley, G.E.; Spötl, C.; Brandstätter, S.; Erhardt, T.; Luetscher, M.; Edwards, R.L. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: NALPS19 Northern Alps speleothem oxygen isotope (d18O) data for 60-120kY. # Northern Alps speleothem d18O data from Grete-Ruth (cave) stalagmite HUN14, Austria, spanning 103.0-111.3kY #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Gina E. Moseley, Christoph Spötl, Susanne Brandstätter, Tobias Erhardt, Marc Luetscher, and R. Lawrence Edwards # Published_Date_or_Year: 2020-01-08 # Published_Title: NALPS19: sub-orbital-scale climate variability recorded in northern Alpine speleothems during the last glacial period # Journal_Name: Climate of the Past # Volume: 16 # Edition: # Issue: 1 # Pages: 29-50 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.5194/cp-16-29-2020 # Online_Resource: https://www.clim-past.net/16/29/2020/ # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Sub-orbital-scale climate variability of the last glacial period provides important insights into the rates at which the climate can change state, the mechanisms that drive such changes, and the leads, lags, and synchronicity occurring across different climate zones. Such short-term climate variability has previously been investigated using d18O from speleothems (d18Ocalc) that grew along the northern rim of the Alps (NALPS), enabling direct chronological comparisons with d18O records from Greenland ice cores (d18Oice). In this study, we present NALPS19, which includes a revision of the last glacial NALPS d18Ocalc chronology over the interval 118.3 to 63.7 ka using 11, newly available, clean, precisely dated stalagmites from five caves. Using only the most reliable and precisely dated records, this period is now 90% complete and is comprised of 16 stalagmites from seven caves. Where speleothems grew synchronously, the timing of major transitional events in d18Ocalc between stadials and interstadials (and vice versa) are all in agreement on multi-decadal timescales. Ramp-fitting analysis further reveals that, except for one abrupt change, the timing of d18O transitions occurred synchronously within centennial-scale dating uncertainties between the NALPS19 d18Ocalc record and the Asian monsoon composite speleothem d18Ocalc record. Due to the millennial-scale uncertainties in the ice core chronologies, a comprehensive comparison with the NALPS19 chronology is difficult. Generally, however, we find that the absolute timing of transitions in the Greenland Ice Core Chronology (GICC) 05modelext and Antarctic Ice Core Chronology (AICC) 2012 are in agreement on centennial scales. The exception to this is during the interval of 100 to 115 ka, where transitions in the AICC2012 chronology occurred up to 3000 years later than in NALPS19. In such instances, the transitions in the revised AICC2012 chronology of Extier et al. (2018) are in agreement with NALPS19 on centennial scales, supporting the hypothesis that AICC2012 appears to be considerably too young between 100 and 115 ka. Using a ramp-fitting function to objectively identify the onset and the end of abrupt transitions, we show that d18O shifts took place on multi-decadal to multi-centennial timescales in the North Atlantic-sourced regions (northern Alps and Greenland) as well as the Asian monsoon. Given the near-complete record of d18Ocalc variability during the last glacial period in the northern