Hemmed in Hollow (Oak), Arkansas - AR056 Additional Site Information D.W. Stahle M.D. Therrell M.K. Cleaveland Includes Kyles Landing oak (KYO cores); KYO site very close to HHO Purpose of Collection: Climatology Measurement type: Total ring width 1st Detrending method: Negative exponential; if cannot be fitted, then fit a regression line of any slope. 2nd Detrending method: If exp. is fitted, then a cubic spline with half power cutoff equal to series length is fitted; if the exp. cannot be fitted and a regression line is, then a spline with half power cutoff equal to 67% of the series length is fitted; In no case is a spline with half power cutoff less than 100 years fitted. Location of core material: Stored in U. of Arkansas Tree-Ring Lab; Part of the U. of Arkansas Museum collections, Accession No. 83-183. COFECHA output: Chronology file name : AR056.CRN Measurement file name : AR056.RWL Date checked : 10MAR05 Checked by : H. ADAMS AND J. LUKAS Beginning year : 1670 Ending year : 1992 Principal investigators: D.W. Stahle M.D. Therrell M.K. Cleaveland Site name : Hemmed in Hollow + Kyle's Landing Site location : Arkansas Species information : QUST POST OAK Latitude : 3604 Longitude : -09318 Elevation : 550M Series intercorrelation: 0.603 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.248 Avg standard deviation : 0.302 Avg autocorrelation : 0.624 Number dated series : 28 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 10 Pct problem segments : 4.95 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: ar056.rwl 14:01 Thu 10 Mar 2005 Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1724 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 HHO01A 1860 1992 .63 .79 .87 .68 .34B 2 HHO01B 1870 1992 .80 .78 .86 .63 .42 3 HHO02A 1746 1992 .65 .67 .57 .66 .76 .70 .61 .62 .66 .83 4 HHO02B 1718 1992 .72 .75 .56 .18B .40 .69 .37 .50 .80 .72 .80 5 HHO04A 1819 1992 .54 .61 .58 .63 .72 .60 .50 6 HHO04B 1814 1992 .63 .55 .51 .54 .67 .54 .63 7 HHO06A 1718 1992 .75 .66 .40 .44 .44 .43 .58 .75 .73 .50 .64 8 HHO06B 1725 1992 .76 .75 .66 .61 .67 .77 .82 .79 .66 .69 9 HHO06C 1692 1990 .51 .59 .70 .63 .65 .70 .60 .48 .71 .71 .50 .78 10 HHO07B 1859 1992 .68 .72 .39 .28B .71 11 HHO08A 1869 1992 .79 .80 .79 .75 .87 12 HHO08B 1870 1992 .84 .84 .84 .76 .75 13 HHO09B 1719 1900 .73 .70 .59 .61 .40 .45 .58 .58 14 HHO09C 1717 1900 .77 .75 .53 .47 .29A .40 .49 .47 15 HHO10A 1878 1992 .81 .83 .78 .65 16 HHO10B 1862 1992 .65 .61 .65 .68 .80 17 HHO11A 1730 1935 .73 .70 .54 .57 .63 .50 .64 .74 18 HHO11B 1739 1992 .68 .64 .46 .47 .51 .50 .66 .76 .70 .75 19 HHO11C 1670 1969 .31A .39 .60 .69 .61 .53 .41 .32B .36B .54 .50 20 HHO21A 1866 1992 .71 .70 .80 .76 .82 21 HHO21B 1870 1992 .70 .66 .75 .77 .82 22 