NFOR LALA, Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada - cana276 Additional Site Information Steven D. Mamet and G. Peter Kershaw Purpose of Collection: Growth-climate relationship across ecological regions Cores stored at: Stored in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Email Steven Mamet ( for availability Reference: Mamet, S. and Kershaw, G.P. (Submitted) Radial-growth response of forest-tundra trees to climate: Subarctic Hudson Bay Lowlands. Dendrochronologia. Submitted 23/03/2009. 32 pp. (MS#DENDRO-D-08- 00001R1). NOTES: The effects of climate on radial-growth of Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch, Picea glauca (Moench) Voss and Picea mariana (Mill) BSP were investigated in northern Manitoba. The objective was to characterize spatial and temporal variations in growth of trees across three ecologically distinct regions. Along a 250 km transect 263 trees were sampled (stratified random) in three zones - northern forest (NFOR), central tundra (TUND) and southern forest (SFOR). Samples were collected in August of 2004 and 2005 and NFOR samples were supplemented with cores from a Black spruce wetland and White spruce upland (also available from ITRDB - cana270 and cana272). COFECHA output: Chronology file name : CANA276.CRN Measurement file name : CANA276.RWL Date checked : 29APR09 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1752 Ending year : 2002 Principal investigators: Steven D. Mamet G. Peter Kershaw Site name : NFOR, Wapusk National Park, Manitoba Site location : Canada Species information : LALA TAMARACK Latitude : 5832 Longitude : -09328 Elevation : 17M Series intercorrelation: 0.550 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.275 Avg standard deviation : 0.161 Avg autocorrelation : 0.674 Number dated series : 88 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 28 Pct problem segments : 7.67 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: NFOR LALA 09:28 Wed 29 Apr 2009 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 bs465a 1852 1997 .74 .77 .67 .37 .17B 2 bs465b 1848 1981 .66 .66 .71 .67 .36 .28A 3 bs466a 1896 2001 .62 .62 .81 .58 .57 4 bs466b 1896 1962 .39 .39 .47 5 bs468a 1864 1999 .62 .55 .62 .78 .62 6 bs468b 1864 1999 .68 .71 .59 .64 .64 7 bs475a 1867 1960 .41 .49 .50 .55 8 bs475a3 1962 2002 .38 9 bs475b3 1931 2002 .16B .33 .40 10 bs479a 1791 2000 .45 .46 .60 .42 .38 .51 .45 .25B .23B 11 bs479b 1791 2000 .42 .39 .59 .66 .60 .58 .58 .24B .20B 12 bs487a 1846 1972 .50 .62 .54 .54 .43 13 bs487b 1846 1996 .49 .60 .59 .61 .44 .24B 14 bs490a 1878 1998 .33 .67 .57 .35 15 bs490b1 1868 1974 .66 .56 .59 .43 16 bs490b 1976 2001 .75 17 bs495a 1809 2002 .46 .69 .62 .56 .59 .24A .32B .32A 18 bs495a2 1752 1800 .43 19 bs495b 1826 2002 .55 .53 .56 .69 .70 .75 .71 20 bs495b2 1752 1781 .63 21 bs496a 1876 1982 .38 .52 .50 .33 22 bs496b 1877 1965 .39 .45 .45 23 bs496b2 1967 2002 .55 24 bs500a 1910 2002 .71 .74 .82 .81 25 bs500b 1910 1998 .52 .61 .69 26 bs562a 1919 1996 .59 .66 .75 27 bs562b 1919 1981 .47 .57 .63 28 bs569a 1906 