Alps, we also offer preliminary considerations regarding the controls on mean d18Ocalc for given stadials and interstadials. We find that, as expected, d18Ocalc values became increasingly lighter with distance from the oceanic source regions, and increasingly lighter with increasing altitude. Exceptions were found for some high-elevation sites that locally display d18Ocalc values that are heavier than expected in comparison to lower-elevation sites, possibly caused by a summer bias in the recorded signal of the high-elevation site, or a winter bias in the low-elevation site. Finally, we propose a new mechanism for the centennial-scale stadial-level depletions in d18O such as the Greenland Stadial (GS)-16.2, GS-17.2, GS-21.2, and GS-23.2 "precursor" events, as well as the "within-interstadial" GS-24.2 cooling event. Our new high-precision chronology shows that each of these d18O depletions occurred in the decades and centuries following rapid rises in sea level associated with increased ice-rafted debris and southward shifts of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, suggesting that influxes of meltwater from moderately sized ice sheets may have been responsible for the cold reversals causing the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to slow down similar to the Preboreal Oscillation and Older Dryas deglacial events. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Austrian Science Fund # Grant: P222780, T710-NBL #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Grete-Ruth # Location: Europe>Western Europe>Austria # Country: Austria # Northernmost_Latitude: 47.5429 # Southernmost_Latitude: 47.5429 # Easternmost_Longitude: 12.0272 # Westernmost_Longitude: 12.0272 # Elevation: 1435 #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: NALPS19Grete-Ruth-HUN14 # Earliest_Year: 111315 # Most_Recent_Year: 102952 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: Age model constructed using OxCal # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # ## dist distance, , , mm, , speleothems, , ,N, distance in mm from base ## age_calBP age, , , calendar years before present, , speleothems, , ,N, calendar years before present (1950 AD) ## age_err age uncertainty, 2 sigma error, , calendar years, , speleothems, , ,N, ## d18OcarbVPDB delta 18O, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothems,,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, ## d18OcarbVPDBivc delta 18O, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothems,corrected,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,corrected for ice volume # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # dist age_calBP age_err d18OcarbVPDB d18OcarbVPDBivc 4.75 111315 515 -9.49 -9.99 5.00 111297 509 -9.18 -9.68 5.25 111279 504 -9.02 -9.52 5.50 111262 499 -9.13 -9.63 5.75 111245 493 -9.49 -9.99 6.00 111227 488 -9.54 -10.04 6.25 111210 483 -9.58 -10.08 6.50 111192 478 -9.80 -10.30 6.75 111175 472 -9.91 -10.41 7.00 111157 467 -9.81 -10.31 7.25 111140 462 -9.64 -10.14 7.50 111122 456 -9.42 -9.92 7.75 111105 451 -9.68 -10.18 8.00 111087 446 -9.79 -10.30 8.25 111070 440 -10.03 -10.54 8.50 111052 435 -10.00 -10.51 8.75 111035 430 -10.07 -10.58 9.00 111018 424 -9.93 -10.44 9.25 111000 419 -9.98 -10.49 9.50 110982 414 -10.14 -10.65 9.75 110965 408 -10.20 -10.71 10.00 110947 403 -10.15 -10.66 10.25 110929 397 -10.16 -10.68 10.50 110912 392 -10.06 -10.58 