# Fort Stanton Cave, New Mexico Terminal Pleistocene Stalagmite Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # # Online_Resource: http://www.hurricane.ncdc.noaa.gov/pls/paleox/f?p=519:1:::::P1_STUDY_ID:14748 # # Original_Source_URL: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/newmexico/fort-stanton2012.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Speleothems #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2013-07-26 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Fort Stanton Cave, New Mexico Terminal Pleistocene Stalagmite Isotope Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Polyak, V.J.; Asmerom, Y.; Burns, S.J.; Lachniet, M.S. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Isotope data from stalagmite FS-2, Fort Stanton Cave, New Mexico USA. # This dataset includes high-resolution d234U, d13C, and d18O. These data offer the climatic # backdrop of southwestern North America during the terminal Pleistocene mammal extinction period. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Victor J. Polyak, Yemane Asmerom, Stephen J. Burns and Matthew S. Lachniet # Published_Date_or_Year: 2012-09-04 # Published_Title: Climatic backdrop to the terminal Pleistocene extinction of North American mammals # Journal_Name: Geology # Volume: 40 # Edition: # Issue: 11 # Pages: 1023-1026 # DOI: 10.1130/G33226.1 # Online_Resource: http://geology.gsapubs.org/content/40/11/1023.abstract # Full_Citation: # Abstract: North American terminal Pleistocene mammal extinctions are the subject of a long-running scientific debate. Although the role of climate has figured centrally, we lack clear knowledge of the timing and nature of terminal Pleistocene climate variability. Herein we document lengthy terminal Pleistocene drought in the southwestern United States (USA) using d13C and d234U effective moisture proxy data in speleothem calcite (stalagmite FS2) from Fort Stanton Cave, New Mexico, supplemented with age data from pool basin shelfstone speleothems from the Big Room in Carlsbad Cavern. This terminal Pleistocene drought, defined by a sharp rise in both d13C and d234U values, began just before 14.5 k.y. ago and lasted at least until 12.9 k.y. ago, when it was briefly and only mildly interrupted by the Younger Dryas. The timing and length of this drought (~1500 yr) match the Northern Hemisphere Bølling-Allerød oscillation preserved in Greenland ice cores and exhibited in the d18O record of stalagmite FS2. Rapid transition from cool moist Late Glacial to warm dry Holocene-like climatic conditions was likely unfavorable to many species of Pleistocene mammals in the southwestern USA. A climate-induced extinction implies that this last glacial cycle and its termination were more extreme than previous glacial cycles and/or glacial terminations. #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Yemane Asmerom, Victor J. Polyak, and Stephen J. Burns # Published_Date_or_Year: 2010-01-24 # Published_Title: Variable winter moisture in the southwestern United States linked to rapid glacial climate shifts # Journal_Name: Nature Geoscience # Volume: 3 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 114-117 # DOI: 10.1038/ngeo754 # Online_Resource: http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v3/n2/full/ngeo754.html # Full_Citation: # Abstract: During the last glacial period, the climate of the Northern Hemisphere was characterized by rapid, large-amplitude temperature fluctuations through cycles lasting a few thousand years. These fluctuations are apparent in Greenland temperature reconstructions, and corresponding