2002 .57 .52 .44 .49 29 bs569b 1906 2002 .62 .72 .67 .72 30 bs572a 1867 2000 .47 .60 .74 .80 .84 .83 31 bs572b 1866 2000 .52 .60 .76 .76 .80 .80 32 bs573b 1826 2001 .62 .60 .65 .71 .71 .54 .54 33 bs575a 1892 2002 .51 .55 .65 .78 .79 34 bs575b 1892 2002 .61 .59 .60 .54 .47 35 bs576a 1921 2002 .49 .51 .71 .74 36 bs576b 1926 2002 .61 .79 .82 37 bs578a 1926 2002 .52 .65 .68 38 bs578b 1926 1999 .62 .67 39 bs580a 1857 2001 .65 .63 .56 .60 .73 .72 40 bs580b 1857 2001 .70 .67 .64 .76 .80 .81 41 bs581a 1900 2001 .58 .64 .75 .73 42 bs581b 1900 1998 .47 .37 .66 43 bs583a 1847 2001 .72 .72 .68 .65 .88 .74 .73 44 bs583b 1847 2001 .69 .68 .73 .74 .64 .28B .26B 45 bs588a 1872 2001 .34 .36 .41 .40 .35 .35 46 bs588b 1872 2001 .54 .59 .56 .60 .52 .50 47 bs591a 1901 1999 .55 .72 .60 48 bs591b 1901 1991 .66 .64 .66 49 bs593a 1850 2000 .75 .59 .61 .62 .65 .63 50 bs593b 1850 2000 .72 .74 .79 .74 .74 .74 51 bs594a1 1846 1951 .68 .69 .77 .69 .69 52 bs594a2 1953 2002 .44 53 bs594b 1846 1921 .75 .76 .66 54 bs602a 1774 1969 .17B .14B .27B .67 .71 .68 .59 .56 55 bs602b 1774 1902 .25B .21B .48 .70 .58 .59 56 bs603a 1821 1971 .58 .58 .68 .79 .66 .62 57 bs603a2 1973 2002 .35 58 bs603b 1821 1971 .66 .70 .81 .77 .65 .70 59 bs603b2 1973 2002 .66 60 bs609a1 1906 1951 .49 61 bs609a2 1953 2002 .41 62 bs609b 1906 1959 .52 .53 63 bs611a 1835 2002 .65 .55 .48 .37 .06B .29A .36 64 bs611b 1835 2002 .60 .57 .55 .62 .61 .69 .64 65 bs613a 1817 1971 .24A .39 .56 .56 .63 .64 66 bs613b 1928 1998 .60 .54 67 bsw2a 1798 1886 .47 .47 .60 .41 68 bsw12a 1833 2002 .33 .51 .69 .70 .49 .15B .13A 69 wsua1a 1922 2002 .45 .31A .48 .47 70 wsua1b 1922 1999 .46 .45 .53 71 wsua6a 1913 2002 .60 .54 .60 .61 72 wsua6b 1913 2002 .49 .43 .46 .49 73 wsua6a 1923 2002 .51 .45 .58 .57 74 wsua6b 1923 2002 .51 .49 .63 .64 75 wsub8a 1941 2002 .37 .41 .39 76 wsub8b 1941 2002 .36 .33 .29A 77 wsuc9a 1894 1981 .26A .33 .47 .44 78 wsuc9b 1894 1969 .45 .43 .47 79 wsud6b 1896 1992 .53 .57 .53 .46 80 wsud7a 1913 2002 .61 .46 .22B .22B 81 wsud7b 1913 1990 .58 .56 .33 82 wsuf6a 1918 2002 .39 .36 .54 .53 83 wsuf6b 1918 1991 .49 .55 .67 84 wsug7b 1907 1987 .53 .65 .63 85 wsuh5a 1950 2002 .60 .62 86 wsuh5b 1950 2002 .56 .60 87 wsuj4a 1920 2002 .60 .59 .51 .49 88 wsuj4b 1920 1965 .56 Av segment correlation .37 .34 .45 .61 .61 .58 .57 .55 .54 .56 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: NFOR LALA 09:28 Wed 29 Apr 2009 Page 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 bs465a 1852 1997 146 5 1 .484 .21 .53 .095 .652 .303 2.61 .467 -.031 1 2 bs465b 1848 1981 134 6 1 .498 .23 .70 .123 .741 .273 2.58 .391 -.033 1 3 bs466a 1896 2001 106 5 0 .610 .26 .57 .123 .797 .238 2.61 .407 -.026 1 4 bs466b 1896 1962 67 3 0 .445 .28 .50 .075 .511 .191 2.88 .554 -.045 1 5 bs468a 1864 1999 136 5 0 .624 .30 1.15 .143 .684 .264 2.69 .439 -.046 1 6 bs468b 1864 1999 136 5 0 .627 .24 .56 .106 .748 .254 2.48 .323 -.060 1 7 bs475a 1867 1960 94 4 0 .476 .13 .24 .046 .675 .236 2.66 .573 .019 1 8 bs475a3 1962 2002 41 1 0 .379 .10 .16 .027 .058 .313 2.51 .503 -.027 2 9 bs475b3 1931 2002 72 3 1 .306 .15 .45 .065 .622 .277 2.52 .537 .015 4 10 bs479a 1791 2000 210 9 2 .414 .16 .54 .076 .717 .277 2.76 .440 -.055 2 11 bs479b 1791 2000 210 9 2 .483 .18 .80 .101 .685 .312 2.74 .492 .016 1 12 bs487a 1846 1972 127 5 0 .509 .22 .56 .106 .659 .269 2.60 .411 -.063 2 13 bs487b 1846 1996 151 6 1 .427 .18 .55 .102 .803 .255 2.60 .494 .003 1 14 bs490a 1878 1998 121 4 0 .412 .18 .42 .104 .807 .292 2.68 .529 .057 2 15 bs490b1 1868 1974 107 4 0 .518 .43 1.18 .280 .884 .301 2.69 .429 -.045 1 16 bs490b 1976 2001 26 1 0 .751 .16 .31 .067 .684 .305 2.52 .670 .231 1 17 bs495a 1809 2002 194 8 3 .475 .17 .45 .086 .682 .329 2.94 .528 .057 1 18 bs495a2 1752 1800 49 1 0 .428 .08 .18 .035 .458 .349 2.86 .653 -.026 2 19 bs495b 1826 2002 177 7 0 .621 .17 .48 .077 .527 .334 2.99 .494 -.014 1 20 bs495b2 1752 1781 30 1 0 .629 .09 .19 .038 .275 .368 2.83 .631 .008 1 21 bs496a 1876 1982 107 4 0 .372 .25 1.06 .218 .869 .282 2.71 .425 .023 2 22 bs496b 1877 1965 89 3 0 .437 .18 .67 .128 .806 .257 2.80 .457 .032 1 23 bs496b2 1967 2002 36 1 0 .555 .13 .26 .053 .428 .366 2.56 .549 -.073 1 24 bs500a 1910 2002 93 4 0 .762 .35 .62 .123 .617 .236 2.71 .537 .065 1 25 bs500b 1910 1998 89 3 0 .659 .33 .62 .098 .443 .235 2.63 .501 -.024 1 26 bs562a 1919 1996 78 3 0 .682 .51 1.15 .240 .727 .296 2.66 .470 -.029 3 27 bs562b 1919 1981 63 3 0 .596 .55 .96 .181 .458 .304 2.42 .383 -.037 1 28 bs569a 1906 2002 97 4 0 .523 .33 .86 .128 .541 .250 2.77 .431 -.074 5 29 bs569b 1906 2002 97 4 0 .672 .31 .89 .151 .701 .273 3.13 .534 .034 1 30 bs572a 1867 2000 134 6 0 .680 .35 .94 .203 .859 .272 2.77 .459 -.089 1 31 bs572b 1866 2000 135 6 0 .683 .28 .60 .136 .788 .252 2.55 .333 -.027 1 32 bs573b 1826 2001 176 7 0 .604 .33 .78 .159 .747 .301 2.71 .461 .021 1 33 bs575a 1892 2002 111 5 0 .671 .24 .60 .080 .595 .221 2.72 .471 -.053 1 34 bs575b 1892 2002 111 5 0 .537 .47 1.08 .176 .312 .298 2.82 .347 -.031 4 35 bs576a 1921 2002 82 4 0 .654 .36 1.06 .197 .787 .271 2.56 .468 .011 1 36 bs576b 1926 2002 77 3 0 .688 .27 .66 .119 .749 .242 2.54 .410 -.042 1 37 bs578a 1926 2002 77 3 0 .550 .30 .79 .119 .598 .263 2.56 .485 .039 2 38 bs578b 1926 1999 74 2 0 .619 .29 .90 .163 .877 .241 2.41 .333 -.069 1 39 bs580a 1857 2001 145 6 0 .670 .42 1.04 .231 .842 .226 2.56 .415 -.041 1 40 bs580b 1857 2001 145 6 0 .716 .35 .73 .150 .738 .264 2.73 .380 -.004 1 41 bs581a 1900 2001 102 4 0 .662 .33 .72 .127 .698 .238 2.51 .339 -.031 1 42 bs581b 1900 1998 99 3 0 .580 .29 .55 .096 .592 .236 2.61 .462 -.048 1 43 bs583a 1847 2001 155 7 0 .702 .21 .57 .095 .706 .266 2.60 .456 .000 1 44 bs583b 1847 2001 155 7 2 .575 .19 .53 .074 .619 .254 2.59 .386 -.028 1 45 bs588a 1872 2001 130 6 0 .379 .44 1.35 .279 .856 .300 2.70 .500 -.017 1 46 bs588b 1872 2001 130 6 0 .535 .24 .68 .120 .620 .332 2.81 .456 -.019 1 47 bs591a 1901 1999 99 3 0 .572 .40 .95 .190 .682 .319 2.60 .413 .015 1 48 bs591b 1901 1991 91 3 0 .660 .40 1.15 .220 .730 .327 2.59 .495 -.044 1 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: NFOR LALA 09:28 Wed 29 Apr 2009 Page 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 