# Liang Luar Cave, Indonesia 2,000 Year Speleothem Isotope and Geochemical Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/20285 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/spelothem/pacific/liangluar2016b1.txt # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Speleothem # # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes, trace elements, geochemistry #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2016-06-10 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Liang Luar Cave, Indonesia 2,000 Year Speleothem Isotope and Geochemical Data #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Griffiths, M.L.; Kimbrough, A.K.; Gagan, M.K.; Drysdale, R.N.; Cole, J.E.; Johnson, K.R.; Zhao, J.-X.; Cook, B.I.; Hellstrom, J.C.; Hantoro, W.S. #--------------------------------------- # Description and Notes # Description: Stable isotope and geochemical data from 2 stalagmites collected in Liang Luar Cave, Indonesia covering the past 2,000 years # Provided Keywords: Common Era, monsoon, hydroclimate, speleothem #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Michael L. Griffiths, Alena K. Kimbrough, Michael K. Gagan, Russell N. Drysdale, Julia E. Cole, Kathleen R. Johnson, Jian-Xin Zhao, Benjamin I. Cook, John C. Hellstrom, Wahyoe S. Hantoro # Published_Date_or_Year: 2016-06-08 # Published_Title: Western Pacific hydroclimate linked to global climate variability over the past two millennia # Journal_Name: Nature Communications # Volume: 7 # Edition: 11719 # Issue: # Pages: # Report Number: # DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11719 # Online_Resource: http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2016/160608/ncomms11719/full/ncomms11719.html # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Interdecadal modes of tropical Pacific ocean-atmosphere circulation have a strong influence on global temperature, yet the extent to which these phenomena influence global climate on multicentury timescales is still poorly known. Here we present a 2,000-year, multiproxy reconstruction of western Pacific hydroclimate from two speleothem records for southeastern Indonesia. The composite record shows pronounced shifts in monsoon rainfall that are antiphased with precipitation records for East Asia and the central-eastern equatorial Pacific. These meridional and zonal patterns are best explained by a poleward expansion of the Australasian Intertropical Convergence Zone and weakening of the Pacific Walker circulation (PWC) between ~1000 and 1500 CE. Conversely, an equatorward contraction of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and strengthened PWC occurred between ~1500 and 1900 CE. Our findings, together with climate model simulations, highlight the likelihood that century-scale variations in tropical Pacific climate modes can significantly modulate radiatively forced shifts in global temperature. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Australian Research Council # Grant: DP0663274, DP1095673 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: NOAA/UCAR # Grant: Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: Liang Luar Cave # Location: Ocean>Indian Ocean>Indonesia # Country: Indonesia # Northernmost_Latitude: -8.53 # Southernmost_Latitude: -8.53 # Easternmost_Longitude: 120.43 # Westernmost_Longitude: 120.43 # Elevation: 550 m #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: LR06-B1-2016 # First_Year: 1 # Last_Year: 1996 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # Sample I.D. sample identification used by U-Th laboratory # Core Depth (mm) Depth from the top of the stalagmite (mm) # U (ppm) Uranium concentration in parts per million # [230Th/238Th] Isotope ratios of Thorium-230 to Thorium-238 # [234U/238U] Isotope ratios of Uranium-234 to Uranium-238 # [230Th/232Th] Isotope ratios of Thorium-230 to Thorium-232 # Uncorr. Age (kyr BP) Uncorrected age # Corr. Age (kyr BP) Corrected age # Corr. Age (C.E.) Corrected age Common Era # Corr. Initial [234U/238U] Corrected initial Uranium-234 to Uranium-238 ratio # # Sample I.D. Core Depth (mm) U [230Th/238U] [234U/238U] [230Th/232Th] Uncorr. age (kyr BP) Corr. age (kyr BP) Corr. age (C.E) Corr. initial # (ppm) [234U/238U] # B1/0003* 3 0.29 0.00061+/-0.00004 1.2526 +/-0.0019 11 0.053 +/-0.003 0.037 +/-0.005 1970 1.2526 +/-0.0019 # B1/0012*# 12 0.43 0.00173+/-0.00007 1.2436 +/-0.0011 40 0.149 +/-0.006 0.135 +/-0.007 1872 1.2437 +/-0.0011 # B1/0020*# 20 0.55 0.00276+/-0.00009 1.2492 +/-0.0011 95 0.239 +/-0.008 0.230 +/-0.008 1777 1.2494 +/-0.0011 # B1/0030*# 30 0.39 0.00343+/-0.00009 1.2306 +/-0.0009 44 0.301 +/-0.008 0.278 +/-0.009 1729 1.2308 +/-0.0009 # B1/0036*# 36 0.36 0.00458+/-0.00017 1.2461 +/-0.0014 20 0.398 +/-0.015 0.328 +/-0.019 1679 1.2463 +/-0.0015 # B1/0042* 42 0.28 0.00492+/-0.00018 1.2660 +/-0.0014 98 0.423 +/-0.015 0.410 +/-0.016 1597 1.2663 +/-0.0014 # B1/0047*# 47 0.56 0.00546+/-0.00015 1.2670 +/-0.0014 196 0.469 +/-0.013 0.460 +/-0.013 1547 1.2674 +/-0.0014 # B1/0051*# 51 0.13 0.00674+/-0.00021 1.2644 +/-0.0016 18 0.580 +/-0.018 0.472 +/-0.026 1535 1.2649 +/-0.0016 # B1/0055*# 55 0.27 0.00691+/-0.00014 1.2633 +/-0.0011 25 0.595 +/-0.012 0.512 +/- 0.019 1495 1.2637 +/-0.0011 # B1/0060*# 60 0.51 0.00977+/-0.00018 1.2497 +/-0.0015 17 0.854 +/-0.016 0.685 +/-0.034 1322 1.2502 +/-0.0014 # B1/0064*# 64 0.2 0.01313+/-0.00027 1.2531 +/-0.0015 8 1.146 +/-0.024 0.655 +/-0.091 1352 1.2536 +/-0.0016 # B1/0067*# 67 0.22 0.01053+/-0.00017 1.2559 +/-0.0013 21 0.916 +/-0.015 0.767 +/-0.030 1240 1.2564 +/-0.0013 # B1/0069*# 69 0.53 0.00887+/-0.00021 1.2512 +/-0.0015 363 0.774 +/-0.018 0.765 +/-0.018 1242 1.2518 +/-0.0015 # B1/0075* 75 0.23 0.01001+/-0.00024 1.2471 +/-0.0015 289 0.876 +/-0.021 0.868 +/-0.021 1139 1.2477 +/-0.0015 # B1/0105* 105 35.48 0.01410+/-0.00036 1.2414 +/-0.0012 349 1.242 +/-0.032 1.233 +/-0.032 774 1.2423 +/-0.0012 # B1/0156* 156 0.54 0.01801+/-0.00024 1.2058 +/-0.0029 162 1.636 +/-0.022 1.606 +/-0.023 401 1.2067 +/-0.0029 # B1/0220* 220 0.36 0.02047+/-0.00020 1.2327 +/-0.0019 592 1.820 +/-0.018 1.815 +/-0.018 