# Chinese Pine Maximum Latewood Density (MXD) Hydroclimate Records in semi-arid Northern China #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/37699 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-tree-37699.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Tree Ring # # Dataset_DOI: 10.25921/jfbz-hs09 # # Science_Keywords: #-------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/isotope/asia/china/yang2023/yang2023-mxd-hydroclimate.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Jingyuan MXD Data # # Related_Online_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/38024 # Online_Resource_Description: ITRDB Data used for reconstruction # #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2023-03-06 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2023-07-13 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Chinese Pine Maximum Latewood Density (MXD) Hydroclimate Records in semi-arid Northern China #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Yang, Bao; He, Minhui; Liu, Yang; Wang, Feng; Ljungqvist, Fredrik C. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Chinese pine maximum latewood density in semi-arid northern China records hydroclimate rather than temperature. Elevations range from 2400-2740 m. The data used is in ITRDB CHN092 (https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/38024). # Provided Keywords: maximum latewood density (MXD), temperature, hydroclimate, semi-arid regions #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Yang, Bao, Minhui He, Liu Yang, Feng Wang, Fredrik C. Ljungqvist # Published_Date_or_Year: 2023-07-16 # Published_Title: Pine Maximum Latewood Density in Semi-Arid Northern China Records Hydroclimate Rather Than Temperature # Journal_Name: Geophysical Research Letters # Volume: 50 # Edition: # Issue: 13 # Pages: # Report_Number: e2023GL104362 # DOI: 10.1029/2023GL104362 # Publication_Place: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Long records of tree-ring maximum latewood density (MXD) measurements in conifers have been successfully employed to reconstruct summer temperature changes globally. Yet, the potential of MXD as a proxy in semi-arid, low-latitude regions for reconstructing either temperature or hydroclimate variability remains largely unexplored. Here, we developed a MXD data set of Chinese pine from semi-arid northern China, and investigated its sensitivity to different climate variables. We found that the annual self-calibrated Palmer Drought Severity Index from previous August to current July displays the strongest influence on the MXD variation. The entire MXD chronology (covering 1736–2020) is highly consistent with nearby tree-ring-based annual precipitation and drought reconstructions at decadal timescales, confirming a temporally stable hydroclimate signal in our MXD record. In particular, the rapid wetting trend during the 2010–2020 period is well captured by the MXD data. This novel study has wide implications for future use of tree-ring density data to reconstruct past climate changes globally. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Natural Science Foundation of China # Grant: 42130511, 42261134537 and 41602192 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Swedish Research Council # Grant: 2018-01272 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Jingyuan # Location: China # Northernmost_Latitude: 37.0 # Southernmost_Latitude: 37.0 # Easternmost_Longitude: 104.5 # Westernmost_Longitude: 104.5 # Elevation_m: #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Jingyuan MXD Yang2023 # Earliest_Year: 1737 # Most_Recent_Year: 2003 # Time_Unit: Year CE # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: maximum density # Notes: #-------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #-------------------- # Variables # # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/PaST-thesaurus/SKOS/past-thesaurus-v1.0.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Variables format: Short_name what,material,error,units,seasonality,data_type,detail,method,data_format,additional_information # ## Year age,,,year Common Era,,tree ring,,,N, ## MXD_Interp_0 maximum density,wood,,gram per decimeter,,tree ring,infilled,,N,MXD replaced all the missing values with zero ## MXD_Interp_MSV maximum density,wood,,gram per decimeter,,tree ring,infilled,,N,MXD replaced all the missing values with the mean of MXD data from other cores of the same tree ## MXD_Interp_MAV maximum density,wood,,gram per decimeter,,tree ring,infilled,,N,MXD replaced all the missing values with the mean value from all the measured MXD values at the same year ## Sampdepth number of samples,,,count,,tree ring,,,N,MXD # #-------------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: # Year MXD_Interp_0 MXD_Interp_MSV MXD_Interp_MAV Sampdepth 1737 0.94230533 0.903787198 0.906958173 12 1738 1.093944421 1.022053524 1.034534844 12 1739 1.095328921 1.026237485 1.033294578 12 1740 0.828315867 0.757703494 0.768755112 12 1741 0.995543344 0.9320534 0.943418808 12 1742 0.956100217 0.912102993 0.93598985 12 1743 0.869358243 0.831082506 0.867059796 12 1744 0.968282534 0.899300746 0.926287295 12 1745 1.040024555 0.975027465 0.985399932 12 1746 0.905731623 0.861082852 0.877351806 12 1747 1.019801646 0.952294848 0.952475246 13 1748 1.073294961 1.001803808 1.008049693 13 1749 1.02052741 0.957495632 0.968700941 14 1750 1.125756354 1.061227721 1.073193399 14 1751 1.085354761 1.011187429 1.023144904 14 1752 1.111377859 1.071493772 1.049758647 14 1753 1.238922465 1.157736238 1.171500344 14 1754 1.113183883 1.0428822 1.066024131 14 1755 1.011016984 0.956239976 0.969021736 14 1756 1.115918532 1.055017233 1.050967902 14 1757 1.126245056 1.057401892 1.062969428 14 1758 0.710138927 0.929016054 0.890990913 14 1759 0.476451707 0.893639718 0.891206031 14 1760 1.040873571 1.036899081 1.021670539 14 1761 1.160786923 1.08810349 1.096552382 14 1762 1.049495498 0.997544827 1.00332033 14 1763 0.822365356 0.922613205 0.895806284 14 1764 0.471454717 0.764494051 0.788294313 14 1765 0.630716996 0.701167832 0.711402839 14 1766 0.85388684 0.963289616 0.904736783 14 1767 1.006009969 1.101086196 1.026554172 14 1768 1.105393496 1.20316813 1.104987209 15 1769 0.99705794 1.019483907 0.979850308 15 1770 1.012731657 0.965639886 0.969400571 15 1771 1.151442344 1.093717165 1.101263494 15 1772 1.126602388 1.045694038 1.039955196 15 1773 1.039334617 0.996164429 0.997934382 15 1774 1.082048154 1.04031884 1.045714358 15 1775 0.956209559 0.949662272 0.95513486 16 1776 0.525576868 0.625182644 0.74676157 16 1777 