# Southern Himalaya Regional 388 Year Tree Ring Oxygen Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/23830 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/isotope/asia/himalaya2018d18o.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Tree Ring # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2018-04-09 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2018-04-09 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Southern Himalaya Regional 388 Year Tree Ring Oxygen Isotope Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Xu, C.; Sano, M.; Dimri, A.P.; Ramesh, R.; Nakatsuka, T.; Shi, F.; Guo, Z. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Regional tree-ring cellulose oxygen isotope (d18O) chronology (H5) for the southern Himalaya including data from India, Nepal, and Bhutan. # Data are a combination of d18O data from five locations: Manali and Jageshwar, India; Hulma and Ganesh, Nepal; and Wache, Bhutan. # Species sampled are Abies pindrow, Abies spectabilis, Cedrus deodara, and Larix griffithii. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Chenxi Xu, Masaki Sano, Ashok Dimri, Rengaswamy Ramesh, Takeshi Nakatsuka, Feng Shi, Zhengtang Guo # Published_Date_or_Year: 2017-01-20 # Published_Title: Decreasing Indian summer monsoon in northern Indian sub-continent during the last 180 years: evidence from five tree cellulose oxygen isotope chronologies # Journal_Name: Climate of the Past Discussions # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.5194/cp-2016-132 # Online_Resource: https://www.clim-past-discuss.net/cp-2016-132/ # Full_Citation: # Abstract: We have constructed a regional tree ring cellulose oxygen isotope (d18O) record for the northern Indian sub-continent based on two new records from north India and central Nepal and three published records from Northwest India, western Nepal and Bhutan. The record spans the interval from 1743-2008 CE. Correlation analysis reveals that the record is significantly negatively correlated with the three regional climatic indices: All India Rainfall (r = -0.5, p <0.001, n =138), Indian monsoon index (r = -0.45, p <0.001, n =51) and the intensity of monsoonal circulation (r = -0.42, p <0.001, n =51). The close relationship between tree ring cellulose d18O and the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) can be explained by oxygen isotope fractionation mechanisms. Our results indicate that the regional tree ring cellulose d18O record is suitable for reconstructing high-resolution changes in the ISM. The record exhibits significant inter-annual and centennial variations. Inter-annual changes are closely related to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which indicates that the ISM was affected by ENSO in the past. However, the ISM-ENSO relationship was not consistent over time. Centennial changes in the regional tree ring d18O record indicate a trend of weakened ISM intensity since 1820. Decreasing ISM activity is also observed in various high-resolution ISM records from southwest China and Southeast Asia, and may be the result of reduced land-ocean thermal contrasts since 1820 CE. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China # Grant: 2016YFA0600504 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Chinese Academy of Sciences # Grant: Pioneer Hundred Talents Program #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Natural Science Foundation of China # Grant: 41672179, 41630529, 41430531 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Sumitomo Foundation # Grant: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Research Institute for Humanity and Nature # Grant: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science # Grant: 23242047 and 2310262) #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Southern Himalaya # Location: Asia>Southcentral Asia # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: 32.217 # Southernmost_Latitude: 27.983 # Easternmost_Longitude: 90.0 # Westernmost_Longitude: 77.217 # Elevation: 2700-3850 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: HimalayaH5d18O # Earliest_Year: 1621 # Most_Recent_Year: 2008 # Time_Unit: CE # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Species # Species_Name: Cedrus deodara # Common_Name: Himalayan cedar # Tree_Species_Code: CDDE #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #----------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # ## age_CE