# Cook - Presque Isle River - PIST - ITRDB MI008 #---------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #---------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/3014 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-tree-3014.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Tree Ring # # Dataset_DOI: # # Science_Keywords: #-------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/measurements/northamerica/usa/mi008r-crn-noaa.txt # Data_Download_Description: Raw Measurements - NOAA Template File; mi008r-crn-noaa.txt # # Related_Online_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/chronologies/northamerica/usa/mi008r.crn # Related_Online_Description: CRN File; Chronology - Tucson Decadal File # #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2002-04-26 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2002-04-26 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Cook - Presque Isle River - PIST - ITRDB MI008 #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Cook, E.R.(https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7478-4176) #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: NOAA Template Chronology file added 2018-12-20. NOAA Template Raw Measurements file added 2019-02-08. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: # Journal_Name: # Published_Title: # Published_Date_or_Year: # Volume: # Pages: # Issue: # Report_Number: # DOI: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Presque Isle River # Location: Michigan # Northernmost_Latitude: 46.72 # Southernmost_Latitude: 46.72 # Easternmost_Longitude: -89.97 # Westernmost_Longitude: -89.97 # Elevation_m: 200 #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: MI008 # First_Year: 1652 # Last_Year: 1983 # Time_Unit: CE # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: ring width # Notes: None #-------------------- # Species # Species_Name: Pinus strobus L. # Common_Name: eastern white pine # Tree_Species_Code: PIST #-------------------- # Variables # # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by '##' in columns one and two. # Variables format: shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## age_CE age,,,year Common Era,,tree ring,,,N, ## trsgi tree ring standardized growth index,,,,,tree ring,composited,standard chronology method,N, ## numsamp number of samples,,,count,,tree ring,,,N, #--------------------- # Data: # Missing_Values: NA age_CE trsgi numsamp 1656 1.566 1 1657 -0.473 1 1658 0.372 1 1659 1.646 1 1660 0.701 1 1661 1.229 1 1662 0.499 1 1663 1.004 1 1664 1.03 2 1665 0.747 2 1666 1.049 2 1667 0.924 2 1668 1.283 2 1669 1.469 2 1670 1.178 2 1671 0.972 2 1672 0.629 2 1673 0.513 2 1674 0.782 2 1675 0.943 2 1676 0.936 2 1677 0.746 2 1678 0.925 2 1679 1.057 2 1680 1.224 2 1681 0.745 2 1682 1.036 2 1683 1.269 2 1684 0.918 2 1685 0.994 2 1686 1.071 2 1687 1.011 2 1688 0.671 2 1689 0.829 3 1690 0.923 3 1691 1.175 3 1692 0.94 3 1693 1.022 3 1694 1.106 3 1695 1.062 3 1696 0.498 4 1697 0.735 4 1698 0.946 4 1699 0.967 4 1700 1.061 4 1701 0.992 4 1702 1.195 4 1703 1.071 5 1704 0.857 5 1705 1.024 5 1706 0.9 5 1707 1.13 5 1708 0.65 5 1709 1.132 5 1710 1.027 5 1711 0.826 5 1712 1.096 5 1713 1.233 5 1714 1.019 5 1715 1.199 5 1716 0.841 5 1717 0.776 5 1718 0.77 5 1719 1.249 5 1720 1.15 5 1721 0.96 5 1722 0.92 5 1723 1.204 5 1724 0.932 6 1725 1.091 6 1726 1.136 6 1727 1.211 6 1728 0.729 6 1729 0.68 6 1730 1.004 7 1731 0.966 7 1732 0.988 7 1733 