Whitewing Mountain, California - ca644 Additional Site Information John C. King, Constance I. Millar, Robert D. Westfall Purpose of Collection: Geomorphology/Geology - volcanology Detrend method: Negative exponontial or linear regression with negative or 0 slope Cores are stored at: Sierra Nevada Research Center PSW Research Station, USDA Forest Service 800 Buchanan St., Albany, CA 94710 USA Contact: Constance I. Millar ph: 510-559-6435 FAX: 510-559-6499 email: cmillar@fs.fed.us Reference: Millar, C. I., J. C. King, R. D. Westfall, H. A. Alden and D. L. Delany. 2006. Late Holocene forest dynamics, volcanism, and climate change at Whitewing Mountain and San Joaquin Ridge, Mono County, Sierra Nevada, CA, USA. Quaternary Research: 66: 273-287. Notes: Multiple species chronology assembled from deadwood remnants at a volcanic eruption site. Species: Pinus albicaulis, Pinus monticola, Pinus contorta, Pinus lambertiana, Pinus jeffreyi, Tsuga mertensiana. Cross-dating was confirmed using published and unpublished tree-ring chronologies and a regional frost-ring record. Low values for mean sensitivity and series intercorrelation are characteristic for the collection site. Whitewing Tree-Ring Samples Sample Code, Inside Date, Outside Date, Species WW01 955 1252 Pinus contorta WW1 1082 1268 Pinus albicaulis WW02 1175 1326 Pinus contorta WW03A 1138 1237 Pinus jeffreyi WW03B 1145 1258 Pinus jeffreyi WW4 1192 1336 unknown WW04 1167 1278 Pinus monticola WW4 939 1310 Yellow pine group WW05A 1057 1201 Pinus monticola WW05B 1017 1190 Pinus monticola WW06 1144 1278 Pinus lambertiana WW09A 1100 1278 Pinus lambertiana WW09B 1089 1255 Pinus lambertiana WW10 1194 1301 Pinus albicaulis WW11 1177 1349 Pinus albicaulis WW13A 969 1284 Pinus contorta WW13B 960 1259 Pinus contorta WW14 1074 1259 Yellow pine group WW15 1160 1297 Pinus lambertiana WW16 1086 1260 Yellow pine group WW17 1181 1331 Pinus albicaulis WW19 1174 1286 Pinus albicaulis WW20 1117 1287 Yellow pine group WW21 1060 1313 Pinus albicaulis WW101 1200 1318 Pinus monticola WW103 1201 1294 White pine group WW105 1231 1327 Pinus monticola WW109 1188 1333 Pinus albicaulis WW111 1101 1238 Pinus albicaulis WW114 1195 1323 Pinus albicaulis WW115 1132 1221 Pinus albicaulis WW158 1103 1343 Tsuga mertensiana WW159 1040 1325 Tsuga mertensiana WW160 905 1292 Tsuga mertensiana WW501 949 1080 Pinus albicaulis WW503 963 1155 Pinus albicaulis WW504 915 1252 Pinus albicaulis WW505 1071 1307 Pinus albicaulis WW511 890 1046 Pinus albicaulis WW512 1046 1294 Pinus albicaulis WW513 941 1189 Pinus albicaulis WW514 1001 1274 Pinus albicaulis WW516 897 1234 Pinus albicaulis WW517 949 1262 Pinus