# WDC PALEO DATA SUBMISSION TEMPLATE, AND SAMPLE DATA DESCRIPTION # # LAST UPDATE: 19 Oct 2012 (for PAGES 2K Meeting 01 NOV 2012) # 09 Oct 2012 (for PAGES 2K Meeting 11 OCT 2012) # 02 NOV 2012 (updated during AND AFTERPAGES 2K Meeting 11 OCT 2012) # 13 NOV 2012 (move Abstract to end of Publication Section) # 14 NOV 2012 (move Data to its own section, and add tag for "Missing_Value") # 15 NOV 2012 (Make tag names legal XML tags and Oracle column names) # (Publication and Funding Agency can be repeated) # (Contribution_Date and Published_Date format changed to Oracle 'YYY-MM-DD') # 19 DEC 2012 (WSG changed tag names First_Year/Last_Year to Earliest_Year/Most_Recent_Year) # 08 JAN 2013 (WSG added Full_Citation tag to Publications Section # to be USED ONLY FOR NON-JOURNAL CITATIONS) # 08 FEB 2013 (WSG variable definition modified. Seasonality now takes # the place of Anomaly Period. Anomaly Period is to be # defined in Details.) # 21 MAR 2013 (WSG Online_Resource is now Required if it is applicable.) # 21 MAR 2013 (WSG Data_Collection section Notes field now permits # tagged data describing Climate Variables and Correlation # information to be entered.) # 24 MAR 2014 (WSG made the following changes: # (1) Changed "Description_and_Notes" tag to": "Descriptions_Notes_and_Keywords"; # (2) Placed "##" prior to each Variable definition of Variables section, in # columns one and two; # (3) Added Variable "notes" as an example in the Variables section. The notes Variable # can be used to define information on a sample by sample basis. # 4 JUN 2015 Template Version 2.0 # (1) Added Parameter_Keywords for grouping parameters # (2) Added Tree_species_code to Species section # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original reference when using these data, # plus the Online Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/999?? ... (this is assigned by NOAA WDC Paleo) # # Original_Source_URL: (Required if applicable. Not applicable for first time submission of included data. Examples: http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.672305, ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/measurements/northamerica/mexico/mexi042l.rwl) # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: (required) Example: select one category - Borehole,Climate Forcing,Climate Reconstructions,Corals and Sclerosponges,Fauna,Fire History,Historical,Ice Cores,Insect,Instrumental,Lake Levels,Loess,Other Collections,Paleoceanography,Paleoclimatic Modeling,Paleolimnology,Plant Macrofossils,Pollen,Speleothems,Tree Ring # # Parameter_Keywords: (Selected from controlled list of options in http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/templates/parameter-keywords.txt. Keyword list is separated by commas, e.g. "oxygen isotopes, geochemistry, physical properties" ) #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: (required) YYYY-MM-DD #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: (required) Where, When and What - e.g. Fort Stanton Cave, New Mexico 55-11kY Speleothem d18O Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: (required) Last_name, first_initial.Middle_initial.; ... Last_name, first_initial.Middle_initial.;Last_name, first_initial.Middle_initial. #-------------------- # Description_Note_and_Keywords # Description: (optional) Anything that you would like the user to know about the study, including keywords. Anything you cannot fit somewhere else and want to document. #-------------------- # Publication (optional - can be repeated - primary citation should go first # separate each with "#--------------------" starting at column 1) # Authors: (required for journal publication) Exact published authors in the published format. # Published_Date_or_Year: (required for journal pub) YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY # Published_Title: (required for journal publication) e.g. Variable winter moisture in the southwestern United States linked to rapid glacial climate shifts # Journal_Name: (required for journal publication) (DIF tag: Series) e.g. International Journal of climatology. # Volume: (required for journal publication) The order or sequence of a resource in a series or set. (IN A BOOK THERE ARE CHAPTERS) # Edition: (optional) The version of a cited resource. # Issue: (optional) The issue number of a resource (usually within a volume). # Pages: (optional) The range of pages or total number of pages of a cited resource. # Report_Number: (optional) The unique number or code assigned to a resource by the issuing organization(s). # DOI: (optional) Digital Object Identifier. IN THE CASE THAT IT EXISTS, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO INCLUDE IT # Publication_Place: (optional) The name of the city (and state or province and country if needed) where the resource was