0.786514807 0.802796113 0.804506181 16 1778 0.897286707 0.941321405 0.922700293 16 1779 1.043005551 1.027566714 1.020751949 16 1780 1.163118057 1.147345834 1.113048714 16 1781 1.25566529 1.238499553 1.200469941 16 1782 1.238443599 1.217663187 1.180386287 16 1783 0.945489526 0.944341481 0.93668192 16 1784 1.263238738 1.278338489 1.212859958 16 1785 1.254702009 1.219288817 1.214483276 16 1786 1.311589044 1.274258444 1.275047505 16 1787 1.153529147 1.113145066 1.114352966 16 1788 1.163537423 1.133651354 1.127938093 16 1789 1.102441242 1.049796643 1.052327063 16 1790 1.095859037 1.046477281 1.045975454 16 1791 1.089684733 1.034351133 1.032947218 16 1792 1.167414674 1.102671436 1.108343553 16 1793 0.983445762 0.929408449 0.933895535 16 1794 1.181917695 1.123527436 1.119857929 16 1795 0.92939925 0.973644871 1.038421907 16 1796 1.072434569 1.036018358 1.047383217 16 1797 0.868849087 0.911520512 0.905171773 16 1798 0.848811508 0.79872007 0.82832975 16 1799 0.982540115 0.89284437 0.964533145 16 1800 1.054711683 0.994729286 1.026278549 16 1801 0.709530561 0.769308157 0.788387236 16 1802 1.142038269 1.072769463 1.082605071 16 1803 1.270798473 1.212707847 1.207870416 16 1804 1.378554776 1.330899661 1.319001667 16 1805 1.193012305 1.14220662 1.136172076 16 1806 1.163556587 1.116554076 1.113104442 16 1807 1.200208607 1.129190703 1.133420752 16 1808 1.079940068 1.025444755 1.025079975 16 1809 1.112674845 1.05966408 1.057699134 16 1810 0.90924726 0.964906313 0.94509609 16 1811 0.890032628 0.885163139 0.895747076 16 1812 1.010019356 0.948606139 0.950643436 16 1813 1.082956243 1.026447073 1.02907647 16 1814 0.953505948 0.928961973 0.938291264 16 1815 0.613818542 0.788544898 0.827584651 16 1816 0.988868186 0.922016849 0.939394383 16 1817 1.008890441 0.960904253 0.969098513 16 1818 0.759544139 0.8323178 0.836032444 16 1819 1.051804355 0.996371014 0.994574738 16 1820 1.251799999 1.184915783 1.17947751 16 1821 1.089920974 1.047355537 1.037790977 16 1822 1.212658083 1.138910096 1.114683276 16 1823 1.103553474 1.104520735 1.082082906 16 1824 0.944763807 0.88933993 0.892408714 16 1825 1.137865031 1.08725338 1.065087646 16 1826 0.879695154 0.863210928 0.855061222 16 1827 1.160355712 1.163099795 1.095543141 16 1828 1.200202706 1.155035909 1.1160271 16 1829 1.02423386 1.017601109 0.98523291 16 1830 0.87148803 0.901002709 0.944271383 16 1831 0.81715361 0.986586075 0.966476795 16 1832 0.884822948 0.83194701 0.881772431 16 1833 0.891186579 0.831007482 0.832062043 16 1834 1.004172971 0.943676133 0.941394333 16 1835 1.042370104 0.987811484 0.979701043 16 1836 0.877578748 0.851699846 0.87339111 16 1837 0.786170723 0.738433003 0.74580225 16 1838 0.889221729 0.843521076 0.856220023 16 1839 1.066741716 1.002063314 0.99647842 16 1840 0.819536017 0.885743226 0.942091559 16 1841 1.059165793 1.008201105 0.996329654 16 1842 1.058451643 1.013170139 1.001838163 16 1843 1.241426263 1.187984586 1.176562832 16 1844 1.248612958 1.188807757 1.179281123 16 1845 1.22146246 1.163029436 1.147102759 16 1846 0.976663245 0.921767156 0.912773307 16 1847 0.981459934 0.927178393 0.917149848 16 1848 1.059091061 0.992728264 0.981779099 16 1849 1.147240296 1.088898316 1.072099126 17 1850 1.031898733 0.977250904 0.968334501 17 1851 1.102902067 1.044153625 1.036636744 17 1852 1.165479428 1.088327157 1.085892999 