Pink Panther Cave 12KYr Stalagmite Oxygen Isotope Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Pink Panther Cave 12KYr Stalagmite Oxygen Isotope Data LAST UPDATE: 10/2010 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: Asmerom, Y., V. Polyak, S. Burns, and J. Rassmussen IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2010-107 WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Asmerom, Y., et al. 2010. Pink Panther Cave 12KYr Stalagmite Oxygen Isotope Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2010-107. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Asmerom, Y., V. Polyak, S. Burns, and J. Rassmussen. 2007. Solar forcing of Holocene climate: New insights from a speleothem record, southwestern United States. Geology, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 1-4, January 2007. doi: 10.1130/G22865A.1 ABSTRACT: Holocene climate change has likely had a profound influence on ecosystems and culture. A link between solar forcing and Holocene climate, such as the Asian monsoon, has been shown for some regions, although no mechanism for this relationship has been suggested. Here we present the first high-resolution complete Holocene climate record for the North American monsoon region of the southwestern United States (southwest) in order to address the nature and causes of Holocene climate change. We show that periods of increased solar radiation correlate with decreased rainfall, the opposite to that observed in the Asian monsoon, and suggest that a solar link to Holocene climate is through changes in the Walker circulation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and El Niño-Southern Oscillation systems of the tropical Pacific Ocean. Given the link between increased warming and aridity in the southwest, additional warming due to greenhouse forcing could potentially lead to persistent hyperarid conditions, similar to those seen in our record during periods of high solar activity. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Southwestern North America PERIOD OF RECORD: 12 KYrBP - present FUNDING SOURCES: US National Science Foundation grant ATM-0214333 to Polyak and Asmerom DESCRIPTION: High-resolution (average time step 17 years) Holocene stalagmite oxygen isotope data from Pink Panther Cave in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico. Oxygen stable isotope ratios were measured at 200 um intervals from sample PP1, a 14-cm-long stalagmite, for a total of 681 samples, an average time resolution of 17 yr over the entire period. Site Location: Pink Panther