# Northern Alps 60-120kY NALPS19 Speleothem d18O Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/28390 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/europe/nalps19schneckloch.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Speleothems # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2020-01-08 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2020-01-08 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Northern Alps 60-120kY NALPS19 Speleothem d18O Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Moseley, G.E.; Spötl, C.; Brandstätter, S.; Erhardt, T.; Luetscher, M.; Edwards, R.L. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: NALPS19 Northern Alps speleothem oxygen isotope (d18O) data for 60-120kY. # Northern Alps speleothem d18O data from Schneckenloch cave sample SCH6 spanning 75.0-78.1 kY. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Gina E. Moseley, Christoph Spötl, Susanne Brandstätter, Tobias Erhardt, Marc Luetscher, and R. Lawrence Edwards # Published_Date_or_Year: 2020-01-08 # Published_Title: NALPS19: sub-orbital-scale climate variability recorded in northern Alpine speleothems during the last glacial period # Journal_Name: Climate of the Past # Volume: 16 # Edition: # Issue: 1 # Pages: 29-50 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.5194/cp-16-29-2020 # Online_Resource: https://www.clim-past.net/16/29/2020/ # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Sub-orbital-scale climate variability of the last glacial period provides important insights into the rates at which the climate can change state, the mechanisms that drive such changes, and the leads, lags, and synchronicity occurring across different climate zones. Such short-term climate variability has previously been investigated using d18O from speleothems (d18Ocalc) that grew along the northern rim of the Alps (NALPS), enabling direct chronological comparisons with d18O records from Greenland ice cores (d18Oice). In this study, we present NALPS19, which includes a revision of the last glacial NALPS d18Ocalc chronology over the interval 118.3 to 63.7 ka using 11, newly available, clean, precisely dated stalagmites from five caves. Using only the most reliable and precisely dated records, this period is now 90% complete and is comprised of 16 stalagmites from seven caves. Where speleothems grew synchronously, the timing of major transitional events in d18Ocalc between stadials and interstadials (and vice versa) are all in agreement on multi-decadal timescales. Ramp-fitting analysis further reveals that, except for one abrupt change, the timing of d18O transitions occurred synchronously within centennial-scale dating uncertainties between the NALPS19 d18Ocalc record and the Asian monsoon composite speleothem d18Ocalc record. Due to the millennial-scale uncertainties in the ice core chronologies, a comprehensive comparison with the NALPS19 chronology is difficult. Generally, however, we find that the absolute timing of transitions in the Greenland Ice Core Chronology (GICC) 05modelext and Antarctic Ice Core Chronology (AICC) 2012 are in agreement on centennial scales. The exception to this is during the interval of 100 to 115 