White Spruce Upland PCGL, Churchill, Manitoba, Canada - cana270 Additional Site Information Steven D. Mamet and G. Peter Kershaw Purpose of Collection: Age structure and dendroclimatological analysis Cores stored at: Stored in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Email Steven Mamet (smamet@ualberta.ca) for availability NOTES: During 2003 an upland site, dominated by Picea glauca and Larix laricina, was cored for the purpose of age structure and dendroclimatological analysis. Within a 100 x 100 m quadrat, 9 randomly selected trees were cored in 9 randomly-selected 20 x 20 m subplots. Cores were taken near the ground at a height of half the length of the increment borer (approximately 15 cm). The cores which date up to 2006 were sampled with the intent of extending the chronology to present. Measurements are in .rwl format. The naming convention for each sample is site-plot-tree-radii. For example, sample wsua1a would have been taken from the White Spruce Upland, first plot, first tree and first radii. Due to missing rings, some samples may have been separated into two different files and have a number suffix (e.g., wsua1a2). COFECHA output: Chronology file name : CANA270.CRN Measurement file name : CANA270.RWL Date checked : 11SEP08 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1743 Ending year : 2006 Principal investigators: Steven D. Mamet G. Peter Kershaw Site name : White Spruce Upland, Churchill MB Site location : Canada Species information : PCGL WHITE SPRUCE Latitude : 5837 Longitude : -09348 Elevation : 50M Series intercorrelation: 0.527 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.192 Avg standard deviation : 0.351 Avg autocorrelation : 0.789 Number dated series : 160 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 73 Pct problem segments : 13.30 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: White Spruce Upland PCGL 11:25 Thu 11 Sep 2008 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 wsua2a 1909 2003 .49 .53 .58 .68 2 wsua2b 1909 1971 .58 .57 3 wsua3a 1901 2003 .19B .30A .45 .41 4 wsua4a 1827 1981 .23B .60 .41 .33A .23B .27A 5 wsua4b 1828 1993 -.23B .16B .38 .27B .23B .11B 6 wsua5a 1916 2003 .30A .31A .44 .52 7 wsua5b 1916 2003 .31A .22A .41 .51 8 wsua8a 1892 2003 .29A .32A .30B .21B .28B 9 wsua8b 1891 1990 .32A .28A .57 .58 10 wsua9a 1743 2000 .69 .65 .60 .59 .59 .44 .18B .25B .44 .15B .13B 11 wsua9b 1743 2002 .69 .65 .64 .67 .65 .56 .44 .21A .41 .51 .44 12 wsub1a 1935 2003 .48 .53 .52 13 wsub1b 1935 1959 .51 14 