International Tree-ring Data Bank: Chronologies.readme file ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center A- Paleoclimatology ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTOR WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! CONTRIBUTORS: Numerous ITRDB Members NAME OF DATA SET: International Tree-ring Data Bank Chronologies LAST UPDATE: 1/2006 (Version 5.08). Contributions since 1/2006 can be found in the directory /paleo/treering/updates GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Global PERIOD OF RECORD: 2005 A.D. - 6000 B.C. LIST OF FILES: Readme.Chronologies.txt, (this file) Treeinfo.txt (information on treering methoodology and file formats), Version.txt (Update history of the International Tree Ring Data Bank), pkzip compressed archive files of ITRDB chronology files), *.crn files (over 5000 ASCII text site chronologies, in directory /asciifiles). DESCRIPTION: This directory contains the tree ring chronologies from the International Tree Ring Data Bank. The files are available in both ASCII (text) and in compressed DOS format, due to the large volume of data. PKZIP, a DOS based compression utility, was used to compress the files. Use pkunzip.exe from this directory to uncompress the files. If you need chronologies in ASCII format, move to the appropriate regional directory, where ASCII versions of the data files are stored. The .zip files must be transferred in binary mode. (type ascii -or- binary at the FTP> prompt to change between FTP modes). The data is then unzipped with pkunzip.exe by typing the regional filename. For example, at the DOS prompt type pkunzip EUROPE to decompress all chronologies from Europe, or pkunzip EUROPE AUST*.* to decompress only data from Austria from EUROPE.ZIP. The data files have been grouped geographically, by country or region. When unzipped, the resulting file names correspond to those used for the ITRDB measurement files, i.e. NEWZ001.RWL and NEWZ001.CRN are the ring widths and site chronology for the site #001 in New Zealand. If you prefer ASCII files, download (for example) az*.crn to retrieve all arizona chronology files. The ITRDB measurements are in the directory /measurements.