albicaulis SJ5 1123 1221 Pinus albicaulis SJ7 1142 1270 Pinus albicaulis SJ2-6 1114 1232 Pinus albicaulis SJ2-7 1120 1247 Pinus albicaulis SJ2-101125 1263 Pinus albicaulis 71398 1201 1467 Pinus contorta COFECHA output: Chronology file name : CA644.CRN Measurement file name : CA644.RWL Date checked : 16APR07 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 890 Ending year : 1467 Principal investigators: John C. King Constance I. Millar Robert D. Westfall Site name : Whitewing Mountain Site location : California Species information : MIXD PINE/HEMLOCK Latitude : 3744 Longitude : -11902 Elevation : 2920M Series intercorrelation: 0.378 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.168 Avg standard deviation : 0.347 Avg autocorrelation : 0.822 Number dated series : 50 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 126 Pct problem segments : 33.78 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Whitewing Mountain 16:08 Mon 16 Apr 2007 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 875 900 925 950 975 1000 1025 1050 1075 1100 1125 1150 1175 1200 1225 1250 1275 1300 924 949 974 999 1024 1049 1074 1099 1124 1149 1174 1199 1224 1249 1274 1299 1324 1349 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 WW01 955 1252 .10B .35 .39B .28B .23A .23B .48 .53 .25B .34 .54 .52 2 WW1 1082 1268 .19B .29B .43 .38 .24A .25B .31A 3 WW02 1175 1326 .34 .38 .51 .36 .23B .22B 4 WW03A 1138 1237 .67 .56 .40 .27A 5 WW03B 1145 1258 .59 .58 .49 .45 .43 6 WW4 1192 1336 .39 .45 .47 .50 .25A .36 7 WW04 1167 1278 .23B .37 .60 .53 .59 8 WW4 939 1310 .26B .38 .40 .26B .09B .22B .37 .45 .51 .47 .38 .38 .47 .37 .45 9 WW05A 1057 1201 .43 .23B .40 .68 .61 .67 10 WW05B 1017 1190 .39 .41 .53 .36B .43 .59 .59 11 WW06 1144 1278 .29B .36 .46 .44 .34 .35 12 WW09A 1100 1278 .55 .50 .43 .48 .60 .30A .32A 13 WW09B 1089 1255 .59 .58 .49 .41 .46 .49 .53 14 WW10 1194 1301 .31A .34 .34 .51 .51 15 WW11 1177 1349 .46 .53 .63 .60 .43 .28B 16 WW13A 969 1284 .30B .29A .28A .34 .27A .29B .45 .49 .34 .47 .50 .34 .25A 17 WW13B 960 1259 .37 .32A .34 .27A .12B .19B .39 .50 .21A .20B .43 .46 18 WW14 1074 1259 .29A .30A .40 .41 .30A .20B .35 .40 19 WW15 1160 1297 .34 .53 .66 .66 .61 20 WW16 1086 1260 .34 .39 .56 .49 .34B .45 .48 21 WW17 1181 1331 .33 .47 .51 .59 .63 .65 22 WW19 1174 1286 .36 .38 .55 .48 .43 23 WW20 1117 1287 .26B .28A .19B .30A .46 .35 .40 24 WW21 1060 1313 .21A .29A .43 .52 .40 .40 .53 .46 .46 .39 25 WW101 1200 1318 .41 .44 .57 .46 26 WW103 1201 1294 .34 .44 .47 27 WW105 1231 1327 .42 .42 .41 .40 28 WW109 1188 1333 .11B .25B .31B .44 .63 .60 29 WW111 1101 1238 .43 .48 .46 .44 .50 30 WW114 1195 1323 .43 .45 .33 .44 .37 