wsub1b2 1969 2003 .66 15 wsub2a 1930 2001 .58 .25A .24A 16 wsub2b 1902 2003 .66 .77 .60 .57 17 wsub3a 1932 2003 .61 .59 .54 18 wsub3b 1932 2003 .61 .71 .67 19 wsub4a 1900 2003 .43 .62 .72 .69 20 wsub4b 1900 1957 .40 .55 21 wsub5a 1948 2003 .43 .42 .38 22 wsub5b 1948 1978 .61 23 wsub6a 1941 2000 .59 .63 .64 24 wsub6b 1941 1982 .40 25 wsub6b2 1983 2003 .88 26 wsub7a 1940 2003 .73 .77 .78 27 wsub7b 1940 2003 .63 .70 .75 28 wsub9a 1900 2003 .58 .61 .56 .58 29 wsub9b 1900 2003 .54 .69 .76 .76 30 wsuc1a 1906 2003 .60 .59 .58 .56 31 wsuc1b 1906 2003 .40 .55 .58 .61 32 wsuc2a 1918 2003 .65 .64 .76 .74 33 wsuc2b 1918 2001 .63 .62 .72 .73 34 wsuc3a 1941 2003 .67 .71 .67 35 wsuc3b 1941 2003 .76 .84 .84 36 wsuc4a 1941 2003 .54 .59 .62 37 wsuc4b 1941 1987 .58 38 wsuc5a 1903 1991 .71 .77 .77 39 wsuc5b 1903 1967 .65 .58 40 wsuc6a 1905 1983 .33A .47 .38 41 wsuc6b 1905 1993 .50 .51 .49 42 wsuc7a 1928 2003 .54 .56 .53 43 wsuc7b 1928 2001 .53 .59 .57 44 wsuc8a 1938 2003 .46 .44 .50 45 wsuc8b 1931 2003 .33A .37 .43 46 wsud1b 1931 2003 .58 .38 .40 47 wsud2a 1906 2002 .44 .55 .65 .67 48 wsud2b 1936 2003 .71 .72 .68 49 wsud3a 1917 2003 .65 .65 .75 .75 50 wsud3b 1917 2003 .69 .65 .77 .72 51 wsud4a 1908 2003 .61 .66 .75 .75 52 wsud4b 1908 2003 .68 .69 .68 .67 53 wsud5a 1895 1978 .56 .67 .63 .59 54 wsud5b 1895 1997 .57 .67 .55 .17B 55 wsud8a 1904 1935 .62 56 wsud8b 1904 1978 .72 .74 .74 57 wsud9a 1907 2003 .68 .73 .85 .84 58 wsud9b 1907 2003 .47 .58 .77 .76 59 wsue2a 1902 2003 .58 .71 .74 .72 60 wsue2b 1902 2003 .37 .66 .69 .70 61 wsue3a 1909 2003 .54 .62 .67 .66 62 wsue3b 1909 2003 .66 .70 .71 .69 63 wsue4a 1918 2003 .60 .81 .79 .75 64 wsue4b 1918 1965 .62 65 wsue6a 1941 1998 .66 .62 66 wsue6b 1941 1996 .52 .56 67 wsue7a 1898 2003 .36 .35 .43 .68 .71 68 wsue7b 1898 1982 .21B .25A .50 .66 69 wsuf1a 1899 2003 .62 .64 .71 .67 .57 70 wsuf2b 1957 2003 .28A 71 wsuf3a 1901 2003 .42 .62 .77 .77 72 wsuf3b 1901 1983 .53 .68 .77 73 wsuf4a 1937 2003 .21B .44 .41 74 wsuf4b 1937 2002 .18B .53 .54 75 wsuf5a 1917 1999 .38 .61 .61 76 wsuf5b 1917 2003 .57 .61 .48 .36 77 wsuf7a 1906 2003 .37 .62 .60 .48 78 wsuf7b 1905 1991 .56 .54 .59 79 wsuf8a 1943 2003 .58 .58 .63 80 wsuf8b 1943 1991 .34 81 wsuf9a 1935 2003 .43B .20B .07B 82 wsuf9b 1935 2003 .66 .72 .72 83 wsug1a 1957 2003 .18B 84 wsug1b 1957 2003 .27A 85 wsug2a 1902 2001 .39 .40 .38 .39 86 wsug2b 1902 2000 .41 .31A .47 .48 87 wsug3a 1937 2001 .22B .39 .42 88 wsug3b 1924 2001 .16B .19B .44 .46 89 wsug5a 1944 2003 .14B .15B .16B 90 wsug5b 1944 2003 .28B .29B .19B 91 wsug6a 