# Palawan, Philippines Younger Dryas Speleothem Oxygen Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 2.0 # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/19199 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/pacific/palawan2015d18o.txt # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Speleothem # # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes, age control #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2015-09-03 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Palawan, Philippines Younger Dryas Speleothem Oxygen Isotope Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Partin, J.W.; Quinn, T.M.; Shen, C.-C.; Okumura, Y.; Cardenas, M.B.; Siringan, F.P.; Banner, J.L.; Lin, K.; Hu, H.-M.; Taylor, F.W. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Stalagmite oxygen isotope (d18O) data from the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Palawan, Philippines, # for 13,700 to 10,700 years before present, bracketing the Younger Dryas climate event. # # Provided_Keywords: precipitation, Younger Dryas, abrupt versus gradual climate change, tropics, sea ice switch #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Partin, J.W.; Quinn, T.M.; Shen, C.-C.; Okumura, Y.; Cardenas, M.B.; Siringan, F.P.; Banner, J.L.; Lin, K.; Hu, H.-M.; Taylor, F.W. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2015-09-02 # Published_Title: Gradual Onset and Recovery of the Younger Dryas Abrupt Climate Event in the Tropics # Journal_Name: Nature Communications # Volume: 6 # Edition: # Issue: 8061 # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9061 # Online_Resource: http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/150902/ncomms9061/full/ncomms9061.html # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Proxy records of temperature from the Atlantic clearly show that the Younger Dryas was an abrupt climate change event during the last deglaciation, but records of hydroclimate are underutilized in defining the event. Here we combine a new hydroclimate record from Palawan, Philippines, in the tropical Pacific, with previously published records to highlight a difference between hydroclimate and temperature responses to the Younger Dryas. Although the onset and termination are synchronous across the records, tropical hydroclimate changes are more gradual (>100 years) than the abrupt (10-100 years) temperature changes in the northern Atlantic Ocean. The abrupt recovery of Greenland temperatures likely reflects changes in regional sea ice extent. Proxy data and transient climate model simulations support the hypothesis that freshwater forced a reduction in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, thereby causing the Younger Dryas. However, changes in ocean overturning may not produce the same effects globally as in Greenland. