# Stokes - Mount Trumbull Site A June Tank Tuweep - PIED - ITRDB AZ032 #---------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #---------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/5031 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-tree-5031.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Tree Ring # # Dataset_DOI: # # Science_Keywords: #-------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/measurements/northamerica/usa/az032-crn-noaa.txt # Data_Download_Description: Raw Measurements - NOAA Template File; az032-crn-noaa.txt # # Related_Online_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/chronologies/northamerica/usa/az032.crn # Related_Online_Description: CRN File; Chronology - Tucson Decadal File # #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 1996-05-08 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 1996-05-08 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Stokes - Mount Trumbull Site A June Tank Tuweep - PIED - ITRDB AZ032 #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Stokes, M.A.; Harlan, T.P. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: NOAA Template Chronology file added 2018-12-20. NOAA Template Raw Measurements file added 2019-02-08. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: # Journal_Name: # Published_Title: # Published_Date_or_Year: # Volume: # Pages: # Issue: # Report_Number: # DOI: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Mount Trumbull Site A June Tank Tuweep # Location: Arizona # Northernmost_Latitude: 36.0 # Southernmost_Latitude: 36.0 # Easternmost_Longitude: -113.0 # Westernmost_Longitude: -113.0 # Elevation_m: 1798 #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: AZ032 # First_Year: 1620 # Last_Year: 1964 # Time_Unit: CE # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: ring width # Notes: None #-------------------- # Species # Species_Name: Pinus edulis Engelm. # Common_Name: pinyon # Tree_Species_Code: PIED #-------------------- # Variables # # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by '##' in columns one and two. # Variables format: shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## age_CE age,,,year Common Era,,tree ring,,,N, ## trsgi tree ring standardized growth index,,,,,tree ring,composited,standard chronology method,N, ## numsamp number of samples,,,count,,tree ring,,,N, #--------------------- # Data: # Missing_Values: NA age_CE trsgi numsamp 1620 1.155 1 1621 0.607 1 1622 0.383 1 1623 0.356 1 1624 0.62 1 1625 0.377 1 1626 0.671 1 1627 0.445 1 1628 0.427 1 1629 0.523 1 1630 0.286 1 1631 0.239 1 1632 0.46 1 1633 0.548 1 1634 0.771 1 1635 0.454 1 1636 0.271 1 1637 0.368 1 1638 0.7 1 1639 0.995 1 1640 1.222 1 1641 1.215 1 1642 1.022 1 1643 1.202 1 1644 0.74 1 1645 0.811 1 1646 0 1 1647 0.816 1 1648 1.037 1 1649 2.08 1 1650 1.353 1 1651 2.03 1 1652 0.997 1 1653 1.02 1 1654 0.536 1 1655 0.934 1 1656 1.191 1 1657 1.276 1 1658 1.289 1 1659 1.374 1 1660 1.481 1 1661 1.413 1 1662 1.489 1 1663 1.264 1 1664 1.372 1 1665 1.104 1 1666 1.494 1 1667 1.32 1 1668 1.208 1 1669 0.737 1 1670 0.665 1 1671 0.741 1 1672 1.231 1 1673 1.277 1 1674 1.451 1 1675 1.006 1 1676 0.783 1 1677 1.226 1 1678 1.057 1 1679 1.287 1 1680 1.736 1 1681 1.131 1 1682 1.134 1 1683 1.389 1 1684 0.548 1 1685 1.012 1 1686 0.683 1 1687 1.46 1 1688 1.475 1 1689 1.612 1 1690 1.097 2 1691 0.975 2 1692 1.198 2 1693 0.986 2 1694 1.221 2 1695 1.551 2 1696 1.228 2 1697 1.358 2 1698 0.746 2 1699 1.412 2 1700 0.82 4 1701 1.022 4 1702 0.996 4 1703 0.479 4 1704 0.963 