ka, where transitions in the AICC2012 chronology occurred up to 3000 years later than in NALPS19. In such instances, the transitions in the revised AICC2012 chronology of Extier et al. (2018) are in agreement with NALPS19 on centennial scales, supporting the hypothesis that AICC2012 appears to be considerably too young between 100 and 115 ka. Using a ramp-fitting function to objectively identify the onset and the end of abrupt transitions, we show that d18O shifts took place on multi-decadal to multi-centennial timescales in the North Atlantic-sourced regions (northern Alps and Greenland) as well as the Asian monsoon. Given the near-complete record of d18Ocalc variability during the last glacial period in the northern Alps, we also offer preliminary considerations regarding the controls on mean d18Ocalc for given stadials and interstadials. We find that, as expected, d18Ocalc values became increasingly lighter with distance from the oceanic source regions, and increasingly lighter with increasing altitude. Exceptions were found for some high-elevation sites that locally display d18Ocalc values that are heavier than expected in comparison to lower-elevation sites, possibly caused by a summer bias in the recorded signal of the high-elevation site, or a winter bias in the low-elevation site. Finally, we propose a new mechanism for the centennial-scale stadial-level depletions in d18O such as the Greenland Stadial (GS)-16.2, GS-17.2, GS-21.2, and GS-23.2 "precursor" events, as well as the "within-interstadial" GS-24.2 cooling event. Our new high-precision chronology shows that each of these d18O depletions occurred in the decades and centuries following rapid rises in sea level associated with increased ice-rafted debris and southward shifts of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, suggesting that influxes of meltwater from moderately sized ice sheets may have been responsible for the cold reversals causing the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to slow down similar to the Preboreal Oscillation and Older Dryas deglacial events. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Austrian Science Fund # Grant: P222780, T710-NBL #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Schneckenloch # Location: Europe>Western Europe>Austria # Country: Austria # Northernmost_Latitude: 47.3745 # Southernmost_Latitude: 47.3745 # Easternmost_Longitude: 10.0680 # Westernmost_Longitude: 10.0680 # Elevation: 1285 #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: NALPS19Schneckenloch-SCH6 # Earliest_Year: 78121 # Most_Recent_Year: 75005 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: 0.087 # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: Age model constructed using OxCal # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # ## dist distance, , , mm, , speleothems, , ,N, distance in mm from base ## age_calBP age, , , calendar years before present, , speleothems, , ,N, calendar years before present (1950 AD) ## age_err age uncertainty, 2 sigma error, , calendar years, , speleothems, , ,N, ## d18OcarbVPDB delta 18O, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothems,,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, ## d18OcarbVPDBivc