# Buraca Gloriosa Cave d13C and d18O and Model Output Data from 800 - 2013 CE #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. # If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with '#' followed by a space # Data lines have no '#' # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/37160 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-cave-37160.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Speleothems # # Dataset_DOI: 10.25921/pg3x-tp22 # # Science_Keywords: #--------------------------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/europe/portugal/thatcher2022/thatcher2022-bg131_isotope_record.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; BG131 Isotope Record Data # #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2022-12-22 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2023-04-11 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Buraca Gloriosa Cave d13C and d18O and Model Output Data from 800 - 2013 CE #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Thatcher, Diana #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: # Provided Keywords: Stalagmite, Azores High, Hydroclimate, Last millennium, Last MillenniumEnsemble, Paleoclimate #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: D.L. Thatcher, A.D. Wanamaker, R.F. Denniston, C.C. Ummenhofer, Y. Asmerom, V.J. Polyak, N. Cresswell-Clay, F. Hasiuk, J. Haws, D.P. Gillikin # Published_Date_or_Year: 2023-04-01 # Published_Title: Iberian hydroclimate variability and the Azores High during the last 1200 years: Evidence from proxy records and climate model simulations # Journal_Name: Climate Dynamics # Volume: 60 # Edition: # Issue: 7-8 # Pages: 2365–2387 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1007/s00382-022-06427-6 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The state of the atmospheric circulation and the associated hydroclimate in the North Atlantic during the last millennium remain the subject of considerable debate in both proxy- and model-based studies. Of particular interest in the Iberian region is the Azores High (AH) system, the southern node of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), an atmospheric dipole closely tied to regional hydroclimate. Hydroclimate-sensitive proxy reconstructions from this region offer some insights into atmospheric dynamics, but large spatiotemporal gaps in these data inhibit a robust evaluation of hydroclimate variability. In this study, we present a continuous, sub-decadally-resolved composite stalagmite carbon isotopic record from three partially overlapping stalagmites from Buraca Gloriosa (BG) cave, western Portugal, situated within the center of the AH, that preserves evidence of regional hydroclimate variability from approximately 800 CE to the present. Chronologies are derived from U/Th dating and annual laminae. Stalagmite carbon isotopic values primarily reflect the amount of effective moisture and reveal generally dry conditions during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA; ~ 850–1250 CE) and Modern Climate/Industrial Era (1850 CE-present), and wetter conditions during the Little Ice Age (LIA; ~ 1400–1850 CE). Multidecadal to centennial variability in the BG record and state-of-the-art last millennium climate model simulations show considerable coherence with precipitation-sensitive records from Spain and Morocco that, like BG, are strongly influenced by the intensity, size, and location of the AH. Model-proxy synthesis suggests that western Portugal was persistently dry during much of the MCA consistent with other NAO reconstructions; however, even considering age uncertainties, the apparent timing in the transition from a relatively dry MCA to a wetter LIA is spatially variable and confirms the non-stationary behavior of the AH system indicated by model output. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation # Grant: 1804528, 1804132, 1806025, 1805163, BCS-0455145, BCS-0612923, BCS-1118155, 1804635 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Ocean Climate Change Institute # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution # Grant: James E. and Barbara V. Moltz Fellowship #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Buraca Gloriosa Cave # Location: Portugal # Northernmost_Latitude: 39.53 # Southernmost_Latitude: 39.53 # Easternmost_Longitude: -8.78 # Westernmost_Longitude: -8.78 # Elevation_m: 420 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: BG131_Isotope_Record # First_Year: 800 # Last_Year: 1166 # Time_Unit: calendar year before present # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes, carbon isotopes # Notes: Years BP relative to 2013 CE #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: Uranium-Thorium # Chronology_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/templates/noaa-wds-paleo-uth-terms.csv # Chronology_Download_Description: Uranium-Thorium terms and definitions. # Chronology_Notes: U-Th isotopic ratios and 230Th ages for core BG131 # 238U_Decay_Constant: 1.55125e-10 # 234U_Decay_Constant: 2.82206e-6 # 230Th_Decay_Constant: 9.1705e-6 # Initial_230Th/232Th: 13.5 ± 6.75 ppm # Initial_230Th/232Th_Method: based on analysis of modern drip water and an isochron at 109 mm from the stalagmite top # Missing_Values: na # Chronology_Table: # samp_id depth_top_mm 238U_ppb 232Th_ppt d234U_init_permil d234U_init_2s_permil 230Th_238U_act 230Th_238U_act_2s 230Th_232Th_atom_ppm 230Th_232Th_atom_2s_ppm age_uncorr_BM meas_yr age_uncorr_2s_yr age_corr_BM age_corr_CE age_corr_2s_yr # BG131 0.5 149.7 2010.9 547.2 2.0 0.0126 0.00091 15 1 890 2013 65 111 1902 393 # BG131 2.8 193.2 545.3 499.3 1.6 0.0097 0.00100 57 9 709 2013 73 543 1470 112 # BG131 3.4 190.6 123.3 493.4 1.5 0.0078 0.00064 198 76 569 2013 47 530 1483 53 # BG131 4.7 253.9 13.5 481.3 1.5 0.0110 0.00069 3400 1955 812 2013 51 813 1200 53 # BG131 6 201.5 310.1 640.3 1.9 0.0159 0.00108 170 39 1063 2013 73 979 1034 86 # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## age_CE age,,,year Common Era,,speleothems,,,N, ## d13C_VPDB delta 13C,calcite,,per mil VPDB,,speleothems,,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,core BG131 ## d18O_VPDB delta 18O,calcite,,per mil VPDB,,speleothems,,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,core BG131 #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: age_CE d13C_VPDB d18O_VPDB 1982.751 2.162872 -2.14573 1946.614 2.132767 -1.78181 1922.589 1.880888 -1.8211 1898.563 1.772811 -1.69607 1874.538 1.466643 -1.78181 1850.513 0.963589 -1.93992 1814.33 0.938 -2.09078 1764.803 0.61708 -2.00503 1715.276 0.140518 -2.44329 1665.749 -0.05466 -2.48424 1661.7 -0.02375 -2.18264 1657.651 -0.02636 -2.59881 1653.603 0.006551 -2.26123 1649.554 -0.21562 -2.4126 1645.505 -0.18993 -2.64723 1641.457 -0.13133 -2.64546 1637.408 -0.28426 -2.98388 1633.359 -0.3235 -2.79497 1629.311 -0.39635 -2.96034 1625.262 -0.01523 -2.82182 1621.213 0.030233 -2.49668 1617.165 -0.02566 -2.25169 1613.116 0.088035 -2.13971 1609.067 0.139314 -3.05718 1605.019 -0.0086 -2.56128 1600.97 -0.14929 -2.6182 1596.922 -0.02225 -2.09762 1592.873 -0.24904 -2.34614 1588.824 -0.26781 -2.15558 1584.776 -0.42807 -2.08932 1580.727 -0.55802 -2.53816 1576.678 -0.67111 -2.34065 1572.63 -0.73323 -3.04733 1568.581 -1.09218 -2.52136 1564.532 -1.35841 -3.05687 1560.484 -1.60266 -3.60191 1556.435 -1.66357 -3.33328 1552.386 -1.88846 -3.60513 1548.338 -2.05984 -3.3264 1544.289 -1.87825 -3.35147 1540.24 -1.74622 -3.5504 1536.192 -1.7199 -3.42992 1532.143 -1.92412 -3.17221 1528.094 -1.93639 -3.00263 1524.046 -1.90208 -3.16961 1519.997 -1.97687 -2.97839 1515.948 -2.09385 -2.96559 1511.9 -2.01537 -3.72748 1507.851 -2.04857 -3.15827 1503.803 -2.08677 -3.30819 1499.754 -2.23774 -3.31953 1495.705 -2.11319 -3.27917 1491.657 -1.8967 -3.30538 1487.608 -1.98365 -3.12051 1483.559 -1.9668 -2.90691 1479.511 -2.04708 -2.99566 1478.818 -1.91644 -3.29893 1478.126 -1.97408 -3.15172 1477.433 -1.77823 -3.16826 1476.741 -1.83727 -2.68198 1476.048 -1.82141 -2.64265 1475.356 -1.70125 -2.91919 1474.663 -1.60801 -2.6361 1473.971 -1.65737 -3.16951 1473.278 -1.6097 -2.65149 1472.586 -1.53272 -2.59635 1471.893 -1.49722 -2.61706 1471.201 -1.42991 -2.4843 1459.54 -1.46082 -2.40835 1447.879 -1.47139 -2.58304 1436.218 -1.43759 -3.19167 1424.557 -1.47189 -2.55952 1412.896 -1.45324 -3.18043 1401.235 -1.39471 -3.02156 1389.574 -1.29279 -2.66876 1377.913 -1.25889 -2.78009 1366.252 -1.06216 -2.25846 1354.591 -0.98329 -2.34656 1342.93 -0.77078 -2.40319 1331.269 -0.7108 -2.50164 1319.607 -0.65633 -3.10554 1307.946 -0.64395 -2.31616 1296.285 -0.58367 -2.76484 1284.624 -0.6686 -3.37245 1272.963 -0.87589 -2.48067 1261.302 -0.80125 -2.25638 1249.641 -0.82065 -2.62886 1237.98 -0.8062 -2.26849 1226.319 -0.80461 -2.5755 1214.658 -0.79273 -2.5836 1202.997 -0.7956 -2.34942 1191.336 -0.82718 -2.55698 1179.675 -0.9139 -2.25891 1168.014 -0.8257 -2.08977 1167.969 -0.99052 -2.2226 1167.925 -1.0115 -2.38216 1167.88 -1.13098 -2.67886 1167.835 -1.04714 -2.52098 1167.79 -1.07337 -2.6015 1167.746 -1.12376 -3.30667 1167.701 -1.12089 -2.5495 1167.656 -1.23888 -2.0783 1167.611 -1.45597 -2.97934 1167.567 -1.51536 -2.24333 1167.522 -1.48359 -2.24828 1167.477 -1.63672 -2.15018 1167.432 -1.72364 -1.94147 1167.388 -1.72443 -2.09651 1167.343 -1.6884 -2.43394 1167.298 -1.74541 -2.97513 1167.253 -1.66464 -2.95314 1167.209 -1.66256 -2.72485 1167.164 -1.61465 -3.24931 1167.119 -1.71502 -2.91535 1167.075 -1.76323 -2.26396 1167.03 -1.84965 -2.19418 1166.985 -1.94597 -2.18155 1166.94 -1.85539 -2.57297 1166.896 -1.99952 -2.47899 1166.851 -1.98913 -2.92651 1166.806 -1.82056 -2.14162 1166.761 -1.02118 -2.41988 1166.717 -0.01458 -1.48729 1166.672 0.678242 -0.94303 1166.627 0.842576 -0.80158 1166.582 0.863668 -0.68474