Emerald Lake - Crowsnest Pass, Saskatchewan, Canada - CANA335 Additional information David Sauchyn Cores are stored at: Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative University of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan, S4S 7H9 Canada. Inquire for availability. Reference: Axelson, J.N., D.J. Sauchyn, and J. Barichivich. 2009. New reconstructions of streamflow variability in the South Saskatchewan River Basin from a network of tree ring chronologies, Alberta, Canada. Water Resources Research, Vol. 45, Issue 9, W09422. DOI: 10.1029/2008WR007639 COFECHA output: Chronology file name : CANA335.CRN Measurement file name : CANA335.RWL Date checked : 23JAN13 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1450 Ending year : 2004 Principal investigators: David Sauchyn Site name : Emerald Lake - Crowsnest Pass Site location : Canada Species information : PIFL LIMBER PINE Latitude : 4936 Longitude : -11436 Elevation : 1384M Series intercorrelation: 0.602 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.291 Avg standard deviation : 0.307 Avg autocorrelation : 0.789 Number dated series : 39 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 27 Pct problem segments : 5.90 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Emerald Lake - Crowsnest Pass 11:34 Wed 23 Jan 2013 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1450 1475 1500 1525 1550 1575 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1499 1524 1549 1574 1599 1624 1649 1674 1699 1724 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 EL01A 1768 2004 .79 .85 .82 .78 .74 .55 .26A .38 2 EL01B 1725 1982 .02B .45 .81 .79 .82 .87 .74 .36 .35 3 EL02A 1559 2004 .59 .73 .72 .82 .81 .81 .85 .71 .53 .65 .76 .85 .91 .73 .61 .70 4 EL02B 1570 1997 .75 .73 .71 .73 .68 .61 .62 .73 .74 .80 .82 .79 .68 .48 .63 .75 5 EL03A 1684 2004 .53 .52 .79 .77 .82 .86 .85 .85 .72 .71 .78 6 EL03B 1697 2004 .64 .68 .79 .77 .86 .86 .83 .82 .73 .71 .69 7 EL04B 1657 2004 .58 .59 .49 .46 .59 .56 .47 .34 .26A .23B .19B .15B 8 EL05A 1746 2004 .39 .36 .64 .49 .51 .80 .69 .65 .70 9 EL05A 1528 1719 .66 .64 .64 .54 .59 .84 .77 10 EL05B 1450 1719 .50 .49 .56 .70 .51 .49 .58 .60 .69 .54 11 EL05B 1788 2004 .27A .52 .45 .61 .63 .67 .66 12 EL05C 1747 2004 .56 .57 .57 .53 .63 .76 .78 .70 .71 13 EL05C 1616 1719 .76 .74 .72 .72 14 EL06A 1778 1971 .46 .51 .57 .66 .47 .38 .40 15 EL06B 1797 2004 .63 .62 .63 .61 .56 .61 .59 16 EL07A 1462 2004 .85 .82 .72 .71 .70 .68 .62 .59 .63 .73 .77 .67 .71 .47 .55 .62 .55 .58 .59 .60 17 EL07B 1463 2004 .65 .67 .66 .65 .52 .57 .65 .72 .76 .74 .77 .79 .81 .48 .49 .66 .69 .68 .69 .69 18 EL08A 1664 2004 .60 .75 .72 .69 .66 .45 .41 .45 .40 .38 .43 .49 19 EL08B 1669 2004 .52 .61 .50 .50 .61 .52 .51 .62 .61 .49 .35 .34 20 EL09A 1726 2004 .76 .76 .68 .69 .67 .71 .69 .73 .77 21 EL09B 1669 2004 .69 .75 .76 .79 .79 .72 .69 .58 .62 .68 .66 .68 22 EL10A 1751 2004 .51 .58 .75 .77 .80 .79 .72 .61 23 EL10B 1767 2004 .77 .78 .77 .73 .69 .64 .71 .55 24 EL11A 1759 2004 .50 .61 .65 .65 .75 .55 .50 .55 25 EL11B 1688 2004 .41 .54 .66 .67 .69 .76 .70 .77 .70 .69 .76 26 EL12B 1591 2004 .53 .55 .51 .61 .71 .75 .66 .51B .42B .74 .84 .81 .68 .52 .53 27 EL13A 1657 2004 .54 .58 .41 .37 .57 .49 .39 .27A .49 .49 .04B .31A 28 EL14A 1788 2004 .65 .64 .75 .62 .49 .71 .68 29 EL14B 1808 2004 .62 .69 .70 .53 .65 .61 30 EL15A 1769 2004 .51 .57 .50 .49 .59 .61 .66 .63 31 EL15B 1598 2004 .30B .30A .23B .36 .57 .65 .61 .63 .62 .52 .60 .74 .67 .55 .57 32 EL16A 1780 2004 .43B .53 .65 .62 .58 .55 .35 33 EL16B 1808 2004 .72 .86 .74 .58 .70 .52 34 EL18A 1838 2004 .58 .65 .64 .82 .82 35 EL18B 1804 2004 .73 .78 .56 .40 .61 .70 36 EL19A 1733 2004 .32B .55 .42 .55 .73 .65 .47 .52 .70 37 EL19B 1731 2004 .37 .70 .47 .31B .49 .57 .47 .52 .51 38 EL20A 1490 1845 .73 .72 .64 .73 .59 .37 .69 .71 .48 .32A .33 .40B .59 .74 39 EL20B 1609 1924 .63 .78 .73 .60 .58 .53 .50B .68 .72 .64 .64 .60 Av segment correlation .67 .68 .66 .67 .64 .58 .58 .64 .65 .64 .62 .57 .62 .60 .63 .65 .67 .59 .57 .58 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Emerald Lake - Crowsnest Pass 11:34 Wed 23 Jan 2013 Page 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1950 1975 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 EL01A 1768 2004 .57 .61 2 EL01B 1725 1982 .33 3 EL02A 1559 2004 .67 .61 4 EL02B 1570 1997 .35 5 EL03A 1684 2004 .74 .71 6 EL03B 1697 2004 .65 .67 7 EL04B 1657 2004 .18B .07B 8 EL05A 1746 2004 .63 .70 11 EL05B 1788 2004 .42 .49 12 EL05C 1747 2004 .75 .77 15 EL06B 1797 2004 .49 .44 16 EL07A 1462 2004 .35 .33 17 EL07B 1463 2004 .46 .51 18 EL08A 1664 2004 .63 .65 19 EL08B 1669 2004 .29B .30B 20 EL09A 1726 2004 .65 .65 21 EL09B 1669 2004 .67 .67 22 EL10A 1751 2004 .51 .55 23 EL10B 1767 2004 .29B .36 24 EL11A 1759 2004 .60 .61 25 EL11B 1688 2004 .66 .65 26 EL12B 1591 2004 .53 .60 27 EL13A 1657 2004 .44 .34 28 EL14A 1788 2004 .62 .63 29 EL14B 1808 2004 .57 .62 30 EL15A 1769 2004 .62 .64 31 EL15B 1598 2004 .50 .45 32 EL16A 1780 2004 .41 .45 33 EL16B 1808 2004 .38 .40B 34 EL18A 1838 2004 .75 .75 35 EL18B 1804 2004 .67 .65 36 EL19A 1733 2004 .74 .54 37 EL19B 1731 2004 .47 .39 Av segment correlation .53 .54 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Emerald Lake - Crowsnest Pass 11:34 Wed 23 Jan 2013 Page 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 EL01A 1768 2004 237 10 1 .639 .52 1.93 .301 .710 .316 2.68 .348 .010 5 2 EL01B 1725 1982 258 10 1 .513 .40 1.27 .208 .744 .287 2.55 .333 .010 4 3 EL02A 1559 2004 446 18 0 .698 .49 2.95 .433 .849 .329 2.47 .248 -.013 2 4 EL02B 1570 1997 428 