Chronology file name : POISON.CRN Measurement file name : POISON.RWL Date checked : 13NOV17 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1700 Ending year : 2004 Principal investigators: Colin Beier Scott Sink Site name : Poison Cove Site location : Alaska Species information : CHNO ALASKA YELLOW-CEDAR Latitude : 5732 Longitude : -13535 Elevation : M Series intercorrelation: 0.305 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.245 Avg standard deviation : 0.431 Avg autocorrelation : 0.831 Number dated series : 45 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 161 Pct problem segments : 46.00 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Poison Cove 16:16 Mon 13 Nov 2017 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 poist09a 1849 2003 .23A .27A .31A .51 .56 .57 .54 2 poist08a 1832 2003 .57 .66 .71 .68 .60 .60 .57 3 poist03a 1909 2003 -.10B-.08B .20A .26A 4 poist15p 1937 2003 .19B .28B .27A 5 poist14a 1869 2003 .04B .10B .13B .42 .41 .38 6 poist19a 1909 2003 .43 .28B .22A .22A 7 poist26a 1789 2003 .09B .05B .33A .48 .46 .48 .53 .47 .45 8 poist21a 1700 2003 .27A .61 .58 .40 .43 .37 .60 .53 .34 .46 .58 .60 9 poist07a 1840 2003 .59 .62 .65 .47 .42 .50 .33A 10 poist04a 1848 2003 .24A .22B .30A .15B .04B .16B .18B 11 poist06a 1843 2003 .37 .45 .38 .39 .41 .44 .42 12 poist02a 1883 2003 .16B .14B .47 .29B .34 13 poist23p 1700 2003 -.03B-.02B .17B .21B .25B .35 .46 .56 .52 .42 .34 .31A 14 poist15a 1943 2003 .36 .39 .38 15 poist05a 1764 2003 .13B .05B .24B .50 .49 .44B .38 .19B .16B .14B 16 poist25b 1700 2003 .30A .49 .52 .45 .51 .49 .39B .30B .04B .01B .18B .15B 17 poist18b 1817 2003 .10B .21A .41 .26B .00B .01B .09B .13B 18 poist17a 1855 2003 -.11B-.10B .10B .29A .42 .43 19 poist13b 1700 2003 .22B .35 .34 .38 .42 .40 .46 .40 .20B .18B .35 .37 20 poist20b 1700 2003 -.02B .19A .34 .25B .31B .17B .08B .07B .24A .46 .49 .57 21 poist27a 1715 1992 .09B .27A .38 .37 .44 .47 .49 .47 .41 .37 .40B 22 poist12b 1700 2003 .25A .07B-.01B .03B .10B .37 .53 .61 .51 .22B .27A .33 23 poist16a 1850 2003 .38 .41 .49 .48 .54 .49 24 poist24b 1701 2003 -.11B-.07B-.01B .10B .03B-.04B .30A .44 .22B .19B .14B .14B 25 poist10b 1859 2003 .33 .37 .10B .07B .11B .11B 26 poi1t30a 1897 2004 -.06B-.07B .10B .08B .10B 27 poi1t36a 1712 2004 -.07B .25B .42 .23B .14B .25B .33 .41 .51 .34 .36 .38 28 poi1t29b 1866 2004 -.14B-.22B-.11B .04B .25B .28B 29 poi1t31a 1875 2004 .41 .39B .51 .48 .46 30 poi1t37a 1812 2004 -.07B .01B .38 .47 .40 .30A .36 .32A 31 poi1t28a 1880 2004 -.17B-.04B .37 .48 .49 32 poi1t34a 1898 2004 -.12B-.11B-.05B-.16B-.10B 33 poi1t33b 1865 2004 -.28B-.32B-.05B .26A .43 .43 34 poi1t32a 1905 2004 .27A .55 .54 .48 35 poi1t35a 1700 2004 -.18B-.25B .03B .22B .22A .51 .49 .30B .06B .13B .51 .54 36 poi2t43a 1837 2004 .39 .66 .60 .58 .45 .42 .49 37 poi2t40a 1771 2004 .24A .25A .41 .62 .73 .63 .59 .55 .58 .58 38 poi2t47a 1700 2004 .24A .50 .60 .45 .52 .39 .35 .36 .53 .73 .66 .60 39 poi2t39a 1780 2004 .04B .18B .34 .59 .64 .54 .59 .65 .52 40 poi2t42a 1700 2004 .38 .52 .44 .29B .38 .45 .55 .64 .41 .45 .58 .59 41 poi2t41a 1894 2004 .30B .35 .44 .55 .52 42 poi2t45a 1907 2004 .13B .03B .04B-.01B 43 poi2t44a 1893 2004 .32B .29A .52 .53 .49 44 poi2t46a 1850 2004 -.01B-.03B-.16B-.12B-.13B-.10B 45 poi2t38a 1700 2004 .32A .49 .64 .54 .47 .46 .51 .50 .53 .44 .27B .32A Av segment correlation .13 .26 .32 .26 .27 .36 .37 .32 .28 .32 .36 .35 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Poison Cove 16:16 Mon 13 Nov 2017 Page 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 poist09a 1849 2003 155 7 