Mt. Chuwells, British Columbia, Canada - CANA239 Additional Site Information Rob Wilson and Brian Luckman Purpose of Collection: Climatology - temperature analyses Measurement type: Total ring width Location of core material: Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario References: Wilson, R.J.S. and Luckman, B.H. 2002. Tree-ring reconstruction of maximum and minimum temperatures and the diurnal temperature range in British Columbia, Canada. Dendrochronologia, 20(3): 257-268. Wilson, R.J.S. and Luckman, B.H. 2003. Dendroclimatic Reconstruction of Maximum Summer Temperatures from Upper Tree-Line Sites in Interior British Columbia. The Holocene. 13(6): 853-863. Wilson, R., D’Arrigo. R., Buckley, B., Büntgen, U., Esper, J., Frank, D., Luckman, B., Payette, S. Vose, R. and Youngblut, D. In Press 2007. A matter of divergence – tracking recent warming at hemispheric scales using tree-ring data. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmopsheres. VOL. 112, XXXXXX, doi:10.1029/2006JD008318 NOTES: Aspect: W Slope Angle: 0-5 Estimated Species Composition: 80% ES, 20% SF, LP ES = Engelmann spruce; SF = Sub-alpine fir; WP = Whitebark pine; AL = Alpine larch; C = Western red cedar; MH = Mountain hemlock; LP = Lodgepole pine Site Information: Very wet site, with spruce trees growing from bog. Thin crowns to trees. COFECHA output: Chronology file name : N/A Measurement file name : CANA239.RWL Date checked : 17JUL07 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1708 Ending year : 1997 Principal investigators: Rob Wilson Brian Luckman Site name : Mt. Chuwells Site location : Canada Species information : PCEN ENGELMANN SPRUCE Latitude : 5032 Longitude : -12035 Elevation : 1800M Series intercorrelation: 0.569 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.157 Avg standard deviation : 0.367 Avg autocorrelation : 0.830 Number dated series : 46 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 30 Pct problem segments : 8.02 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Mt. Chuwells 10:20 Tue 17 Jul 2007 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 H9801N 1803 1997 .64 .67 .73 .68 .44 .41 .13A 2 H9801S 1722 1997 .23A .24A .41 .56 .55 .53 .52 .56 .55 .37 .29A 3 H9801W 1727 1997 .37 .64 .67 .68 .73 .59 .57 .59 .58 .67 4 H9802N 1734 1997 .54 .58 .72 .64 .51 .45 .55 .50 .60 .72 5 H9802E 1728 1997 .39 .49 .36 .52 .73 .47 .36 .43 .61 .65 6 H9803N 1768 1997 .61 .58 .66 .73 .76 .70 .58 .56 .68 7 H9803W 1744 1997 .73 .71 .69 .70 .75 .77 .54 .38 .55 .76 8 H9804N 1799 1997 .59 .58 .79 .73 .70 .70 .69 .80 9 H9804W 1801 1997 .68 .69 .52 .44 .57 .72 .74 10 H9805N 1797 1997 .61 .65 .87 .78 .61 .45 .31A .42 11 H9805E 1800 1997 .62 .87 .77 .57 .58 .34B .38 12 H9806N 1821 1997 .57 .66 .55 .39 .46 .43 .39 13 H9806S 1793 