delta 18O, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothems,corrected,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,corrected for ice volume # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # dist age_calBP age_err d18OcarbVPDB d18OcarbVPDBivc 87.0 75005 686 -8.32 -9.14 86.8 75013 679 -8.07 -8.89 86.5 75022 673 -8.11 -8.93 86.3 75030 667 -8.20 -9.02 86.0 75039 660 -8.22 -9.04 85.8 75061 646 -8.35 -9.16 85.5 75083 632 -8.45 -9.26 85.3 75104 618 -8.41 -9.22 85.0 75126 604 -8.32 -9.13 84.8 75148 590 -8.21 -9.02 84.5 75170 576 -8.37 -9.17 84.3 75191 562 -8.49 -9.29 84.0 75213 548 -8.55 -9.35 83.8 75235 534 -8.42 -9.22 83.5 75257 520 -8.55 -9.34 83.3 75279 506 -8.40 -9.19 83.0 75300 492 -8.50 -9.29 82.8 75322 478 -8.45 -9.24 82.5 75344 464 -8.51 -9.29 82.3 75366 450 -8.56 -9.34 82.0 75388 436 -8.51 -9.29 81.8 75409 422 -8.65 -9.42 81.5 75431 408 -8.45 -9.22 81.3 75453 394 -8.68 -9.45 81.0 75475 380 -8.56 -9.33 80.8 75490 373 -8.60 -9.36 80.5 75505 366 -8.56 -9.32 80.3 75520 360 -8.56 -9.32 80.0 75536 353 -8.64 -9.40 79.8 75551 346 -8.73 -9.48 79.5 75566 340 79.3 75581 333 -8.65 -9.40 79.0 75596 326 -8.56 -9.31 78.8 75612 320 -8.63 -9.37 78.5 75627 313 -8.65 -9.39 78.3 75642 306 -8.54 -9.28 78.0 75657 300 -8.47 -9.21 77.8 75672 293 -8.45 -9.18 77.5 75687 286 -8.34 -9.07 77.3 75703 280 -8.28 -9.01 77.0 75718 273 -8.15 -8.88 76.8 75733 266 -8.15 -8.87 76.5 75748 260 -8.30 -9.02 76.3 75763 253 -8.88 -9.60 76.0 75779 246 -9.00 -9.72 75.8 75794 240 -9.30 -10.01 75.5 75809 233 -9.37 -10.08 75.3 75824 226 -9.48 -10.19 75.0 75839 220 -9.40 -10.10 74.8 75855 213 -9.60 -10.30 74.5 75870 206 -9.89 -10.59 74.3 75885 199 -9.89 -10.59 74.0 75897 200 -9.68 -10.37 73.8 75910 200 -9.54 -10.23 73.5 75922 200 -9.84 -10.53 73.3 75934 200 -9.90 -10.59 73.0 75946 200 -9.90 -10.59 72.8 75959 200 -9.72 -10.40 72.5 75971 200 -9.69 -10.37 72.3 75983 200 72.0 75995 200 -9.47 -10.15 71.8 76008 200 -9.41 -10.08 71.5 76020 200 -9.62 -10.29 71.3 76032 200 -9.58 -10.25 71.0 76044 200 -9.38 -10.05 70.8 76057 200 -9.40 -10.06 70.5 76069 200 -9.53 -10.19 70.3 76081 200 -9.54 -10.20 70.0 76094 200 -9.56 -10.21 69.8 76106 200 -9.75 -10.40 69.5 76118 200 -10.05 -10.70 69.3 76130 200 -10.14 -10.78 69.0 76143 200 -10.08 -10.72 68.8 76155 200 -10.05 -10.69 68.5 76167 200 -10.06 -10.69 68.3 76179 200 -10.04 -10.67 68.0 76192 200 -10.09 -10.72 67.8 76204 200 -9.99 -10.62 67.5 76216 200 -10.18 -10.80 67.3 76228 200 -9.98 -10.60 67.0 76241 200 66.8 76253 200 -10.00 -10.61 66.5 76265 200 -10.07 -10.68 66.3 76278 201 -9.96 -10.57 66.0 76290 201 -9.67 -10.28 65.8 76302 201 -9.56 -10.16 65.5 76314 201 -10.04 -10.64 65.3 76327 201 -10.02 -10.62 65.0 76339 201 64.8 76351 201 -9.71 -10.31 64.5 76363 201 -9.84 -10.44 64.3 76376 201 -9.77 -10.36 64.0 76388 201 -9.47 -10.06 63.8 76400 201 -9.26 -9.85 63.5 76407 200 -9.38 -9.97 63.3 76414 200 -9.57 -10.16 63.0 76421 200 -9.82 -10.41 62.8 76428 199 -9.52 -10.11 62.5 76435 199 -9.59 -10.18 62.3 76442 199 -9.42 -10.01 62.0 76449 198 -9.64 -10.23 61.8 76456 198 -9.64 -10.23 61.5 76463 198 -9.60 -10.19 61.3 76470 197 -9.45 -10.04 61.0 76477 197 -9.41 -10.00 60.8 76484 197 -9.70 -10.29 60.5 76491 196 -9.62 -10.21 