10.75 110895 386 -10.14 -10.66 11.00 110878 380 -9.98 -10.50 11.25 110860 375 -9.89 -10.41 11.50 110842 369 -9.67 -10.19 11.75 110825 364 -9.49 -10.02 12.00 110807 358 -9.49 -10.02 12.25 110790 353 -9.48 -10.01 12.50 110772 347 -9.60 -10.13 12.75 110755 341 -9.68 -10.22 13.00 110737 336 -9.79 -10.33 13.25 110720 330 -9.81 -10.35 13.50 110702 324 -9.84 -10.39 13.75 110684 318 -9.80 -10.35 14.00 110667 313 -9.90 -10.46 14.25 110649 307 -10.01 -10.57 14.50 110632 301 -9.99 -10.55 14.75 110616 300 -9.97 -10.54 15.00 110600 299 -10.01 -10.58 15.25 110584 297 -9.98 -10.56 15.50 110568 296 -9.97 -10.55 15.75 110552 294 -10.02 -10.60 16.00 110536 293 -10.04 -10.63 16.25 110520 291 -10.00 -10.59 16.50 110504 290 -10.01 -10.61 16.75 110487 288 -9.98 -10.58 17.00 110471 287 -9.94 -10.54 17.25 110455 286 -10.05 -10.66 17.50 110439 284 -10.24 -10.85 17.75 110423 283 -10.07 -10.69 18.00 110407 281 -10.07 -10.69 18.25 110391 280 -10.03 -10.65 18.50 110375 278 -10.17 -10.80 18.75 110358 276 -10.32 -10.95 19.00 110342 274 -10.32 -10.95 19.25 110326 273 -10.44 -11.07 19.50 110310 271 -10.60 -11.24 19.75 110294 269 -10.70 -11.34 20.00 110278 267 -10.65 -11.29 20.25 110262 265 -10.67 -11.32 20.50 110246 263 -10.78 -11.43 20.75 110230 261 -10.87 -11.52 21.00 110214 259 -10.99 -11.64 21.25 110198 257 -10.98 -11.63 21.50 110182 255 -11.04 -11.70 21.75 110165 253 -10.99 -11.65 22.00 110149 251 -10.95 -11.61 22.25 110133 250 -10.78 -11.44 22.50 110117 248 -10.93 -11.59 22.75 110097 248 -10.95 -11.61 23.00 110078 249 -10.92 -11.59 23.25 110058 249 -11.04 -11.71 23.50 110038 250 -10.95 -11.62 23.75 110018 250 -11.00 -11.67 24.00 109999 250 -10.97 -11.64 24.25 109979 250 -10.95 -11.62 24.50 109959 251 -10.72 -11.39 24.75 109939 251 -10.73 -11.40 25.00 109920 250 -10.68 -11.35 25.25 109900 250 -10.69 -11.36 25.50 109881 250 -10.73 -11.40 25.75 109861 249 -10.87 -11.54 26.00 109841 249 -10.93 -11.60 26.25 109821 248 -11.01 -11.68 26.50 109801 247 -11.00 -11.67 26.75 109782 246 -10.96 -11.63 27.00 109762 245 -10.85 -11.52 27.25 109742 244 -10.82 -11.49 27.50 109723 243 -10.72 -11.39 27.75 109703 241 -10.65 -11.32 28.00 109683 240 -10.73 -11.39 28.25 109664 239 -10.68 -11.34 28.50 109642 238 -10.80 -11.46 28.75 109620 237 -10.80 -11.46 29.00 109598 237 -10.70 -11.36 29.25 109576 236 -10.70 -11.35 29.50 109554 235 -10.79 -11.44 29.75 109532 234 -10.96 -11.61 30.00 109510 232 -11.01 -11.66 30.25 109487 230 -10.91 -11.55 30.50 109463 228 -10.72 -11.36 30.75 109440 225 -10.76 -11.40 31.00 109421 227 -10.82 -11.46 31.25 109402 228 -10.94 -11.57 31.50 109384 230 -11.15 -11.78 31.75 109363 230 -11.15 -11.78 32.00 109343 230 -11.09 -11.72 32.25 109323 231 -11.12 -11.74 32.50 109303 231 -11.23 -11.85 32.75 109283 231 -11.20 -11.82 33.00 109263 231 -11.28 -11.89 33.25 109243 230 -11.38 -11.99 33.50 109223 230 -11.12 -11.73 33.75 109203 229 -11.41 -12.02 34.00 109182 228 -11.20 -11.80 34.25 109162 227 -10.81 -11.41 34.50 109142 226 -11.19 -11.79 34.75 109122 225 -11.36 -11.96 35.00 109102 224 -11.43 -12.02 35.25 109082 222 -11.40 -11.99 35.50 109062 220 -11.46 -12.05 35.75 109042 219 -11.15 -11.73 36.00 109022 217 -11.09 -11.67 36.25 109002 214 -11.03 -11.61 36.50 108982 212 -11.02 -11.59 36.75 108962 210 -11.12 -11.69 37.00 108945 210 -10.99 -11.56 37.25 108928 210 -11.07 -11.64 37.50 108912 210 -11.25 -11.81 37.75 108895 210 -11.31 -11.87 38.00 108879 210 -10.87 -11.43 38.25 108863 210 -11.08 -11.63 38.50 108846 210 -11.15 -11.70 38.75 108830 210 -11.16 -11.71 39.00 108814 210 -10.71 -11.25 39.25 108797 210 -9.90 -10.44 39.50 108780 210 -9.39 -9.92 39.75 108764 210 -9.23 -9.76 40.00 108748 210 -9.29 -9.82 40.25 108732 209 -9.45 -9.97 40.50 108716 209 -9.13 -9.65 40.75 108699 209 -9.17 -9.68 41.00 108683 209 -9.34 -9.85 41.25 108667 209 -9.31 -9.81 41.50 108651 209 -9.27 -9.77 41.75 108635 208 -9.44 -9.94 42.00 108619 208 -9.55 -10.04 42.25 108602 208 -9.22 -9.71 42.50 108586 207 -8.89 -9.37 42.75 108570 207 -8.96 -9.44 43.00 108554 206 -9.15 -9.62 43.25 108538 205 -9.10 -9.57 43.50 108522 204 -9.16 -9.62 43.75 108506 204 -8.91 -9.36 44.00 108489 203 -8.90 -9.35 44.25 108473 202 -8.96 -9.40 44.50 108457 201 -8.79 -9.23 44.75 108441 200 -8.77 -9.20 45.00 108425 198 -8.97 -9.40 45.25 108409 197 -8.93 -9.35 45.50 108392 196 -8.89 -9.30 45.75 108376 194 -8.82 -9.23 46.00 108360 193 -8.78 -9.18 46.25 108344 191 -8.56 -8.96 46.50 108327 192 -8.86 -9.25 46.75 108311 194 -9.07 -9.46 47.00 108294 195 -8.95 -9.33 47.25 108278 196 -8.70 -9.07 47.50 108262 197 -8.70 -9.07 47.75 108245 198 -8.90 -9.26 48.00 108229 199 -9.24 -9.60 48.25 108213 200 -9.39 -9.74 48.50 108196 200 -9.54 -9.89 48.75 108180 201 -9.70 -10.04 49.00 108163 201 -9.79 -10.13 49.25 108147 202 -9.71 -10.04 49.50 108131 202 -9.59 -9.92 49.75 108114 202 -9.41 -9.74 50.00 108098 202 -9.44 -9.76 50.25 108081 202 -9.40 -9.72 50.50 108065 202 -9.33 -9.64 50.75 108049 202 -9.28 -9.59 51.00 108032 202 -9.35 -9.66 51.25 108016 202 -9.39 -9.69 51.50 108000 202 -9.41 -9.71 51.75 107983 205 -9.26 -9.56 52.00 107967 208 -9.13 -9.43 52.25 107950 211 -9.26 -9.55 52.50 107933 214 -9.23 -9.52 52.75 107916 216 -9.23 -9.52 53.00 107900 219 -9.11 -9.40 53.25 107883 222 -9.27 -9.56 53.50 107867 225 -9.25 -9.54 53.75 107851 228 -9.13 -9.42 54.00 107834 230 -9.12 -9.40 54.25 107817 232 -9.04 -9.32 54.50 107801 234 -8.96 -9.24 55.50 107615 179 -9.79 -10.08 55.75 107610 178 -9.57 -9.86 56.00 107604 177 -9.77 -10.06 56.25 107599 177 -10.28 -10.58 56.50 107594 176 -10.35 -10.65 56.75 107589 175 -10.15 -10.45 57.00 107584 174 -10.10 -10.40 57.25 107579 173 -9.99 -10.29 57.50 107574 172 -10.39 -10.69 57.75 107569 171 -10.74 -11.04 58.00 107564 170 -10.44 -10.74 58.25 107559 169 -10.32 -10.62 58.50 107555 169 -10.63 -10.93 58.75 107550 168 -10.84 -11.14 59.00 107545 167 -10.94 -11.24 59.25 107540 166 -11.16 -11.46 59.50 107535 165 -10.91 -11.21 59.75 107530 164 -10.80 -11.10 60.00 107525 163 -10.84 -11.14 60.25 107520 162 -10.98 -11.28 60.50 107515 161 -10.91 -11.21 60.75 107510 161 -10.96 -11.26 61.00 107505 160 -10.69 -10.99 61.25 107500 159 -10.64 -10.94 61.50 107495 158 -10.43 -10.73 61.75 107490 157 -10.36 -10.66 62.00 107485 156 -10.36 -10.66 62.25 107480 155 -10.24 -10.54 62.50 107475 155 -10.18 -10.48 62.75 107470 154 -10.30 -10.60 63.00 107465 154 -10.25 -10.55 63.25 107460 153 -9.97 -10.27 63.50 107455 153 -9.87 -10.17 63.75 107451 152 -9.56 -9.86 64.00 107446 152 -9.40 -9.70 64.25 107441 151 -9.37 -9.67 64.50 107436 151 -9.16 -9.46 64.75 107431 150 -8.89 -9.20 65.00 107427 150 -8.73 -9.04 65.25 107422 149 -8.86 -9.17 65.50 107417 148 -8.55 -8.86 65.75 107412 148 -8.69 -9.00 66.00 107407 147 -8.83 -9.14 66.25 107403 147 -9.02 -9.33 66.50 107398 146 -8.82 -9.13 66.75 107393 146 -8.68 -8.99 67.00 107388 146 -8.69 -9.00 67.25 107383 145 -8.55 -8.86 67.50 107379 145 -8.79 -9.10 67.75 107374 144 -8.86 -9.17 68.00 