1917 1957 .35 92 wsug6b 1917 2003 .39 .40 .35 .30A 93 wsug8a 1943 2003 .44 .43 .45 94 wsug8b 1943 2003 .26A .27B .21B 95 wsug9a 1815 2003 .39 .39 .78 .50 .33B .54 .64 .67 96 wsug9b 1815 2003 .57 .52 .59 .57 .48 .46 .45 .48 97 wsuh1a 1924 2003 .59 .56 .68 .69 98 wsuh1b 1924 2003 .33 .33 .49 .45 99 wsuh2a 1910 2003 .54 .66 .85 .79 100 wsuh2b 1920 2003 .71 .75 .84 .82 101 wsuh3a 1925 1990 .55 .43 102 wsuh3b 1925 2003 .46 .50 .51 103 wsuh4a 1934 2003 .30A .43 .51 104 wsuh4b 1933 2003 .55 .38 .28A 105 wsuh6a 1931 1988 .52 .56 106 wsuh6b 1931 2003 .48 .52 .58 107 wsuh7a 1937 1986 .48 108 wsuh7b 1937 2003 .35 .41 .37B 109 wsuh8a 1942 2003 .48B .50 .51 110 wsuh8b 1940 2000 .37 .14B .15B 111 wsuh9a 1918 2000 .46 .40 .22A .22A 112 wsui1a 1937 2003 .47 .50 .48 113 wsui1b 1937 2003 .38 .43 .45 114 wsui2a 1922 2003 .45 .51 .58 .55 115 wsui2b 1922 1990 .41 .52 .73 116 wsui3a 1922 2003 .56 .61 .68 .65 117 wsui3b 1922 2003 .45 .54 .70 .70 118 wsui4a 1937 2002 .53 .39 .35 119 wsui4b 1937 1997 .65 .31A 120 wsui5a 1912 2003 .62 .71 .75 .74 121 wsui5b 1912 2003 .48 .63 .77 .78 122 wsui6a 1918 2003 .78 .79 .82 .82 123 wsui6b 1918 2003 .70 .76 .77 .75 124 wsui7a 1932 2003 .34 .48 .51 125 wsui7b 1933 2001 .14B .40 .42 126 wsui8a 1931 2003 .65 .62 .57 127 wsui8b 1931 2003 .50 .42 .45 128 wsui9a 1902 2003 .41 .63 .77 .76 129 wsui9b 1902 2003 .42 .51 .70 .64 130 wsuj1a 1930 2002 .39 .41 .44 131 wsuj1b 1930 2003 .62 .71 .70 132 wsuj2a 1907 2003 .57 .69 .65 .68 133 wsuj2b 1907 1937 .35 134 wsuj3a 1914 2003 .56 .63 .71 .70 135 wsuj3b 1914 2003 .47 .55 .72 .75 136 wsuj6a 1908 1987 .31A .24B .35 137 wsuj6b 1908 1983 .42 .51 .57 138 wsuj8a 1928 2003 .64 .85 .87 139 wsuj8b 1928 2003 .55 .67 .69 140 wsuj9a 1913 2003 .42 .55 .80 .77 141 wsuj9b 1913 2003 .62 .70 .82 .81 142 wsu1a 1898 2006 .75 .75 .60 .42 .44 143 wsu1b 1898 2006 .47 .44 .34 .56 .57 144 wsu2a 1913 2006 .60 .56 .66 .63 145 wsu2b 1913 1989 .71 .65 .70 146 wsu2a1 1913 2006 .42 .48 .70 .72 147 wsu3a 1910 1981 .53 .56 .52 148 wsu3b 1910 2006 .59 .65 .42 .27A 149 wsu4a 1914 2006 .63 .69 .58 .58 150 wsu4b 1914 1983 .54 .60 .56 151 wsu5a 1944 2006 .82 .75 .78 152 wsu5b 1944 2006 .84 .75 .65 153 wsu6a 1932 2006 .60 .73 .74 154 wsu6b 1932 2006 .82 .83 .80 155 wsu7a 1890 2006 .18B .21A .44 .59 .57 156 wsu7b 1913 2006 .30A .37 .49 .47 157 wsu9a 1904 2006 .59 .55 .63 .66 158 wsu9b 1904 2006 .70 .66 .72 .74 159 wsu10a 1907 2006 .67 .72 .72 .68 160 wsu10b 1907 2006 .64 .69 .67 .64 Av segment correlation .69 .65 .62 .55 .36 .52 .43 .50 .54 .57 .58 