Larch Valley ABLA, Alberta, Canada - CANA373 Additional information Margaret Colenutt Brian Luckman Cores are stored at: University of Western Ontario Reference: Colenutt, M.E., Luckman, B.H. 1991. Dendrochronological investigation of Larix lyallii at Larch Valley, Alberta. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 21:1222-1233. COFECHA output: Chronology file name : CANA373.CRN Measurement file name : CANA373.RWL Date checked : 13NOV13 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1725 Ending year : 1986 Principal investigators: Margaret Colenutt Brian Luckman Site name : Larch Valley Site location : Canada Species information : ABLA SUBALPINE FIR Latitude : 5121 Longitude : -11613 Elevation : 2200M Series intercorrelation: 0.724 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.230 Avg standard deviation : 0.239 Avg autocorrelation : 0.716 Number dated series : 22 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 3 Pct problem segments : 1.47 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Larch Valley ABLA 14:13 Wed 13 Nov 2013 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 LF710E 1765 1986 .64 .72 .80 .85 .83 .68 .42 .67 .76 2 LF710S 1744 1986 .22A .41 .71 .81 .86 .77 .73 .59 .70 .86 3 LF711N 1763 1986 .82 .84 .82 .85 .88 .86 .62 .72 .75 4 LF711S 1763 1986 .79 .86 .83 .82 .88 .72 .29A .65 .73 5 LF712S 1727 1986 .37 .67 .74 .48 .63 .86 .75 .64 .75 .79 6 LF712W 1725 1986 .31B .68 .65 .72 .88 .86 .83 .77 .85 .85 7 LF715S 1749 1986 .82 .79 .84 .89 .94 .81 .72 .73 .82 .88 8 LF715W 1735 1986 .39 .57 .73 .83 .94 .86 .78 .72 .77 .83 9 LF750N 1770 1986 .65 .68 .78 .81 .71 .73 .54 .58 .81 10 LF750W 1817 1986 .90 .91 .76 .57 .52 .84 .88 11 LF754N 1759 1986 .75 .79 .82 .82 .78 .79 .71 .67 .52 12 LF754S 1759 1986 .71 .71 .74 .64 .54 .54 .60 .73 .65 13 LF755N 1741 1986 .38 .71 .77 .82 .86 .79 .61 .50 .66 .68 14 LF755S 1757 1986 .78 .76 .79 .81 .75 .69 .45 .62 .70 15 LF757N 1738 1986 .42 .60 .66 .62 .76 .84 .82 .61 .68 .75 16 LF757S 1739 1986 .70 .76 .84 .83 .78 .81 .75 .61 .86 .79 17 LF759N 1770 1986 .72 .81 .91 .88 .86 .80 .64 .67 .71 18 LF759S 1770 1986 .80 .78 .80 .78 .81 .84 .72 .78 .79 19 LF760E 1769 1986 .58 .63 .80 .86 .79 .70 .54 .70 .80 20 LF760W 1769 1986 .61 .68 .84 .83 .62 .52 .55 .72 .73 21 LF767E 1750 1986 .68 .73 .80 .83 .71 .72 .84 .86 .80 22 LF767W 1758 1986 .76 .80 .89 .88 .69 .69 .82 .80 .81 Av segment correlation .45 .69 .75 .80 .83 .78 .72 .61 .73 .77 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Larch Valley ABLA 14:13 Wed 13 Nov 2013 Page 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 LF710E 1765 1986 222 9 0 .714 .64 1.60 .296 .812 .239 2.63 .327 -.020 1 2 LF710S 1744 1986 243 10 1 .684 .62 1.80 .379 .884 .242 2.63 .373 .003 1 3 LF711N 1763 1986 224 9 0 .808 .47 1.24 .215 .786 .254 2.67 .414 -.017 1 4 LF711S 1763 1986 224 9 1 .742 .47 1.31 .225 .792 .253 2.54 .333 -.009 1 5 LF712S 1727 1986 260 10 0 .639 .68 1.41 .233 .738 .206 2.43 .335 .010 1 6 LF712W 1725 1986 262 10 1 .701 .62 1.28 .214 .713 .214 2.58 .435 -.010 1 7 LF715S 1749 1986 238 10 0 .815 .62 1.46 .230 .701 .230 2.59 .417 .010 1 8 LF715W 1735 1986 252 10 0 .704 .61 1.36 .255 .793 .231 2.49 .287 .028 1 9 LF750N 1770 1986 217 9 0 .681 .54 1.18 .193 .751 .185 2.56 .286 -.005 1 10 LF750W 1817 1986 170 7 0 .781 .73 1.38 .305 .836 .206 2.62 .437 .014 1 11 LF754N 1759 1986 228 9 0 .722 .60 1.11 .184 .498 .256 2.64 .396 -.037 1 12 LF754S 1759 1986 228 9 0 .643 .57 1.56 .252 .802 .235 2.61 .395 -.011 1 13 LF755N 1741 1986 246 10 0 .659 .60 1.50 .199 .681 .209 2.67 .362 -.033 1 14 LF755S 1757 1986 230 9 0 .721 .72 1.89 .218 .538 .201 2.78 .438 -.058 2 15 LF757N 1738 1986 249 10 0 .667 .47 1.18 .221 .731 .277 2.68 .412 .004 1 16 LF757S 1739 1986 248 10 0 .768 .47 1.76 .261 .732 .273 2.75 .409 -.010 1 17 LF759N 1770 1986 217 9 0 .776 .68 1.46 .210 .689 .201 2.56 .409 .005 1 18 LF759S 1770 1986 217 9 0 .787 .69 1.78 .272 .832 .183 2.52 .360 -.003 1 19 LF760E 1769 1986 218 9 0 .713 .84 1.76 .294 .691 .219 2.66 .440 -.003 1 20 LF760W 1769 1986 218 9 0 .689 .66 1.68 .219 .554 .230 2.59 .397 -.009 1 21 LF767E 1750 1986 237 9 0 .754 .56 1.21 .181 .596 .237 2.58 .382 -.021 1 22 LF767W 1758 1986 229 9 0 .789 .64 1.40 .225 .633 .258 2.71 .442 -.016 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 5077 204 3 .724 .61 1.89 .239 .716 .230 2.78 .385 -.009