0.957 7 1734 1.103 8 1735 1.088 8 1736 0.805 8 1737 1.004 8 1738 1.08 8 1739 0.779 8 1740 0.996 8 1741 0.893 8 1742 0.951 8 1743 1.317 8 1744 1.139 8 1745 1.304 8 1746 1.367 8 1747 0.918 8 1748 0.995 8 1749 0.871 8 1750 1.324 8 1751 1.01 8 1752 0.868 8 1753 1.086 8 1754 0.825 8 1755 1.268 9 1756 0.93 9 1757 1.066 9 1758 1.162 9 1759 1.047 9 1760 1.096 9 1761 1.064 9 1762 1.22 9 1763 0.951 9 1764 1.046 9 1765 1.129 9 1766 1.166 9 1767 1.149 10 1768 0.915 10 1769 0.882 10 1770 0.932 10 1771 1.115 10 1772 0.832 10 1773 1.047 10 1774 0.9 12 1775 1.164 12 1776 0.701 12 1777 1.154 12 1778 1.077 12 1779 0.973 12 1780 0.99 12 1781 0.973 12 1782 1.187 12 1783 1.132 13 1784 1.129 13 1785 0.867 13 1786 1.006 15 1787 0.912 15 1788 0.913 15 1789 1.046 16 1790 0.984 16 1791 1.045 16 1792 0.987 16 1793 1.156 16 1794 0.995 16 1795 0.973 16 1796 1.206 16 1797 0.943 16 1798 0.884 16 1799 0.999 16 1800 0.974 16 1801 1.019 16 1802 1.168 16 1803 0.88 16 1804 0.792 17 1805 0.882 17 1806 1.006 17 1807 1.011 17 1808 0.812 19 1809 0.854 19 1810 1.065 19 1811 1.014 19 1812 1.206 19 1813 1 19 1814 0.911 19 1815 0.919 20 1816 1.112 20 1817 0.791 20 1818 1.062 20 1819 1.261 20 1820 1.181 20 1821 0.772 20 1822 1.172 20 1823 1.032 20 1824 0.979 20 1825 1.067 20 1826 0.685 20 1827 1.078 20 1828 1.014 20 1829 1.215 21 1830 0.936 21 1831 0.841 21 1832 0.814 21 1833 1.128 21 1834 1.114 21 1835 1.113 21 1836 1.029 21 1837 0.876 21 1838 1.038 21 1839 0.889 21 1840 0.951 21 1841 0.878 21 1842 0.886 21 1843 1.152 21 1844 0.987 21 1845 1.021 21 1846 1.016 21 1847 1.19 21 1848 1.157 21 1849 1.004 21 1850 1.042 21 1851 1.078 21 1852 0.83 21 1853 0.971 21 1854 1.074 21 1855 1.116 21 1856 1.108 21 1857 0.724 21 1858 1.118 21 1859 1.118 21 1860 0.909 21 1861 0.895 21 1862 0.963 21 1863 1.113 21 1864 1.061 21 1865 1.012 21 1866 0.763 21 1867 1.083 21 1868 0.942 21 1869 0.973 21 1870 0.932 21 1871 1.171 21 1872 0.975 21 1873 1.038 21 1874 0.95 21 1875 0.852 21 1876 1.089 21 1877 1.024 21 1878 1.034 21 1879 1.032 21 1880 0.822 21 1881 0.935 21 1882 1.188 21 1883 0.928 21 1884 0.973 21 1885 1.077 21 1886 0.978 21 1887 1.062 21 1888 0.913 21 1889 1.19 21 1890 1.053 21 1891 1.014 21 1892 0.924 21 1893 0.792 21 1894 0.836 21 1895 1.051 21 1896 1.01 21 1897 0.984 21 1898 1.089 21 1899 1.171 21 1900 1.058 21 1901 0.906 21 1902 1.211 21 1903 1.082 21 1904 0.944 21 1905 1.176 21 1906 1.179 21 1907 0.7 21 1908 1.329 21 1909 0.804 21 1910 0.869 21 1911 1.091 21 1912 1.059 21 1913 1.163 21 1914 1.092 21 1915 0.999 21 1916 1.011 21 1917 1.021 21 1918 1.053 21 1919 0.837 21 1920 1.021 21 1921 0.954 21 1922 1.005 21 1923 0.903 21 1924 0.829 21 1925 0.938 21 1926 0.989 21 1927 0.961 21 1928 1.144 21 1929 1.187 21 1930 1.032 21 1931 0.895 21 1932 1.253 21 1933 0.777 21 1934 0.819 21 1935 1.174 21 1936 0.776 21 1937 1.073 21 1938 1.139 21 1939 1.183 21 1940 1.157 21 1941 1.064 21 1942 1.508 21 1943 0.545 21 1944 1.128 21 1945 0.988 21 1946 1.027 21 1947 1.107 21 1948 0.654 21 1949 1.237 21 1950 1.007 21 1951 0.838 21 1952 0.834 21 1953 0.983 21 1954 1.007 21 1955 1.09 21 1956 0.913 21 1957 0.865 21 1958 1.162 21 1959 1.064 21 1960 0.978 21 1961 0.93 21 1962 0.956 21 1963 0.825 21 1964 1.099 21 1965 1.033 21 1966 0.774 21 1967 1.177 21 1968 1.111 21 1969 0.969 21 1970 0.932 21 1971 0.957 21 1972 1.056 21 1973 1.098 20 1974 0.962 20 1975 1.235 20 1976 0.863 20 1977 0.749 20 1978 1.142 20 1979 0.963 20 1980 1.225 20 1981 1.224 20 1982 0.927 20 1983 1.183 20