age, , , year CE, , , , ,N, ## d18Oanom delta18O, cellulose, , per mil VSMOW, annual, tree ring, anomalized, ,N, # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # age_CE d18Oanom 1621 -0.87 1622 -1.09 1623 -0.99 1624 -1.24 1625 -0.97 1626 0.93 1627 0.17 1628 -0.60 1629 -1.16 1630 0.53 1631 0.22 1632 0.01 1633 -1.42 1634 -0.01 1635 0.15 1636 -0.96 1637 -1.11 1638 -0.88 1639 -0.43 1640 -0.87 1641 -0.63 1642 -1.01 1643 -1.04 1644 -0.89 1645 -2.12 1646 -0.19 1647 0.06 1648 -0.03 1649 -0.86 1650 -1.67 1651 0.35 1652 0.91 1653 -0.29 1654 1.38 1655 0.60 1656 -1.72 1657 0.46 1658 -2.04 1659 -1.66 1660 0.08 1661 1.04 1662 2.05 1663 -1.89 1664 0.35 1665 -0.33 1666 0.10 1667 -1.54 1668 -0.96 1669 -1.99 1670 -0.29 1671 -0.79 1672 -1.79 1673 -1.44 1674 -1.55 1675 -1.58 1676 -0.64 1677 -1.55 1678 -3.71 1679 -0.52 1680 -1.12 1681 -0.55 1682 -0.38 1683 0.99 1684 -1.14 1685 -1.83 1686 -1.48 1687 -0.81 1688 -1.03 1689 -2.74 1690 -1.37 1691 -1.05 1692 -1.24 1693 0.37 1694 -1.84 1695 -0.03 1696 -1.08 1697 -0.89 1698 -0.39 1699 -1.92 1700 -1.42 1701 0.26 1702 0.14 1703 0.01 1704 -1.20 1705 0.97 1706 -0.65 1707 0.54 1708 -0.55 1709 -0.28 1710 -1.65 1711 -1.76 1712 -1.68 1713 0.26 1714 -0.81 1715 -1.41 1716 -3.28 1717 -1.05 1718 -0.46 1719 -0.95 1720 -0.91 1721 1.23 1722 1.14 1723 -2.31 1724 -1.83 1725 -1.05 1726 -0.80 1727 -1.13 1728 -1.03 1729 -0.13 1730 -3.00 1731 -0.54 1732 -1.33 1733 -0.66 1734 -0.27 1735 -1.64 1736 -1.79 1737 -0.94 1738 1.44 1739 -1.16 1740 -1.17 1741 -0.86 1742 -1.23 1743 0.37 1744 -0.64 1745 -1.34 1746 -0.40 1747 0.88 1748 -0.43 1749 0.68 1750 0.74 1751 -0.85 1752 -0.44 1753 -0.51 1754 -1.32 1755 0.26 1756 -0.17 1757 -0.49 1758 0.06 1759 -0.90 1760 -2.28 1761 -0.79 1762 -0.66 1763 0.53 1764 0.23 1765 -0.93 1766 -1.18 1767 -0.26 1768 0.26 1769 -0.09 1770 -0.63 1771 -0.93 1772 -0.44 1773 -0.11 1774 -0.47 1775 -1.56 1776 -1.12 1777 -0.57 1778 -1.43 1779 0.55 1780 -0.96 1781 -0.56 1782 0.77 1783 1.92 1784 1.69 1785 -0.61 1786 -0.45 1787 -0.75 1788 0.51 1789 -1.48 1790 -0.20 1791 -0.69 1792 -0.13 1793 0.88 1794 0.74 1795 -1.09 1796 -1.29 1797 -0.61 1798 -1.14 1799 -0.92 1800 -1.59 1801 -2.53 1802 -1.22 1803 0.39 1804 0.73 1805 -0.58 1806 -1.89 1807 -0.74 1808 -0.56 1809 -0.74 1810 -1.11 1811 -1.09 1812 -0.61 1813 1.95 1814 0.04 1815 -1.03 1816 0.12 1817 -1.59 1818 -1.58 1819 -0.75 1820 -1.92 1821 0.09 1822 -2.63 1823 -2.13 1824 -0.63 1825 0.06 1826 -0.86 1827 -0.33 1828 -1.07 1829 -1.41 1830 -1.76 1831 -0.42 1832 -1.98 1833 0.90 1834 -1.17 1835 -1.80 1836 -0.87 1837 0.32 1838 -0.65 1839 -0.70 1840 -0.46 1841 0.00 1842 0.16 1843 0.15 1844 -0.26 1845 0.36 1846 -1.19 1847 -0.67 1848 0.55 1849 0.83 1850 -0.15 1851 -0.42 1852 -1.11 1853 -0.45 1854 -0.91 1855 -1.40 1856 -1.73 1857 -1.02 1858 0.07 1859 -0.05 1860 0.57 1861 -0.95 1862 -1.99 1863 -1.73 1864 0.13 1865 0.81 1866 -0.39 1867 -1.09 1868 0.44 1869 0.28 1870 -0.97 1871 -2.27 1872 -0.44 1873 0.93 1874 -0.80 1875 -0.64 1876 0.60 1877 0.72 1878 -0.95 1879 -1.49 1880 0.04 1881 -1.24 1882 -0.58 1883 0.23 1884 0.77 1885 -0.83 1886 -0.54 1887 -0.43 1888 -0.03 1889 -0.81 1890 -1.41 1891 -0.04 1892 0.19 1893 -2.22 1894 -2.16 1895 -1.15 1896 0.43 1897 -1.05 1898 -0.53 1899 0.08 1900 -0.32 1901 0.13 1902 0.43 1903 0.52 1904 -0.80 1905 -0.37 1906 0.05 1907 0.65 1908 0.99 1909 -1.12 1910 -1.34 1911 -0.21 1912 0.04 1913 -0.38 1914 -0.86 1915 0.44 1916 -0.42 1917 -1.93 1918 0.41 1919 -0.04 1920 0.09 1921 0.80 1922 -0.80 1923 0.02 1924 -0.04 1925 -1.62 1926 -0.21 1927 -0.90 1928 -0.37 1929 -0.13 1930 -0.05 1931 0.27 1932 0.13 1933 -1.31 1934 -0.83 1935 -0.43 1936 -0.97 1937 -0.44 1938 -1.23 1939 0.17 1940 0.70 1941 1.40 1942 0.05 1943 -0.71 1944 -0.86 1945 -0.15 1946 0.01 1947 0.57 1948 -0.43 1949 -0.29 1950 -0.17 1951 0.62 1952 -0.09 1953 0.17 1954 0.41 1955 -0.63 1956 -1.08 1957 -0.69 1958 0.33 1959 -0.25 1960 -0.03 1961 -0.72 1962 -0.59 1963 -0.42 1964 -0.94 1965 0.76 1966 0.89 1967 -0.14 1968 -0.10 1969 0.74 1970 -0.19 1971 -0.80 1972 0.89 1973 0.69 1974 0.34 1975 -0.99 1976 -0.20 1977 -0.60 1978 -1.02 1979 0.46 1980 -0.42 1981 -0.40 1982 0.73 1983 -0.20 1984 -0.55 1985 0.50 1986 -0.28 1987 1.64 1988 0.69 1989 -0.17 1990 -0.08 1991 0.33 1992 0.38 1993 0.41 1994 0.45 1995 0.26 1996 -0.36 1997 0.24 1998 -0.17 1999 0.35 2000 -0.18 2001 0.11 2002 1.60 2003 0.45 2004 1.13 2005 0.49 2006 0.28 2007 0.29 2008 -0.41