192 1.2339 +/-0.0019 # B1/0317* 317 0.37 0.02776+/-0.00030 1.2522 +/-0.0030 490 2.437 +/-0.027 2.426 +/-0.028 -419 1.2539 +/-0.0030 # B3/A-AB-a1* 7.75 0.34 0.00183+/-0.00009 1.2744 +/-0.0014 25 0.156 +/-0.008 0.135 +/-0.013 1871 1.2745 +/-0.0014 # lr06b3-a-24 24 0.43 0.00261+/-0.00007 1.2617 +/-0.0007 170 0.220 +/-0.006 0.221 +/-0.006 1786 1.2619 +/-0.0007 # lr06b3-a-40 40 0.44 0.00361+/-0.00007 1.2730 +/-0.0005 242 0.304 +/-0.005 0.303+/-0.006 1702 1.2732 +/-0.0005 # B3-101** 56 0.21 0.00470+/-0.00020 1.2901 +/-0.0022 80 0.362 +/-0.017 0.381 +/-0.019 1626 1.2904 +/-0.0022 # B3-102** 74 0.18 0.00590+/-0.00030 1.3147 +/-0.0026 235 0.475 +/-0.025 0.483 +/-0.025 1524 1.3151 +/-0.0026 # lr06b3-a-88 88 0.27 0.00696+/-0.00013 1.3170 +/-0.0008 252 0.573 +/-0.011 0.570 +/-0.011 1437 1.3175 +/-0.0008 # lr06b3-a-102 102 0.39 0.00798+/-0.00010 1.3306 +/-0.0007 269 0.650 +/-0.08 0.647 +/-0.009 1360 1.3312 +/-0.0007 # lr06b3-a-116 116 0.36 0.00998+/-0.00015 1.3267 +/-0.0008 313 0.818 +/-0.013 0.814 +/-0.013 1193 1.3274 +/-0.0008 # B3-103** 129.5 0.25 0.01260+/-0.00030 1.3242 +/-0.0022 172 1.000 +/-0.025 1.022 +/-0.027 985 1.3251 +/-0.0022 # lr06b3-a-147 147 0.32 0.01607+/-0.00022 1.2955 +/-0.0008 426 1.357 +/-0.019 1.350 +/-0.019 657 1.2966 +/-0.0008 # lr06b3-a-164 164 0.3 0.01672+/-0.00013 1.2710 +/-0.0008 1028 1.439 +/-0.012 1.439 +/-0.012 568 1.2721 +/-0.0008 # lr06b3-a-181 181 0.4 0.01735+/-0.00017 1.2678 +/-0.0006 1473 1.498 +/-0.015 1.498 +/-0.015 509 1.2689 +/-0.0006 # B3-104** 196.5 0.31 0.01800+/-0.00020 1.2737 +/-0.0023 482 1.530 +/-0.018 1.541 +/-0.019 466 1.2749 +/-0.0023 # lr06b3-b-217 217 0.37 0.01966+/-0.00021 1.2672 +/-0.0008 2295 1.700 +/-0.018 1.701 +/-0.018 306 1.2685 +/-0.0008 # lr06b3-b-234 234 0.32 0.02181+/-0.00019 1.2816 +/-0.0010 912 1.867 +/-0.016 1.864 +/-0.016 143 1.2831 +/-0.0009 # lr06b3-b-257 257 0.34 0.02310+/-0.00020 1.2886 +/-0.0013 930 1.968 +/-0.017 1.964 +/-0.017 43 1.2902 +/-0.0013 # B3-105** 274.4 0.12 0.02440+/-0.00030 1.2646 +/-0.0022 294 2.075 +/-0.027 2.099 +/-0.029 -92 1.2662 +/-0.0022 # # "U (ppm)" is the uranium concentration of the sample in parts per million. "Core Depth (mm)" is the mid-point distance from # the top of the stalagmite for each U-series age. Activity ratios (in brackets) were determined by the methods described in # Hellstrom (ref. 13). Corrected 230Th ages were calculated using equation 1 of Hellstrom (ref. 14), assuming non-radiogenic # 230Th/232Th=3.4+/-1.7 [calculated using the method of Hellstrom (ref. 14)], and half-lives specified in Cheng et al. (ref. 15). # **Dates determined by MC-ICPMS at the University of Melbourne, Australia. # *Date determined by TIMS at the University of Queensland, Australia. These data were published in Griffiths et al. (ref. 3). # *#Date determined by MC-IPCMS at the University of Queensland, Australia. # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_mm depth, , , mm, , , , ,N ## age_AD age, , , AD, , , , Iscam,N ## Mg/Cacarb Magnesium/Calcium ratio, calcium carbonate, , molar