17 1853 1.021863502 0.979665895 1.024389157 17 1854 0.623009598 0.808889155 0.888166877 17 1855 1.023913497 0.948312012 0.972338207 17 1856 1.098779598 1.038482935 1.044882381 17 1857 0.937777043 0.908141693 0.928683078 17 1858 0.958781476 0.905616741 0.893183402 17 1859 1.041734182 0.983707929 0.973596386 17 1860 0.934109709 0.880035706 0.870627508 17 1861 0.916085494 0.857754355 0.847530094 17 1862 0.841729312 0.788265051 0.779276454 17 1863 0.941981301 0.88935832 0.906609847 17 1864 0.994840091 0.933352059 0.92361901 17 1865 1.048386676 0.996162512 1.005921084 17 1866 1.038208387 0.970021383 0.959600316 17 1867 0.673290291 0.882423059 0.915965134 17 1868 1.010862457 0.964319998 0.972589221 17 1869 1.083007755 1.010454739 1.01118344 17 1870 1.098419624 1.089721239 1.055772839 17 1871 1.065064126 1.047819699 1.054788443 17 1872 0.913623726 0.995859136 0.986899903 17 1873 0.494409836 0.894255872 1.00125441 17 1874 0.762100495 0.881528755 0.833349351 17 1875 0.789327442 0.77516998 0.765408331 17 1876 0.919324155 0.856902528 0.84474861 16 1877 0.782829967 0.792446696 0.774664275 16 1878 0.643808271 0.753105733 0.805663723 16 1879 0.78244006 0.778351581 0.777002852 16 1880 0.851564897 0.802809907 0.794924739 16 1881 0.896543446 0.838656021 0.82715154 16 1882 0.803805274 0.751671511 0.742616162 16 1883 0.819310595 0.767335935 0.757144352 16 1884 0.354461482 0.667572789 0.815882744 15 1885 0.809798285 0.837878049 0.838924718 15 1886 0.952371888 0.914572316 0.900869919 15 1887 0.892611984 0.861713268 0.823741341 15 1888 1.020401966 0.959443492 0.981823262 15 1889 1.095350143 1.024089097 1.007785938 15 1890 1.269662153 1.184812107 1.167176324 15 1891 1.222282631 1.141091196 1.123968863 15 1892 0.879262626 0.889317812 0.909907686 15 1893 1.117401389 1.04231726 1.025471797 15 1894 1.163359963 1.080628286 1.062803782 15 1895 1.190515828 1.101572512 1.102884815 15 1896 1.043691198 0.96822883 0.950068705 15 1897 1.201907384 1.105141494 1.078630922 15 1898 1.1103178 1.116510787 1.063464065 15 1899 1.055447022 0.979284079 0.963189617 15 1900 0.67120477 0.856033009 0.943144096 15 1901 0.867100083 0.826501796 0.833984118 15 1902 1.071570639 1.010296059 0.996108182 15 1903 1.021210302 0.935086628 0.919059707 15 1904 0.82357424 0.824235535 0.819145746 15 1905 0.995194253 0.929166985 0.907992478 15 1906 1.113573072 1.041716271 1.023947927 15 1907 0.909062416 1.056817207 1.040876414 15 1908 0.904560987 0.866549698 0.869289856 15 1909 1.122365138 1.038910652 1.027241571 15 1910 1.07112884 0.991399233 0.973163551 15 1911 0.980602836 0.973702662 0.948957238 15 1912 0.903621477 0.835429525 0.817718681 14 1913 1.000589227 0.927703054 0.916761062 14 1914 1.149732041 1.082710728 1.047822646 14 1915 1.097687894 1.015791413 0.994621642 14 1916 0.919804387 0.854693644 0.832370816 14 1917 0.995961273 0.946420453 0.945974989 14 1918 0.733981925 0.90683113 0.937640778 14 1919 0.9584303 0.93836934 0.949573173 14 1920 1.025182831 0.967576545 0.988579582 14 1921 0.935373903 0.953750466 0.981106316 14 1922 1.190925799 1.084518973 1.068131589 14 1923 0.899704336 0.965108255 0.980249831 14 1924 1.158442071 1.083592431 1.087979104 14 1925 1.148200301 1.037655581 1.055890645 14 1926 0.451144079 0.800486679 0.912368358 14 1927 1.111497255 1.025908859 1.003154729 14 1928 0.63599787 