1997 .37B .42B .71 .72 .62 .49 .23B .21B 14 H9807N 1794 1997 .62 .75 .80 .69 .63 .76 .69 .68 15 H9807S 1794 1997 .74 .87 .87 .74 .67 .71 .67 .72 16 H9808N 1805 1997 .78 .74 .72 .59 .64 .71 .57 17 H9808S 1792 1997 .77 .73 .73 .71 .44 .45 .64 .58 18 H9809N 1783 1997 .61 .63 .66 .54 .41 .39 .51 .60 19 H9809E 1807 1997 .71 .81 .60 .50 .53 .58 .69 20 H9809W 1778 1997 .24B .64 .75 .55 .48 .44 .23B .27B 21 H9810S 1755 1997 .72 .64 .68 .66 .68 .77 .68 .67 .71 22 H9810E 1719 1997 .05B .25B .74 .71 .48 .45 .66 .62 .48 .48 .51 23 H9811N 1808 1997 .75 .80 .59 .46 .58 .49 .44 24 H9811E 1836 1997 .75 .69 .66 .75 .66 .68 25 H9812E 1776 1977 .14B .53 .72 .70 .61 .49 .51 .52 26 H9813N 1781 1997 .50 .73 .66 .66 .62 .47 .51 .53 27 H9813S 1843 1997 .63 .64 .45 .17B .41 .55 28 H9813E 1818 1997 .58 .55 .57 .58 .31B .45 .61 29 H9814N 1777 1997 .46 .72 .75 .69 .62 .66 .56 .67 30 H9814S 1808 1997 .49 .65 .48 .37 .71 .75 .80 31 H9814W 1777 1995 .37 .49 .57 .51 .62 .73 .65 .62 32 H9815S 1797 1997 .48 .48 .61 .45 .42 .45 .52 .57 33 H9815E 1860 1997 .61 .58 .33B .42 .53 34 H9816N 1757 1997 .60 .58 .55 .42 .33 .40 .57 .71 .76 35 H9816S 1757 1997 .60 .62 .64 .57 .53 .51 .59 .76 .81 36 H9817N 1747 1997 .49 .47 .55 .72 .77 .68 .51 .48 .61 .60 37 H9817S 1757 1997 .57 .65 .61 .66 .69 .51 .37B .45 .63 38 H9818E 1861 1997 .38 .43 .59 .67 .78 39 H9818W 1861 1997 .63 .69 .68 .70 .74 40 H9819N 1727 1997 .15B .18B .31A .67 .72 .63 .60 .57 .63 .74 41 H9819E 1727 1997 -.16B .01B .35B .60 .80 .70 .57 .63 .73 .75 42 H9819W 1883 1997 .50 .47 .69 .58 43 H9820N 1765 1997 .58 .66 .58 .53 .59 .45 .27A .44 .57 44 H9820W 1761 1997 .56 .60 .50 .63 .73 .39 .25B .56 .53 45 H9821S 1708 1997 .05B .15B .40 .68 .64 .52 .56 .72 .76 .80 .75 46 H9821W 1734 1997 .41 .49 .76 .76 .57 .52 .59 .60 .69 .71 Av segment correlation .11 .32 .52 .55 .63 .68 .62 .55 .53 .56 .60 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Mt. Chuwells 10:20 Tue 17 Jul 2007 Page 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 H9801N 1803 1997 195 7 1 .480 1.10 1.77 .217 .606 .129 2.65 .417 -.044 1 2 H9801S 1722 1997 276 11 3 .444 1.08 2.29 .363 .823 .145 2.68 .431 -.031 1 3 H9801W 1727 1997 271 10 0 .599 .91 1.62 .232 .794 .126 2.56 .321 -.020 1 4 H9802N 1734 1997 264 10 0 .574 .81 2.23 .412 .883 .204 2.73 .416 -.029 1 5 H9802E 1728 1997 270 10 0 .500 .92 2.60 .465 .876 .210 2.76 .456 -.046 1 6 H9803N 1768 1997 230 9 0 .651 1.29 3.10 .479 .863 .136 2.52 .353 -.053 1 7 H9803W 1744 1997 254 10 0 .645 .93 1.56 .229 .773 .134 2.55 .413 -.013 1 8 H9804N 1799 1997 199 8 0 .686 1.11 2.26 .366 .751 .179 2.73 .430 .005 1 9 H9804W 1801 1997 197 7 0 .629 1.18 2.71 .412 .777 .175 2.68 .445 -.062 5 10 H9805N 1797 1997 201 8 1 .531 1.15 2.49 .346 .719 .175 2.61 .384 -.014 1 11 H9805E 1800 1997 198 7 1 .563 1.33 2.49 .300 .635 .155 2.48 .365 -.022 1 12 H9806N 1821 1997 177 7 0 .481 1.46 2.28 .325 .823 .107 2.77 .410 -.067 1 13 H9806S 1793 1997 205 8 4 .393 1.05 1.96 .283 .817 .122 2.49 .279 -.015 1 14 H9807N 1794 1997 204 8 0 .681 1.05 2.20 .421 .783 .204 2.50 .387 -.036 2 15 H9807S 1794 1997 204 8 0 .729 .95 2.10 .413 .840 .207 2.64 .460 -.042 1 16 H9808N 1805 1997 193 7 0 .668 1.23 1.85 .288 .740 .133 2.60 .345 -.018 1 17 H9808S 1792 1997 206 8 0 .639 1.05 2.15 .306 .813 .132 2.59 .400 -.011 1 18 H9809N 1783 1997 215 8 0 .545 .84 2.06 .458 .960 .131 2.55 .385 -.020 3 19 H9809E 1807 1997 191 7 0 .644 .84 2.41 .431 .949 .127 2.61 .356 -.026 1 20 H9809W 1778 1997 220 8 3 .427 1.05 2.80 .463 .926 .135 2.59 .280 -.029 1 21 H9810S 1755 1997 243 9 0 .682 .94 2.15 .424 .918 .143 2.65 .433 -.019 1 22 H9810E 1719 1997 279 11 2 .462 1.07 2.26 .364 .752 .176 2.42 .291 -.037 1 23 H9811N 1808 1997 190 7 0 .599 1.29 2.72 .465 .778 .182 2.49 .351 -.047 2 24 H9811E 1836 1997 162 6 0 .705 1.09 2.77 .465 .809 .192 2.77 .415 -.038 2 25 H9812E 1776 1977 202 8 1 .508 .96 3.21 .398 .827 .138 3.10 .406 .003 2 26 H9813N 1781 1997 217 8 0 .547 .79 1.74 .328 .915 .144 2.71 .407 .021 2 27 H9813S 1843 1997 155 6 1 .444 .54 1.26 .276 .875 .218 2.47 .355 -.037 1 28 H9813E 1818 1997 180 7 1 .547 .62 1.59 .328 .880 .201 2.57 .396 -.024 1 29 H9814N 1777 1997 221 8 0 .642 1.12 2.01 .291 .717 .164 2.58 .416 -.015 1 30 H9814S 1808 1997 190 7 0 .626 1.02 1.88 .323 .840 .148 2.57 .388 -.039 2 31 H9814W 1777 1995 219 8 0 .549 .99 2.01 .342 .835 .163 2.51 .334 -.013 1 32 H9815S 1797 1997 201 8 0 .495 .84 2.00 .353 .880 .153 2.78 .438 -.023 1 33 H9815E 1860 1997 138 5 1 .490 1.28 2.50 .352 .784 .140 2.63 .399 -.044 1 34 H9816N 1757 1997 241 9 0 .562 .77 2.32 .367 .910 .145 2.70 .350 -.015 1 35 H9816S 1757 1997 241 9 0 .642 .64 1.75 .249 .858 .153 2.61 .388 -.017 1 36 H9817N 1747 1997 251 10 0 .606 1.10 2.34 .400 .857 .136 2.71 .380 -.024 1 37 H9817S 1757 1997 241 9 1 .578 .93 2.29 .498 .930 .165 2.46 .343 -.028 1 38 H9818E 1861 1997 137 5 0 .571 1.24 2.16 .350 .762 .161 2.57 .501 -.004 1 39 H9818W 1861 1997 137 5 0 .689 1.21 1.89 .283 .679 .158 2.61 .508 -.026 1 40 H9819N 1727 1997 271 10 3 .513 .96 2.07 .374 .850 .173 2.44 .327 -.027 1 41 H9819E 1727 1997 271 10 3 .496 .98 1.76 .283 .767 .161 2.47 .308 -.045 1 42 H9819W 1883 1997 115 4 0 .569 .82 1.52 .186 .593 .166 2.59 .484 -.041 1 43 H9820N 1765 1997 233 9 1 .521 1.19 2.97 .567 .901 .150 2.54 .348 -.006 1 44 H9820W 1761 1997 237 9 1 .536 1.04 2.52 .513 .917 .151 2.50 .338 .006 1 45 H9821S 1708 1997 290 11 2 .557 .85 1.98 .368 .924 .140 2.57 .342 -.021 1 46 H9821W 1734 1997 264 10 0 .611 .73 1.69 .349 .931 .145 2.68 .396 -.022 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 9896 374 30 .569 1.00 3.21 .367 .830 .157 3.10 .382 -.025