# Uamh an Tartair Cave, Northwest Scotland 3000 Year Speleothem Growth Rate Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # # Online_Resource: http://ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/18516 # # Original_Source_URL: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/europe/scotland/tartair2015su032.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Speleothems #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2015-06-11 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Uamh an Tartair Cave, Northwest Scotland 3000 Year Speleothem Growth Rate Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Baker, A; Hellstrom, J.C.; Kelly, B.F.J.; Mariethoz, G.; Trouet, V. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: This is the final compilation of stalagmite growth-rate data from Uamh an Tartair cave, Sutherland, northwest Scotland. # Uamh an Tartair (Cave of the roaring), is located near Inchnadamph, Sutherland, northwest Scotland. Individual stalagmite growth-rate # series are archived with a new composite series, SUcomp. The 3000 year composite stalagmite growth rate record has an instrumental-period # calibration with the North Atlantic Oscillation, so it is also a long annually-resolved proxy record of the NAO and effectively # an extension of the NAO reconstruction of Trouet et al. 2009, Science 324:78. Additional information on this study is available at: # https://theconversation.com/stalagmites-preserve-3-000-years-of-northern-hemisphere-climate-43254 #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Andy Baker, John C. Hellstrom, Bryce F. J. Kelly, Gregoire Mariethoz, and Valerie Trouet # Published_Date_or_Year: 2015-06-11 # Published_Title: A composite annual-resolution stalagmite record of North Atlantic climate over the last three millennia # Journal_Name: Scientific Reports # Volume: 5 # Edition: 10307 # Issue: # Pages: # DOI: 10.1038/srep10307 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Annually laminated stalagmites can be used to construct a precise chronology, and variations in laminae thickness provide an annual growth-rate record that can be used as a proxy for past climate and environmental change. Here, we present and analyse the first composite speleothem annual growth-rate record based on five stalagmites from the same cave system in northwest Scotland, where precipitation is sensitive to North Atlantic climate variability and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Our 3000-year record confirms persistently low growth-rates, reflective of positive NAO states, during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA). Another persistently low growth period occurring at 290-550 CE coincides with the European Migration Period, and a subsequent period of sustained fast growth-rate (negative NAO) from 600-900 AD provides the climate context for the Viking Age in northern and western Europe. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Uamh an Tartair # Location: Europe>Northern Europe>British Isles # Country: United Kingdom # Northernmost_Latitude: 58.15 # Southernmost_Latitude: 58.15 # Easternmost_Longitude: -4.98 # Westernmost_Longitude: -4.98 # Elevation: 220 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Tartair2015SU032 # Earliest_Year: 1679 # Most_Recent_Year: 2004 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology: # # # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## age_calBP2010 age, , , calendar years before 2010AD, , , , ,N ## age_AD age, , , years AD, , , , ,N ## grownorm growth rate normalized, , , , ,speleothem, , ,N ## growrate growth rate, , , um/yr, ,speleothem, , ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # age_calBP2010 age_AD grownorm growrate 6 2004 1.8 153.7 7 2003 0.76 120.8 8 2002 0.46 111.3 9 2001 0.06 98.8 10 2000 -0.11 93.3 11 1999 1.06 130.4 12 1998 0.03 97.8 13 1997 -0.84 70.3 14 1996 -0.89 68.7 15 1995 -0.78 72.2 16 1994 -0.62 77.2 17 1993 -0.39 84.6 18 1992 -0.3 87.5 19 1991 -0.21 90.2 20 1990 -1.2 59.1 21 1989 -0.18 91.1 22 1988 -1.23 58.1 23 1987 -1.23 58.1 24 1986 -1.2 59.1 25 1985 -0.63 77.1 26 1984 -0.5 81.1 27 1983 -0.18 91.1 28 1982 0.29 106.1 29 1981 0.15 101.6 30 1980 -0.4 84.1 31 1979 1.15 133.1 32 1978 0.75 120.6 33 1977 -0.1 93.6 34 1976 -0.5 81.1 35 1975 0.12 100.6 36 1974 -0.26 88.6 37 1973 -0.77 72.6 38 1972 -0.79 72.1 39 1971 -1.36 54 40 1970 -0.17 91.6 41 1969 0.13 101.1 42 1968 0.37 108.6 43 1967 0.04 98 44 1966 0.54 114 45 1965 0.73 120 46 1964 0.8 122 47 1963 0.99 127.9 48 1962 0.12 100.6 49 1961 0.41 109.7 50 1960 0.28 105.7 51 1959 0.15 101.7 52 1958 0.22 103.7 53 1957 0.98 127.8 54 1956 0.82 122.8 55 1955 0.36 108.2 56 1954 -0.04 95.6 57 1953 -0.34 86.1 58 1952 -0.13 92.6 59 1951 -0.71 74.5 60 1950 -0.29 87.6 61 1949 0.76 120.8 62 1948 1.69 150 63 1947 0.82 122.8 64 1946 0.92 125.8 65 1945 -0.71 74.5 66 1944 0.5 112.5 67 1943 0.71 119.2 68 1942 -0.15 92.2 69 1941 0.49 112.2 70 1940 3.35 202.4 71 1939 0.41 109.7 72 1938 0.34 107.7 73 1937 0.82 122.8 74 1936 0.27 105.2 75 1935 0.15 101.7 76 1934 0.87 124.3 77 1933 0.47 111.7 78 1932 0.78 121.5 79 1931 0.49 112.4 80 1930 0.64 117 81 1929 1.42 141.6 82 1928 0.46 111.5 83 1927 0.57 114.7 84 1926 0.5 112.7 85 1925 0.41 109.7 86 1924 -0.78 72.4 87 1923 -0.3 87.5 88 1922 -0.36 85.5 89 1921 -0.47 82 90 1920 0.4 109.5 91 1919 0.5 112.6 92 1918 0.08 99.5 93 1917 0.05 98.5 94 1916 -0.65 76.4 95 1915 0.05 98.5 96 1914 0.05 98.5 97 1913 0.21 103.5 98 1912 -0.24 89.4 99 1911 -0.17 91.5 100 1910 -0.46 82.4 101 1909 0.02 97.5 102 1908 -0.45 82.8 103 1907 -0.85 70.2 104 1906 -0.94 67.2 105 1905 -0.78 72.2 106 1904 -0.4 84.2 107 1903 -0.69 75.2 108 1902 0.11 100.3 109 1901 0.19 102.7 110 1900 -0.34 86.2 111 1899 -0.79 72.1 112 1898 -0.9 68.6 113 1897 -0.25 89.1 114 1896 0.2 103.1 115 1895 -0.63 77.1 116 1894 -0.82 71.1 117 1893 -1.01 65.1 118 1892 -1.52 49 119 1891 -0.49 81.5 120 1890 -1.17 60 121 1889 -0.98 66 122 1888 -0.31 87 123 1887 -0.85 70 124 1886 -0.53 80 125 1885 -0.34 86 126 1884 0.58 115 127 1883 0.8 122 128 1882 0.99 128 129 1881 0.51 113 130 1880 0.56 114.5 131 1879 1.02 129.1 132 1878 0.58 115.1 133 1877 1.09 131.1 134 1876 0.74 120.1 135 1875 0.18 102.4 136 1874 0.24 104.4 137 1873 1.26 136.6 138 1872 -2.15 29.1 139 1871 0.9 125.1 140 1870 -0.03 96 141 1869 1.82 154.1 142 1868 1.25 136.1 143 1867 -0.5 81 144 1866 0.04 98 145 1865 0.99 128.1 146 1864 0.42 110.1 147 1863 1.1 131.6 148 1862 0.48 112.1 149 1861 0.93 126.2 150 1860 0.23 104.1 151 1859 0.13 101.1 152 1858 0.23 104.1 153 1857 0.87 124.2 154 1856 0.55 114.1 155 1855 -0.21 90.1 156 1854 -0.29 87.6 157 1853 -0.47 82 158 1852 -0.6 78 159 1851 -0.44 83.1 160 1850 -0.25 89.1 161 1849 -0.44 83 162 