0.651359408 1.029102414 14 1929 0.641267343 0.569643125 0.87747389 14 1930 0.45018452 0.790903452 1.026131707 13 1931 0.002750131 0.631475625 1.038792062 13 1932 0.383738187 0.388235511 0.990016762 13 1933 0.55956797 0.672596438 0.843254189 13 1934 0.631112868 0.638828146 0.728441135 13 1935 0.690812006 0.705475686 0.76224939 14 1936 1.093548207 1.05370688 1.030957439 14 1937 0.929946103 1.086081424 1.049450509 14 1938 1.407539733 1.358763932 1.293859998 14 1939 1.326974549 1.221892772 1.195929224 14 1940 0.990365256 1.0208277 0.980092337 14 1941 1.195862108 1.11935207 1.06881279 14 1942 0.826245603 0.862337206 0.894226536 14 1943 1.273460882 1.211918294 1.197749763 14 1944 1.399468517 1.280405461 1.248051992 14 1945 1.313235013 1.201798902 1.197447222 14 1946 1.432311574 1.323284038 1.319719386 14 1947 1.084123448 1.072362258 1.079386686 14 1948 1.281825171 1.181880899 1.144570883 14 1949 1.353417892 1.239271493 1.206139636 14 1950 1.411322076 1.353484675 1.30103901 14 1951 1.410045072 1.329994518 1.277629438 14 1952 1.28031076 1.237473915 1.192743292 14 1953 0.733088919 1.104473207 1.053256897 14 1954 1.322789429 1.212447935 1.183260848 14 1955 1.144694037 1.06547084 1.069492164 14 1956 1.271008803 1.153204142 1.118599241 14 1957 1.066176234 1.151414303 1.061769744 14 1958 1.306073575 1.230307805 1.212614392 14 1959 1.403094093 1.291528433 1.261654761 14 1960 1.216487316 1.11906729 1.089530271 14 1961 1.227970015 1.117775654 1.088362388 14 1962 1.210210782 1.107340315 1.076848302 14 1963 0.765858681 1.017350715 0.969619802 14 1964 1.222436923 1.338526288 1.225281128 14 1965 1.387242001 1.262409212 1.226036941 14 1966 0.711769184 0.874077806 1.046781458 13 1967 1.121955298 1.058236893 1.041121765 13 1968 1.06119982 1.186149269 1.080961954 13 1969 1.321483449 1.268029592 1.205768657 13 1970 1.236598979 1.214714615 1.186400008 12 1971 1.199410514 1.166494803 1.134203567 12 1972 1.386835714 1.270834562 1.237852761 12 1973 1.006869817 1.257833946 1.165184529 12 1974 1.299351173 1.193412271 1.167076825 12 1975 0.86330715 0.812064403 0.868066495 12 1976 1.245044205 1.146882029 1.116951019 12 1977 1.273777415 1.165120509 1.139423329 12 1978 1.02821057 0.953272344 0.974622414 12 1979 1.131222835 1.053003865 1.034531168 12 1980 1.35640118 1.250576811 1.219792496 11 1981 1.067410901 1.101532767 1.109697836 11 1982 0.796861827 0.817795305 0.776331884 11 1983 1.131324302 1.059382351 1.032574868 11 1984 1.227840346 1.13523684 1.109939398 11 1985 1.179030383 1.083201926 1.056864497 11 1986 1.002072722 0.962379948 0.899237303 11 1987 1.007378166 0.922150846 0.899188191 11 1988 1.078008055 1.001632058 0.9604788 11 1989 1.238951047 1.120682625 1.082857295 10 1990 1.126618336 1.021999612 1.006896863 10 1991 0.955470178 0.846889175 0.812745953 10 1992 0.660335702 0.835470755 0.943076953 10 1993 1.192789113 1.083247541 1.053616893 10 1994 0.953460376 0.905541168 0.884131529 10 1995 1.018647091 0.982461372 0.962629538 10 1996 1.481997779 1.354237894 1.319435731 10 1997 1.222744169 1.337999169 1.225802785 10 1998 1.009014369 1.187937241 1.104483818 10 1999 1.384902146 1.280751174 1.247491724 10 2000 1.182814862 1.079022683 1.066303131 9 2001 0.938226737 0.892701927 0.917001843 9 2002 1.178064241 1.098818421 1.071831192 8 2003 1.404651377 1.304860743 1.269164297 8