Cave, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, USA: ~32°05'N, ~105°10'W. DATA: 1. Table DR1. Uranium-series data for stalagmite PP-1. Corrected ages use a calculated initial 230Th/232Th atomic ratio X, where X = 0.0033 x (232Th ppt)-0.6664 ±100%. Years before present = yr B.P., where present is AD 2003. All errors are absolute 2sigma. Subsample sizes ranged from 160 to 430 mg. Some subsamples were split and run as halves and the dates where weight-averaged using ISOPLOT (S1). Sub-sample Dist. 238U Error 232Th Error 230Th/232Th Err. 230Th/238U Err. d234Umeas.Err. d234Uinit. Err. uncorAge Err. CorrAge Error mm ppb ppt (atomic ratio) (activity) (per mil) (per mil) yrBP yrBP pp1-top-2 1.3 161.6 0.8 2380 35 0.000024 0.000006 0.021 0.005 789 17 790 17 1313 332 300 1066 pp1-S 3.6 130 0.7 1662 29 0.000016 0.000001 0.013 0.001 795 11 794 12 779 68 -337 1108 pp1-RS 8.4 168.6 1 1363 17 0.000047 0.000004 0.023 0.002 836 11 838 11 1375 109 590 792 pp1-RS-2 8.4 169 1.7 1416 17 0.000037 0.000005 0.019 0.003 811 21 812 21 1151 169 346 822 473 570 pp1-R 12.9 169.5 0.7 1325 16 0.000087 0.000002 0.041 0.001 844 7 848 7 2451 62 1682 772 pp1-Q 12.9 188.2 1.3 2032 17 0.000085 0.000002 0.056 0.001 870 11 877 11 3289 85 2502 791 pp1-1 29.4 199.1 1.1 2304 23 0.000099 0.000004 0.07 0.003 893 14 901 15 4085 155 3319 781 pp1-1-2 29.4 199.7 1.1 2277 23 0.000105 0.000004 0.073 0.003 880 14 889 14 4297 166 3532 783 weighted avg.age= 3425 550 pp1-M 40.5 217.5 1.2 1697 16 0.000185 0.000003 0.087 0.001 903 9 914 10 5123 91 4495 634 pp1-K 51.2 246.8 1 421 16 0.001001 0.000044 0.103 0.002 935 6 950 6 5976 134 5635 367 pp1-2 62.4 241.9 1.3 584 21 0.000768 0.000034 0.112 0.003 967 11 984 12 6398 173 6017 419 pp1-2-2 62.4 242.3 1.3 735 32 0.000735 0.000032 0.111 0.003 951 11 967 12 6359 170 5971 423 weighted avg.age= 5994 300 pp1-G 73.7 274.8 1.5 407 16 0.001356 0.000053 0.122 0.001 942 9 960 9 7026 80 6725 311 pp1-F 82.6 252.6 1 309 11 0.001703 0.00007 0.126 0.003 935 6 954 6 7327 158 7027 339 pp1-F-2 82.6 253.4 2.4 308 11 0.001693 0.000097 0.125 0.006 922 13 940 14 7281 343 6980 455 weighted avg.age= 7010 270 pp1-E 92.1 237.8 0.8 2852 14 0.000193 0.000002 0.14 0.001 921 5 942 5 8232 63 7558 676 pp1-C 98 201.1 1 1471 13 0.000338 0.000007 0.15 0.003 886 9 907 10 8977 189 8327 676 pp1-C-2 98 201.2 1.7 1496 14 0.000329 0.000006 0.148 0.003 895 15 916 16 8838 182 8188 674 weighted avg.age= 8257 480 pp1-B 103.2 200.3 0.7 1342 21 0.000389 0.000016 0.158 0.006 834 5 856 5 9775 377 9124 751 pp1-B2 103.2 200.9 1.2 1342 20 0.000396 0.000019 0.16 0.007 831 11 853 11 9947 