Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada - CANA224 Additional Site Information Rob Wilson and Brian Luckman Purpose of Collection: Climatology - temperature analyses Measurement type: Total ring width Location of core material: Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario References: Wilson, R.J.S. and Luckman, B.H. 2002. Tree-ring reconstruction of maximum and minimum temperatures and the diurnal temperature range in British Columbia, Canada. Dendrochronologia, 20(3): 257-268. Wilson, R.J.S. and Luckman, B.H. 2003. Dendroclimatic Reconstruction of Maximum Summer Temperatures from Upper Tree-Line Sites in Interior British Columbia. The Holocene. 13(6): 853-863. Wilson, R., D’Arrigo. R., Buckley, B., Büntgen, U., Esper, J., Frank, D., Luckman, B., Payette, S. Vose, R. and Youngblut, D. In Press 2007. A matter of divergence – tracking recent warming at hemispheric scales using tree-ring data. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmopsheres. VOL. 112, XXXXXX, doi:10.1029/2006JD008318 NOTES: Aspect: S Slope Angle: 10-30 Estimated Species Composition: 80% SF, 15% ES ,5% MH ES = Engelmann spruce; SF = Sub-alpine fir; WP = Whitebark pine; AL = Alpine larch; C = Western red cedar; MH = Mountain hemlock; LP = Lodgepole pine Site Information: Summit site. Spruce scattered throughout stand. Generally a damp site COFECHA output: Chronology file name : N/A Measurement file name : CANA224.RWL Date checked : 16JUL07 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1718 Ending year : 1997 Principal investigators: Rob Wilson Brian Luckman Site name : Revelstoke Site location : Canada Species information : PCEN ENGELMANN SPRUCE Latitude : 5110 Longitude : -11708 Elevation : 2000M Series intercorrelation: 0.598 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.218 Avg standard deviation : 0.407 Avg autocorrelation : 0.735 Number dated series : 37 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 10 Pct problem segments : 4.35 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Revelstoke 14:31 Mon 16 Jul 2007 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 R9801N 1784 1997 .38 .58 .69 .67 .62 .60 .58 .68 2 R9801S 1803 1997 .74 .83 .72 .64 .68 .60 .68 3 R9802S 1888 1997 .50 .57 .66 .70 4 R9802SE 1886 1997 .47 .58 .64 .70 5 R9803N 1825 1997 .43 .46 .63 .73 .66 .66 6 R9803W 1796 1997 .24A .29A .47 .61 .71 .69 .67 .62 7 R9805N 1800 1997 .61 .64 .48 .52 .55 .57 .64 8 R9805NE 1809 1997 .53 .59 .55 .60 .59 .60 .59 9 R9805SW 1840 1997 .52 .50 .64 .72 .55 .50 10 R9806N 1872 1997 .26B .27B .49 .57 .60 11 R9808N 1867 1997 .54 .56 .59 .76 .76 12 R9808E 1853 1997 .57 .52 .53 .66 .72 13 R9809N 1888 1997 .59 .57 .64 .73 14 R9809NW 1861 1997 .42 .59 .60 .67 .74 15 R9810N 1796 1997 .39 .46 .58 .72 .68 .69 .76 .68 16 R9810W 1797 1997 .41 .42 .35 .63 .70 .71 .74 .69 17 R9811E 1879 1997 .32A .37 .46 .51 18 R9811W 1856 1997 .26A .40 .42 .51 .61 19 R9812N 1835 1997 .58 .53 .55 .68 .68 .65 20 R9812W 1821 1997 .51 .44 .48 .67 .72 .66 .73 21 R9813S 1836 1977 .46 .54 .43 .46 .75 .72 22 R9813SE 1879 1997 .54 .54 .59 .52 23 R9814N 1891 1997 .45 .50 .56 .71 24 R9814E 1885 1997 .30A .41 .54 .68 25 R9815N 1868 1997 .78 .78 .72 .68 .76 26 R9815S 1800 1997 .72 .78 .77 .79 .60 .58 .71 27 R9815E 1765 1997 .19B .34B .61 .67 .64 .72 .60 .58 .63 28 R9817N 1808 1997 .65 .63 .50 .54 .57 .54 .45 29 R9817S 1822 1939 .54 .53 .52 .42 .33 30 R9851N 1718 1997 .54 .81 .78 .77 .39 .40 .70 .75 .72 31 R9851NE 1792 1997 .83 .78 .84 .69 .58 .65 .67 .75 32 R9851NW 1757 1997 .64 .80 .75 .68 .48 .50 .64 .67 .75 33 R9851S 1769 1997 .81 .81 .74 .73 .67 .56 .55 .63 .81 34 R9852N 1775 1997 .74 .72 .73 .63 .63 .67 .67 .75 35 R9852E 1769 1997 .70 .69 .68 .72 .55 .57 .62 .57 .62 36 R9853S 1891 1997 .52 .63 .66 .50 37 R9853E 1884 1992 .34B .62 .57 .51 Av segment correlation .58 .58 .62 .62 .56 .55 .59 .63 .66 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Revelstoke 14:31 Mon 16 Jul 2007 Page 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 R9801N 1784 1997 214 8 0 .596 .97 2.74 .498 .858 .206 2.58 .370 -.029 1 2 R9801S 1803 1997 195 7 0 .694 .88 3.01 .556 .891 .224 2.69 .433 -.053 1 3 R9802S 1888 1997 110 4 0 .621 1.42 2.35 .357 .600 .182 2.63 .440 -.032 1 4 R9802SE 1886 1997 112 4 0 .631 1.39 2.48 .352 .651 .174 2.73 .472 -.026 1 5 R9803N 1825 1997 173 6 0 .599 1.25 2.88 .498 .749 .217 2.60 .385 -.054 1 6 R9803W 1796 1997 202 8 2 .514 .84 2.08 .421 .825 .252 2.67 .447 -.017 1 7 R9805N 1800 1997 198 7 0 .573 1.13 3.73 .516 .759 .256 2.72 .420 -.080 1 8 R9805NE 1809 1997 189 7 0 .579 1.21 3.53 .536 .681 .264 2.67 .420 -.097 1 9 R9805SW 1840 1997 158 6 0 .566 1.10 2.65 .369 .560 .243 2.68 .397 -.018 1 10 R9806N 1872 1997 126 5 2 .475 .30 .82 .168 .859 .292 2.57 .381 -.040 1 11 R9808N 1867 1997 131 5 0 .643 1.33 2.96 .426 .737 .191 2.71 .431 -.024 1 12 R9808E 1853 1997 145 5 0 .605 1.53 2.78 .371 .513 .192 2.54 .354 -.012 1 13 R9809N 1888 1997 110 4 0 .675 1.00 3.02 .528 .734 .296 2.66 .400 -.017 1 14 R9809NW 1861 1997 137 5 0 .612 1.04 2.72 .484 .746 .279 2.65 .445 .015 1 15 R9810N 1796 1997 202 8 0 .612 .74 1.75 .302 .743 .228 2.63 .363 -.029 1 16 R9810W 1797 1997 201 8 0 .585 1.01 2.24 .363 .639 .226 2.52 .346 -.024 1 17 R9811E 1879 1997 119 4 1 .424 .76 1.25 .257 .688 .237 2.54 .453 -.023 2 18 R9811W 1856 1997 142 5 1 .463 1.07 2.36 .360 .471 .255 2.87 .450 .028 1 19 R9812N 1835 1997 163 6 0 .630 1.25 2.09 .291 .552 .176 2.68 .373 -.031 1 20 R9812W 1821 1997 177 7 0 .622 1.07 1.92 .303 .561 .221 2.72 .465 .033 1 21 R9813S 1836 1977 142 6 0 .552 1.18 3.36 .784 .875 .291 2.75 .415 -.036 2 22 R9813SE 1879 1997 119 4 0 .525 1.27 3.26 .720 .821 .229 2.64 .465 .022 1 23 R9814N 1891 1997 107 4 0 .603 1.50 2.74 .504 .823 .178 2.63 .614 -.044 1 24 R9814E 1885 1997 113 4 1 .511 1.12 2.06 .400 .776 .190 2.54 .458 .038 2 25 R9815N 1868 1997 130 5 0 .743 .58 1.47 .291 .913 .170 2.68 .487 -.011 1 26 R9815S 1800 1997 198 7 0 .680 .82 2.73 .477 .875 .213 2.63 .346 .009 1 27 R9815E 1765 1997 233 9 2 .531 .79 2.60 .485 .891 .193 2.68 .446 .035 1 28 R9817N 1808 1997 190 7 0 .541 .93 2.67 .567 .843 .279 2.75 .359 -.054 1 29 R9817S 1822 1939 118 5 0 .417 1.07 2.92 .608 .807 .248 2.65 .411 -.015 1 30 R9851N 1718 1997 280 9 0 .621 .74 1.54 .263 .782 .179 2.77 .489 .007 8 31 R9851NE 1792 1997 206 8 0 .730 .74 1.22 .175 .524 .187 2.75 .446 -.021 1 32 R9851NW 1757 1997 241 9 0 .643 .68 1.23 .208 .660 .200 2.79 .454 -.029 2 33 R9851S 1769 1997 229 9 0 .695 .72 1.54 .198 .602 .191 2.64 .433 .001 1 34 R9852N 1775 1997 223 8 0 .704 1.42 2.87 .470 .795 .174 2.57 .426 -.002 1 35 R9852E 1769 1997 229 9 0 .629 1.48 3.24 .585 .825 .185 2.60 .417 -.002 1 36 R9853S 1891 1997 107 4 0 .529 .56 1.15 .192 .728 .210 2.64 .425 -.018 1 37 R9853E 1884 1992 109 4 1 .442 .65 1.49 .260 .762 .218 2.56 .371 .021 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 6178 230 10 .598 1.00 3.73 .407 .735 .218 2.87 .422 -.017