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: White Spruce Upland PCGL 11:25 Thu 11 Sep 2008 Page 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 wsua2a 1909 2003 95 4 0 .572 .41 1.80 .184 .456 .170 3.22 .412 -.071 1 2 wsua2b 1909 1971 63 2 0 .584 .48 .83 .108 .654 .149 2.70 .556 -.108 1 3 wsua3a 1901 2003 103 4 2 .273 .26 .76 .156 .896 .224 2.58 .399 -.061 1 4 wsua4a 1827 1981 155 6 4 .300 .32 .96 .234 .934 .222 2.80 .452 -.022 1 5 wsua4b 1828 1993 166 6 5 .107 .15 .54 .105 .909 .235 2.71 .507 -.078 1 6 wsua5a 1916 2003 88 4 2 .366 .56 1.05 .216 .786 .197 2.84 .527 -.030 1 7 wsua5b 1916 2003 88 4 2 .418 .52 1.42 .192 .566 .207 3.04 .518 .021 1 8 wsua8a 1892 2003 112 5 5 .254 .27 .94 .126 .842 .215 2.51 .343 -.011 1 9 wsua8b 1891 1990 100 4 2 .435 .23 .67 .105 .819 .201 2.83 .411 -.008 2 10 wsua9a 1743 2000 258 11 4 .421 .30 1.38 .285 .956 .196 2.50 .302 -.030 1 11 wsua9b 1743 2002 260 11 1 .549 .31 .82 .190 .927 .193 2.59 .369 -.014 1 12 wsub1a 1935 2003 69 3 0 .485 .54 .93 .129 .771 .127 2.45 .391 -.015 1 13 wsub1b 1935 1959 25 1 0 .511 .51 .70 .097 .499 .162 2.64 .695 .142 1 14 wsub1b2 1969 2003 35 1 0 .656 .34 .54 .074 .359 .177 2.59 .626 .124 1 15 wsub2a 1930 2001 72 3 2 .281 .66 2.06 .552 .919 .220 2.46 .394 -.074 1 16 wsub2b 1902 2003 102 4 0 .626 .67 1.68 .376 .913 .177 2.51 .373 -.015 1 17 wsub3a 1932 2003 72 3 0 .574 .36 .73 .135 .777 .184 2.90 .503 .072 1 18 wsub3b 1932 2003 72 3 0 .628 .50 1.27 .221 .689 .204 2.61 .464 .048 1 19 wsub4a 1900 2003 104 4 0 .608 1.46 3.10 .695 .860 .221 2.56 .488 -.029 1 20 wsub4b 1900 1957 58 2 0 .521 1.73 2.87 .516 .672 .220 2.58 .616 -.074 1 21 wsub5a 1948 2003 56 3 0 .454 .63 1.05 .141 .659 .138 2.61 .522 -.073 1 22 wsub5b 1948 1978 31 1 0 .613 .57 .86 .108 .338 .166 2.81 .674 .015 1 23 wsub6a 1941 2000 60 3 0 .591 .47 1.44 .233 .770 .202 2.93 .561 -.058 1 24 wsub6b 1941 1982 42 1 0 .401 .51 .82 .168 .840 .138 2.59 .516 .015 1 25 wsub6b2 1983 2003 21 1 0 .878 .28 .40 .075 .594 .197 2.57 .664 -.126 1 26 wsub7a 1940 2003 64 3 0 .744 .77 1.72 .256 .712 .180 2.87 .512 .009 2 27 wsub7b 1940 2003 64 3 0 .682 .73 1.41 .233 .706 .180 2.86 .579 -.027 2 28 wsub9a 1900 2003 104 4 0 .557 .78 1.89 .383 .878 .193 2.66 .390 -.069 1 29 wsub9b 1900 2003 104 4 0 .624 .96 2.67 .632 .902 .214 2.58 .386 -.039 1 30 wsuc1a 1906 2003 98 4 0 .575 .42 .98 .146 .555 .232 3.24 .575 .002 1 31 wsuc1b 1906 2003 98 4 0 .509 .54 1.86 .231 .361 .251 3.17 .463 .031 1 32 wsuc2a 1918 2003 86 4 0 .708 .77 1.99 .373 .846 .213 2.64 .439 -.047 1 33 wsuc2b 1918 2001 84 