31 WW115 1132 1221 .39B .42B .61 32 WW158 1103 1343 .19B .36 .44 .40 .28A .32A .41 .29A .32A 33 WW159 1040 1325 .39 .46 .43 .40 .31B .14B .31B .25B .23B .31A .31A .31A 34 WW160 905 1292 -.08B .45 .37 .26A .17B .22B .29B .29B .28B .32A .37 .27A .16B .27A .32B 35 WW501 949 1080 .40 .42 .33 .20A .37 .36 36 WW503 963 1155 .37 .38 .35 .25A .31A .18B .23B .28B 37 WW504 915 1252 .01B .07B .37 .69 .43B .22A .44 .51 .48 .59 .39 .27B .46 .38 38 WW505 1071 1307 .39 .46 .65 .52 .43 .49 .56 .37 .48 .54 39 WW511 890 1046 .14B .12B .19B .42 .38 .27B 40 WW512 1046 1294 .26B .19B .46 .60 .64 .55 .35 .28A .35 .49 41 WW513 941 1189 .55 .47 .50 .53 .36 .57 .61 .35 .21B .18B 42 WW514 1001 1274 .15B .11B .10B .28B .53 .31A .20A .37 .21B .19B 43 WW516 897 1234 .36 .38 .22A .31A .38 .28B .23A .40 .50 .42 .27B .19B .23B .30A 44 WW517 949 1262 .21B .30A .45 .44 .32A .27A .55 .54 .36 .43 .34 .27A .30A 45 SJ5 1123 1221 .34 .39 .41 .52 46 SJ7 1142 1270 .56 .48 .50 .37 .34B 47 SJ2-6 1114 1232 .57 .55 .53 .25B .20B 48 SJ2-7 1120 1247 .55 .51 .46 .54 .58 49 SJ2-10 1125 1263 .35 .42 .25B .44 .47 50 71398-1 1201 1467 .46 .54 .53 .44 .41 Av segment correlation .25 .11 .29 .35 .39 .32 .28 .32 .36 .43 .45 .39 .38 .41 .41 .45 .42 .40 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Whitewing Mountain 16:08 Mon 16 Apr 2007 Page 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 WW01 955 1252 298 12 6 .332 .83 1.75 .324 .895 .141 2.65 .420 .017 1 2 WW1 1082 1268 187 7 5 .289 .37 1.04 .140 .709 .178 2.76 .429 .002 1 3 WW02 1175 1326 152 6 2 .327 1.49 3.14 .740 .956 .119 2.55 .401 -.026 2 4 WW03A 1138 1237 100 4 1 .493 1.97 4.05 .815 .820 .202 2.65 .440 .007 1 5 WW03B 1145 1258 114 5 0 .503 2.15 3.53 .625 .559 .236 2.62 .435 .108 1 6 WW4 1192 1336 145 6 1 .412 1.04 1.97 .301 .841 .117 2.59 .348 -.007 2 7 WW04 1167 1278 112 5 1 .425 1.42 2.77 .509 .857 .144 2.54 .367 .048 1 8 WW4 939 1310 372 15 4 .353 .60 1.69 .263 .832 .175 2.65 .346 -.018 1 9 WW05A 1057 1201 145 6 1 .454 .98 2.10 .394 .858 .161 2.67 .406 -.064 2 10 WW05B 1017 1190 174 7 1 .453 1.01 2.22 .424 .881 .169 2.57 .365 -.041 3 11 WW06 1144 1278 135 6 1 .368 1.39 2.55 .338 .816 .118 2.51 .392 -.012 2 12 WW09A 1100 1278 179 7 2 .461 1.08 2.77 .364 .804 .149 2.74 .354 .005 1 13 WW09B 1089 1255 167 7 0 .521 1.08 2.16 .428 .878 .154 2.54 .313 -.012 1 14 WW10 1194 1301 108 5 1 .398 1.92 2.89 .378 .637 .130 2.59 .509 -.059 1 15 WW11 1177 1349 173 6 1 .447 .69 2.30 .493 .930 .182 2.71 .459 -.030 1 16 WW13A 969 1284 316 13 6 .357 .51 1.99 .348 .973 .134 2.64 .434 -.010 1 17 WW13B 960 1259 300 12 6 .301 .68 2.28 .293 .935 .125 2.57 .404 -.048 1 18 WW14 1074 1259 186 8 4 .338 1.18 3.18 .779 .938 .185 2.69 .420 -.002 1 19 WW15 1160 1297 138 5 0 .498 1.53 4.30 1.033 .976 .123 2.42 .285 -.038 1 20 WW16 1086 1260 175 7 1 .438 .73 1.84 .383 .838 .198 2.54 .399 .007 1 21 WW17 1181 1331 151 6 0 .504 1.06 2.65 .504 .912 .138 2.55 .407 -.036 1 22 WW19 1174 1286 113 5 0 .412 1.39 2.05 .273 .665 .125 2.73 .541 .005 2 23 WW20 1117 1287 171 7 4 .317 1.29 3.17 .662 .905 .154 2.65 .498 -.022 1 24 WW21 1060 1313 254 10 2 .399 .79 2.28 .515 .952 .120 2.50 .248 -.038 3 25 WW101 1200 1318 119 4 0 .461 .67 1.35 .197 .766 .158 2.62 .458 -.050 1 26 WW103 1201 1294 94 3 0 .406 .72 1.73 .230 .720 .175 2.70 .504 .031 1 27 WW105 1231 1327 97 4 0 .414 .55 1.10 .216 .883 .145 2.77 .532 -.108 2 28 WW109 1188 1333 146 6 3 .377 .84 3.91 .511 .848 .184 2.64 .397 -.045 1 29 WW111 1101 1238 138 5 0 .457 .82 2.26 .426 .921 .128 2.66 .513 -.083 1 30 WW114 1195 1323 129 5 0 .374 1.50 2.44 .323 .693 .133 2.44 .308 -.020 1 31 WW115 1132 1221 90 3 2 .505 1.65 3.10 .541 .838 .146 2.65 .469 -.036 1 32 WW158 1103 1343 241 9 5 .332 .97 2.57 .443 .878 .166 2.63 .388 -.030 2 33 WW159 1040 1325 286 12 8 .305 .39 1.09 .146 .740 .169 2.47 .273 -.033 1 34 WW160 905 1292 388 15 12 .192 .47 1.20 .220 .901 .147 2.68 .310 .018 1 35 WW501 949 1080 132 6 1 .351 .62 1.07 .206 .671 .214 2.67 .374 -.054 1 36 WW503 963 1155 193 8 5 .295 .37 .88 .160 .815 .220 2.58 .429 -.023 1 37 WW504 915 1252 338 14 5 .361 .27 .55 .097 .651 .268 2.54 .328 -.007 1 38 WW505 1071 1307 237 10 0 .484 .96 1.91 .242 .721 .139 2.75 .447 .017 1 39 WW511 890 1046 157 6 4 .231 .44 .84 .156 .748 .201 2.78 .494 -.049 1 40 WW512 1046 1294 249 10 3 .429 .35 .91 .143 .847 .177 2.69 .447 -.015 1 41 WW513 941 1189 249 10 2 .439 .43 .88 .147 .781 .172 2.70 .432 -.010 1 42 WW514 1001 1274 274 10 8 .240 .46 .92 .147 .720 .191 2.60 .385 .008 2 43 WW516 897 1234 338 14 8 .313 .48 1.78 .276 .840 .197 2.49 .317 -.004 1 44 WW517 949 1262 314 13 6 .377 .35 .90 .162 .861 .183 2.87 .432 .044 1 45 SJ5 1123 1221 99 4 0 .403 1.47 2.46 .471 .625 .252 2.51 .471 -.013 1 46 SJ7 1142 1270 129 5 1 .455 1.82 3.46 .566 .801 .151 2.47 .393 -.004 2 47 SJ2-6 1114 1232 119 5 2 .452 1.32 2.57 .574 .898 .162 2.79 .496 -.101 1 48 SJ2-7 1120 1247 128 5 0 .540 .85 1.65 .283 .676 .219 2.83 .479 .029 1 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Whitewing Mountain 16:08 Mon 16 Apr 2007 Page 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 49 SJ2-10 1125 1263 139 5 1 .366 1.21 2.77 .383 .607 .205 2.64 .478 -.040 1 50 71398-1 1201 1467 267 5 0 .451 1.31 2.67 .447 .784 .191 2.86 .427 -.009 3 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 9455 373 126 .378 .84 4.30 .347 .822 .168 2.87 .399 -.014