temperature and hydrological variations have been documented throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Here we present a record of precipitation in the southwestern United States from 56,000 to 11,000 yr ago, on the basis of d18O measurements of speleothem calcite from New Mexico. Our record shows that increased winter precipitation in the southwestern United States is associated with Northern Hemisphere cooling, which we attribute to a southward shift in the polar jet stream, which modulated the position of the winter storm track over North America. On the western side of the Pacific Ocean basin, decreases in summer monsoon precipitation are associated with Northern Hemisphere cooling, due to southward displacement of the intertropical convergence zone. We conclude that cooling and warming excursions in the Northern Hemisphere lead to concurrent latitudinal displacement of both the intertropical convergence zone and the polar jet stream over the Pacific Ocean. Our data are consistent with modern evidence for a northward shift of the polar jet stream in response to global warming, which could lead to increasingly arid conditions in southwestern North America in the future. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: ATM-0214333, ATM-0703353, EAR-0326902 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Fort Stanton Cave # Location: North America>United States Of America>New Mexico # Country: USA # Northernmost_Latitude: 33.5067 # Southernmost_Latitude: 33.5067 # Easternmost_Longitude: -105.4433 # Westernmost_Longitude: -105.4433 # Elevation: 1864 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: FS-2-2012 # Earliest_Year: 26000 # Most_Recent_Year: 11400 # Time_Unit: CalYrBP # Core_Length: m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology: # # # This time-series ties all distances to the same age formulas reported for the stable isotopes in Polyak et al. 2012 # Z = depth below stalagmite FS-2 top in mm # # d234Uinitial times-series for stalagmite FS-2 # calculated # Z (mm) age d234Uinitial 2-S abs error # 0.5 11756 673 ± 2 # 0.8 12003 651 ± 2 # 1.4 12440 640 ± 4 # 1.5 12506 639 ± 4 # 2.3 12970 573 ± 3 # 2.5 13069 562 ± 3 # 3 13293 553 ± 2 # 3.3 13411 568 ± 1 # 3.5 13483 545 ± 2 # 4.2 13700 540 ± 1 # 4.5 13778 531 ± 7 # 4.75 13837 542 ± 2 # 5 13891 548 ± 2 # 6.9 14167 519 ± 3 # 7 14177 515 ± 2 # 8 14259 522 ± 4 # 8.8 14312 542 ± 2 # 9.5 14355 510 ± 4 # 9.5 14356 522 ± 2 # 10.3 14407 514 ± 2 # 10.6 14428 517 ± 1 # 10.9 14452 506 ± 2 # 11 14458 508 ± 2 # 12.4 14587 524 ± 1 # 12.5 14598 529 ± 1 # 12.6 14607 520 ± 2 # 14 14799 521 ± 2 # 14.2 14826 532 ± 2 # 14.6 14899 550 ± 2 # 15.5 15071 535 ± 2 # 15.9 15161 532 ± 2 # 16.3 15246 549 ± 1 # 17 15417 550 ± 2 # 17.5 15549 552 ± 1 # 18 15689 557 ± 2 # 18.5 15836 554 ± 1 # 19 15990 557 ± 2 # 19.9 16286 585 ± 1 # 20.2 16389 556 ± 2 # 20.5 16494 595 ± 2 # 21.5 16860 588 ± 1 # 22.2 17129 603 ± 2 # 22.7 17327 567 ± 1 # 23 17541 570 ± 2 # 23.5 17871 557 ± 2 # 24 18062 544 ± 2 # 24.3 18153 539 ± 1 # 24.5 18214 540 ± 1 # 25 18387 530 ± 2 # 26.3 19079 539 ± 1 # 26.5 19214 539 ± 2 # 27.3 19784 547 ± 1 # 28.2 20396 544 ± 4 # 28.5 20575 547 ± 3 # 30.5 21337 532 ± 1 # 32.0 21809 525 ± 1 # 32.3 21969 519 ± 1 # 33.2 22693 503 ± 1 # 34.2 23988 536 ± 1 # 35.5 26056 539 ± 1 # 35.8 26438 558 ± 3 # # # # # All d234Uinitial values from Polyak et al. 2012 and Asmerom et al. 2012 # # sub-sample Z (mm) d234Uinitial 2-S abs error note # FS-1 0.8 651 ± 2 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-10 1.4 640 ± 4 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-11 2.3 573 ± 3 