4 0 .710 .77 1.80 .287 .493 .248 2.83 .435 -.035 2 34 wsuc3a 1941 2003 63 3 0 .652 .63 1.20 .226 .830 .168 2.84 .547 -.022 1 35 wsuc3b 1941 2003 63 3 0 .807 .77 1.53 .319 .870 .176 2.73 .472 .005 1 36 wsuc4a 1941 2003 63 3 0 .577 .58 .96 .172 .721 .171 2.62 .540 -.129 1 37 wsuc4b 1941 1987 47 1 0 .575 .61 1.45 .186 .414 .206 3.00 .647 -.027 1 38 wsuc5a 1903 1991 89 3 0 .714 .62 1.34 .299 .818 .234 2.65 .503 .034 2 39 wsuc5b 1903 1967 65 2 0 .592 1.00 1.55 .286 .700 .170 2.80 .484 .009 1 40 wsuc6a 1905 1983 79 3 1 .335 .94 2.03 .416 .900 .158 2.55 .451 -.050 1 41 wsuc6b 1905 1993 89 3 0 .469 .96 2.25 .528 .899 .184 2.69 .444 -.017 1 42 wsuc7a 1928 2003 76 3 0 .550 .43 .86 .130 .642 .184 2.83 .593 .005 1 43 wsuc7b 1928 2001 74 3 0 .543 .45 .87 .155 .704 .218 2.69 .517 -.016 1 44 wsuc8a 1938 2003 66 3 0 .482 .52 1.29 .206 .756 .181 2.87 .538 -.076 1 45 wsuc8b 1931 2003 73 3 1 .371 .60 .95 .142 .441 .190 2.71 .573 -.011 1 46 wsud1b 1931 2003 73 3 0 .448 .54 1.14 .219 .892 .145 2.45 .351 -.071 1 47 wsud2a 1906 2002 97 4 0 .575 1.11 2.17 .396 .844 .153 2.53 .366 -.044 1 48 wsud2b 1936 2003 68 3 0 .726 1.21 2.66 .575 .878 .168 2.45 .425 -.008 1 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: White Spruce Upland PCGL 11:25 Thu 11 Sep 2008 Page 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 49 wsud3a 1917 2003 87 4 0 .706 .77 1.66 .274 .553 .220 2.75 .504 -.052 3 50 wsud3b 1917 2003 87 4 0 .707 .75 1.91 .358 .835 .231 2.65 .494 -.011 1 51 wsud4a 1908 2003 96 4 0 .696 .68 1.20 .226 .860 .146 2.52 .405 -.049 1 52 wsud4b 1908 2003 96 4 0 .674 .72 2.24 .269 .714 .154 2.97 .406 -.051 1 53 wsud5a 1895 1978 84 4 0 .571 1.02 2.40 .511 .859 .189 2.45 .380 -.016 3 54 wsud5b 1895 1997 103 4 1 .377 .66 1.44 .303 .864 .180 2.79 .564 -.026 1 55 wsud8a 1904 1935 32 1 0 .619 1.06 1.38 .168 .289 .156 2.42 .608 -.072 2 56 wsud8b 1904 1978 75 3 0 .714 .84 1.63 .429 .883 .210 2.52 .424 -.037 1 57 wsud9a 1907 2003 97 4 0 .772 .61 1.17 .245 .852 .173 2.48 .389 -.012 1 58 wsud9b 1907 2003 97 4 0 .607 .61 1.07 .226 .784 .195 2.57 .560 -.065 1 59 wsue2a 1902 2003 102 4 0 .669 1.01 2.12 .503 .929 .170 2.67 .422 -.009 1 60 wsue2b 1902 2003 102 4 0 .592 .89 1.92 .314 .867 .130 2.51 .426 -.059 1 61 wsue3a 1909 2003 95 4 0 .642 1.32 2.35 .427 .776 .170 2.57 .436 -.055 1 62 wsue3b 1909 2003 95 4 0 .671 1.52 3.42 .776 .898 .190 2.62 .359 -.029 1 63 wsue4a 1918 2003 86 4 0 .647 .87 2.06 .492 .917 .167 2.69 .504 -.080 1 64 wsue4b 1918 1965 48 1 0 .618 1.44 2.43 .384 .685 .167 2.75 .623 .059 1 65 wsue6a 