ratio, ,speleothem, , analytical technique: inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry,N ## Sr/Cacarb Strontium/Calcium ratio, calcium carbonate, , molar ratio, ,speleothem, , analytical technique: inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry,N ## d18OcarbVPDB delta18O, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothem, This data was previosly reported in Griffiths et al. (2009) Nature Geoscience 2:636-639, analytical technique: isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N ## d13CcarbVPDB delta13C, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothem, This data was previosly reported in Griffiths et al. (2009) Nature Geoscience 2:636-639, analytical technique: isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: -999 # depth_mm age_AD Mg/Cacarb Sr/Cacarb d18OcarbVPDB d13CcarbVPDB 1 1996 29.68 0.0066 -6.26 -9.85 2 1985 22.77 0.0050 -6.51 -10.74 3 1975 24.65 0.0088 -6.59 -10.63 4 1962 33.15 0.0158 -5.93 -8.62 5 1949 23.78 0.0031 -6.35 -10.38 6 1937 30.45 0.0151 -6.14 -9.52 7 1924 27.87 0.0101 -6.10 -10.08 8 1911 24.98 0.0081 -6.30 -10.66 9 1898 24.22 0.0040 -6.33 -10.73 10 1886 25.53 0.0104 -6.23 -10.51 11 1872 21.36 0.0012 -6.24 -11.26 12 1861 22.74 0.0042 -6.33 -11.47 13 1852 21.04 0.0054 -6.39 -11.69 14 1842 28.40 0.0134 -6.12 -10.51 15 1833 27.01 0.0080 -6.15 -10.79 16 1824 25.05 0.0094 -6.14 -10.69 17 1815 27.26 0.0161 -6.07 -10.35 18 1805 21.13 0.0031 -6.44 -11.43 19 1796 19.57 0.0036 -6.61 -11.77 20 1787 24.59 0.0079 -6.17 -10.47 21 1781 21.14 0.0083 -6.31 -10.99 22 1775 25.45 0.0105 -6.03 -10.19 23 1770 21.94 0.0096 -6.17 -10.77 24 1764 22.52 0.0083 -6.29 -11.11 25 1758 22.01 0.0089 -6.19 -11.07 26 1753 20.43 0.0082 -6.29 -11.31 27 1747 28.40 0.0130 -6.01 -10.50 28 1741 26.41 0.0136 -5.90 -10.52 29 1735 28.27 0.0123 -5.90 -10.65 30 1729 24.57 0.0114 -6.10 -11.28 31 1714 25.59 0.0146 -5.95 -10.98 32 1698 24.01 0.0100 -6.13 -11.18 33 1683 24.92 0.0117 -5.99 -11.16 34 1668 24.65 0.0123 -5.86 -10.84 35 1652 21.96 0.0089 -6.08 -11.50 36 1636 19.73 0.0098 -6.22 -11.82 37 1626 19.68 0.0048 -6.30 -12.19 38 1616 24.74 0.0072 -6.02 -11.26 39 1606 25.25 0.0113 -5.99 -11.20 40 1595 25.33 0.0084 -6.00 -10.99 41 1585 26.56 0.0109 -6.08 -10.86 42 1575 25.27 0.0119 -6.26 -10.96 43 1572 19.51 0.0116 -6.80 -12.03 44 1569 18.92 0.0087 -6.68 -11.96 45 1567 -999 0.0182 -6.60 -11.80 46 1563 22.20 0.0113 -6.47 -11.64 47 1560 21.84 0.0081 -6.43 -11.02 48 1541 20.95 0.0110 -6.66 -11.31 49 1522 24.94 0.0113 -6.44 -10.78 50 1502 22.69 0.0073 -6.42 -10.87 51 1487 22.80 0.0114 -6.47 -10.66 52 1479 26.48 0.0132 -6.19 -9.71 53 1476 26.36 0.0105 -6.26 -9.97 54 1472 23.88 0.0121 -6.32 -10.18 55 1468 25.68 0.0137 -6.17 -9.87 56 1442 25.52 0.0102 -6.26 -10.19 57 1414 23.97 0.0113 -6.10 -10.29 58 1387 24.02 0.0082 -6.20 -10.23 59 1360 24.38 0.0093 -6.17 -10.22 60 1333 25.63 0.0099 -6.20 -10.11 61 1322 25.70 0.0115 -6.19 -9.98 62 1311 26.34 0.0088 -6.11 -10.18 63 1299 31.12 0.0081 -6.07 -9.33 64 1288 26.52 0.0120 -6.02 -9.95 65 1284 28.55 0.0100 -5.90 -9.65 66 1278 26.14 0.0102 -6.06 -9.88 67 1273 24.50 0.0094 -6.04 -10.20 68 1261 26.36 0.0094 -5.94 -10.11 69 1249 26.68 0.0138 -5.96 -9.89 70 1234 24.80 0.0123 -6.06 -10.30 71 1219 25.59 0.0121 -6.14 -10.29 72 1204 25.79 0.0126 -6.29 -9.66 73 1189 29.64 0.0132 -5.89 -8.97 74 1173 25.91 0.0107 -6.23 -9.93 75 1158 21.95 0.0072 -6.51 -10.80 76 1144 21.37 0.0075 -6.62 -11.29 77 1130 25.42 0.0151 -6.20 -10.32 78 1115 25.15 0.0134 -6.15 -10.36 79 1101 24.70 0.0093 -6.30 -10.86 80 1087 27.21 0.0113 -6.10 -10.08 81 1073 25.29 0.0125 -6.35 -10.88 82 1059 25.87 0.0133 -6.26 -10.98 83 1045 23.00 0.0100 -6.30 -11.41 84 1031 23.89 0.0116 -6.30 -11.24 85 1016 32.13 0.0164 -5.92 -9.90 86 1002 26.42 0.0092 -6.10 -10.59 87 988 24.70 0.0109 -6.26 -10.94 88 974 22.17 0.0090 -6.34 -11.38 89 960 23.71 0.0098 -6.27 -11.65 90 946 22.49 0.0078 -6.37 -11.98 91 932 20.95 0.0046 -6.41 -12.24 92 917 23.27 0.0119 -6.36 -11.85 93 903 24.76 0.0059 -6.18 -11.44 94 889 21.01 0.0058 -6.39 -12.34 95 875 19.74 0.0049 -6.29 -12.36 96 861 19.97 0.0075 -6.28 -12.33 97 847 20.96 0.0058 -6.29 -12.35 98 833 20.58 0.0065 -6.34 -12.44 99 818 20.08 -999 -6.31 -12.54 100 804 18.56 0.0047 -6.52 -12.77 101 790 18.81 0.0070 -6.46 -12.62 102 776 20.91 0.0091 -6.30 -11.87 103 762 19.96 0.0058 -6.42 -12.17 104 748 19.81 0.0061 -6.34 -12.34 105 734 19.22 0.0050 -6.41 -12.74 106 727 20.73 0.0063 -6.23 -12.31 107 721 20.41 0.0068 -6.28 -12.35 108 715 19.17 0.0073 -6.39 -12.61 109 708 22.34 0.0038 -6.20 -12.62 110 702 21.50 0.0032 -6.37 -12.81 111 696 20.00 0.0100 -6.56 -12.81 112 690 21.71 0.0071 -6.40 -12.41 113 683 20.47 0.0060 -6.45 -12.46 114 677 21.79 0.0077 -6.40 -12.24 115 671 21.02 0.0052 -6.42 -12.30 116 664 22.00 0.0044 -6.32 -12.06 117 658 22.30 0.0092 -6.23 -11.91 118 652 20.74 0.0084 -6.38 -12.34 119 646 20.17 0.0089 -6.35 -12.45 120 639 21.69 0.0059 -6.04 -12.04 121 633 21.94 0.0059 -5.97 -12.05 122 627 20.83 0.0036 -6.04 -12.25 123 620 20.26 0.0071 -6.15 -12.18 124 614 21.57 0.0076 -5.90 -11.62 125 608 20.50 0.0085 -6.15 -12.12 126 602 22.20 0.0105 -6.05 -11.98 127 595 23.49 0.0069 -5.99 -11.84 128 589 -999 -999 -5.98 -11.64 129 583 -999 -999 -6.02 -11.47 130 576 -999 -999 -6.20 -11.93 131 570 20.98 0.0054 -6.34 -12.21 132 564 20.12 0.0072 -6.37 -12.22 133 558 22.12 0.0087 -6.18 -11.67 134 551 22.47 0.0058 -6.18 -11.64 135 545 24.75 0.0009 -6.10 -11.24 136 539 21.95 0.0060 -6.20 -11.52 137 532 22.08 0.0064 -6.33 -11.62 138 526 22.63 0.0036 -6.01 -11.31 139 520 24.36 0.0062 -5.90 -10.99 140 514 23.85 0.0071 -5.96 -11.17 141 507 30.28 0.0068 -5.74 -10.93 142 501 29.74 -999 -5.86 -11.21 143 495 21.07 0.0070 -6.11 -12.20 144 488 19.33 0.0053 -6.23 -12.03 145 482 18.46 0.0051 -6.15 -12.19 146 476 18.16 0.0068 -6.17 -12.43 147 470 15.75 0.0059 -6.26 -12.96 148 463 16.35 0.0037 -6.15 -12.95 149 457 16.48 0.0032 -6.18 -13.17 150 451 16.71 0.0041 -5.92 -12.91 151 444 18.47 0.0052 -5.97 -12.30 152 438 18.51 0.0026 -6.03 -12.81 153 432 17.09 0.0035 -6.39 -13.11 154 426 17.33 0.0001 -6.19 -13.12 155 419 17.95 0.0046 -5.99 -12.81 156 414 15.50 0.0046 -6.83 -13.44 