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation (NSF) # Grant: 1003700, 1404003 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park # Location: Ocean>Pacific Ocean>Western Pacific Ocean>Philippines # Country: Philippines # Northernmost_Latitude: 10.2 # Southernmost_Latitude: 10.2 # Easternmost_Longitude: 118.9 # Westernmost_Longitude: 118.9 # Elevation: 2 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Palawan2015SR02 # Earliest_Year: 13711 # Most_Recent_Year: 10784 # Time_Unit: Cal. years BP # Core_Length: 168 mm # Notes: Collected in 2008 #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # Depth(mm) Date-of-Chemistry Weight(g) 238U(ppb) 232Th(ppt) d234U-measureda [230Th/238U]activityc [230Th/232Th]ppmd Age-uncorrected Age-correctedc,e Age-Years-BP,before1950 d234Uinitial-correctedb # above-hiatus Aug 2012 0.08210 423.94 ± 0.59 755.2 ± 5.8 243.7 ± 2.0 0.10895 ± 0.00045 1008 ± 9 9,968 ± 46 9,931 ± 50 9,995 ± 50 250.6 ± 2.1 # 7.8 Aug 2012 0.06720 498.42 ± 0.85 347.5 ± 7 260.4 ± 2.7 0.12113 ± 0.00042 2865 ± 58 10,982 ± 47 10,967 ± 48 11,031 ± 48 268.6 ± 2.8 # 23.8 Dec 2014 0.08609 421.99 ± 0.94 1039.5 ± 6 254.7 ± 3.0 0.12310 ± 0.00052 824 ± 5 11,222 ± 57 11,171 ± 63 11,248 ± 63 262.9 ± 3.1 # 34 Aug 2012 0.09940 587.9 ± 1.1 7043 ± 31 264.1 ± 3.0 0.1263 ± 0.0013 173.8 ± 2.0 11,435 ± 131 11,186 ± 181 11,365 ± 181 272.6 ± 3.1 # 47.5 Aug 2012 0.07460 563.2 ± 1.2 168.1 ± 6.2 250.2 ± 3.5 0.12355 ± 0.00051 6827 ± 255 11,309 ± 59 11,303 ± 59 11,716 ± 59 258.3 ± 3.6 # 52.5 Dec 2014 0.06568 452.9 ± 0.9 1179.4 ± 7.3 246.9 ± 2.9 0.12734 ± 0.00055 806 ± 6 11,707 ± 61 11,652 ± 66 11,738 ± 66 255.1 ± 3.0 # 61 Dec 2014 0.10063 461.0 ± 1.0 1412.1 ± 5.1 245.9 ± 2.6 0.12878 ± 0.00055 693 ± 4 11,857 ± 59 11,792 ± 68 11,856 ± 68 254.2 ± 2.7 # 65.5 Dec 2014 0.14229 504.6 ± 1.1 856.9 ± 3.5 258.4 ± 2.6 0.13039 ± 0.00046 1266 ± 6 11,885 ± 51 11,850 ± 54 11,914 ± 54 267.2 ± 2.7 # 103.5 Aug 2012 0.09250 373.05 ± 0.72 1045.0 ± 5.8 260.8 ± 3.1 0.13160 ± 0.00072 774.6 ± 5.8 11,977 ± 76 11,918 ± 81 11,980 ± 81 269.7 ± 3.2 # 108.5 Dec 2014 0.10964 484.02 ± 0.78 1300.3 ± 4.6 280.0 ± 2.3 0.13665 ± 0.00056 838.7 ± 4.4 12,262 ± 58 12,207 ± 65 12,271 ± 65 289.8 ± 2.4 # 116 Aug 2012 0.08260 534.0 ± 1.2 1038.6 ± 6.4 272.5 ± 3.5 0.13586 ± 0.00064 1151.8 ± 8.6 12,264 ± 71 12,224 ± 74 12,286 ± 74 282.0 ± 3.6 # 148 Aug 2012 0.06180 542.9 ± 1.4 2826 ± 13 289.5 ± 3.8 0.1462 ± 0.0010 463.1 ± 3.7 13,065 ± 107 12,959 ± 119 13,021 ± 119 300.3 ± 3.9 # 154 May 2013 0.20140 547.33 ± 0.98 960.3 ± 2.8 275.4 ± 2.4 0.1469 ± 0.0005 1380.0 ± 5.7 