107369 144 -8.94 -9.25 68.25 107364 143 -9.09 -9.40 68.50 107360 143 -8.90 -9.21 68.75 107356 143 -9.15 -9.46 69.00 107351 142 -9.06 -9.37 69.25 107347 142 -9.21 -9.52 69.50 107342 142 -9.23 -9.54 69.75 107337 141 -9.30 -9.61 70.00 107333 141 -9.34 -9.65 70.25 107328 141 -9.28 -9.59 70.50 107324 140 -9.51 -9.82 70.75 107319 140 -9.32 -9.63 71.00 107315 140 -9.19 -9.50 71.25 107311 139 -9.00 -9.31 71.50 107306 139 -9.22 -9.53 71.75 107301 139 -9.32 -9.63 72.00 107296 138 -9.21 -9.52 72.25 107292 138 -9.37 -9.68 72.50 107288 138 -9.46 -9.77 72.75 107283 137 -9.40 -9.71 73.00 107279 137 -9.42 -9.73 73.25 107274 137 -9.40 -9.71 73.50 107270 136 -9.32 -9.63 73.75 107266 136 -9.38 -9.69 74.00 107261 135 -9.33 -9.64 74.25 107256 135 -9.24 -9.55 74.50 107251 135 -9.33 -9.64 74.75 107247 134 75.00 107243 134 -8.90 -9.21 75.25 107238 134 -8.85 -9.16 75.50 107234 133 -9.41 -9.72 75.75 107229 133 -9.44 -9.75 76.00 107224 133 -9.37 -9.68 76.25 107220 132 -9.37 -9.68 76.50 107215 132 -9.19 -9.50 76.75 107211 132 -9.20 -9.51 77.00 107206 131 -9.25 -9.56 77.25 107202 131 -9.28 -9.59 77.50 107198 131 -9.60 -9.91 77.75 107193 131 -9.53 -9.84 78.00 107188 130 -9.09 -9.40 78.25 107184 130 -9.02 -9.33 78.50 107179 130 -9.16 -9.47 78.75 107175 130 -9.12 -9.43 79.00 107170 130 -9.01 -9.32 79.25 107166 129 -9.17 -9.48 79.50 107161 129 -9.38 -9.69 79.75 107157 129 -9.25 -9.56 80.00 107152 129 -9.08 -9.39 80.25 107148 129 -8.99 -9.30 80.50 107143 128 -8.93 -9.24 80.75 107139 128 -8.98 -9.29 81.00 107134 128 -9.01 -9.32 81.25 107130 128 -9.19 -9.50 81.50 107125 128 -9.17 -9.48 81.75 107120 128 -9.05 -9.36 82.00 107116 127 -8.98 -9.29 82.25 107111 127 -8.92 -9.23 82.50 107107 127 -8.87 -9.19 82.75 107102 127 -8.94 -9.26 83.00 107098 127 -8.95 -9.27 83.25 107093 126 -9.02 -9.34 83.50 107089 126 -8.69 -9.01 83.75 107084 126 -8.80 -9.12 84.00 107080 126 -8.84 -9.16 84.25 107075 126 -8.73 -9.05 84.50 107070 125 -8.62 -8.94 84.75 107065 125 -8.43 -8.75 85.00 107061 124 -8.67 -8.99 85.25 107056 125 -8.98 -9.30 85.50 107052 125 -8.87 -9.19 85.75 107047 125 -8.88 -9.20 86.00 107043 125 -8.70 -9.02 86.25 107038 125 -8.73 -9.05 86.50 107033 125 -8.79 -9.11 86.75 107028 125 -8.92 -9.24 87.00 107023 124 -8.86 -9.18 87.25 107018 124 -8.91 -9.23 87.50 107014 124 -8.83 -9.15 87.75 107009 124 -8.85 -9.17 88.00 107004 124 -9.15 -9.47 88.25 106999 124 -9.21 -9.53 88.50 106994 124 -9.18 -9.50 88.75 106989 123 -8.97 -9.29 89.00 106985 123 -9.06 -9.38 89.25 106980 123 -8.94 -9.26 89.50 106975 123 -8.94 -9.26 89.75 106970 123 -8.94 -9.26 90.00 106965 123 -9.23 -9.55 90.25 106960 123 -9.15 -9.47 90.50 106955 123 -9.15 -9.47 90.75 106951 122 -9.32 -9.64 91.00 106946 122 -9.50 -9.83 91.25 106941 122 -9.56 -9.89 91.50 106937 122 -9.45 -9.78 91.75 106932 122 -9.46 -9.79 92.00 106927 122 -9.45 -9.78 92.25 106923 122 -9.56 -9.89 92.50 106918 122 -9.42 -9.75 92.75 106913 122 -9.27 -9.60 93.00 106908 122 -9.28 -9.61 93.25 106903 122 -9.41 -9.74 93.50 106899 122 -9.50 -9.83 93.75 106894 122 -9.52 -9.85 94.00 106889 122 -9.62 -9.95 94.25 106884 122 -9.47 -9.80 94.50 106879 122 -9.23 -9.56 94.75 106875 122 -9.33 -9.66 95.00 106870 122 -9.21 -9.54 95.25 106865 122 -9.15 -9.48 95.50 106860 121 -9.07 -9.40 95.75 106855 121 -9.18 -9.51 96.00 106851 121 -9.18 -9.51 96.25 106846 121 -9.39 -9.72 96.50 106841 121 -9.61 -9.95 96.75 106837 121 -9.33 -9.67 97.00 106832 121 -9.89 -10.23 97.25 106828 121 -9.57 -9.91 97.50 106823 