157 410 16.96 0.0052 -6.21 -12.94 158 405 20.52 0.0047 -5.98 -11.43 159 401 17.71 0.0010 -6.30 -13.15 160 397 18.76 0.0033 -6.32 -13.18 161 393 19.44 0.0032 -5.87 -12.41 162 389 21.22 0.0077 -5.91 -11.95 163 385 21.96 0.0080 -5.97 -12.11 164 381 21.04 0.0052 -5.89 -12.32 165 377 23.70 0.0125 -6.12 -11.57 166 373 23.61 0.0115 -5.92 -10.91 167 369 21.09 0.0113 -6.13 -11.35 168 365 20.21 0.0114 -6.15 -11.92 169 361 19.11 0.0094 -6.18 -12.20 170 357 21.10 0.0103 -5.91 -11.70 171 353 20.97 0.0128 -6.18 -12.04 172 349 19.84 0.0091 -6.18 -12.07 173 345 18.54 0.0079 -6.23 -12.25 174 341 18.71 0.0106 -6.28 -12.19 175 337 20.65 0.0093 -5.93 -11.63 176 332 20.22 0.0105 -6.01 -11.58 177 328 18.69 0.0092 -6.04 -12.09 178 324 18.45 0.0074 -6.31 -12.13 179 320 18.73 0.0086 -6.23 -12.23 180 316 17.81 0.0061 -6.23 -12.38 181 312 17.72 0.0083 -6.33 -12.28 182 308 18.39 0.0096 -6.12 -11.90 183 304 19.39 0.0088 -6.22 -11.93 184 300 18.93 0.0071 -6.02 -12.05 185 296 17.00 0.0065 -6.51 -12.56 186 292 18.14 0.0049 -6.33 -12.43 187 288 18.91 0.0067 -6.27 -12.11 188 284 18.66 0.0073 -6.45 -12.22 189 280 20.00 0.0090 -6.32 -11.90 190 276 19.63 0.0070 -6.35 -11.97 191 272 20.70 0.0081 -6.36 -11.97 192 268 19.86 0.0074 -6.22 -11.94 193 264 20.22 0.0065 -6.22 -11.73 194 260 20.61 0.0061 -6.38 -11.97 195 256 20.65 0.0073 -6.36 -12.11 196 252 19.81 0.0066 -6.33 -12.03 197 248 19.36 0.0228 -6.54 -12.14 198 244 19.65 0.0076 -6.37 -11.91 199 240 21.35 0.0075 -6.34 -11.47 200 236 20.40 0.0098 -6.38 -11.78 201 232 19.38 0.0045 -6.44 -11.95 202 228 18.51 0.0071 -6.51 -12.15 203 224 17.96 0.0068 -6.54 -12.32 204 220 21.37 0.0097 -6.49 -11.71 205 216 21.97 0.0108 -6.26 -10.93 206 212 21.89 0.0103 -6.13 -11.00 207 208 21.04 0.0105 -6.40 -11.36 208 204 20.08 0.0085 -6.49 -11.62 209 200 24.12 0.0131 -6.22 -10.93 210 196 26.91 0.0164 -6.02 -10.69 211 192 22.37 0.0131 -6.41 -11.16 212 188 24.31 0.0106 -6.45 -10.95 213 184 20.34 0.0096 -6.75 -11.63 214 180 19.62 0.0082 -6.76 -11.60 215 176 19.12 0.0076 -6.56 -11.74 216 172 17.48 0.0102 -6.85 -11.92 217 168 19.20 0.0095 -6.59 -11.41 218 164 18.31 0.0093 -6.85 -12.05 219 160 19.57 0.0093 -6.92 -11.91 220 155 19.42 0.0079 -6.55 -11.61 221 150 18.15 0.0072 -6.85 -12.25 222 144 18.76 0.0067 -6.59 -11.84 223 138 22.64 0.0106 -6.46 -10.81 224 132 21.46 0.0124 -6.53 -10.96 225 126 23.21 0.0099 -6.77 -10.79 226 120 19.91 0.0090 -6.73 -11.44 227 114 18.93 0.0085 -6.82 -11.74 228 108 18.89 0.0073 -6.40 -11.87 229 102 18.50 0.0085 -6.63 -12.06 230 96 18.35 0.0057 -6.67 -12.27 231 90 22.51 0.0106 -6.40 -10.95 232 84 21.73 0.0123 -6.27 -10.98 233 78 24.42 0.0127 -6.37 -10.49 234 72 20.53 0.0108 -6.39 -11.10 235 66 21.30 0.0094 -6.56 -11.22 236 61 20.34 0.0104 -6.11 -10.89 237 55 21.57 0.0072 -6.31 -10.95 238 49 19.68 0.0084 -6.39 -11.47 239 43 18.87 0.0085 -6.52 -11.80 240 37 18.69 0.0075 -6.62 -12.06 241 31 17.64 0.0076 -6.60 -12.10 242 25 21.46 0.0091 -6.35 -11.04 243 19 21.61 0.0067 -6.29 -11.28 244 13 19.47 0.0092 -6.47 -11.69 245 7 17.96 0.0089 -6.69 -11.79 246 1 17.93 0.0062 -6.76 -11.89