HHO22A 1741 1992 .48 .50 .50 .69 .63 .45 .60 .71 .67 .81 23 HHO23A 1868 1992 .60 .48 .48 .55 .66 24 HHO23B 1863 1992 .63 .60 .60 .48 .44 25 KYO01A 1768 1992 .42 .42 .36 .44 .47 .13B .04B .23B .36 26 KYO01B 1869 1992 .42 .43 .54 .58 .69 27 KYO07A 1853 1992 .55 .34 .43 .40 .63 28 KYO07B 1830 1992 .53 .42 .58 .68 .64 .56 Av segment correlation .41 .66 .68 .59 .51 .52 .55 .58 .61 .67 .60 .66 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: ar056.rwl 14:01 Thu 10 Mar 2005 Page 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 HHO01A 1860 1992 133 5 1 .581 .81 2.26 .395 .721 .241 2.83 .452 .008 1 2 HHO01B 1870 1992 123 5 0 .621 .89 2.56 .478 .731 .260 2.84 .454 -.048 1 3 HHO02A 1746 1992 247 10 0 .696 .73 2.04 .286 .709 .218 2.59 .361 -.035 1 4 HHO02B 1718 1992 275 11 1 .618 .58 1.51 .257 .701 .257 2.54 .301 .000 1 5 HHO04A 1819 1992 174 7 0 .568 .76 2.04 .362 .799 .245 2.64 .474 -.041 1 6 HHO04B 1814 1992 179 7 0 .588 .51 1.90 .269 .704 .296 2.71 .463 -.012 1 7 HHO06A 1718 1992 275 11 0 .589 .90 2.21 .304 .494 .235 2.60 .363 -.027 1 8 HHO06B 1725 1992 268 10 0 .716 .78 2.01 .277 .575 .238 2.61 .301 -.022 2 9 HHO06C 1692 1990 299 12 0 .655 .80 2.42 .320 .594 .262 2.65 .286 -.007 1 10 HHO07B 1859 1992 134 5 1 .530 .75 2.13 .262 .349 .266 2.46 .286 -.030 2 11 HHO08A 1869 1992 124 5 0 .818 1.27 2.36 .390 .317 .293 2.50 .299 .031 1 12 HHO08B 1870 1992 123 5 0 .785 1.15 2.54 .387 .442 .268 2.65 .416 -.001 1 13 HHO09B 1719 1900 182 8 0 .535 .71 3.06 .409 .791 .235 2.50 .321 -.027 1 14 HHO09C 1717 1900 184 8 1 .488 .53 1.29 .196 .707 .209 2.61 .465 -.028 2 15 HHO10A 1878 1992 115 4 0 .728 1.18 2.81 .423 .602 .231 2.70 .467 .083 1 16 HHO10B 1862 1992 131 5 0 .691 .80 1.83 .273 .569 .247 2.62 .430 -.024 1 17 HHO11A 1730 1935 206 8 0 .650 .59 1.32 .217 .680 .222 2.65 .400 -.031 1 18 HHO11B 1739 1992 254 10 0 .634 .58 1.18 .190 .558 .233 2.69 .407 -.029 1 19 HHO11C 1670 1969 300 11 3 .443 .51 1.65 .244 .748 .239 2.75 .378 -.055 1 20 HHO21A 1866 1992 127 5 0 .770 1.07 2.17 .380 .626 .248 2.41 .296 .007 1 21 HHO21B 1870 1992 123 5 0 .763 1.07 2.91 .482 .791 .237 2.55 .362 .011 1 22 HHO22A 1741 1992 252 10 0 .640 .78 2.03 .285 .507 .262 2.60 .313 -.012 1 23 HHO23A 1868 1992 125 5 0 .559 .64 1.78 .234 .421 .296 2.59 .348 .000 1 24 HHO23B 1863 1992 130 5 0 .526 .66 1.52 .231 .471 .259 2.71 .433 .016 1 25 KYO01A 1768 1992 225 9 3 .291 .47 1.30 .184 .695 .227 2.60 .356 -.004 2 26 KYO01B 1869 1992 124 5 0 .525 .41 .79 .127 .572 .231 2.57 .400 .077 1 27 KYO07A 1853 1992 140 5 0 .523 .92 1.94 .402 .687 .263 3.03 .519 -.007 1 28 KYO07B 1830 1992 163 6 0 .568 1.05 3.16 .558 .681 .288 2.77 .511 .050 2 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 5135 202 10 .603 .75 3.16 .302 .624 .248 3.03 .379 -.011