1941 1998 58 2 0 .616 .56 .86 .118 .373 .187 2.64 .547 -.010 1 66 wsue6b 1941 1996 56 2 0 .550 .61 .96 .138 .502 .185 2.59 .503 -.019 6 67 wsue7a 1898 2003 106 5 0 .524 1.37 2.76 .806 .938 .167 2.39 .328 -.094 1 68 wsue7b 1898 1982 85 4 2 .405 2.12 3.72 .755 .918 .127 2.52 .414 .039 1 69 wsuf1a 1899 2003 105 5 0 .641 1.00 2.49 .442 .788 .216 2.68 .512 .018 1 70 wsuf2b 1957 2003 47 1 1 .280 .85 1.53 .220 .377 .174 3.18 .743 -.089 2 71 wsuf3a 1901 2003 103 4 0 .636 .88 1.69 .439 .905 .177 2.56 .419 -.019 1 72 wsuf3b 1901 1983 83 3 0 .596 .94 1.68 .439 .904 .172 2.57 .449 -.046 1 73 wsuf4a 1937 2003 67 3 1 .354 .64 1.50 .267 .850 .173 2.84 .560 -.130 1 74 wsuf4b 1937 2002 66 3 1 .443 .84 1.96 .381 .844 .194 2.65 .420 -.140 1 75 wsuf5a 1917 1999 83 3 0 .472 1.76 3.08 .760 .903 .175 2.40 .430 -.036 1 76 wsuf5b 1917 2003 87 4 0 .454 1.85 3.13 .447 .570 .172 2.66 .449 -.025 1 77 wsuf7a 1906 2003 98 4 0 .429 .92 1.77 .478 .932 .150 2.68 .508 -.052 1 78 wsuf7b 1905 1991 87 3 0 .551 1.18 2.85 .687 .931 .167 2.68 .482 -.084 1 79 wsuf8a 1943 2003 61 3 0 .559 .42 .65 .080 .143 .205 2.77 .546 .001 1 80 wsuf8b 1943 1991 49 1 0 .336 .50 .88 .110 .305 .216 2.67 .518 -.001 1 81 wsuf9a 1935 2003 69 3 3 .287 .75 1.54 .272 .731 .208 2.57 .452 .038 1 82 wsuf9b 1935 2003 69 3 0 .661 .99 1.52 .248 .608 .169 2.64 .439 .047 1 83 wsug1a 1957 2003 47 1 1 .184 .67 1.13 .218 .662 .232 2.58 .575 -.065 1 84 wsug1b 1957 2003 47 1 1 .266 .40 .80 .145 .725 .216 3.03 .594 .025 1 85 wsug2a 1902 2001 100 4 0 .376 .35 .75 .169 .907 .158 2.58 .480 .018 1 86 wsug2b 1902 2000 99 4 1 .444 .36 .76 .145 .847 .176 2.67 .468 -.006 1 87 wsug3a 1937 2001 65 3 1 .340 .37 .77 .101 .451 .210 2.76 .461 .044 1 88 wsug3b 1924 2001 78 4 2 .278 .29 .63 .099 .459 .267 2.62 .493 -.026 1 89 wsug5a 1944 2003 60 3 3 .188 .34 .59 .081 .612 .175 2.68 .520 -.046 4 90 wsug5b 1944 2003 60 3 3 .333 .40 .69 .131 .778 .181 2.61 .591 -.077 1 91 wsug6a 1917 1957 41 1 0 .353 .17 .39 .082 .762 .244 2.66 .612 -.129 1 92 wsug6b 1917 2003 87 4 1 .292 .23 .62 .125 .891 .180 3.00 .496 -.028 1 93 wsug8a 1943 2003 61 3 0 .448 .85 2.12 .457 .897 .200 2.58 .460 .145 1 94 wsug8b 1943 2003 61 3 3 .267 .97 2.18 .546 .908 .225 2.99 .588 .053 1 95 wsug9a 1815 2003 189 8 1 .511 .57 2.13 .341 .905 .197 2.64 .374 -.033 1 96 wsug9b 1815 2003 189 8 0 .492 .53 2.01 .319 .885 .216 2.55 .381 .025 2 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: White Spruce Upland PCGL 11:25 Thu 11 Sep 2008 Page 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 97 wsuh1a 1924 