3 .412 .40 1.61 .274 .857 .262 2.82 .410 -.069 2 2 poist08a 1832 2003 172 7 0 .607 .56 1.83 .316 .845 .215 2.66 .424 -.088 1 3 poist03a 1909 2003 95 4 4 .100 .85 3.62 .797 .725 .323 2.95 .391 -.041 1 4 poist15p 1937 2003 67 3 3 .280 2.08 3.95 .932 .781 .265 2.76 .492 .037 1 5 poist14a 1869 2003 135 6 3 .226 1.75 8.03 1.665 .919 .289 2.79 .484 -.034 4 6 poist19a 1909 2003 95 4 3 .310 .61 1.38 .269 .842 .185 2.62 .435 .030 1 7 poist26a 1789 2003 215 9 3 .335 .32 1.13 .180 .809 .245 2.56 .298 -.050 2 8 poist21a 1700 2003 304 12 1 .468 .69 1.69 .294 .759 .224 2.65 .331 -.001 1 9 poist07a 1840 2003 164 7 1 .463 .48 1.52 .265 .873 .202 2.72 .386 -.082 1 10 poist04a 1848 2003 156 7 7 .179 1.17 3.72 1.067 .970 .172 2.83 .425 .014 1 11 poist06a 1843 2003 161 7 0 .387 .74 2.45 .440 .793 .243 2.66 .391 -.078 2 12 poist02a 1883 2003 121 5 3 .220 .72 2.83 .684 .914 .276 2.67 .561 -.078 2 13 poist23p 1700 2003 304 12 6 .264 .30 .88 .139 .682 .288 2.56 .313 -.013 1 14 poist15a 1943 2003 61 3 0 .388 2.46 4.12 1.046 .818 .254 2.64 .463 .014 1 15 poist05a 1764 2003 240 10 7 .322 .52 3.72 .553 .903 .248 2.52 .279 -.043 1 16 poist25b 1700 2003 304 12 7 .308 .24 .73 .145 .902 .219 2.69 .320 -.051 1 17 poist18b 1817 2003 187 8 7 .162 .44 1.66 .257 .849 .207 2.78 .403 -.060 1 18 poist17a 1855 2003 149 6 4 .139 .53 1.84 .385 .771 .362 2.78 .304 -.091 2 19 poist13b 1700 2003 304 12 3 .323 .62 3.97 .590 .804 .306 2.57 .301 -.025 1 20 poist20b 1700 2003 304 12 8 .217 .34 1.58 .254 .915 .238 2.57 .311 -.047 1 21 poist27a 1715 1992 278 11 3 .366 .49 1.37 .259 .848 .250 2.82 .481 .005 1 22 poist12b 1700 2003 304 12 7 .289 .64 3.44 .535 .699 .376 2.89 .377 -.096 3 23 poist16a 1850 2003 154 6 0 .443 1.37 6.02 1.235 .935 .245 2.87 .468 -.113 1 24 poist24b 1701 2003 303 12 11 .113 .20 .69 .121 .788 .324 2.71 .436 -.013 1 25 poist10b 1859 2003 145 6 4 .218 .54 2.17 .517 .948 .288 2.69 .522 -.071 1 26 poi1t30a 1897 2004 108 5 5 .048 .77 2.53 .488 .709 .289 2.86 .301 -.045 1 27 poi1t36a 1712 2004 293 12 5 .281 .94 2.54 .573 .876 .238 2.68 .365 -.029 1 28 poi1t29b 1866 2004 139 6 6 .043 1.00 2.52 .626 .822 .306 2.59 .372 -.005 5 29 poi1t31a 1875 2004 130 5 1 .446 1.44 4.78 1.164 .901 .228 2.76 .415 -.019 2 30 poi1t37a 1812 2004 193 8 4 .292 1.26 3.56 .538 .788 .210 2.55 .381 -.026 2 31 poi1t28a 1880 2004 125 5 2 .158 1.57 4.51 .909 .855 .231 2.75 .539 -.057 2 32 poi1t34a 1898 2004 107 5 5 -.114 1.39 2.70 .589 .838 .202 2.52 .340 -.015 1 33 poi1t33b 1865 2004 140 6 4 .058 .91 2.02 .356 .720 .256 2.85 .457 .046 1 34 poi1t32a 1905 2004 100 4 1 .393 1.92 4.23 1.045 .836 .250 2.62 .580 .004 1 35 poi1t35a 1700 2004 305 12 8 .230 .67 3.10 .563 .896 .260 2.89 .378 -.018 2 36 poi2t43a 1837 2004 168 7 0 .476 .52 1.27 .230 .813 .194 2.73 .434 -.010 1 37 poi2t40a 1771 2004 234 10 2 .508 .43 1.06 .162 .793 .196 2.73 .414 -.032 1 38 poi2t47a 1700 2004 305 12 1 .463 .45 1.61 .279 .919 .210 2.65 .384 -.008 1 39 poi2t39a 1780 2004 225 9 2 .399 .85 1.50 .241 .705 .172 2.77 .434 .011 1 40 poi2t42a 1700 2004 305 12 1 .466 .22 .69 .125 .885 .228 2.66 .328 .018 1 41 poi2t41a 1894 2004 111 5 1 .394 1.11 2.04 .349 .755 .177 2.54 .371 -.016 1 42 poi2t45a 1907 2004 98 4 4 .045 .61 1.24 .204 .797 .144 2.68 .502 -.039 1 43 poi2t44a 1893 2004 112 5 2 .415 1.03 2.12 .362 .699 .206 2.91 .595 -.006 1 44 poi2t46a 1850 2004 155 6 6 -.076 .54 1.64 .303 .875 .214 2.75 .459 -.094 1 45 poi2t38a 1700 2004 305 12 3 .453 .37 .95 .178 .861 .197 2.50 .282 -.054 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 8535 350 161 .305 .69 8.03 .431 .831 .245 2.95 .389 -.033