4 1705 1.383 4 1706 1.168 4 1707 0.697 4 1708 0.742 4 1709 0.996 4 1710 1.256 4 1711 1.267 4 1712 1.271 4 1713 1.095 4 1714 0.929 4 1715 0.797 4 1716 0.883 4 1717 1.06 4 1718 1.371 5 1719 1.241 5 1720 1.324 6 1721 0.686 6 1722 0.64 6 1723 1.039 6 1724 1.208 6 1725 1.354 6 1726 1.618 6 1727 1.208 6 1728 1.184 6 1729 0.866 6 1730 1.314 7 1731 1.232 7 1732 1.394 7 1733 0.647 7 1734 1.602 7 1735 0.4 7 1736 0.547 7 1737 0.682 7 1738 1.311 7 1739 0.528 7 1740 0.598 8 1741 0.899 8 1742 0.609 8 1743 1.069 8 1744 1.155 8 1745 1.425 8 1746 1.501 8 1747 1.468 8 1748 0.828 8 1749 1.364 8 1750 0.837 9 1751 0.805 9 1752 0.692 9 1753 0.808 9 1754 0.715 9 1755 0.679 9 1756 0.853 9 1757 0.724 9 1758 1.163 9 1759 0.945 9 1760 1.222 9 1761 0.926 9 1762 1.065 9 1763 1.046 9 1764 1.316 9 1765 0.895 9 1766 1.419 9 1767 1.439 9 1768 1.686 9 1769 1.371 9 1770 1.221 9 1771 1.677 9 1772 0.831 9 1773 0.433 9 1774 0.667 9 1775 1.126 9 1776 0.609 9 1777 1.052 9 1778 0.467 9 1779 0.951 9 1780 0.567 10 1781 0.832 10 1782 0.738 10 1783 0.927 10 1784 1.519 11 1785 0.762 11 1786 1.044 11 1787 1.368 11 1788 0.723 11 1789 1.034 11 1790 1.007 11 1791 1.269 11 1792 1.092 11 1793 1.413 11 1794 1.009 11 1795 0.991 11 1796 0.881 11 1797 0.986 11 1798 0.806 11 1799 1.11 11 1800 0.385 12 1801 0.652 12 1802 1.066 12 1803 0.526 12 1804 1.043 13 1805 0.364 13 1806 0.696 13 1807 0.655 13 1808 0.419 13 1809 0.423 13 1810 0.758 13 1811 1.036 13 1812 0.806 13 1813 0.486 13 1814 0.473 13 1815 0.973 13 1816 1.511 13 1817 1.103 13 1818 1.143 13 1819 1.276 13 1820 0.589 13 1821 1.419 14 1822 0.174 14 1823 0.57 14 1824 0.925 14 1825 1.288 14 1826 1.3 14 1827 0.986 14 1828 1.562 14 1829 0.636 14 1830 1.028 14 1831 1.087 14 1832 1.351 14 1833 1.478 14 1834 1.069 14 1835 1.322 14 1836 1.12 14 1837 1.265 14 1838 1.787 14 1839 1.812 14 1840 1.635 14 1841 1.071 14 1842 0.919 14 1843 1.312 14 1844 1.352 14 1845 0.716 14 1846 1.281 14 1847 0.37 14 1848 1.379 14 1849 1.506 14 1850 1.552 14 1851 0.872 14 1852 1.349 14 1853 1.495 14 1854 1.248 14 1855 1.023 14 1856 0.45 14 1857 0.519 14 1858 0.841 14 1859 0.604 14 1860 0.481 16 1861 0.367 16 1862 0.892 16 1863 0.592 16 1864 0.32 16 1865 0.812 16 1866 1.084 16 1867 1.328 16 1868 1.471 16 1869 1.402 16 1870 1.037 16 1871 0.696 16 1872 0.74 16 1873 0.78 16 1874 0.945 16 1875 1.037 16 1876 1.085 16 1877 0.91 16 1878 0.828 16 1879 0.791 16 1880 0.539 16 1881 0.495 16 1882 0.615 16 1883 0.908 16 1884 1.246 16 1885 1.229 16 1886 1.087 16 1887 0.934 16 1888 1.096 16 1889 1.202 16 1890 1.262 16 1891 1.15 16 1892 1.075 16 1893 0.942 16 1894 0.841 16 1895 0.823 16 1896 0.208 16 1897 1.036 16 1898 0.96 16 1899 0.021 16 1900 0.451 16 1901 0.847 16 1902 0.191 16 1903 1.034 16 1904 0.289 16 1905 1.104 16 1906 1.483 16 1907 1.468 16 1908 1.258 16 1909 1.293 16 1910 1.278 16 1911 1.481 16 1912 1.48 16 1913 1.203 16 1914 1.55 16 1915 1.448 16 1916 1.532 16 1917 1.477 16 1918 0.975 16 1919 1.549 16 1920 1.459 16 1921 0.931 16 1922 1.583 16 1923 1.15 16 1924 0.591 16 1925 1.01 16 1926 1.158 16 1927 0.859 16 1928 1.285 16 1929 0.569 16 1930 1.146 16 1931 1.085 16 1932 1.417 16 1933 1.025 16 1934 0.665 16 1935 1.214 16 1936 0.79 16 1937 1.615 16 1938 1.519 16 1939 0.884 16 1940 1.204 16 1941 1.212 16 1942 1.099 16 1943 1.088 16 1944 1.082 16 1945 1.055 16 1946 0.845 16 1947 0.929 16 1948 0.924 16 1949 1.287 16 1950 0.718 16 1951 0.306 16 1952 1.309 16 1953 0.682 16 1954 1.001 16 1955 0.7 16 1956 0.472 16 1957 1.024 16 1958 1.024 16 1959 0.56 16 1960 0.924 16 1961 0.789 15 1962 0.911 15 1963 0.5 14 1964 1.106 11