49 bs593a 1850 2000 151 6 0 .659 .40 .79 .137 .451 .263 2.63 .411 .008 1 50 bs593b 1850 2000 151 6 0 .747 .36 .62 .110 .405 .266 2.59 .469 .044 1 51 bs594a1 1846 1951 106 5 0 .689 .29 1.38 .180 .824 .244 2.78 .489 -.028 1 52 bs594a2 1953 2002 50 1 0 .445 .11 .19 .039 .469 .309 2.41 .519 .045 1 53 bs594b 1846 1921 76 3 0 .692 .32 1.37 .173 .585 .263 2.88 .528 -.071 1 54 bs602a 1774 1969 196 8 3 .506 .14 .33 .058 .680 .262 2.81 .410 .012 1 55 bs602b 1774 1902 129 6 2 .514 .18 .51 .088 .707 .262 2.82 .374 -.004 1 56 bs603a 1821 1971 151 6 0 .620 .23 .51 .086 .695 .235 2.69 .429 -.033 2 57 bs603a2 1973 2002 30 1 0 .354 .13 .17 .030 .028 .276 2.61 .589 -.058 3 58 bs603b 1821 1971 151 6 0 .701 .34 .69 .121 .539 .266 2.80 .517 .042 1 59 bs603b2 1973 2002 30 1 0 .664 .10 .20 .040 .208 .359 2.53 .631 .223 1 60 bs609a1 1906 1951 46 1 0 .493 .39 1.17 .200 .811 .176 2.65 .508 -.039 2 61 bs609a2 1953 2002 50 1 0 .413 .21 .43 .083 .765 .229 2.36 .365 -.063 3 62 bs609b 1906 1959 54 2 0 .531 .37 1.31 .256 .884 .209 2.80 .519 -.059 2 63 bs611a 1835 2002 168 7 2 .425 .18 .53 .100 .716 .303 2.96 .483 .014 1 64 bs611b 1835 2002 168 7 0 .605 .19 .57 .093 .706 .302 2.80 .500 -.022 1 65 bs613a 1817 1971 155 6 1 .456 .19 .63 .115 .813 .287 2.59 .474 -.066 4 66 bs613b 1928 1998 71 2 0 .578 .27 .60 .124 .606 .328 2.69 .472 .026 1 67 bsw2a 1798 1886 89 4 0 .404 .47 .83 .136 .537 .226 2.55 .429 -.038 1 68 bsw12a 1833 2002 170 7 2 .378 .22 .65 .108 .638 .281 2.68 .502 .048 1 69 wsua1a 1922 2002 81 4 1 .501 .68 1.95 .376 .825 .268 2.66 .467 -.061 1 70 wsua1b 1922 1999 78 3 0 .504 .37 .83 .196 .865 .241 2.65 .511 -.032 2 71 wsua6a 1913 2002 90 4 0 .614 .73 1.83 .355 .702 .309 2.90 .563 -.040 1 72 wsua6b 1913 2002 90 4 0 .516 .83 1.97 .413 .763 .276 2.77 .525 .001 1 73 wsua6a 1923 2002 80 4 0 .542 .54 1.00 .162 .606 .199 2.44 .351 -.067 1 74 wsua6b 1923 2002 80 4 0 .593 .59 1.58 .222 .750 .197 2.52 .418 -.051 1 75 wsub8a 1941 2002 62 3 0 .421 .83 1.47 .288 .402 .310 2.77 .658 -.059 1 76 wsub8b 1941 2002 62 3 1 .394 1.14 2.12 .374 .324 .279 2.78 .543 -.014 1 77 wsuc9a 1894 1981 88 4 1 .339 .62 1.39 .320 .724 .293 2.65 .512 -.075 2 78 wsuc9b 1894 1969 76 3 0 .454 .66 1.56 .349 .722 .341 2.75 .528 -.112 1 79 wsud6b 1896 1992 97 4 0 .489 .76 1.87 .382 .732 .290 2.60 .485 -.014 1 80 wsud7a 1913 2002 90 4 2 .406 .89 1.74 .300 .522 .249 2.62 .464 -.067 1 81 wsud7b 1913 1990 78 3 0 .375 .83 1.70 .304 .600 .267 2.58 .419 -.087 1 82 wsuf6a 1918 2002 85 4 0 .544 .48 .97 .189 .567 .277 2.66 .525 -.060 1 83 wsuf6b 1918 1991 74 3 0 .613 .91 2.04 .443 .799 .254 2.66 .420 -.034 1 84 wsug7b 1907 1987 81 3 0 .583 .56 1.20 .274 .827 .253 2.58 .527 -.010 2 85 wsuh5a 1950 2002 53 2 0 .601 .90 2.38 .510 .734 .331 2.73 .586 -.040 1 86 wsuh5b 1950 2002 53 2 0 .572 1.07 2.61 .565 .797 .293 2.64 .539 -.020 1 87 wsuj4a 1920 2002 83 4 0 .510 .78 1.82 .447 .782 .326 2.59 .452 .015 1 88 wsuj4b 1920 1965 46 1 0 .560 .85 1.60 .397 .696 .317 2.57 .548 .217 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 9030 365 28 .550 .35 2.61 .161 .674 .275 3.13 .464 -.015