13,283 ± 55 13,247 ± 58 13,309 ± 58 285.9 ± 2.5 # # Chemistry was performed on Aug. 2012, May 2013, and Dec 2014 (ref. 26). # Instrumental analysis on MC-ICP-MS27. # Analytical errors are 2s of the mean. # a [238U] = [235U] x 137.818 (±0.65‰) (Hiess et al., 2012); d234U = ([234U/238U]activity - 1) x 1000. # b d234Uinitial corrected was calculated based on 230Th age (T), i.e., d234Uinitial = d234Umeasured X el234*T, and T is corrected age. # c [230Th/238U]activity = 1 - e-l230T + (d234Umeasured/1000)[l230/(l230 - l234)](1 - e-(l230 - l234) T), where T is the age. # Decay constants are 9.1705 x 10-6 yr-1 for 230Th, 2.8221 x 10-6 yr-1 for 234U (ref. 28), and 1.55125 x 10-10 yr-1 for 238U (ref. 29). # d The degree of detrital 230Th contamination is indicated by the [230Th/232Th] atomic ratio instead of the activity ratio. # e Age corrections for samples were calculated using an estimated atomic 230Th/232Th ratio of 4 ± 2 ppm # Those are the values for a material at secular equilibrium, with the crustal 232Th/238U value of 3.8. The errors are arbitrarily assumed to be 50%. # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_mm depth, calcium carbonate, 0.01, mm, , , ,U-Th,N ## age_calBP age, , ,calendar years before 1950, , , , ,N ## age_calBP_err error on age for each d18O measurement (2 sigma), carbonate,,years,,speleothem,,see Partin et al. Geology 2013,N ## d18OcarbVPDB delta18O,calcium carbonate, ,per mil VPDB, wet season(May-Nov), speleothem, ,Shen et al. GCA 2012,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: (Value used to flag missing data in the table below) # depth_mm age_calBP age_calBP_err d18OcarbVPDB 0.5 10784 98 -7.36 1 10796 96 -7.36 1.5 10808 95 -7.38 2 10820 93 -7.38 2.5 10832 92 -7.3 3 10844 90 -7.3 3.5 10856 88 -7.34 4 10868 87 -7.34 4.5 10880 85 -7.3 5 10892 84 -7.3 5.5 10904 82 -7.19 6 10916 81 -7.19 6.5 10928 80 -7.24 7 10941 78 -7.24 7.5 10953 77 -7.18 8 10965 76 -7.18 8.5 10977 74 -7.27 9 10989 73 -7.27 9.5 11000 72 -7.34 10 11012 71 -7.34 10.5 11024 69 -7.28 11 11036 68 -7.28 11.5 11047 67 -7.25 12 11059 66 -7.25 12.5 11070 65 -7.34 13 11081 64 -7.34 13.5 11093 63 -7.28 14 11104 63 -7.28 14.5 11115 62 -7.32 15 11126 61 -7.32 15.5 11137 60 -7.23 16 11148 60 -7.23 16.5 11158 59 -7.34 17 11169 58 -7.34 17.5 11180 58 -7.45 18 11190 57 -7.45 18.5 11201 57 -7.2 19 11211 56 -7.2 19.5 11221 56 -7.19 20 11232 56 -7.19 20.5 11242 55 -7.51 21 11252 55 -7.51 21.5 11262 55 -7.28 22 11272 55 -7.28 22.5 11282 54 -7.24 23 11292 54 -7.24 23.5 11301 54 -7.15 24 11311 54 -7.15 24.5 11321 54 -7.28 25 11330 54 -7.34 25.5 11339 54 -7.36 26 11349 54 -7.38 26.5 11358 54 -7.33 27 11367 54 -6.96 27.5 11376 54 -6.95 28 11385 54 -7.36 28.5 11394 