60.3 76498 196 -9.76 -10.35 60.0 76505 196 -9.84 -10.43 59.8 76512 195 -9.59 -10.18 59.5 76519 195 -9.42 -10.01 59.3 76526 195 -9.51 -10.10 59.0 76533 194 -9.61 -10.20 58.8 76540 194 58.5 76547 194 -9.60 -10.19 58.3 76554 193 -9.44 -10.03 58.0 76561 193 -9.43 -10.02 57.8 76568 193 -9.50 -10.09 57.5 76575 192 -9.34 -9.93 57.3 76582 192 -9.51 -10.10 57.0 76589 192 56.8 76596 191 56.5 76603 191 -9.73 -10.32 56.3 76610 191 -9.50 -10.09 56.0 76617 190 -9.37 -9.96 55.8 76624 190 -9.34 -9.93 55.5 76631 190 -9.46 -10.05 55.3 76638 189 -9.61 -10.20 55.0 76645 189 -9.68 -10.27 54.8 76652 189 -9.54 -10.13 54.5 76659 188 -9.53 -10.12 54.3 76666 188 -9.57 -10.17 54.0 76673 188 -9.57 -10.17 53.8 76680 187 -9.30 -9.90 53.5 76687 187 -9.33 -9.93 53.3 76694 187 -9.26 -9.86 53.0 76701 186 -9.14 -9.74 52.8 76708 186 -9.32 -9.92 52.5 76715 186 -9.37 -9.97 52.3 76722 185 -9.44 -10.04 52.0 76729 185 -9.33 -9.93 51.8 76736 185 -9.52 -10.12 51.5 76743 184 -9.46 -10.06 51.3 76750 184 -9.38 -9.98 51.0 76757 183 -9.51 -10.11 50.8 76764 183 -9.27 -9.88 50.5 76771 183 -9.39 -10.00 50.3 76778 182 -9.31 -9.92 50.0 76785 182 -9.28 -9.89 49.8 76792 182 -9.31 -9.92 49.5 76799 181 -9.35 -9.96 49.3 76806 181 -9.50 -10.11 49.0 76813 181 -9.49 -10.10 48.8 76820 180 -9.65 -10.26 48.5 76827 180 -9.38 -9.99 48.3 76833 180 -9.32 -9.93 48.0 76840 179 -9.38 -9.99 47.8 76847 179 -9.40 -10.02 47.5 76854 179 -9.42 -10.04 47.3 76861 178 -9.32 -9.94 47.0 76868 178 -9.25 -9.87 46.8 76875 178 -9.10 -9.72 46.5 76882 177 -9.24 -9.86 46.3 76889 177 46.0 76896 177 -9.31 -9.93 45.8 76903 176 45.5 76910 176 -9.35 -9.97 45.3 76917 176 -9.69 -10.31 45.0 76924 175 -9.58 -10.20 44.8 76931 175 -9.42 -10.05 44.5 76937 175 -9.44 -10.07 44.3 76943 175 -9.56 -10.19 44.0 76948 175 -9.66 -10.29 43.8 76954 175 -9.61 -10.24 43.5 76960 176 43.3 76966 176 -9.38 -10.01 43.0 76971 176 -9.62 -10.25 42.8 76977 176 -9.82 -10.45 42.5 76983 176 -9.34 -9.97 42.3 76988 176 42.0 76994 176 -9.26 -9.89 41.8 77000 176 41.5 77006 176 -9.34 -9.97 41.3 77011 177 -9.22 -9.85 41.0 77017 177 -9.22 -9.85 40.8 77023 177 -9.32 -9.95 40.5 77028 177 -9.35 -9.98 40.3 77034 177 -9.20 -9.83 40.0 77040 177 -9.32 -9.96 39.8 77045 177 -9.23 -9.87 39.5 77051 177 -9.45 -10.09 39.3 77057 177 -9.59 -10.23 39.0 77063 178 -9.17 -9.81 38.8 77068 178 -9.41 -10.05 38.5 77074 178 -9.20 -9.84 38.3 77080 178 -9.44 -10.08 38.0 77085 178 -9.15 -9.79 37.8 77091 178 -9.30 -9.94 37.5 77097 178 -9.05 -9.69 37.3 77102 178 -9.25 -9.89 37.0 77108 179 -9.45 -10.09 36.8 77114 179 -9.62 -10.26 36.5 77120 179 -9.72 -10.36 36.3 77125 179 -9.33 -9.97 36.0 77131 179 -9.28 -9.92 35.8 77137 179 -9.34 -9.98 35.5 77142 179 -9.37 -10.01 35.3 77148 179 -9.39 -10.03 35.0 77154 179 -9.21 -9.85 34.8 77160 180 -9.14 -9.78 34.5 77165 180 -9.27 -9.91 34.3 77171 180 -9.31 -9.95 34.0 77177 180 33.8 77182 180 -9.68 -10.32 33.5 77188 180 -9.36 -10.00 33.3 77194 180 -9.35 -9.99 33.0 77199 180 -9.63 -10.27 32.8 77205 180 -9.34 -9.98 32.5 77211 181 -9.25 -9.89 32.3 77217 181 -9.20 -9.84 32.0 77222 181 -9.40 -10.04 31.8 77228 181 -9.25 -9.89 31.5 77234 181 -9.05 -9.69 31.3 77239 181 -9.14 -9.78 31.0 77245 181 -9.33 -9.97 30.8 77251 181 -9.34 -9.98 30.5 77256 181 -9.21 -9.85 30.3 77262 182 -9.38 -10.02 30.0 77268 182 -9.28 -9.92 29.8 77274 182 -9.30 -9.94 29.5 77279 182 -9.30 -9.94 29.3 77285 182 -9.48 -10.12 29.0 77291 182 -9.32 -9.96 28.8 77296 182 -9.63 -10.27 28.5 77302 182 -9.02 -9.66 28.3 77308 182 -9.11 -9.75 28.0 77314 183 -9.06 -9.70 27.8 77319 183 -9.11 -9.75 27.5 77325 183 -9.13 -9.77 27.3 77331 183 -8.90 -9.54 27.0 77336 183 -8.86 -9.50 26.8 77342 183 -8.87 -9.51 26.5 77349 183 -8.72 -9.36 26.3 77356 184 -9.04 -9.68 26.0 77363 184 -9.14 -9.78 25.8 77370 184 -9.40 -10.04 25.5 77377 184 -9.31 -9.95 25.3 77383 184 -9.51 -10.15 25.0 77390 184 -9.57 -10.21 24.8 77397 185 -9.24 -9.88 24.5 77404 185 -9.32 -9.96 24.3 77411 185 -8.98 -9.62 24.0 77418 185 -9.20 -9.84 23.8 77425 185 -9.33 -9.97 23.5 77432 185 -9.49 -10.13 23.3 77439 186 -9.28 -9.92 23.0 77445 186 -9.57 -10.21 22.8 77452 186 -9.50 -10.14 22.5 77459 186 22.3 77466 186 -9.54 -10.18 22.0 77473 186 -9.57 -10.21 21.8 77480 187 -9.48 -10.12 21.5 77487 187 -9.17 -9.81 21.3 77494 187 -9.17 -9.81 21.0 77501 187 -9.19 -9.83 20.8 77508 187 -9.29 -9.93 20.5 77514 187 -9.30 -9.94 20.3 77521 188 -9.37 -10.01 20.0 77528 188 -9.40 -10.04 19.8 77535 188 -9.44 -10.08 19.5 77542 188 -9.44 -10.08 19.3 77549 188 -9.52 -10.16 19.0 77556 189 18.8 77563 189 -9.32 -9.96 18.5 77570 189 -9.27 -9.91 18.3 77576 189 -9.51 -10.15 18.0 77583 189 -9.44 -10.07 17.8 77590 189 -9.39 -10.02 17.5 77597 190 -9.24 -9.87 17.3 77604 190 17.0 77611 190 16.8 77618 190 -9.40 -10.03 16.5 77625 190 -9.33 -9.96 16.3 77632 190 -9.32 -9.95 16.0 77639 191 -9.26 -9.89 15.8 77645 191 -9.43 -10.06 15.5 77652 191 -9.34 -9.97 15.3 77659 191 -9.30 -9.93 15.0 77666 191 -9.36 -9.99 14.8 77673 191 -9.61 -10.24 14.5 77680 192 -9.71 -10.34 14.3 77687 192 -9.49 -10.12 14.0 77694 192 -9.46 -10.09 13.8 77701 192 -9.38 -10.01 13.5 77708 192 -9.24 -9.87 13.3 77714 192 -9.36 -9.99 13.0 77721 193 -9.34 -9.97 12.8 77728 193 -9.32 -9.95 12.5 77735 193 -9.20 -9.83 12.3 77742 193 -9.26 -9.89 12.0 77749 193 -9.20 -9.83 11.8 77756 194 -9.18 -9.81 11.5 77763 194 -9.17 -9.80 11.3 77770 194 -9.24 -9.87 11.0 77776 194 -9.30 -9.93 10.8 77783 194 -9.44 -10.07 10.5 77790 194 -9.27 -9.90 10.3 77797 195 -9.26 -9.89 10.0 77804 195 -9.53 -10.16 9.8 77811 195 -9.17 -9.80 9.5 77818 195 -9.21 -9.83 9.3 77825 195 -9.33 -9.95 9.0 77832 195 -9.43 -10.05 8.8 77839 196 -9.34 -9.96 8.5 77845 196 -9.35 -9.97 8.3 77852 196 -9.40 -10.02 8.0 77859 196 -9.51 -10.13 7.8 77866 196 -9.29 -9.91 7.5 77873 196 -9.27 -9.89 7.3 77880 197 -9.43 -10.05 7.0 77887 197 -9.30 -9.92 6.8 77894 197 -9.08 -9.70 6.5 77901 197 -8.82 -9.44 6.3 77907 197 -9.11 -9.73 6.0 77914 198 -9.33 -9.95 5.8 77921 198 5.5 77928 198 -9.49 -10.11 5.3 77935 198 -9.27 -9.89 5.0 77944 210 -9.17 -9.79 4.8 77953 222 -9.17 -9.79 4.5 77962 233 -9.19 -9.81 4.3 77971 245 -9.35 -9.97 4.0 77979 257 -9.39 -10.01 3.8 77988 269 -9.32 -9.94 3.5 77997 280 -9.36 -9.98 3.3 78006 292 -9.42 -10.04 3.0 78015 304 -9.44 -10.06 2.8 78024 315 -9.37 -9.99 2.5 78033 327 -9.28 -9.90 2.3 78041 339 -9.26 -9.88 2.0 78050 351 -9.40 -10.02 1.8 78059 362 -9.28 -9.90 1.5 78068 374 -9.25 -9.87 1.3 78077 386 -9.26 -9.88 1.0 78086 398 -9.25 -9.87 0.8 78095 409 -9.09 -9.71 0.5 78104 421 -9.57 -10.19 0.3 78112 433 -9.49 -10.11 0.0 78121 445 -9.30 -9.92