2003 80 4 0 .655 .53 .94 .170 .763 .187 2.47 .428 -.088 1 98 wsuh1b 1924 2003 80 4 0 .480 .54 1.22 .179 .717 .204 2.53 .403 -.055 1 99 wsuh2a 1910 2003 94 4 0 .674 1.83 3.88 1.027 .902 .197 2.63 .459 -.054 2 100 wsuh2b 1920 2003 84 4 0 .773 1.64 3.81 .868 .899 .188 2.55 .377 -.031 1 101 wsuh3a 1925 1990 66 2 0 .430 .43 .98 .173 .775 .194 2.59 .445 -.109 1 102 wsuh3b 1925 2003 79 3 0 .429 .32 .61 .117 .841 .155 2.58 .377 -.003 2 103 wsuh4a 1934 2003 70 3 1 .400 .62 1.37 .219 .538 .247 2.60 .394 -.079 1 104 wsuh4b 1933 2003 71 3 1 .452 .71 3.43 .453 .557 .249 2.96 .460 -.020 1 105 wsuh6a 1931 1988 58 2 0 .560 .44 .76 .133 .697 .184 2.85 .699 .002 1 106 wsuh6b 1931 2003 73 3 0 .534 .48 .95 .169 .784 .200 2.60 .498 -.005 1 107 wsuh7a 1937 1986 50 1 0 .479 .43 .70 .109 .523 .190 2.89 .633 .023 1 108 wsuh7b 1937 2003 67 3 1 .347 .39 .65 .115 .709 .168 2.95 .709 -.020 1 109 wsuh8a 1942 2003 62 3 1 .502 .41 1.38 .211 .656 .203 3.02 .454 -.061 1 110 wsuh8b 1940 2000 61 3 2 .217 .40 1.01 .166 .670 .196 2.97 .462 -.113 1 111 wsuh9a 1918 2000 83 4 2 .212 1.07 2.75 .561 .918 .176 2.65 .388 .030 1 112 wsui1a 1937 2003 67 3 0 .472 .46 .93 .158 .750 .212 2.69 .590 -.010 1 113 wsui1b 1937 2003 67 3 0 .431 .55 .85 .119 .463 .182 2.68 .572 .012 1 114 wsui2a 1922 2003 82 4 0 .509 1.56 3.48 .926 .916 .173 2.74 .516 -.040 1 115 wsui2b 1922 1990 69 3 0 .506 1.65 3.56 .829 .924 .175 2.54 .440 -.025 1 116 wsui3a 1922 2003 82 4 0 .600 .66 1.11 .223 .729 .219 2.59 .533 -.048 1 117 wsui3b 1922 2003 82 4 0 .576 .83 1.56 .339 .832 .222 2.52 .409 -.085 3 118 wsui4a 1937 2002 66 3 0 .355 .53 1.05 .159 .565 .208 2.75 .603 -.022 1 119 wsui4b 1937 1997 61 2 1 .358 .57 1.04 .156 .661 .166 2.49 .441 -.065 1 120 wsui5a 1912 2003 92 4 0 .691 .67 1.34 .262 .804 .206 2.48 .332 -.043 1 121 wsui5b 1912 2003 92 4 0 .654 .70 1.41 .313 .857 .214 2.57 .367 .062 2 122 wsui6a 1918 2003 86 4 0 .787 1.07 2.26 .373 .815 .173 2.44 .328 -.050 1 123 wsui6b 1918 2003 86 4 0 .730 1.24 2.42 .440 .850 .155 2.69 .555 .009 2 124 wsui7a 1932 2003 72 3 0 .396 .33 .65 .126 .534 .278 2.66 .495 .042 1 125 wsui7b 1933 2001 69 3 1 .351 .37 1.36 .220 .687 .213 2.79 .439 .076 1 126 wsui8a 1931 2003 73 3 0 .614 .50 .88 .138 .581 .205 2.71 .577 .003 1 127 wsui8b 1931 2003 73 3 0 .468 .56 1.38 .211 .758 .202 2.65 .446 -.010 1 128 wsui9a 1902 2003 102 4 0 .548 .71 1.85 .319 .875 .184 2.46 .318 -.057 1 129 wsui9b 1902 2003 102 4 0 .539 .66 1.42 .276 .871 .169 2.68 .503 -.013 1 130 wsuj1a 1930 2002 73 3 0 .421 .45 .76 .141 .789 .171 2.71 .527 -.021 1 