481 9297 807 weighted avg.age= 9204 550 pp1-bot 107.4 186 0.9 1107 28 0.000478 0.000034 0.172 0.012 818 15 842 15 10796 769 10134 1012 pp1-bot-2 107.4 187 1.3 1043 25 0.00049 0.000019 0.166 0.005 842 21 866 21 10212 352 9574 726 weighted avg.age= 9674 590 pp1-112.04 112 166.7 0.6 1224 21 0.000399 0.000014 0.177 0.006 819 7 843 8 11127 371 10363 848 pp1-112.04 112 166.2 0.8 1223 36 0.000383 0.000041 0.171 0.018 810 12 834 13 10727 1158 9957 1386 weighted avg.age= 10252 720 pp1-117.49 117.5 176.4 0.7 471 25 0.035528 0.001867 0.179 0.005 775 7 800 7 11538 322 11001 626 pp1-117.49 117.5 177.6 1.5 504 30 0.033062 0.00205 0.18 0.01 753 26 778 27 11736 685 11184 877 weighted avg.age= 11063 510 pp1-A 121.2 190 1.6 756 15 0.000751 0.000022 0.181 0.004 725 14 749 14 12021 304 11420 671 pp1-A2 121.2 190.4 1 784 17 0.000737 0.00002 0.184 0.003 717 9 741 9 12273 243 11663 656 weighted avg.age= 11544 470 pp1-128.8 128.8 172 0.8 478 27 0.00106 0.000068 0.178 0.006 675 21 698 21 12209 437 11622 730 pp1-128.8-2 128.8 172.6 1.5 492 27 0.001048 0.000071 0.181 0.007 661 22 684 22 12489 548 11893 806 weighted avg.age= 11744 540 pp1-133.74 133.7 167.5 1.2 815 26 0.000613 0.00004 0.181 0.01 647 15 669 15 12601 768 11868 1058 pp1-3 137.9 170.4 0.7 583 25 0.000855 0.00005 0.177 0.007 613 11 635 11 12597 539 11940 849 pp1-3-2 137.9 170.4 1 577 25 0.000866 0.000045 0.178 0.005 642 16 664 17 12418 397 11775 755 weighted avg.age= 11848 560 pp1-142.2 142.2 156.4 1 621 25 0.000756 0.000033 0.182 0.003 592 13 613 14 13151 249 12409 782 pp1-142.2-2 142.2 157.1 0.9 631 26 0.000762 0.000048 0.185 0.009 587 13 609 13 13463 706 12718 1024 weighted avg.age= 12523 620 2. Table DR2. Oxygen stable isotope data for stalagmite PP-1. Ages for the samples were calculated using an age model (Fig. 1) constructed by a 9-degree polynomial fit of the 230Th age against sample distance. Adjustments, within the age uncertainties, were made in places to optimize the match between the d18O and the D14C records, while maintaining a smooth age curve. Dist. 230ThAge d18O mm YrBP2003 ‰VPDB 0.2 38 -4.14 0.4 78 -4.19 0.6 116 -3.79 0.8 154 -4.49 1 190 -4.4 1.2 226 -4.45 1.4 260 -4.21 1.6 294 -4.17 1.8 327 -3.96 2 359 -4.53 2.2 390 -4.46 2.4 421 -4.59 2.6 450 -4.42 2.8 479 -4.56 3 507 -4.17 3.2 535 -4.17 3.4 561 -3.88 3.6 588 -4.18 3.8 613 -3.84 4 638 -4.2 4.2 662 -4.23 4.4 686 -4.34 4.6 709 -4.24 4.8 732 -4.56 5 754 -4.31 5.2 776 -4.48 5.4 797 -4.42 5.6 818 -4.25 5.8 839 -3.8 6 859 -3.9 6.2 878 -3.85 6.4 897 -4.02 6.6 916 -3.97 6.8 935 -3.93 7 953 -3.69 7.2 971 -4.11 7.4 989 -4.17 7.6 1006 -4.25 7.8 1023 -3.76 8 1040 -3.81 8.2 1057 -3.94 8.4 1073 -4.24 8.6 1089 -4.19 8.8 1105 -4.38 9 1121 -4.25 9.2 1137 -4.28 9.4 1152 -3.85 9.6 1168 -3.94 9.8 1183 -3.97 10 1198 -4.55 10.2 1213 -4.39 10.4 1228 -4.58 10.6 1243 -4.4 10.8 1258 -4.32 11 1272 -3.77 11.2 1287 -4.3 11.4 1302 -4.01 11.6 1316 -4.5 11.8 1331 -4.23 12 1345 -4.3 12.2 1360 -3.69 12.4 1374 -4.19 12.6 1389 -4.24 12.8 1403 -4.33 13 1418 -4.19 13.2 1433 -4.63 13.4 1447 -4.8 13.6 1462 -4.54 13.8 1477 -4.18 14.2 1506 -4.39 14.4 1521 -4.24 14.6 1536 -3.73 14.8 1551 -3.91 15 1566 -3.63 15.2 1581 -3.95 15.4 1597 -4.13 15.6 1612 -3.81 15.8 1627 -3.82 16 1643 -4.21 16.2 1659 -4.06 16.4 1674 -3.95 16.6 1690 -3.93 16.8 1706 -3.91 17 1723 -3.87 17.2 1739 -4.18 17.4 1755 -4.27 17.6 1772 -4.56 17.8 1788 -4.22 18 1805 -4.36 18.2 1822 -4.65 18.4 1839 -4.9 18.6 1856 -4.63 18.8 1874 -4.47 19 1891 -4.32 19.2 1909 -4.48 19.4 1926 -4.22 19.6 1944 -4.38 19.8 1962 -4.27 20 1981 -4.19 20.2 1999 -4.7 20.4 2017 -3.81 20.6 2036 -3.55 20.8 2055 -3.63 21 2074 -3.95 21.2 2093 -3.68 21.4 2112 -3.56 21.6 2131 -3.81 21.8 2151 -3.76 22 2170 -4.03 22.2 2190 -3.91 22.4 2210 -3.55 22.6 2230 -3.65 22.8 2250 -3.82 23 2271 -3.82 23.2 2291 -3.48 23.4 2312 -3 23.6 2333 -3.44 23.8 2354 -3.84 24 2375 -4.1 24.2 2396 -4.23 24.4 2417 -4.38 24.8 2460 -4.34 25 2482 -4.29 25.2 2504 -4.52 25.4 2526 -4.58 25.6 2548 -4.69 25.8 2570 -4.46 26.2 2614 -4.61 26.4 2637 -4.72 26.6 2660 -4.6 26.8 2682 -4.93 27 2705 -5.06 27.2 2728 -5.16 27.4 2751 -4.96 27.6 2774 -4.41 27.8 2797 -4.12 28 2821 -4.08 28.2 2844 -3.87 28.8 2915 -3.57 29 2938 -3.4 29.2 2962 -3.39 29.4 2986 -3.5 29.6 3010 -3.33 29.8 3034 -3.49 30 3058 -3.71 30.2 3082 -4.15 30.4 3106 -3.93 30.6 3130 -3.9 30.8 3154 -4.01 31 3178 -4.3 31.2 3203 -4.57 31.4 3227 -4.7 31.6 3251 -4.78 31.8 3276 -4.84 32 3300 -4.6 32.2 3325 -4.35 32.4 3349 -4.07 32.6 3374 -3.64 33 3423 -3.52 33.4 3472 -4.17 33.8 3521 -3.7 34.2 3570 -4.22 34.6 3619 -3.95 34.8 3643 -3.52 35 3668 -3.47 35.2 3692 -3.73 35.4 3716 -3.98 35.6 3741 -4.37 35.8 3765 -4.53 36 3789 -4.17 36.2 3814 -4.22 36.4 3838 -3.76 36.6 3862 -3.89 36.8 3886 -3.64 37 3910 -3.56 37.2 3934 -3.59 37.4 3958 -3.5 37.6 3982 -3.68 37.8 4006 -3.45 38 4029 -3.52 38.2 4053 -3.92 38.4 4077 -4.16 38.6 4100 -3.98 38.8 4124 -3.81 39 4147 -3.76 39.2 4170 -3.36 39.4 4194 -3.46 39.6 4217 -3.76 39.8 4240 -3.62 40 4263 -3.54 40.2 4285 -3.4 40.4 4308 -3.68 40.6 4331 -3.66 40.8 4353 -3.96 41 4376 -3.51 41.2 4398 -3.79 41.4 4420 -4.19 41.6 4442 -4.21 41.8 4464 -3.87 42 4486 -3.85 42.2 4508 -4.15 42.6 4551 -3.87 42.8 4573 -3.83 43 4594 -3.38 43.2 4615 -3.4 43.4 4636 -3.71 43.6 4657 -5.19 44 4698 -4.26 44.2 4719 -4.2 44.4 4739 -4.21 44.6 4759 -4.02 44.8 4779 -3.91 45.2 4819 -4.04 45.4 4839 -4.32 45.6 4858 -4.21 45.8 4878 -4.22 46 4897 -4.14 46.2 4916 -4.12 46.4 4935 -3.97 46.6 4954 -3.9 46.8 4972 -4.28 47 4991 -4.19 47.2 5009 -4.14 47.4 5027 -4.36 47.6 5045 -4.47 47.8 5063 -4.35 48 5081 -4.52 48.2 5098 -3.88 48.4 5116 -3.9 48.6 5133 -3.91 48.8 5150 -4.06 49 5167 -3.96 49.2 5184 -3.71 49.4 5201 -3.71 49.6 5217 -4.01 49.8 5233 -4.01 50 5249 -3.88 50.2 5265 -3.8 50.4 5281 -3.86 50.6 5297 -4.1 50.8 5313 -4.2 51 5328 -4.18 51.2 5343 -3.95 51.4 5358 -4.35 51.6 5373 -4.4 51.8 5388 -4.17 52 5402 -3.92 52.2 5417 -3.8 52.4 5431 -4.09 52.6 5445 -4.01 52.8 5459 -4.09 53 5473 -4.28 53.2 5487 -4.34 53.4 5500 -4.33 53.6 5514 -4.87 53.8 5527 -4.36 54 5540 -4.32 54.2 5553 -4.33 54.4 5566 -4.38 54.6 5579 -4.46 54.8 5591 -4.66 55 5603 -4.93 55.2 5616 -4.59 55.4 5628 -3.89 55.6 5640 -3.75 55.8 5652 -3.69 56 5663 -4.53 56.2 5675 -4.95 56.4 5686 -4.89 56.6 5698 -4.6 56.8 5709 -4.66 57 5720 -4.33 57.2 5731 -4.46 57.4 5741 -4.82 57.6 5752 -4.8 57.8 5763 -4.79 58 5773 -4.65 58.2 5783 -4.36 58.4 5794 -4.12 58.6 5804 -4.02 58.8 5814 -4.1 59 5824 -3.99 59.2 5833 -4.05 59.4 5843 -3.61 59.6 5853 -4 59.8 5862 -4.07 60 5871 -4.08 60.2 5881 -3.48 60.4 5890 -3.89 60.6 5899 -3.99 60.8 5908 -3.75 61 5917 -3.93 61.2 5926 -4.2 61.4 5934 -3.89 61.6 5943 -4.05 61.8 5952 -4.19 62 5960 -3.99 62.2 5968 -3.99 62.4 5977 -4.08 62.6 5985 -4.21 62.8 5993 -4.64 63 6001 -4.25 63.2 6009 -4.03 63.4 6017 -4.19 63.6 6025 -3.83 63.8 6033 -4.46 64 6041 -3.93 64.2 6049 -4.12 64.4 6057 -3.3 64.6 6065 -4.64 64.8 6072 -4.24 65 6080 -3.87 65.2 6087 -4.51 65.4 6095 -3.64 65.6 6103 -5.43 65.8 6110 -4.1 66 6118 -3.98 66.2 6125 -4.49 66.4 6132 -4.62 66.6 6140 -5.09 66.8 6147 -3.9 67 6155 -5.81 67.2 6162 -4.21 67.4 6170 -4.63 67.6 6177 -4.54 67.8 6184 -4.7 68 6192 -4.73 68.2 6199 -5.11 68.4 6206 -4.66 68.6 6214 -5.45 68.8 6221 -4.59 69 6229 -3.93 69.2 6236 -4.87 69.4 6244 -4.28 69.6 6251 -4.56 69.8 6259 -4.44 70 6266 -4.39 70.2 6274 -4.76 70.4 6281 -4.6 70.6 6289 -4.95 70.8 6297 -4.68 71 6304 -4.61 71.2 6312 -4.56 71.4 6320 -4.7 71.6 6328 -4.44 71.8 6336 -4.32 72 6344 -4.16 72.2 6352 -3.87 72.4 6360 -4.38 72.6 6368 -4.27 72.8 6376 -4.02 73 6385 -4.24 73.2 6393 -4.05 73.4 6402 -4.26 73.6 6410 -3.92 73.8 6419 -4.21 74 6427 -4.31 74.2 6436 -4.1 74.4 6445 -4.09 74.6 6454 -4.41 74.8 6463 -4.73 75 6472 -4.71 75.2 6481 -4.69 75.4 6490 -4.85 75.6 6500 -4.64 75.8 6509 -3.83 76 6519 -3.68 76.2 6529 -3.52 76.4 6538 -3.72 76.6 6548 -3.86 76.8 6558 -3.34 