54 -7.1 29 11403 54 -7.01 29.5 11412 55 -6.9 30 11421 55 -7.04 30.5 11429 55 -7.09 31 11438 55 -6.88 31.5 11446 55 -6.97 32 11455 55 -6.81 32.5 11463 56 -7.03 33 11471 56 -7.12 33.5 11480 56 -7.23 34 11488 56 -7.19 34.5 11496 57 -6.94 35 11504 57 -6.92 35.5 11512 57 -6.99 36 11519 57 -7.07 36.5 11527 57 -6.92 37 11535 58 -6.93 37.5 11542 58 -6.91 38 11550 58 -6.81 38.5 11557 58 -6.86 39 11565 59 -6.92 39.5 11572 59 -7.1 40 11579 59 -6.93 40.5 11586 59 -6.95 41 11593 59 -7 41.5 11600 60 -6.77 42 11607 60 -6.99 42.5 11614 60 -6.74 43 11621 60 -7 43.5 11627 60 -6.78 44 11634 60 -6.93 44.5 11641 60 -6.93 45 11647 61 -6.92 45.5 11653 61 -6.92 46 11660 61 -6.96 46.5 11666 61 -6.96 47 11672 61 -6.93 47.5 11678 61 -6.55 48 11684 61 -6.74 48.5 11690 61 -6.79 49 11696 61 -6.71 49.5 11702 61 -6.65 50 11707 61 -6.69 50.5 11713 61 -6.78 51 11718 61 -6.82 51.5 11724 61 -6.74 52 11729 61 -6.68 52.5 11734 61 -6.8 53 11740 61 -6.9 53.5 11745 61 -6.8 54 11750 61 -6.68 54.5 11755 61 -6.77 55 11760 61 -6.63 55.5 11765 60 -6.74 56 11769 60 -6.8 56.5 11774 60 -6.62 57 11779 60 -6.59 57.5 11783 60 -6.76 58 11788 60 -6.69 58.5 11792 59 -6.58 59 11796 59 -6.65 59.5 11801 59 -6.41 60 11805 59 -6.56 60.5 11809 58 -6.38 61 11813 58 -6.26 61.5 11817 58 -6.35 62 11821 58 -6.29 62.5 11824 57 -6.36 63 11828 57 -6.25 63.5 11832 57 -6.31 64 11835 56 -6.2 64.5 11839 56 -6.34 65 11842 56 -6.29 65.5 11845 55 -6.41 66 11849 55 -6.68 66.5 11852 54 -6.4 67 11855 54 -6.25 67.5 11858 53 -6.28 68 11861 53 -6.46 68.5 11864 53 -6.37 69 11867 52 -6.45 69.5 11869 52 -6.5 70 11872 51 -6.55 70.5 11874 51 -6.65 71 11877 50 -6.52 71.5 11879 50 -6.62 72 11882 49 -6.51 72.5 11884 49 -6.29 73 11886 48 -6.33 73.5 11888 48 -6.33 74 11890 47 -6.54 74.5 11892 47 -6.43 75 11894 47 -6.21 75.5 11896 46 -6.36 76 11897 46 -6.3 76.5 11899 45 -6.54 77 11901 45 -6.4 77.5 11902 44 -6.45 78 11904 44 -6.37 78.5 11905 43 -6.51 79 11907 43 -6.32 79.5 11908 43 -6.44 80 11910 42 -6.58 80.5 11912 42 -6.61 81 11914 42 -6.48 81.5 11916 41 -6.59 82 11918 41 -6.61 82.5 11920 41 -6.46 83 11922 41 -6.5 83.5 11925 41 -6.55 84 11927 41 -6.64 84.5 11930 40 -6.44 85 11933 40 -6.46 85.5 11935 40 -6.63 86 11938 40 -6.43 86.5 11941 40 -6.67 87 11944 40 -6.56 87.5 11948 40 -6.55 88 11951 40 -6.34 88.5 11954 40 -6.67 89 11958 40 -6.62 89.5 11962 40 -6.41 90 11965 40 -6.38 90.5 11969 40 -6.49 91 11973 40 -6.52 91.5 11977 40 -6.51 92 11981 40 -6.49 92.5 11985 40 -6.61 93 11990 40 -6.71 93.5 11994 40 -6.61 94 11999 40 -6.59 94.5 12003 41 -6.67 95 12008 41 -6.43 95.5 12013 41 -6.53 96 12018 41 -6.58 96.5 12023 41 -6.4 97 12028 41 -6.51 97.5 12033 41 -6.49 98 12038 41 -6.53 98.5 12044 41 -6.68 99 12049 41 -6.73 99.5 12055 42 -6.35 100 12061 