made available. # Publisher: (optional) The name of the individual(s) or organization(s) that made the resource available. # ISBN: (optional) International Standard Book Number. # Online_Resource: (optional) The URL of the online resource containing the cited resource. # Other_Reference_Details: (optional) Additional free-text reference information. # Full_Citation: (Optional) * USE ONLY FOR NON-JOURNAL CITATIONS !!! * # Abstract: (optional) During the last glacial period, the climate of the Northern Hemisphere ... #------------------ # Funding_Agency (optional - can be repeated separate each with "#--------------------" starting at column 1) # Funding_Agency_Name: (optional) # Grant: (optional) name and number (it is possible there is only a number here, without a name) #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: (required) Name of site # Location: (optional but highly recommended) Choose from list provided in file wdc-paleo-locations.txt # Region: (required for PAGES 2K) Example: select one category - PAGES 2k Network,PAGES Africa 2k,PAGES Antarctica 2k,PAGES Arctic 2k,PAGES Asia 2k,PAGES Australasia 2k,PAGES Euro Med 2k,PAGES LOTRED SA2k,PAGES NAmerica 2k, PAGES Ocean 2k # Country: (optional but highly recommended) # Northernmost_Latitude: (optional but highly recommended) 31.456431 (decimal degrees, WGS 1984) # Southernmost_Latitude: (optional but highly recommended) 31.456431 # Easternmost_Longitude: (optional but highly recommended) 40.123445 # Westernmost_Longitude: (optional but highly recommended) 40.123445 # Elevation: (optional but highly recommended) 100 m (meters; positive indicates above mean sea level, negative for ocean cores retrieved from the seafloor) #------------------ # Data_Collection (required, One data collection per file) # Collection_Name: (required) # Earliest_Year: (optional) # Most_Recent_Year: (optional) # Time_Unit: (optional) Three types - AD / calendar year BP where 1950 is present / 14C yr BP where 1950 is present # Core_Length: (optional) xxx m (in meters) - (optional) # Notes: (optional) # Text up to the first semicolon found is notes about the data colleciton. # Each piece of metadata ends with a semicolon and commas delimit the tag and its values. # If commas or semicolons are used in the text, the text must be enclosed in double quotes. # An example follows: # This dataset is about Fort Stanton speleothem data; Correlation with temperature, positive, N15AIR temperature, hadcru t4v, continental average temperature; Correlation with moisture, positive, ring width; ... ; #------------------ # Species - this section exists only for tree ring and fire history archive/proxy. # Species_Name: Pinus ponderosa (See http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/templates/tree-species-code.txt for list of possible values) # Common_Name: Ponderosa Pine (See http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/templates/tree-species-code.txt for list of possible values) # Tree_Species_Code: PIPO (See http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/templates/tree-species-code.txt for list of possible values) #------------------ # Chronology: (optional, e.g., paste in age table from paper, or construct from variable list as below.) # WDC Paleo likes to have as many of the following fields as possible # # Provide in this header as comma separated values (csv) one sample per row, using the following fields, or provide a csv file and provide file name here (name.csv) # # Provide a column for each of the following variables, using -999 for missing fields. # # ABBREVIATION VARIABLE_NAME UNIT (whenever possible) # ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- # depth_top Depth top of sample interval (cm) # depth_bottom Depth bottom of sample interval (cm) # 14C.raw conventional radiocarbon age, years before 1950AD # 14C.raw_err radiocarbon age, standard error # Labcode sample identification used by 14C laboratory # calib_method Calibration method # res_age Reservoir age # calib.14C Calibrated age # calib.14C_1sig_lo Calibrated age, 1-sigma lower confidence bound # calib.14C_1sig_up Calibrated age, 1-sigma upper confidence bound # calib.14C_2sig_lo Calibrated age, 2-sigma lower confidence bound # calib.14C_2sig_up Calibrated age, 2-sigma upper confidence bound # calib_method calibration method # datemeth Dating method # delta-R Deviation from global mean reservoir correction # delta-R_err_lo delta-R standard error down # delta-R_err_up delta-R standard error up # mat.dated Material Dated # rejected Rejected sample # reservoir Reservoir correction # notes Notes # interpolation_method # # Example of some of these variables # calib_method (e.g. Calib 5.0) # datemeth (e.g. 14C AMS, benthic d18O tied to Lisiecki et al. 2005) # reservoir (e.g. 400, Marine04) -- the