77 6568 -3.67 77.2 6579 -3.86 77.4 6589 -4.01 77.6 6599 -4.68 77.8 6610 -4.12 78 6621 -3.52 78.2 6632 -3.56 78.4 6643 -3.63 78.6 6654 -3.66 78.8 6665 -3.78 79 6676 -4.19 79.2 6688 -3.35 79.4 6699 -3.42 79.6 6711 -3.76 79.8 6723 -3.53 80 6735 -3.92 80.2 6747 -3.78 80.4 6759 -3.55 80.6 6772 -3.73 80.8 6784 -2.99 81 6797 -2.79 81.2 6810 -2.85 81.4 6823 -3.51 81.6 6836 -3.63 81.8 6850 -3.41 82 6863 -3.38 82.2 6877 -3.59 82.4 6890 -3.94 82.6 6904 -3.98 82.8 6918 -3.43 83 6933 -3.49 83.2 6947 -3.43 83.4 6962 -3.47 83.6 6976 -3.75 83.8 6991 -4.06 84 7006 -4.33 84.2 7021 -3.6 84.4 7037 -3.18 84.6 7052 -2.99 84.8 7068 -3.47 85 7083 -3.31 85.2 7099 -4.17 85.4 7116 -3.41 85.6 7132 -4.34 85.8 7148 -4.45 86 7165 -3.67 86.2 7182 -3.7 86.4 7199 -4.27 86.6 7216 -4.12 86.8 7233 -4.44 87 7250 -4.17 87.2 7268 -4.82 87.6 7303 -3.69 87.8 7321 -3.36 88 7340 -4.49 88.2 7358 -3.49 88.4 7376 -2.67 88.6 7395 -2.66 88.8 7414 -2.77 89 7433 -2.93 89.2 7452 -2.87 89.4 7471 -2.92 89.6 7491 -2.72 89.8 7510 -3.65 90 7530 -3.17 90.2 7550 -3.35 90.4 7570 -3.37 90.6 7590 -3.3 90.8 7610 -3.27 91 7631 -3.33 91.2 7651 -3.31 91.4 7672 -3.31 91.6 7693 -2.97 91.8 7714 -3.25 92 7735 -3 92.2 7757 -3.42 92.4 7778 -3.13 92.6 7800 -3.1 92.8 7821 -3.14 93 7843 -3.26 93.2 7865 -3.51 93.4 7887 -3.69 93.6 7909 -3.71 93.8 7932 -3.26 94 7954 -3.78 94.2 7977 -3.66 94.4 8000 -3.99 94.6 8022 -3.82 94.8 8045 -3.83 95 8068 -3.64 95.2 8091 -3.43 95.4 8115 -3.62 95.6 8138 -3.9 95.8 8162 -3.14 96 8185 -3.14 96.2 8209 -2.8 96.4 8233 -3.01 96.6 8256 -3.68 96.8 8280 -3.14 97 8305 -3.55 97.2 8329 -3.39 97.4 8353 -3.62 97.6 8377 -3.2 97.8 8402 -3.15 98 8426 -3.16 98.2 8451 -2.83 98.4 8475 -3.36 98.8 8525 -3.1 99 8549 -2.97 99.2 8574 -2.92 99.4 8599 -2.97 99.6 8624 -3.25 99.8 8649 -3.21 100 8674 -3.29 100.2 8699 -3.16 100.4 8724 -3.52 100.6 8750 -3.53 100.8 8775 -3.14 101 8800 -3.22 101.2 8825 -3.68 101.4 8851 -3.54 101.6 8876 -3.49 101.8 8901 -3.47 102 8927 -3.34 102.2 8952 -3.21 102.4 8977 -3.4 102.6 9003 -2.98 102.8 9028 -3.36 103 9054 -3.57 103.2 9079 -3.5 103.4 9104 -3.48 103.6 9130 -3.61 103.8 9155 -3.63 104 9181 -3.48 104.2 9206 -3.83 104.4 9231 -3.63 104.6 9256 -3.55 104.8 9282 -3.67 105 9307 -3.64 105.2 9332 -3.7 105.4 9357 -3.9 105.6 9382 -3.96 105.8 9408 -4.02 106 9433 -4.04 106.2 9457 -4.28 106.4 9482 -3.97 106.6 9507 -4.05 106.8 9532 -4 107 9557 -3.93 107.2 9581 -4.06 107.4 9606 -4.04 107.6 9631 -3.87 107.8 9655 -4.22 108 9679 -4.33 108.2 9704 -4.29 108.4 9728 -4.23 108.6 9752 -4.84 108.8 9776 -4.43 109 9800 -4.39 109.2 9824 -4.33 109.4 9847 -4.44 109.6 9871 -4.28 109.8 9894 -4.56 