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-12 3.3 568 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-13 4.2 540 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-14 5 548 ± 2 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-15 6.9 519 ± 3 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-16 8 522 ± 4 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-17 8.8 542 ± 2 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-18 10.3 514 ± 2 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-19 10.6 517 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-2 12.4 524 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-20 14.6 550 ± 2 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-21 16.3 549 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-22 17.5 552 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-23 18.5 554 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-24 19.9 585 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-25 22.2 603 ± 2 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-26 22.7 567 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-27 24.3 539 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-28 26.3 539 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-29 27.3 547 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-3 28.5 547 ± 3 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-30 30.5 532 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-31 32.3 519 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-32 33.2 503 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-33 34.2 536 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # FS-34 35.5 539 ± 1 from Asmerom et al. 2010 U-series data # # FS2-0.5 0.5 673 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-1.5 1.5 639 ± 4 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-2.5 2.5 562 ± 3 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-3 3 553 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-3.5 3.5 545 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-4.5 4.5 531 ± 7 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-5 4.75 542 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-7 7 515 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-9.5 9.5 510 ± 4 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-11 11 508 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-12.5 12.5 529 ± 1 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-14 14 521 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-15.5 15.5 535 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-17 17 550 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-18 18 557 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-19 19 557 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-20.5 20.5 595 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-21.5 21.5 588 ± 1 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-23 23 570 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-23.5 23.5 557 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-24 24 544 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-25 25 530 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-26.5 26.5 539 ± 2 from unspiked powder Polyak et al. 2012 # # FS2-9_3mm 9.5 522 ± 2 from new U-series data Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-10_7mm 10.9 506 ± 2 from new U-series data Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-12_4mm 12.6 520 ± 2 from new U-series data Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-14_2mm 14.2 532 ± 2 from new U-series data Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-16_0mm 