first example is for a constant number of years, the second a time-varying number of years # rejected (e.g. Y/N) # notes (any text goes here) # # One example of Chronology file is - Please see WDC-Paleo-chronology-examples.xls file (attached). Please provide the chronology fields in this header or attach a file like leduc07-chronolgy.xls(attached).. NOAA-Paleo intends to develop formats and variables for other dating tables including lead 210 and uranium-thorium. The format for these files is flexible at this time. # #---------------- # Variables - An example is shown. # [Note that rows that contain "##" signs in columns one and two are the definitions of Variables, and the nine components that make them up.] # # depth (standard short column label for depth, with no spaces: user defined at this time, standardized by NOAA-Paleo/WDC later) # depth depth, , , cm, , , middle of sample, calculated,N (a concatenated string of 9 metadata components: # (what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, data_type) # one tab-stop to the right of the short depth name, separated by eight commas: no entry for the second, third, fifth and sixth columns is shown, make SURE there is a comma separating each of the categories even where no value exists, in the ninth column an 'N' for numeric datatype or 'C' for character datatype is required. # # age_calBP2008 (a short column label for age, with no spaces: user defined at this time, standardized by NOAA-Paleo/WDC later) # age_calBP2008 age, , , calendar years before 2008 AD, , ,middle of sample, AMS radiocarbon,N (a concatenated string of 9 metadata categories one tab-stop to the right of the short age name, separated by eight commas: no entry for the second, third, fifth, and sixth columns is shown, make SURE there is a comma separating each of the nine categories even where no value exists, in the ninth column an 'N' for numeric datatype or 'C' for character datatype is required. # # d18OcarbVPDB (a short column label for a measured variable, with no spaces -- specific to EACH variable column provided: user defined at this time, and maybe standardized by NOAA-Paleo/WDC later) # d18OcarbVPDB delta18O, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothem,normalized, ,N (a concatenated string of 9 metadata categories one tab-stop to the right of the short variable column name -- specific to EACH variable column provided -- separated by eight commas: no entry for the third, fifth, sixth and eight columns is shown, make SURE there is a comma separating each of the categories even where no value exists, in the ninth column an 'N' for numeric datatype or 'C' for character datatype is required. # # notes (a short column label, notes is a special variable to be used for information that applies to each sample) # notes , , , , , , , ,C (a concatenated string of 9 metadata categories one tab-stop to the right of the short variable column name -- specific to EACH variable column provided -- separated by eight commas: for notes no value for any of the columns except the ninth is to be entered, in the ninth column an 'N' for numeric datatype or 'C' for character datatype is required. # # # (Note - in the comma separated Variable information, if text contains a comma, enclose the text in double quotes) # # For Additional Help in Describing Variables see: # Variable Naming Guide- http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/templates/Variable_naming_guide_July2015.pdf # Variable Example Lists- http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/templates/Variable_example_lists_July2015.xlsx # # Short_name What,Material,Error,Units, Seasonality,Archive,Details,Method,Data_type # ## depth_cm depth, , ,cm, , ,middle of sample,calculated,N ## age_calBP2008 age, , ,calendar years before 2008 AD, , ,middle of sample, AMS radiocarbon,N ## d18OcarbVPDB delta18O,calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothem,normalized, ,N ## temp-air temperature,surface air,,degrees Celsius,,climate reconstructions,,,N ## notes ,,,,,,,,C #---------------- # Data # Missing_Values: NA (optional - define any missing value flag used) # [Note that the lack of lack of a "#" sign in column one indicates column labels, and actual data values are in such rows.] # # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Optionally use a "notes" field to specify notes to be associated with each sample. # depth_cm age_calBP2008 d18OcarbVPDB notes NA 11367 -6.276 Adams and Jones NA 11496 -6.295 Jones NA 11619 -6.388 Del Rey NA 11736 -7.289 Jones NA 11848 -7.907 Smith NA 11955 -7.648 NA 12057 -7.997 NA 12154 -8.224 Jones NA 12247 -8.285 NA 12335 -8.034 NA 12419 -7.306 NA 12499 -8.472 NA 12575 -8.53 NA 12647 -8.477 NA 12715 -8.738 NA 12781 -8.834 NA 12842 -8.333 NA 12901 -7.403 NA 12956 -6.89 NA 13009 -6.78