110 9918 -4.24 110.2 9941 -4.09 110.4 9964 -3.9 110.6 9987 -3.62 110.8 10010 -3.8 111 10033 -3.65 111.2 10055 -3.89 111.4 10078 -3.68 111.6 10100 -4.11 111.8 10122 -4.05 112.2 10167 -3.6 112.4 10188 -3.81 112.6 10210 -3.94 112.8 10231 -3.91 113 10253 -3.85 113.2 10274 -3.85 113.4 10295 -3.69 113.6 10316 -3.94 113.8 10337 -3.98 114 10357 -4.1 114.2 10378 -3.97 114.4 10398 -4.17 114.6 10418 -4.14 114.8 10438 -3.93 115 10458 -3.95 115.2 10477 -3.98 115.4 10497 -3.82 115.6 10516 -3.95 115.8 10535 -3.87 116 10554 -4.1 116.2 10572 -3.58 116.4 10591 -3.42 116.6 10609 -3.5 116.8 10627 -3.6 117 10645 -3.6 117.2 10663 -3.09 117.4 10680 -3.68 117.6 10698 -3.86 117.8 10715 -4.01 118 10732 -3.86 118.2 10749 -3.82 118.4 10765 -3.74 118.6 10782 -3.8 118.8 10798 -3.83 119 10814 -3.88 119.2 10830 -3.83 119.4 10846 -4.05 119.6 10861 -4.19 120 10891 -4.19 120.2 10906 -4.15 120.4 10921 -4.18 120.6 10936 -4.22 120.8 10950 -4.36 121 10964 -4.34 121.2 10978 -4.23 121.4 10992 -4.04 121.6 11006 -4.16 121.8 11019 -4.23 122 11032 -4.33 122.2 11045 -4.3 122.4 11058 -4.22 122.6 11071 -4.16 122.8 11084 -3.99 123 11096 -3.96 123.2 11108 -3.81 123.4 11120 -3.8 123.6 11132 -3.8 123.8 11144 -3.79 124 11155 -3.76 124.2 11167 -3.78 124.4 11178 -3.82 124.6 11189 -3.91 124.8 11200 -3.91 125 11211 -4 125.2 11222 -4.09 125.4 11233 -4.11 125.6 11243 -4.09 125.8 11253 -4.21 126 11264 -3.79 126.2 11274 -4.04 126.4 11284 -3.78 126.6 11294 -3.4 126.8 11304 -3.6 127 11313 -3.7 127.2 11323 -2.75 127.4 11332 -3.17 127.6 11342 -3.2 127.8 11351 -3.26 128 11361 -3.22 128.2 11370 -3.16 128.4 11379 -3.05 128.6 11388 -2.94 128.8 11397 -3.17 129 11406 -3.19 129.2 11415 -4.3 129.4 11425 -3.28 129.6 11434 -3.43 129.8 11443 -3.57 130 11452 -2.93 130.2 11461 -3.23 130.4 11470 -3.15 130.6 11479 -3.17 130.8 11488 -3.31 131 11497 -3.28 131.2 11506 -3.49 131.4 11515 -3.48 131.6 11525 -3.55 131.8 11534 -3.92 132 11543 -3.52 132.2 11553 -3.64 132.4 11563 -3.75 132.6 11572 -3.64 132.8 11582 -3.93 133 11592 -3.69 133.4 11613 -3.69 133.6 11623 -3.42 133.8 11634 -4.19 134 11645 -4.26 134.2 11656 -4.42 134.4 11667 -4.73 134.6 11679 -4.17 134.8 11690 -4.04 135 11702 -4.11 135.2 11714 -4.23 135.4 11727 -3.84 135.6 11740 -3.97 135.8 11753 -4.18 136 11766 -4.29 136.2 11780 -3.92 136.4 11794 -4.05 136.6 11808 -4.17 136.8 11823 -3.83 137 11838 -3.24 137.2 11853 -3.65 137.4 11869 -3.45 137.6 11885 -3.49 137.8 11902 -3.55 138 11919 -4.4 138.2 11936 -3.33 138.4 11954 -3.49 138.6 11973 -3.38 138.8 11992 -3.35 139 12012 -3.38 139.2 12032 -3.09 139.6 12073 -3.48 139.8 12095 -3.65 140 12118 -3.9 140.2 12140 -4.08