121 -9.49 -9.83 97.75 106818 121 -9.34 -9.68 98.00 106813 121 -9.35 -9.69 98.25 106808 121 -9.36 -9.70 98.50 106804 121 -9.19 -9.53 98.75 106799 121 -9.23 -9.57 99.00 106794 121 -8.97 -9.31 99.25 106789 121 -9.09 -9.43 99.50 106784 121 -9.11 -9.45 99.75 106780 121 -9.13 -9.47 100.00 106775 121 -9.51 -9.85 100.25 106770 121 -9.29 -9.63 100.50 106765 121 -9.14 -9.48 100.75 106760 121 -9.39 -9.73 101.00 106754 121 -9.45 -9.80 101.25 106749 121 -9.44 -9.79 101.50 106744 121 -9.12 -9.47 101.75 106739 121 -9.02 -9.37 102.00 106734 121 -8.92 -9.27 102.25 106729 121 -8.77 -9.12 102.50 106724 121 -8.79 -9.14 102.75 106719 121 -8.97 -9.32 103.00 106714 121 -9.43 -9.78 103.25 106708 121 -9.69 -10.04 103.50 106703 121 -9.95 -10.30 103.75 106698 121 -10.00 -10.35 104.00 106693 121 -9.86 -10.21 104.25 106688 121 -9.86 -10.21 104.50 106683 121 -9.69 -10.04 104.75 106678 121 -9.70 -10.06 105.00 106673 121 -9.69 -10.05 105.25 106667 121 -9.62 -9.98 105.50 106662 121 -9.60 -9.96 105.75 106657 121 -9.72 -10.08 106.00 106652 121 -9.77 -10.13 106.25 106648 121 -9.73 -10.09 106.50 106642 121 -9.76 -10.12 106.75 106636 121 -9.70 -10.06 107.00 106631 121 -9.65 -10.01 107.25 106625 121 -9.52 -9.88 107.50 106619 121 -9.46 -9.82 107.75 106614 121 -9.48 -9.84 108.00 106608 121 -9.45 -9.81 108.25 106602 121 -9.31 -9.68 108.50 106597 121 -9.06 -9.43 108.75 106591 121 -9.22 -9.59 109.00 106586 121 -9.15 -9.52 109.25 106581 121 -9.18 -9.55 109.50 106575 121 -9.32 -9.69 109.75 106569 121 -9.46 -9.83 110.00 106564 121 -9.54 -9.91 110.25 106558 121 -9.47 -9.84 110.50 106552 121 -9.34 -9.71 110.75 106547 121 -9.28 -9.65 111.00 106541 121 -9.39 -9.76 111.25 106535 121 -9.25 -9.62 111.50 106530 121 -9.20 -9.57 111.75 106524 121 -9.12 -9.50 112.00 106519 121 -9.27 -9.65 112.25 106514 121 -9.14 -9.52 112.50 106508 121 -9.37 -9.75 112.75 106503 121 -9.33 -9.71 113.00 106498 121 -9.28 -9.66 113.25 106492 121 -9.33 -9.71 113.50 106487 121 -9.21 -9.59 113.75 106481 121 -9.24 -9.62 114.00 106476 121 -9.28 -9.66 114.25 106471 122 -9.32 -9.70 114.50 106465 122 -9.16 -9.54 114.75 106460 122 -9.30 -9.68 115.00 106455 122 -9.20 -9.58 115.25 106450 122 -9.10 -9.48 115.50 106444 122 -9.20 -9.58 115.75 106439 122 -9.15 -9.53 116.00 106434 122 -9.09 -9.48 116.25 106429 122 -9.22 -9.61 116.50 106423 122 -9.06 -9.45 116.75 106418 122 -9.31 -9.70 117.00 106413 122 -9.14 -9.53 117.25 106407 123 -9.10 -9.49 117.50 106402 123 -9.17 -9.56 117.75 106396 123 -9.06 -9.45 118.00 106391 123 -9.11 -9.50 118.25 106386 123 -8.84 -9.23 118.50 106381 123 -9.09 -9.48 118.75 106375 123 -9.04 -9.43 119.00 106370 123 -8.92 -9.31 119.25 106365 123 -8.82 -9.21 119.50 106360 123 -8.99 -9.38 119.75 106354 124 -8.73 -9.12 120.00 106349 124 -8.62 -9.01 120.25 106343 124 -8.83 -9.22 120.50 106338 124 -8.79 -9.18 120.75 106332 125 -8.59 -8.98 121.00 106327 125 -8.81 -9.21 121.25 106322 125 -9.00 -9.40 121.50 106317 125 -8.87 -9.27 121.75 106311 126 -8.89 -9.29 122.00 106306 126 -8.86 -9.26 122.25 106301 126 -8.73 -9.13 122.50 106295 126 -8.67 -9.07 122.75 106290 127 -8.59 -8.99 123.00 106284 127 -8.55 -8.95 123.25 106279 127 -8.65 -9.05 123.50 106273 127 -8.49 -8.89 123.75 106268 128 -8.64 -9.04 124.00 106262 128 -8.72 -9.12 124.25 106257 128 -8.64 -9.04 124.50 106251 128 -8.71 -9.11 124.75 106246 129 -8.61 -9.01 125.00 106241 129 -8.59 -8.99 125.25 106236 129 -8.52 -8.92 125.50 106230 129 -8.73 -9.13 125.75 106225 130 -8.90 -9.30 126.00 