15.9 532 ± 2 from new U-series data Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-19_7mm 20.2 556 ± 2 from new U-series data Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-24_2mm 24.5 540 ± 1 from new U-series data Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-27_8mm 28.2 544 ± 4 from new U-series data Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-31_8mm 32.0 525 ± 1 from new U-series data Polyak et al. 2012 # FS2-35_3mm 35.8 558 ± 3 from new U-series data Polyak et al. 2012 # # # # From Table DR4. Ten additional uranium-series dates for stalagmite FS-2, Fort Stanton Cave. # # Z (mm) 238U (ppb) 2-S abs error 232Th (ppt) 2-S abs error 230Th/232Th 2-S abs error 230Th/238U 2-S abs error d234Umeas 2-S abs error d234Uinitial 2-S abs error age (yrs BP) 2-S abs error age (yrs BP) 2-S abs error # FS2-9_3mm 9.5 929 ± 2 58 ± 95 9017 ± 14682 0.1843 ± 0.0010 502 ± 2 522 ± 2 14151 ± 83 14149 ± 83 # FS2-10_7mm 10.9 901 ± 2 58 ± 91 8899 ± 13943 0.1877 ± 0.0017 485 ± 2 506 ± 2 14603 ± 143 14600 ± 143 # FS2-12_4mm 12.6 927 ± 2 27 ± 87 19818 ± 62585 0.1920 ± 0.0022 499 ± 2 520 ± 2 14815 ± 185 14813 ± 185 # FS2-14_2mm 14.2 861 ± 2 22 ± 108 23392 ± 115396 0.1940 ± 0.0010 510 ± 2 532 ± 2 14853 ± 81 14852 ± 81 # FS2-16_0mm 15.9 1026 ± 3 37 ± 90 16767 ± 40958 0.1965 ± 0.0009 510 ± 2 532 ± 2 15058 ± 74 15057 ± 74 # FS2-19_7mm 20.2 1039 ± 3 27 ± 52 25314 ± 48974 0.2125 ± 0.0010 531 ± 2 556 ± 2 16122 ± 81 16121 ± 81 # FS2-24_2mm 24.5 1010 ± 3 513 ± 49 1384 ± 133 0.2300 ± 0.0009 514 ± 1 540 ± 1 17779 ± 77 17760 ± 78 # FS2-27_8mm 28.2 1025 ± 3 686 ± 60 1160 ± 101 0.2540 ± 0.0014 515 ± 4 544 ± 4 19773 ± 129 19748 ± 130 # FS2-31_8mm 32.0 1101 ± 3 41 ± 62 22534 ± 34299 0.2748 ± 0.0011 494 ± 1 525 ± 1 21878 ± 96 21877 ± 96 # FS2-35_3mm 35.8 1058 ± 3 76 ± 66 13651 ± 11854 0.3208 ± 0.0014 520 ± 3 558 ± 3 25459 ± 132 25457 ± 132 # # Z = depth below stalagmite FS-2 top in mm # # "Corrected ages use a calculated initial 230Th/232Th atomic ratio = 8.8 ppm ±50%. Years before present = yr B.P., where present is AD 2010. " # All errors are absolute 2S. Subsample sizes ranged from 40 to 100 mg. Dist. = distance in mm from stalagmite top. # "Due to age anomalies from physical distance measurements and larger drill-hole sizes, 10 additional subsample powders were drilled and analyzed producing 10 new U-series dates (Table DR4 of Polyak et al. 2012). " # "Five of these drilled in the stalagmite area representing 14 to 15 ka supplement four previously published dates (Asmerom et al., 2010) in that area " # to more accurately establish the d18O excursion interpreted to be the initiation of the Bølling oscillation in GICC05. # Five additional new U-series dates lie on the originally published growth curve between 25 and 16 kyr BP. # A new polynomial curve was generated for the growth history from all but three data points shown as empty red circles (Figure DR3 of Polyak et al. 2012). # # # # New d234U data from Table DR3. d234U values for stalagmite FS-2 from 20 to 11.5 kyr B.P.. # # Sub- Dist 234U/238U calculated # sample (mm) (activity) 2-S abs error d234Umeas 2-S abs error d234Uinitial 2-S abs error # # FS2-0.5 0.5 0.01249 ± 0.047 651 ± 2 673 ± 2 # FS2-1.5 1.5 0.01223 ± 0.117 616 ± 4 639 ± 4 # FS2-2.5 2.5 0.01166 ± 0.090 541 ± 3 562 ± 3 # FS2-3 3 0.01160 ± 0.058 532 ± 2 553 ± 2 # FS2-3.5 3.5 0.01154 ± 0.079 525 ± 2 545 ± 2 # FS2-4.5 4.5 0.01144 ± 0.075 511 ± 2 531 ± 2 # FS2-5 5 0.01151 ± 0.229 521 ± 7 542 ± 7 # FS2-7 7 0.01131 ± 0.076 495 ± 2 515 ± 2 # FS2-9.5 9.5 0.01127 ± 0.118 490 ± 4 510 ± 4 # FS2-11 11 0.01126 ± 0.060 488 ± 2 508 ± 2 # FS2-12.5 12.5 