131 wsuj1b 1930 2003 74 3 0 .689 .39 .64 .105 .604 .180 2.68 .509 .012 1 132 wsuj2a 1907 2003 97 4 0 .629 1.10 2.10 .561 .941 .153 2.58 .406 -.064 1 133 wsuj2b 1907 1937 31 1 0 .352 2.17 3.21 .500 .657 .140 2.46 .525 .045 1 134 wsuj3a 1914 2003 90 4 0 .622 .82 1.49 .240 .661 .198 2.86 .492 -.076 1 135 wsuj3b 1914 2003 90 4 0 .603 .73 1.23 .253 .796 .183 2.71 .547 -.025 2 136 wsuj6a 1908 1987 80 3 2 .355 .54 1.29 .286 .835 .237 2.47 .369 -.065 1 137 wsuj6b 1908 1983 76 3 0 .504 .89 2.12 .493 .889 .203 2.50 .360 .030 2 138 wsuj8a 1928 2003 76 3 0 .745 1.13 2.32 .574 .919 .153 2.48 .375 -.034 1 139 wsuj8b 1928 2003 76 3 0 .637 1.27 2.35 .528 .852 .178 2.68 .493 .072 1 140 wsuj9a 1913 2003 91 4 0 .618 .90 1.83 .447 .903 .179 2.46 .455 .010 1 141 wsuj9b 1913 2003 91 4 0 .735 1.28 2.77 .664 .912 .173 2.49 .386 -.047 1 142 wsu1a 1898 2006 109 5 0 .562 1.53 3.03 .761 .925 .157 2.35 .344 -.087 1 143 wsu1b 1898 2006 109 5 0 .469 1.48 3.28 .807 .879 .192 2.58 .517 .003 1 144 wsu2a 1913 2006 94 4 0 .632 1.08 3.00 .710 .913 .219 2.58 .409 -.027 1 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: White Spruce Upland PCGL 11:25 Thu 11 Sep 2008 Page 14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 145 wsu2b 1913 1989 77 3 0 .655 1.86 3.66 .761 .823 .186 2.77 .426 -.002 1 146 wsu2a1 1913 2006 94 4 0 .597 1.37 3.13 .779 .897 .196 2.54 .348 -.024 1 147 wsu3a 1910 1981 72 3 0 .544 1.57 2.95 .652 .891 .145 2.70 .587 .002 1 148 wsu3b 1910 2006 97 4 1 .433 1.09 2.26 .615 .937 .160 2.63 .488 -.025 1 149 wsu4a 1914 2006 93 4 0 .599 1.18 2.59 .607 .924 .173 2.68 .397 -.040 1 150 wsu4b 1914 1983 70 3 0 .553 1.78 3.59 .802 .895 .155 2.56 .430 -.039 1 151 wsu5a 1944 2006 63 3 0 .757 1.18 2.07 .409 .790 .188 2.53 .468 .006 2 152 wsu5b 1944 2006 63 3 0 .694 1.14 1.97 .377 .813 .173 2.71 .659 -.006 1 153 wsu6a 1932 2006 75 3 0 .690 .59 1.27 .235 .716 .216 2.47 .337 -.009 2 154 wsu6b 1932 2006 75 3 0 .779 .63 1.31 .253 .740 .232 2.69 .550 -.065 1 155 wsu7a 1890 2006 117 5 2 .360 .97 2.45 .454 .785 .224 2.54 .412 -.078 1 156 wsu7b 1913 2006 94 4 1 .393 .91 2.37 .426 .649 .314 2.81 .463 -.024 1 157 wsu9a 1904 2006 103 4 0 .624 .60 1.33 .382 .926 .210 2.59 .483 .026 2 158 wsu9b 1904 2006 103 4 0 .715 .66 1.51 .307 .870 .189 2.50 .353 -.106 1 159 wsu10a 1907 2006 100 4 0 .677 .84 2.08 .588 .954 .182 2.74 .508 -.008 1 160 wsu10b 1907 2006 100 4 0 .633 1.00 2.49 .667 .947 .194 2.66 .538 -.059 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 13193 549 73 .527 .78 3.88 .351 .789 .192 3.24 .461 -.026