17 0 .675 .28 1.07 .153 .762 .310 2.59 .300 -.001 2 5 EL03A 1684 2004 321 13 0 .739 .46 1.53 .276 .726 .363 2.60 .370 -.024 2 6 EL03B 1697 2004 308 13 0 .734 .44 1.90 .340 .841 .332 2.55 .398 -.032 2 7 EL04B 1657 2004 348 14 6 .390 .77 2.44 .448 .858 .229 2.64 .398 -.031 1 8 EL05A 1746 2004 259 11 0 .617 .20 .61 .118 .791 .318 2.60 .365 -.021 2 9 EL05A 1528 1719 192 7 0 .669 .43 1.45 .293 .834 .298 2.58 .412 -.035 1 10 EL05B 1450 1719 270 10 0 .546 .18 .70 .108 .726 .343 2.77 .432 -.027 1 11 EL05B 1788 2004 217 9 1 .497 .19 .59 .112 .756 .321 2.58 .368 -.023 1 12 EL05C 1747 2004 258 11 0 .611 .21 .50 .104 .734 .303 2.43 .301 -.042 1 13 EL05C 1616 1719 104 4 0 .731 .45 1.52 .201 .611 .266 2.53 .368 -.014 1 14 EL06A 1778 1971 194 7 0 .477 .97 2.51 .489 .791 .256 2.58 .381 -.044 1 15 EL06B 1797 2004 208 9 0 .569 .66 1.81 .388 .804 .265 2.60 .414 .012 1 16 EL07A 1462 2004 543 22 0 .629 .29 1.30 .209 .798 .333 2.53 .310 -.010 2 17 EL07B 1463 2004 542 22 0 .644 .25 1.30 .143 .743 .305 2.52 .307 -.015 2 18 EL08A 1664 2004 341 14 0 .535 .69 3.05 .517 .932 .210 2.55 .324 -.001 1 19 EL08B 1669 2004 336 14 2 .489 .63 2.56 .521 .931 .227 2.52 .316 -.043 1 20 EL09A 1726 2004 279 11 0 .708 .63 1.92 .350 .790 .301 2.51 .317 -.024 1 21 EL09B 1669 2004 336 14 0 .691 .51 1.82 .335 .865 .260 2.47 .271 -.013 1 22 EL10A 1751 2004 254 10 0 .632 .90 2.32 .385 .708 .239 2.51 .366 -.044 2 23 EL10B 1767 2004 238 10 1 .651 .60 1.36 .274 .690 .272 2.59 .428 -.023 4 24 EL11A 1759 2004 246 10 0 .611 .32 1.03 .225 .845 .354 2.50 .343 -.020 1 25 EL11B 1688 2004 317 13 0 .647 .43 1.44 .276 .785 .340 2.62 .423 -.012 1 26 EL12B 1591 2004 414 17 2 .629 .41 2.30 .366 .802 .442 2.64 .284 -.022 2 27 EL13A 1657 2004 348 14 3 .435 .83 3.35 .510 .844 .273 2.60 .364 -.061 1 28 EL14A 1788 2004 217 9 0 .647 .80 2.27 .445 .766 .288 2.61 .397 -.032 2 29 EL14B 1808 2004 197 8 0 .643 .61 2.18 .391 .788 .304 2.60 .429 -.052 2 30 EL15A 1769 2004 236 10 0 .578 .56 1.52 .317 .834 .254 2.69 .423 .006 1 31 EL15B 1598 2004 407 17 3 .528 .42 1.00 .183 .821 .224 2.68 .407 -.037 1 32 EL16A 1780 2004 225 9 1 .517 .85 3.47 .615 .901 .262 2.83 .435 -.036 1 33 EL16B 1808 2004 197 8 1 .645 .59 1.56 .252 .613 .290 2.74 .454 -.036 1 34 EL18A 1838 2004 167 7 0 .709 1.01 2.56 .524 .698 .339 2.66 .453 -.043 2 35 EL18B 1804 2004 201 8 0 .639 1.35 2.90 .606 .709 .282 2.73 .430 -.025 2 36 EL19A 1733 2004 272 11 1 .538 .54 1.26 .213 .787 .199 2.57 .370 -.032 1 37 EL19B 1731 2004 274 11 1 .456 .60 1.19 .202 .640 .224 2.72 .387 -.030 1 38 EL20A 1490 1845 356 14 2 .586 .37 1.18 .195 .817 .263 2.41 .240 -.015 2 39 EL20B 1609 1924 316 12 1 .616 .57 1.83 .257 .794 .249 2.47 .282 -.017 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 11307 458 27 .602 .52 3.47 .307 .789 .291 2.83 .353 -.022