106220 130 -9.06 -9.46 126.25 106215 130 -9.00 -9.40 126.50 106210 130 -9.16 -9.56 126.75 106204 131 -9.03 -9.43 127.00 106199 131 -9.09 -9.49 127.25 106193 131 -9.00 -9.40 127.50 106188 132 -9.03 -9.44 127.75 106183 132 -9.25 -9.66 128.00 106178 132 -9.27 -9.68 128.25 106172 133 -9.27 -9.68 128.50 106167 133 -9.22 -9.63 128.75 106162 133 -9.29 -9.70 129.00 106157 133 -9.22 -9.63 129.25 106151 134 -9.12 -9.53 129.50 106146 134 -9.02 -9.43 129.75 106140 134 -8.69 -9.10 130.00 106135 135 -8.85 -9.26 130.25 106130 135 -8.88 -9.29 130.50 106125 135 -8.74 -9.15 130.75 106119 135 -8.78 -9.19 131.00 106114 136 -8.92 -9.33 131.25 106109 136 -8.93 -9.34 131.50 106104 136 -8.58 -8.99 131.75 106098 136 -8.54 -8.95 132.00 106093 137 -8.94 -9.35 132.25 106088 137 -9.23 -9.64 132.50 106083 137 -9.63 -10.04 132.75 106077 137 -9.58 -9.99 133.00 106072 138 -9.44 -9.85 133.25 106066 138 -9.61 -10.02 133.50 106060 139 -9.74 -10.15 133.75 106055 139 -9.69 -10.10 134.00 106049 139 -9.56 -9.97 134.25 106044 140 -9.58 -9.99 134.50 106039 140 -8.75 -9.16 134.75 106034 140 -8.63 -9.04 135.00 106028 141 -8.58 -8.99 135.25 106022 141 -8.65 -9.07 135.50 106016 142 -8.68 -9.10 135.75 106010 142 -8.94 -9.36 136.00 106005 142 -8.87 -9.29 136.25 105999 143 -9.00 -9.42 136.50 105993 143 -9.01 -9.43 136.75 105987 144 -9.09 -9.51 137.00 105982 144 -9.29 -9.71 137.25 105976 144 -9.38 -9.80 137.50 105970 145 -9.31 -9.73 137.75 105965 145 -9.41 -9.83 138.00 105959 146 -9.55 -9.97 138.25 105954 146 -9.26 -9.68 138.50 105948 147 -9.18 -9.60 138.75 105942 147 -9.22 -9.64 139.00 105937 147 -9.16 -9.58 139.25 105931 148 -9.07 -9.49 139.50 105925 148 -8.71 -9.13 139.75 105919 149 -9.15 -9.57 140.00 105914 149 -9.04 -9.46 140.25 105908 150 -9.56 -9.98 140.50 105902 150 -9.58 -10.00 140.75 105897 151 -9.29 -9.71 141.00 105891 151 -9.57 -9.99 141.25 105886 152 -9.43 -9.85 141.50 105880 153 -9.69 -10.11 141.75 105874 153 -9.75 -10.17 142.00 105869 154 -10.02 -10.45 142.25 105863 154 -9.94 -10.37 142.50 105858 155 -10.19 -10.62 142.75 105852 156 -10.33 -10.76 143.00 105846 156 -10.59 -11.02 143.25 105841 157 -10.52 -10.95 143.50 105835 157 -10.56 -10.99 143.75 105830 158 -10.80 -11.23 144.00 105824 158 -10.56 -10.99 144.25 105818 159 -10.73 -11.16 144.50 105813 159 -10.99 -11.42 144.75 105807 160 -10.79 -11.22 145.00 105802 161 -11.11 -11.54 145.25 105797 161 -11.23 -11.66 145.50 105792 162 -11.19 -11.62 145.75 105787 163 -11.09 -11.52 146.00 105781 163 -10.93 -11.36 146.25 105776 164 -10.68 -11.11 146.50 105771 165 -10.87 -11.30 146.75 105765 166 -10.86 -11.29 147.00 105760 167 -10.86 -11.29 147.25 105755 167 -10.75 -11.19 147.50 105750 168 -10.87 -11.31 147.75 105745 169 -10.98 -11.42 148.00 105740 170 -10.89 -11.33 148.25 105735 171 -11.12 -11.56 148.50 105729 172 -10.80 -11.24 148.75 105724 173 -10.53 -10.97 149.00 105719 174 -10.24 -10.68 149.25 105714 175 -10.78 -11.22 149.50 105709 175 -10.62 -11.06 149.75 105704 176 -10.68 -11.12 150.00 105699 177 -10.67 -11.11 150.25 105694 178 -10.95 -11.39 150.50 105690 179 -10.65 -11.09 150.75 105684 180 -10.57 -11.01 151.00 105679 181 -10.65 -11.09 151.25 105674 182 -10.78 -11.22 151.50 105669 183 -10.92 -11.36 151.75 105664 184 -11.21 -11.66 152.00 105659 185 -11.00 -11.45 152.25 105654 186 -10.85 -11.30 152.50 105649 186 -10.54 -10.99 152.75 105643 187 -10.62 -11.07 153.00 105638 188 -10.95 -11.40 153.25 105633 189 -10.67 -11.12 153.50 105628 190 -10.74 -11.19 153.75 105624 192 -10.81 -11.26 154.00 105618 192 -11.13 -11.58 154.25 105613 193 -11.26 -11.71 154.50 105608 194 -11.15 -11.60 154.75 105603 195 -10.77 -11.22 155.50 104168 216 -11.42 -11.75 155.75 104156 210 -11.73 -12.07 156.00 104144 204 -11.33 -11.67 156.25 104132 198 -11.42 -11.76 156.50 104121 192 -11.42 -11.77 156.75 104107 188 -11.19 -11.54 157.00 104094 183 -11.15 -11.50 157.25 104081 178 -11.28 -11.64 157.50 104071 177 -11.17 -11.53 157.75 104061 175 -11.04 -11.40 158.00 104051 173 -11.19 -11.56 158.25 104042 172 -11.35 -11.72 158.50 104032 170 -11.26 -11.63 158.75 104022 168 -11.47 -11.84 159.00 104012 167 -11.61 -11.99 159.25 104003 165 159.50 103993 163 -11.24 -11.62 159.75 103984 162 -11.09 -11.47 160.00 103974 160 -11.05 -11.43 160.25 103965 159 -11.01 -11.40 160.50 103955 157 -10.90 -11.29 160.75 103945 155 -10.97 -11.36 161.00 103935 154 -10.75 -11.14 161.25 103926 152 -10.69 -11.08 161.50 103916 151 -10.84 -11.24 161.75 103906 149 -11.08 -11.48 162.00 103896 147 -11.25 -11.65 162.25 103887 146 -11.25 -11.65 162.50 103877 144 -11.11 -11.51 162.75 103867 143 -10.89 -11.29 163.00 103858 141 -10.69 -11.09 163.25 103847 140 -10.70 -11.11 163.50 103837 139 -11.09 -11.50 163.75 103827 138 -10.98 -11.39 164.00 103817 136 -10.95 -11.36 164.25 103807 135 -10.80 -11.21 164.50 103796 134 -10.93 -11.34 164.75 103786 133 -10.78 -11.19 165.00 103776 132 -10.75 -11.16 165.25 103766 131 -10.52 -10.93 165.50 103756 130 -10.14 -10.55 165.75 103744 129 -9.51 -9.92 166.00 103732 128 -9.64 -10.05 166.25 103720 127 -9.47 -9.88 166.50 103709 128 -9.22 -9.62 166.75 103699 129 -9.29 -9.69 167.00 103689 130 -9.26 -9.66 167.25 103678 131 -9.19 -9.59 167.50 103667 132 -8.97 -9.37 167.75 103657 133 -9.16 -9.56 168.00 103646 134 -9.05 -9.45 168.25 103636 135 -9.22 -9.62 168.50 103626 136 -8.98 -9.37 168.75 103615 137 -9.14 -9.53 169.00 103604 138 -9.20 -9.59 169.25 103594 139 -9.06 -9.45 169.50 103581 141 -9.20 -9.58 169.75 103569 142 -8.92 -9.30 170.00 103557 144 -8.95 -9.33 170.25 103545 146 -8.94 -9.32 170.50 103532 148 -8.80 -9.17 170.75 103519 150 -8.90 -9.27 171.00 103506 152 -9.03 -9.40 171.25 103494 155 -9.08 -9.44 171.50 103481 157 -8.82 -9.18 171.75 103468 159 -8.76 -9.11 172.00 103456 162 -8.88 -9.23 172.25 103442 165 -8.83 -9.18 172.50 103429 168 -8.71 -9.05 172.75 103416 171 -8.77 -9.11 173.00 103402 174 -9.09 -9.42 173.25 103389 176 -9.08 -9.41 173.50 103376 179 -8.42 -8.75 173.75 103362 182 -8.61 -8.93 174.00 103348 185 -8.56 -8.88 174.25 103335 188 -8.91 -9.22 174.50 103321 193 -9.17 -9.48 174.75 103307 199 -8.87 -9.17 175.00 103294 204 -9.25 -9.55 175.25 103280 210 -9.18 -9.47 175.50 103266 216 -8.78 -9.07 175.75 103252 221 -8.96 -9.24 176.00 103238 227 -8.82 -9.10 176.25 103225 232 -8.44 -8.72 176.50 103211 237 -8.43 -8.70 176.75 103197 243 -8.40 -8.67 177.00 103183 248 -8.56 -8.82 177.25 103169 253 -8.56 -8.82 177.50 103156 259 -8.40 -8.65 177.75 103142 264 -8.70 -8.95 178.00 103129 269 -8.48 -8.73 178.25 103117 275 -8.49 -8.73 178.50 103105 281 -8.54 -8.78 178.75 103093 287 -8.44 -8.68 179.00 103081 292 -8.60 -8.83 179.25 103070 298 -8.54 -8.77 179.50 103058 304 -8.82 -9.05 179.75 103047 310 -8.73 -8.95 180.00 103035 316 -8.70 -8.92 180.25 103023 322 -8.70 -8.92 180.50 103011 327 -8.67 -8.89 180.75 102999 333 -8.66 -8.87 181.00 102988 339 -8.72 -8.93 181.25 102976 345 -8.66 -8.87 181.50 102964 350 -8.68 -8.89 181.75 102952 356 -8.69 -8.89