1848 -0.15 92.1 163 1847 -0.21 90.1 164 1846 -0.25 89.1 165 1845 -0.5 81 166 1844 -0.5 81 167 1843 0.43 110.3 168 1842 0.22 103.7 169 1841 0.1 100.1 170 1840 0.6 115.8 171 1839 0.71 119.2 172 1838 -0.25 88.9 173 1837 0.77 121.2 174 1836 0.77 121.2 175 1835 -1.6 46.5 176 1834 -1.18 59.6 177 1833 -0.8 71.7 178 1832 -0.8 71.7 179 1831 -0.89 68.7 180 1830 -1.18 59.6 181 1829 -1.25 57.5 182 1828 -0.8 71.6 183 1827 -0.82 71.1 184 1826 -1.14 61 185 1825 -1.36 53.9 186 1824 -0.36 85.5 187 1823 -1.41 52.3 188 1822 -0.46 82.5 189 1821 0.5 112.7 190 1820 -0.17 91.6 191 1819 -0.61 77.5 192 1818 0.06 98.6 193 1817 -0.29 87.6 194 1816 0.06 98.6 195 1815 0.22 103.7 196 1814 -0.13 92.6 197 1813 -0.8 71.5 198 1812 -0.46 82.3 199 1811 -0.72 74 200 1810 0.1 100.1 201 1809 0.77 121.1 202 1808 0.36 108.1 203 1807 -0.06 95.1 204 1806 0.48 112.1 205 1805 -0.79 72 206 1804 -0.76 73 207 1803 -0.56 79.1 208 1802 -0.63 77.1 209 1801 -0.39 84.6 210 1800 0.39 109.1 211 1799 0.17 102.1 212 1798 0.48 112.1 213 1797 0.39 109.1 214 1796 -0.15 92.1 215 1795 0.67 118.1 216 1794 0.52 113.1 217 1793 0.85 123.6 218 1792 0.77 121.1 219 1791 0.9 125.2 220 1790 0.61 116.2 221 1789 1.12 132.2 222 1788 1.5 144.2 223 1787 0.68 118.2 224 1786 1.03 129.2 225 1785 0.58 115.2 226 1784 0.9 125.2 227 1783 0.61 116.2 228 1782 1.63 148.2 229 1781 -0.34 86.1 230 1780 0.58 115.2 231 1779 1.01 128.8 232 1778 0.43 110.3 233 1777 0.42 110.2 234 1776 1.12 132.3 235 1775 0.54 113.8 236 1774 0.78 121.3 237 1773 1.45 142.5 238 1772 1.38 140.5 239 1771 1.73 151.5 240 1770 1.25 136.4 241 1769 1.22 135.4 242 1768 1.58 146.5 243 1767 1.89 156.5 244 1766 1.63 148.1 245 1765 0.91 125.5 246 1764 2.48 175.1 247 1763 1.74 151.8 248 1762 1.2 134.6 249 1761 1.17 133.6 250 1760 1.39 140.8 251 1759 2.19 166 252 1758 0.96 127.2 253 1757 1.32 138.4 254 1756 -1.25 57.4 255 1755 2.24 167.5 256 1754 1.33 138.7 257 1753 1.56 146.1 258 1752 -0.52 80.3 259 1751 2.11 163.5 260 1750 1.29 137.5 261 1749 0.88 124.5 262 1748 1.4 141.1 263 1747 0.2 103.2 264 1746 -0.98 66.1 265 1745 2.22 166.7 266 1744 1.3 137.7 267 1743 0.55 114.1 268 1742 -1.09 62.5 269 1741 -1.09 62.6 270 1740 -0.86 69.7 271 1739 0.42 110.1 272 1738 -0.28 87.9 273 1737 -0.86 69.7 274 1736 0.42 110.1 275 1735 -0.83 70.7 276 1734 -1.05 63.6 277 1733 2.92 188.9 278 1732 2.86 186.9 279 1731 1.7 150.5 280 1730 -0.41 84 281 1729 0.65 117.4 282 1728 -0.45 82.6 283 1727 -0.16 91.7 284 1726 -0.36 85.6 285 1725 0.57 114.9 286 1724 -1.78 40.8 287 1723 0.99 127.9 288 1722 -1.64 45.3 289 1721 -1.51 49.4 290 1720 -2.47 19.1 291 1719 -2.18 28.2 292 1718 -2.05 32.2 293 1717 -2.59 15.1 294 1716 -1.6 46.3 295 1715 -1.7 43.3 296 1714 -2.05 32.2 297 1713 -2.4 21.2 298 1712 -1.7 43.3 299 1711 -1.54 48.4 300 1710 0.76 120.9 301 1709 -2.3 24.2 302 1708 -1.03 64.5 303 1707 -0.52 80.6 304 1706 -1.89 37.3 305 1705 -2.26 25.6 306 1704 -2.45 19.7 307 1703 -1.84 38.8 308 1702 -1.68 43.8 309 1701 -1.17 59.9 310 1700 -1.57 47.4 311 1699 -1.41 52.4 312 1698 0.19 102.8 313 1697 -0.58 78.6 314 1696 0 96.7 315 1695 -1.67 44.3 316 1694 -1.09 62.5 317 1693 0.35 107.8 318 1692 0.69 118.5 319 1691 -1.74 42 320 1690 -0.14 92.5 321 1689 -1.24 57.9 322 1688 -1.03 64.5 323 1687 -0.33 86.6 324 1686 -0.58 78.6 325 1685 -1.22 58.4 326 1684 -0.77 72.5 327 1683 -0.96 66.5 328 1682 -0.39 84.6 329 1681 -0.13 92.7 330 1680 -0.07 94.7 331 1679 -0.48 81.6