42 -6.69 100.5 12066 42 -6.43 101 12072 42 -6.39 101.5 12078 42 -6.53 102 12084 42 -6.43 102.5 12091 42 -6.41 103 12097 42 -6.64 103.5 12103 42 -6.55 104 12110 42 -6.35 104.5 12116 42 -6.39 105 12123 42 -6.34 105.5 12130 43 -6.35 106 12137 43 -6.37 106.5 12144 43 -6.47 107 12151 43 -6.39 107.5 12158 43 -6.37 108 12165 43 -6.35 108.5 12173 43 -6.46 109 12180 43 -6.4 109.5 12188 43 -6.43 110 12196 43 -6.39 110.5 12203 43 -6.42 111 12211 43 -6.41 111.5 12219 43 -6.14 112 12228 43 -6.31 112.5 12236 43 -6.28 113 12244 43 -6.09 113.5 12252 43 -6.09 114 12261 43 -6.02 114.5 12270 43 -6.49 115 12278 43 -6.22 115.5 12287 43 -6.2 116 12296 43 -6.34 116.5 12305 43 -6.1 117 12314 43 -6.36 117.5 12323 42 -6.15 118 12333 42 -6.14 118.5 12342 42 -6.05 119 12351 42 -6.29 119.5 12361 42 -6.1 120 12371 42 -6.29 120.5 12381 42 -6.35 121 12390 42 -6.32 121.5 12400 42 -6.38 122 12411 42 -6.41 122.5 12421 42 -6.34 123 12431 42 -6.6 123.5 12441 42 -6.43 124 12452 42 -6.57 124.5 12463 42 -6.36 125 12473 42 -6.23 125.5 12484 42 -6.42 126 12495 42 -6.49 126.5 12506 41 -6.67 127 12517 41 -6.43 127.5 12528 41 -6.43 128 12539 41 -6.22 128.5 12551 41 -6.42 129 12562 41 -6.34 129.5 12574 41 -6.47 130 12586 41 -6.49 130.5 12597 41 -6.53 131 12609 41 -6.54 131.5 12621 42 -6.32 132 12633 42 -6.58 132.5 12646 42 -6.66 133 12658 42 -6.65 133.5 12670 42 -6.86 134 12683 42 -6.67 134.5 12695 42 -6.6 135 12708 42 -6.79 135.5 12721 42 -6.52 136 12734 43 -6.67 136.5 12747 43 -6.43 137 12760 43 -6.61 137.5 12773 43 -6.67 138 12786 44 -6.67 138.5 12800 44 -6.71 139 12813 44 -6.42 139.5 12827 45 -6.5 140 12840 45 -6.54 140.5 12854 45 -6.73 141 12868 46 -6.64 141.5 12882 46 -6.8 142 12896 47 -6.6 142.5 12910 47 -6.46 143 12925 48 -6.64 143.5 12939 48 -6.73 144 12954 49 -7.04 144.5 12968 49 -6.87 145 12983 50 -6.66 145.5 12998 51 -6.74 146 13013 51 -6.71 146.5 13028 52 -6.66 147 13043 53 -6.81 147.5 13058 54 -6.77 148 13073 54 -6.74 148.5 13088 55 -6.79 149 13104 56 -6.86 149.5 13120 57 -6.95 150 13135 58 -6.75 150.5 13151 59 -6.8 151 13167 60 -6.66 151.5 13183 61 -6.68 152 13199 62 -6.88 152.5 13215 63 -6.76 153 13231 64 -6.68 153.5 13248 65 -6.7 154 13264 66 -6.77 154.5 13281 67 -6.81 155 13297 68 -6.95 155.5 13314 69 -6.79 156 13330 70 -6.59 156.5 13347 72 -6.61 157 13363 73 -6.74 157.5 13380 74 -6.7 158 13397 75 -6.8 158.5 13413 76 -6.71 159 13430 78 -6.62 159.5 13446 79 -6.73 160 13463 80 -6.57 160.5 13479 81 -6.94 161 13496 83 -6.93 161.5 13512 84 -6.78 162 13529 85 -6.57 162.5 13545 87 -6.56 163 13562 88 -6.7 163.5 13578 89 -6.74 164 13595 90 -6.61 164.5 13611 92 -6.71 165 13628 93 -6.55 165.5 13644 94 -6.78 166 13661 96 -6.78 166.5 13678 97 -6.68 167 13694 98 -6.88 167.5 13711 100 -6.56