Merced Grove, California - CA705 Additional Site Information Malcolm Hughes Ramzi Touchan Reference: R. Touchan, B. Black, E. Shamir, M.K. Hughes, and D.M. Meko. 2021. A multimillennial snow water equivalent reconstruction from giant sequoia tree rings. Climate Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-020-05548-0 COFECHA output: Chronology file name : CA705.CRN Measurement file name : CA705.RWL Date checked : 25NOV20 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1590 Ending year : 1991 Principal investigators: Malcolm Hughes Ramzi Touchan Site name : Merced Grove Site location : California Species information : SEGI GIANT SEQUOIA Latitude : 3745 Longitude : -11950 Elevation : 1615M Series intercorrelation: 0.362 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.180 Avg standard deviation : 0.425 Avg autocorrelation : 0.756 Number dated series : 24 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 77 Pct problem segments : 41.18 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Merced Grove 16:35 Wed 25 Nov 2020 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1649 1674 1699 1724 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 MER01A 1609 1990 .19B .28B .21B .29A .39 .38 .51 .49 .19A .16B .38 .41 .27A .42 .56 2 MER01B 1773 1991 .47 .48 .55 .55 .47 .36 .34 .34 .54 3 MER02A 1725 1991 .28B .25B .13B .40 .46 .23B .40 .45 .51 .47 4 MER02B 1777 1991 .29B .48 .29B .22A .43 .44 .44 .61 5 MER02C 1833 1991 .42 .29A .50 .47 .41 .51 6 MER03A 1824 1991 .47 .46 .46 .26A .36 .49 .34 7 MER03B 1850 1991 .28B .43 .48 .38 .29A 8 MER04A 1938 1991 .47 .45 9 MER04B 1860 1991 .27A .34 .43 .34 .55 10 MER04C 1872 1991 .33 .38 .44 .50 .58 11 MER11A1 1831 1900 .37 .29A .25B 12 MER11A2 1920 1991 .35 .31A .26A 13 MER11B 1746 1991 .53 .52 .58 .45 .34 .19B .23A .35 .33 .27B 14 MER12A 1629 1991 .47 .41 .38 .34 .30A .27B .35 .47 .33A .16B .15B .32A .67 .61 15 MER12B 1590 1991 .17B .23B .30A .09B .16B .51 .33A .31A .33B .29B .27A .27B .35B .33 .30A 16 MER13A1 1702 1880 .11B .11B .29A .33 .24B .18B .13B 17 MER13B 1689 1991 .21B .13B .12B .22B .22B .39 .40 .37 .34 .30A .33 .21B 18 MER14A 1686 1900 .55 .67 .29A .24B .41 .44 .32A .01B .00B 19 MER15B 1792 1991 .42 .46 .44 .35 .20B .28A .49 .47 20 MER16A2 1700 1990 .29A .33A .34B .29A .55 .49 .27A .42 .51 .47 .22B 21 MER16B 1850 1991 .16B .44 .53 .25B .33 22 MER17A 1900 1991 .70 .50 .55 23 MER17B 1746 1991 .34 .29A .24B .36 .35 .35 .54 .31A .19B .40 24 MER18A 1854 1991 .43 .40 .39 .33 .62 Av segment correlation .18 .33 .31 .30 .30 .32 .34 .35 .41 .37 .28 .34 .40 .41 .44 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Merced Grove 16:35 Wed 25 Nov 2020 Page 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 MER01A 1609 1990 382 15 7 .316 .99 2.09 .340 .726 .228 2.38 .261 .013 2 2 MER01B 1773 1991 219 9 0 .493 1.69 6.96 .868 .856 .182 2.48 .375 -.034 7 3 MER02A 1725 1991 267 10 4 .375 1.29 3.89 .457 .816 .150 2.82 .383 -.045 2 4 MER02B 1777 1991 215 8 3 .413 .86 1.76 .240 .538 .221 2.50 .374 -.054 2 5 MER02C 1833 1991 159 6 1 .437 1.72 3.76 .506 .680 .164 2.56 .331 -.063 1 6 MER03A 1824 1991 168 7 1 .380 1.59 3.43 .382 .606 .154 2.73 .432 -.054 1 7 MER03B 1850 1991 142 5 2 .323 1.08 3.50 .503 .681 .291 3.02 .555 -.068 3 8 MER04A 1938 1991 54 2 0 .431 2.97 4.53 .490 .430 .134 2.81 .540 -.065 1 9 MER04B 1860 1991 132 5 1 .418 1.75 3.48 .497 .779 .154 2.62 .373 -.012 3 10 MER04C 1872 1991 120 5 0 .471 3.13 4.49 .557 .472 .149 2.56 .414 .057 4 11 MER11A1 1831 1900 70 3 2 .293 1.62 3.07 .425 .733 .131 2.62 .424 .014 2 12 MER11A2 1920 1991 72 3 2 .246 1.67 3.39 .595 .874 .147 2.66 .548 -.054 1 13 MER11B 1746 1991 246 10 3 .350 1.21 3.12 .515 .915 .148 2.52 .340 -.063 1 14 MER12A 1629 1991 363 14 6 .418 1.06 3.06 .430 .820 .178 2.39 .231 -.001 3 15 MER12B 1590 1991 402 15 13 .248 .74 1.87 .234 .707 .189 2.50 .290 .002 2 16 MER13A1 1702 1880 179 7 6 .319 .96 2.16 .310 .660 .233 2.37 .255 .017 2 17 MER13B 1689 1991 303 12 7 .261 1.03 2.84 .458 .807 .223 2.55 .399 .021 1 18 MER14A 1686 1900 215 9 5 .345 1.09 2.32 .323 .769 .154 2.49 .302 -.043 3 19 MER15B 1792 1991 200 8 2 .350 .72 1.41 .224 .720 .209 2.41 .233 -.048 5 20 MER16A2 1700 1990 291 11 6 .360 .76 1.77 .249 .896 .115 2.87 .315 .022 1 21 MER16B 1850 1991 142 5 2 .332 1.29 3.81 .567 .904 .111 3.05 .549 .010 1 22 MER17A 1900 1991 92 3 0 .595 1.68 3.67 .473 .604 .169 3.01 .561 -.083 2 23 MER17B 1746 1991 246 10 4 .324 1.37 4.03 .619 .810 .189 2.70 .425 -.026 3 24 MER18A 1854 1991 138 5 0 .497 1.44 3.58 .516 .833 .158 2.53 .325 -.063 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 4817 187 77 .362 1.23 6.96 .425 .756 .180 3.05 .353 -.020