0.01140 ± 0.072 507 ± 2 529 ± 2 # FS2-14 14 0.01135 ± 0.046 499 ± 1 521 ± 1 # FS2-15.5 15.5 0.01145 ± 0.078 513 ± 2 535 ± 2 # FS2-17 17 0.01155 ± 0.077 526 ± 2 550 ± 2 # FS2-18 18 0.01160 ± 0.056 532 ± 2 557 ± 2 # FS2-19 19 0.01160 ± 0.061 533 ± 2 557 ± 2 # FS2-20.5 20.5 0.01187 ± 0.058 568 ± 2 595 ± 2 # FS2-21.5 21.5 0.01181 ± 0.044 561 ± 1 588 ± 1 # FS2-23 23 0.01167 ± 0.053 542 ± 2 570 ± 2 # FS2-23.5 23.5 0.01157 ± 0.056 529 ± 2 557 ± 2 # FS2-24 24 0.01148 ± 0.080 517 ± 2 544 ± 2 # FS2-25 25 0.01138 ± 0.065 503 ± 2 530 ± 2 # FS2-26.5 26.5 0.01143 ± 0.055 511 ± 2 539 ± 2 # # d234U values along a growth layer transect 6.5 mm from the stalagmite top # FS2-7.0 L2 6.5 0.01138 ± 0.078 503 ± 2 524 ± 2 # FS2-7.0 L1 6.5 0.01141 ± 0.081 508 ± 2 528 ± 2 # FS2-7.0 C 6.5 0.01136 ± 0.065 501 ± 2 521 ± 2 # FS2-7.0R1 6.5 0.01134 ± 0.079 499 ± 2 519 ± 2 # FS2-7.0 R2 6.5 0.01139 ± 0.084 504 ± 3 525 ± 3 # # # d234U data added to data from the age data transect offered in Asmerom et al.(2010). # Each subsample weight varied from 2-6 mg. Dist = distance from stalagmite top that # sample was taken. Errors on measured 234U/238U activity and d234U measured are percent 1S, # and absolute 2S, respectively. Last five values were sampled along a single growth layer # to test variation in values related to horizontal distance from stalagmite vertical center. # The set of d234U values in Table DR3 of Polyak et al. 2012, independent of those values # previously reported (Asmerom et al., 2010) were derived from significantly smaller # powders (2-6 mg) that were dissolved in 7N HNO3, unspiked, and put through anion resin # to separate the U fraction. The U isotopes were measured on the Thermo Neptune multicollector ICPMS. # The final 234U/235U measured values were age-corrected to obtain initial 234U/235U values using # the age/depth equation in Fig. DR3 of Polyak et al. 2012. Comparison to values measured during # U-series age determinations are shown in Fig. DR3 of Polyak et al. 2012. Conversions from 14C # to calendar ages are from the radiocarbon age to calendar age conversion database (Fairbanks et al., 2005). # # # # Uranium-series data for shelfstone samples collected from pool basins in the Big Room of Carlsbad Cavern # uncorrected corrected # sub-sample 238U (ppb) 2-S abs error 232Th (ppt) 2-S abs error 230Th/232Th 2-S abs error 230Th/238U 2-S abs error d234Umeas 2-S abs error d234Uinitial 2-S abs error age (yrs BP) 2-S abs error age (yrs BP) 2-S abs error # 1-BR-1-1 267.8 ± 1.4 1180 ± 53 1496 ± 72 0.399 ± 0.007 1230 ± 12 1305 ± 13 21154 ± 445 20779 ± 481 # 1-BR-1-2 327.8 ± 1.6 9334 ± 34 37 ± 0.3 0.348 ± 0.003 1220 ± 9 1282 ± 10 18353 ± 174 17735 ± 352 # # 2-BR-4-1 713.7 ± 6.2 2116 ± 27 965 ± 24 0.173 ± 0.004 325 ± 9 339 ± 10 15211 ± 393 14917 ± 417 # 2-BR-4-1(2) 717.6 ± 7.6 2132 ± 34 981 ± 53 0.177 ± 0.009 321 ± 10 335 ± 11 15580 ± 897 15286 ± 906 # weighted-average = 14982 ± 380 # # 2-BR-4-tip 614.2 ± 3.3 1130 ± 45 1511 ± 65 0.168 ± 0.003 344 ± 6 358 ± 7 14535 ± 259 14262 ± 292 # 2-BR-4-tip icp 612.2 ± 1.3 1179 ± 45 1440 ± 55 0.168 ± 0.001 361 ± 14 376 ± 15 14302 ± 175 14028 ± 220 # weighted-average = 14113 ± 180 # # 2-BR-4-mid 703.1 ± 3.3 1197 ± 47 1685 ± 74 0.174 ± 0.004 337 ± 5 351 ± 5 15128 ± 344 14884 ± 364 # # 2-BR-4-int 728.7 ± 4.1 2248 ± 34 942 ± 19 0.176 ± 0.003 325 ± 6 339 ± 6 15478 ± 264 15184 ± 301 # 2-BR-4-int icp 726.1 ± 2.6 2445 ± 34 881 ± 13 0.180 ± 0.001 323 ± 2 337 ± 2 15845 ± 126 15542 ± 197 # 2-BR-4-int icp2 728.6 ± 1.7 2570 ± 33 841 ± 11 0.180 ± 0.001 322 ± 1 337 ± 1 15850 ± 72 15542 ± 170 # weighted-average = 15487 ± 120 # # 2-BR-4-bot 615.8 ± 3.5 367 ± 66 4809 ± 875 0.173 ± 0.004 344 ± 9 358 ± 10 15005 ± 406 14817 ± 417 # 2-BR-4-bot icp 615.1 ± 2.8 403 ± 66 4358 ± 716 0.173 ± 0.001 332 ± 3 346 ± 3 15087 ± 122 14892 ± 159 # 2-BR-4-bot icp2 615.5 ± 1.5 533 ± 66 3244 ± 403 0.170 ± 0.001 332 ± 1 346 ± 1 14848 ± 103 14634 ± 151 # weighted-average = 14760 ± 110 # # 3-BR-7 277.1 ± 2.1 3591 ± 54 417 ± 8 0.327 ± 0.004 1011 ± 13 1066 ± 14 19117 ± 297 18531 ± 414 # 3-BR-8-bot 296.7 ± 0.8 1445 ± 54 261 ± 10 0.415 ± 0.002 1089 ± 3 1163 ± 3 23751 ± 132 23365 ± 234 # 3-BR-9-mid 355.4 ± 1.0 4236 ± 51 84 ± 1 0.329 ± 0.002 1012 ± 3 1067 ± 3 19234 ± 106 18751 ± 263 # 3-BR-10-top 475.4 ± 1.3 46987 ± 203 10 ± 0.1 0.326 ± 0.002 1002 ± 2 1053 ± 3 19133 ± 113 17724 ± 711 # # 4-BR-8 310.2 ± 0.8 433 ± 41 399 ± 38 0.000 ± 0.000 532 ± 2 552 ± 2 13754 ± 110 13410 ± 206 # 4-BR-8-2 300.6 ± 0.8 207 ± 51 810 ± 200 0.000 ± 0.000 520 ± 2 540 ± 2 13890 ± 124 13611 ± 199 # 4-BR-8-3 318.0 ± 0.8 2060 ± 55 86 ± 2 0.002 ± 0.000 538 ± 2 558 ± 2 13201 ± 299 13201 ± 299 # # 5-BR-16-1 262.1 ± 1.1 1656 ± 29 620 ± 15 0.237 ± 0.004 867 ± 6 902 ± 6 14679 ± 282 14159 ± 382 # 5-BR-16-1(2) 261.9 ± 1.4 1708 ± 30 598 ± 15 0.236 ± 0.004 886 ± 12 922 ± 12 14475 ± 295 13955 ± 391 # weighted-average = 14059 ± 270 # # 6-BR-17-1 499.0 ± 1.7 7775 ± 35 215 ± 3 0.203 ± 0.003 421 ± 4 441 ± 4 16697 ± 255 16093 ± 394 # 6-BR-17-1(2)2 499.6 ± 2.5 7760 ± 41 217 ± 3 0.204 ± 0.003 426 ± 7 446 ± 7 16738 ± 243 16137 ± 384 # weighted-average = 16115 ± 270 # # 6-BR-17-3 454.3 ± 1.2 465 ± 43 651 ± 60 0.218 ± 0.001 430 ± 2 452 ± 2 17929 ± 111 17671 ± 171 # 6-BR-17-4 460.2 ± 1.3 1924 ± 48 205 ± 5 0.280 ± 0.001 420 ± 2 448 ± 2 23768 ± 137 23360 ± 245 # # 7-BR-18-1 693.7 ± 4.2 7424 ± 33 299 ± 3 0.194 ± 0.002 349 ± 6 366 ± 7 16841 ± 206 16390 ± 303 # 7-BR-18-1(2) 694.3 ± 5.0 7542 ± 41 295 ± 5 0.194 ± 0.004 348 ± 8 365 ± 8 16841 ± 364 16387 ± 426 # weighted-average = 16389 ± 250 # 7-BR-18-bot 521.1 ± 1.5 1919 ± 52 173 ± 5 0.209 ± 0.001 357 ± 2 375 ± 2 18122 ± 105 17743 ± 216 # 7-BR-18-mid 523.6 ± 1.4 3478 ± 48 90 ± 1 0.196 ± 0.001 352 ± 2 369 ± 2 17001 ± 96 16537 ± 250 # 7-BR-18-top 494.2 ± 1.3 7048 ± 53 39 ± 0.3 0.182 ± 0.001 352 ± 2 367 ± 2 15720 ± 89 15098 ± 323 # # See Polyak et al. 2012 supplementary Table DR1 for more information # # # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow (have no #) # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_mm depth, , , mm, , , , ,N ## age_calBP2010 age, , , calendar years before present 2010AD, , , , ,N ## d13CcarbVPDB delta13C, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, , , , ,N ## d18OcarbVPDB delta18O, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, , , , ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: NA depth_mm age_calBP d13CcarbVPDB d18OcarbVPDB 0.1 11396 -2.05 -6.28 0.2 11490 -1.79 -6.30 0.3 11581 -1.91 -6.39 0.4 11670 -2.06 -7.29 0.5 11757 -2.02 -7.91 0.6 11841 -1.77 -7.65 0.7 11923 -1.68 -8.00 0.8 12003 -1.63 -8.22 0.9 12081 -1.65 -8.29 1 12157 -1.63 -8.03 1.1 12231 -1.40 -7.31 1.2 12303 -1.94 -8.47 1.3 12372 -2.24 -8.53 1.4 12440 -2.36 -8.48 1.5 12506 -2.46 -8.74 1.6 12570 -2.55 -8.83 1.7 12633 -2.79 -8.33 1.8 12693 -3.06 -7.40 1.9 12752 -3.28 -6.89 2 12809 -3.48 -6.78 2.1 12864 -3.70 -6.55 2.2 12918 -3.98 -7.02 2.3 12970 -4.12 -7.20 2.4 13021 -4.26 -7.15 2.5 13070 -4.38 -6.89 2.6 13117 -4.54 -6.74 2.7 13163 -4.63 -6.41 2.8 13207 -4.72 -6.64 2.9 13251 -4.63 -6.49 3 13292 -4.63 -6.54 3.1 13333 -4.68 -6.39 3.2 13372 -4.69 -6.34 3.3 13409 -4.73 -6.39 3.4 13446 -4.84 -6.42 3.5 13481 -5.13 -6.54 3.6 13515 -5.29 -6.89 3.7 13548 -5.36 -6.78 3.8 13580 -5.35 -6.52 3.9 13610 -5.58 -6.44 4 13640 -5.55 -6.29 4.1 13669 -5.61 -6.25 4.2 13696 -5.63 -6.21 4.3 13723 -5.61 -6.16 4.4 13748 -5.71 -6.49 4.5 13773 -5.72 -6.22 4.6 13796 -5.88 -6.84 4.7 13819 -5.91 -6.72 4.8 13841 -5.93 -6.63 4.9 13862 -5.95 -6.67 5 13882 -6.06 -6.67 5.1 13902 -6.13 -6.70 5.2 13921 -6.21 -6.71 5.3 13939 -6.26 -6.72 5.4 13956 -6.27 -6.69 5.5 13973 -6.33 -6.68 5.6 13989 -6.40 -6.40 5.7 14004 -6.49 -6.31 5.8 14019 -6.52 -6.43 5.9 14033 -6.52 -6.39 6 14046 -6.52 -6.21 6.1 14059 -6.50 -6.18 6.2 14072 -6.18 -5.96 6.3 14084 -6.45 -6.05 6.4 14095 -6.50 -6.23 6.5 14106 -6.55 -6.22 6.6 14117 -6.57 -5.96 6.7 14127 -6.67 -6.13 6.8 14137 -6.70 -5.80 6.9 14146 -6.33 -5.77 7 14155 -6.69 -6.20 7.1 14164 -6.68 -6.23 7.2 14172 -6.64 -5.96 7.3 14180 -6.58 -5.88 7.4 14188 -6.52 -5.86 7.5 14196 -6.58 -5.96 7.6 14203 -6.55 -6.04 7.7 14210 -6.62 -6.25 7.8 14217 -6.63 -6.30 7.9 14224 -6.65 -6.29 8 14230 -6.75 -6.16 8.1 14236 -6.86 -6.13 8.2 14243 -6.94 -6.17 8.3 14249 -6.99 -6.22 8.4 14255 -6.87 -6.32 8.5 14260 -6.87 -6.40 8.6 14266 -6.85 -6.55 8.7 14272 -7.07 -6.81 8.8 14278 -7.09 -6.91 8.9 14283 -6.96 -7.06 9 14289 -6.87 -6.96 9.1 14294 -6.81 -6.83 9.2 14300 -6.75 -6.70 9.3 14305 -6.71 -6.43 9.4 14311 -6.72 -6.29 9.5 14317 -6.66 -6.13 9.6 14322 -6.76 -6.04 9.7 14328 -6.79 -6.15 9.8 14334 -6.79 -5.97 9.9 14340 -6.94 -5.89 10 14346 -7.02 -6.02 10.1 14352 -6.97 -6.14 10.2 14358 -6.90 -5.71 10.3 14365 -7.00 -5.82 10.4 14371 -7.04 -5.89 10.5 14378 -7.08 -5.68 10.6 14385 -7.06 -5.81 10.7 14392 -7.06 -5.81 10.8 14399 -7.05 -5.78 10.9 14406 -7.08 -5.79 11 14414 -7.00 -5.63 11.1 14422 -7.16 -5.61 11.2 14430 -7.14 -5.64 11.3 14438 -7.29 -5.94 11.4 14446 -7.38 -6.01 11.5 14455 -7.45 -6.51 11.6 14464 -7.45 -6.73 11.7 14473 -7.59 -6.76 11.8 14482 -7.53 -6.98 11.9 14492 -7.46 -6.99 12 14502 -7.37 -6.79 12.1 14512 -7.20 -6.36 12.2 14523 -7.22 -6.42 12.3 14534 -7.28 -5.98 12.4 14545 -7.16 -5.62 12.5 14556 -7.07 -5.50 12.6 14568 -6.99 -5.55 12.7 14580 -7.13 -5.69 12.8 14592 -7.11 -5.85 12.9 14605 -7.12 -6.11 13 14618 -7.16 -6.32 13.1 14631 -7.04 -6.47 13.2 14645 -6.86 -6.47 13.3 14659 -6.94 -7.12 13.4 14673 -6.94 -7.32 13.5 14688 -7.10 -7.75 13.6 14703 -7.00 -7.84 13.7 14718 -7.08 -8.34 13.8 14734 -6.90 -8.92 13.9 14750 -6.89 -9.27 14 14766 -6.74 -9.51 14.1 14783 -6.48 -9.68 14.2 14800 -6.85 -9.49 14.3 14817 -7.60 -11.27 14.4 14835 -6.94 -9.39 14.5 14853 -6.26 -9.59 14.6 14872 -6.93 -8.79 14.7 14891 -6.91 -8.61 14.8 14910 -6.78 -8.64 14.9 14930 -6.82 -8.66 15 14950 -6.74 -8.43 15.1 14970 -6.80 -8.68 15.2 14991 -6.60 -8.54 15.3 15012 -6.77 -8.89 15.4 15033 -6.59 -8.58 15.5 15055 -6.62 -8.51 15.6 15077 -6.53 -8.13 15.7 15100 -6.53 -7.85 15.8 15123 -6.50 -7.42 15.9 15146 -6.62 -7.32 16 15170 -6.65 -7.35 16.1 15194 -6.24 -7.80 16.2 15218 -6.46 -7.74 16.3 15243 -6.43 -7.69 16.4 15268 -6.41 -7.40 16.5 15294 -6.39 -7.36 16.6 15319 -6.66 -8.51 16.7 15345 -6.40 -7.39 16.8 15372 -6.53 -7.61 16.9 15399 -6.41 -7.41 17 15426 -6.46 -7.39 17.1 15454 -7.38 -9.14 17.2 15481 -6.53 -7.20 17.4 15538 -6.71 -7.44 17.5 15567 -6.69 -7.24 17.6 15596 -6.72 -6.94 17.7 15626 -6.81 -7.25 17.8 15656 -6.90 -7.71 17.9 15686 -6.81 -7.60 18 15716 -6.88 -7.44 18.1 15747 -6.98 -7.20 18.2 15778 -6.87 -6.87 18.3 15810 -7.06 -7.40 18.4 15842 -6.99 -7.34 18.5 15874 -6.96 -7.43 18.6 15906 -7.02 -6.94 18.7 15939 -7.27 -7.06 18.8 15972 -7.47 -7.24 18.9 16005 -7.30 -6.95 19 16038 -7.16 -6.78 19.1 16072 -7.24 -6.96 19.2 16106 -7.59 -8.01 19.3 16141 -7.07 -6.89 19.4 16175 -6.96 -6.78 19.5 16210 -7.19 -7.57 19.6 16245 -6.96 -7.34 19.7 16281 -6.73 -7.21 19.8 16316 -6.64 -7.24 19.9 16352 -6.44 -6.65 20 16388 -6.33 -6.56 20.1 16425 -6.00 -7.38 20.2 16462 -5.99 -7.56 20.3 16498 -5.96 -7.92 20.4 16535 -5.84 -7.89 20.5 16573 -5.80 -8.17 20.6 16610 -5.59 -8.27 20.7 16648 -5.64 -8.82 20.8 16686 -5.47 -9.00 20.9 16724 -5.43 -9.26 21 16763 -5.34 -9.15 21.1 16801 -5.48 -9.29 21.2 16840 -5.29 -8.83 21.3 16879 -5.36 -8.68 21.4 16918 -5.39 -8.92 21.5 16958 -5.26 -8.87 21.6 16997 -5.04 -9.08 21.7 17037 -5.04 -9.22 21.8 17077 -5.00 -9.39 21.9 17117 -4.77 -9.68 22 17157 -4.74 -9.09 22.1 17198 -4.74 -8.72 22.2 17238 -4.57 -8.18 22.3 17279 -4.49 -7.85 22.4 17320 -4.50 -7.80 22.5 17361 -4.50 -7.58 22.6 17402 -4.38 -7.37 22.7 17443 -4.39 -7.53 22.8 17485 -4.46 -8.07 22.9 17527 -4.53 -9.12 23 17568 -4.68 -9.66 23.1 17610 -4.74 -9.67 23.2 17652 -4.76 -9.45 23.3 17694 -4.82 -8.90 23.4 17737 -4.78 -8.34 23.5 17779 -4.81 -8.26 23.6 17822 -4.79 -8.75 23.7 17864 -4.82 -9.69 23.8 17907 -4.83 -9.36 23.9 17950 -4.86 -9.04 24 17993 -4.91 -8.57 24.1 18036 -5.03 -8.60 24.2 18079 -5.11 -8.01 24.3 18123 -5.11 -8.39 24.4 18166 -5.09 -8.47 24.5 18210 -5.07 -8.17 24.6 18254 -5.02 -7.80 24.7 18297 -5.04 -7.18 24.8 18341 -5.06 -7.05 24.9 18385 -4.99 -6.94 25 18430 -4.92 -7.02 25.1 18474 -4.94 -7.54 25.2 18518 -4.93 -8.23 25.3 18563 -5.00 -8.01 25.4 18607 -5.02 -7.09 25.5 18652 -4.99 -7.37 25.6 18697 -4.99 -6.57 25.7 18742 -5.03 -6.53 25.8 18787 -5.05 -6.85 25.9 18832 -4.94 -6.84 26 18878 -4.86 -7.27 26.1 18923 -4.79 -7.49 26.2 18969 -4.82 -7.49 26.3 19014 -4.92 -7.44 26.4 19060 -4.93 -7.28 26.5 19106 -4.98 -7.11 26.6 19152 -5.00 -7.11 26.7 19199 -5.03 -7.61 26.8 19245 -5.02 -8.35 26.9 19292 -5.01 -8.48 27 19339 -4.96 -7.79 27.1 19386 -4.91 -7.40 27.2 19433 -4.87 -7.36 27.3 19480 -4.88 -7.67 27.4 19527 -4.84 -7.97 27.5 19575 -4.78 -8.33 27.6 19623 -4.74 -8.54 27.7 19671 -4.78 -7.98 27.8 19719 -4.88 -7.59 27.9 19768 -4.86 -7.18 28 19816 -4.89 -6.92 28.1 19865 -4.92 -6.89 28.2 19915 -4.92 -6.98 28.3 19964 -4.97 -7.32 28.4 20014 -5.08 -7.16 28.5 20064 -5.09 -7.17 28.6 20114 -5.01 -7.22 28.7 20164 -5.27 -7.11 28.8 20215 -5.12 -7.18 28.9 20266 -5.13 -7.74 29 20318 -5.14 -7.80 29.1 20370 -5.39 -8.29 29.2 20422 -5.24 -8.14 29.3 20474 -5.28 -9.03 29.4 20527 -5.25 -9.66 29.5 20581 -5.25 -9.82 29.6 20634 -4.94 -8.93 29.7 20688 -4.91 -8.35 29.8 20743 -5.00 -7.77 29.9 20798 -5.16 -8.03 30 20853 -5.16 -8.41 30.1 20909 -5.12 -8.62 30.2 20966 -4.90 -8.74 30.3 21023 -4.81 -8.52 30.4 21080 -4.70 -8.19 30.5 21138 -4.61 -7.88 30.6 21196 -4.65 -7.62 30.7 21256 -4.80 -7.82 30.8 21315 -4.82 -8.14 30.9 21376 -4.91 -8.76 31 21437 -4.90 -9.30 31.1 21498 -4.85 -9.17 31.2 21560 -4.80 -9.24 31.3 21623 -4.63 -9.12 31.4 21687 -4.64 -9.11 31.5 21752 -4.73 -9.37 31.6 21817 -4.63 -9.65 31.7 21883 -4.56 -10.23 31.8 21950 -4.42 -10.09 31.9 22017 -4.72 -10.53 32 22086 -4.55 -9.84 32.1 22156 -4.49 -10.02 32.2 22226 -4.41 -9.92 32.3 22297 -4.41 -9.81 32.4 22369 -4.40 -9.77 32.5 22443 -4.49 -9.19 32.6 22517 -4.44 -8.54 32.7 22592 -4.48 -8.55 32.8 22669 -4.36 -8.74 32.9 22746 -4.40 -8.94 33 22825 -4.37 -9.19 33.1 22905 -4.53 -9.82 33.2 22986 -4.49 -9.93 33.3 23069 -4.54 -10.27 33.4 23152 -5.00 -9.98 33.5 23237 -4.43 -10.72 33.6 23323 -4.41 -10.20 33.7 23411 -4.39 -9.49 33.8 23500 -4.46 -9.64 33.9 23591 -4.36 -9.13 34 23683 -4.38 -9.15 34.1 23776 -4.41 -9.47 34.2 23872 -4.44 -9.20 34.3 23968 -4.63 -9.31 34.4 24067 -4.60 -10.01 34.5 24167 -4.21 -9.80 34.6 24269 -4.56 -9.30 34.7 24372 -3.85 -9.17 34.8 24478 -3.19 -9.06 34.9 24585 -3.34 -9.28 35 24694 -3.18 -9.37 35.1 24805 -3.07 -9.18 35.2 24918 -3.09 -9.10 35.3 25033 -3.08 -9.18 35.4 25150 -3.07 -8.88 35.5 25270 -3.24 -9.72 35.6 25391 -3.27 -10.23 35.7 25515 -3.27 -10.81 35.8 25641 -3.20 -10.41 35.9 25770 -3.08 -9.95 36 25900 -3.03 -9.96