Edwards, Ontario, Canada - CANA648 Additional Site Information C.A. Copenheaver M.F.J. Pisaric Reference: Carolyn A. Copenheaver, Rebekah C. McCune, Emily A. Sorensen, Michael F.J. Pisaric, and B. Jacob Beale. 2014. Decreased radial growth in sugar maple trees tapped for maple syrup. The Forestry Chronicle, Vol. 90, Issue 6, pp. 771-777, 5 December 2014. DOI: 10.5558/tfc2014-149 Notes: These sugar maple trees were not tapped for maple syrup production. Funding: United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture 2009-38411-19754 COFECHA output: Chronology file name : CANA648.CRN Measurement file name : CANA648.RWL Date checked : 03DEC21 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1906 Ending year : 2011 Principal investigators: C.A. Copenheaver M.F.J. Pisaric Site name : Edwards Site location : Canada Species information : ACSH SUGAR MAPLE Latitude : 4515 Longitude : -07526 Elevation : 82M Series intercorrelation: 0.532 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.318 Avg standard deviation : 0.975 Avg autocorrelation : 0.594 Number dated series : 33 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 6 Pct problem segments : 8.70 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Edwards 16:21 Fri 03 Dec 2021 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1900 1925 1950 1975 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 ONR01B 1950 2011 .46 .62 2 ONR02A 1956 2011 .54 .63 3 ONR02B 1952 2011 .49 .68 4 ONR03A 1910 2011 .52 .64 .67 .60 5 ONR03B 1910 2011 .48 .70 .77 .71 6 ONR04A 1927 2011 .56 .47 .48 7 ONR04B 1906 2011 .63 .68 .56 .57 8 ONR05A 1921 2011 .31A .32A .48 .53 9 ONR05B 1910 2011 .44 .50 .52 .55 10 ONR06A 1925 2011 .59 .52 .62 11 ONR08B 1926 2011 .47 .52 .52 12 ONR09A 1916 2011 .43 .58 .48 .61 13 ONR10B 1940 2011 .40 .45 .50 14 ONR11B 1925 2011 .54 .38 .48 15 ONR13A 1976 2011 .79 16 ONR13B 1977 2011 .81 17 ONR15A 1969 2011 .66 18 ONR15B 1970 2011 .65 19 ONR16A 1975 2011 .68 20 ONR16B 1975 2011 .44 21 ONR18B 1961 2011 .24A .26A 22 ONR19A 1960 2011 .57 .58 23 ONR20A 1924 2011 .59 .60 .39 .41 24 ONR21A 1980 2011 .59 25 ONR21B 1979 2011 .42B 26 ONR22A 1975 2011 .71 27 ONR22B 1974 2011 .38 28 ONR23A 1972 2011 .31B 29 ONR23B 1971 2011 .36 30 ONR24A 1963 2011 .56 31 ONR24B 1972 2011 .67 32 ONR25A 1966 2009 .41 33 ONR25B 1965 2011 .39 Av segment correlation .49 .55 .50 .57 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Edwards 16:21 Fri 03 Dec 2021 Page 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 ONR01B 1950 2011 62 2 0 .601 1.82 3.38 .684 .617 .288 2.50 .453 .043 1 2 ONR02A 1956 2011 56 2 0 .551 3.22 7.23 1.188 .437 .307 2.76 .477 -.044 2 3 ONR02B 1952 2011 60 2 0 .509 3.08 5.67 1.010 .553 .273 2.53 .464 -.013 2 4 ONR03A 1910 2011 102 4 0 .564 2.54 5.48 .935 .462 .268 3.20 .619 .001 2 5 ONR03B 1910 2011 102 4 0 .609 2.75 5.83 1.084 .450 .327 2.58 .501 -.021 2 6 ONR04A 1927 2011 85 3 0 .528 1.88 5.66 .950 .670 .351 2.65 .427 .037 1 7 ONR04B 1906 2011 106 4 0 .610 1.43 3.74 .691 .651 .359 2.63 .396 .004 2 8 ONR05A 1921 2011 91 4 2 .401 3.05 6.75 1.216 .634 .305 2.65 .608 .042 2 9 ONR05B 1910 2011 102 4 0 .486 2.70 5.23 1.111 .657 .313 2.50 .425 .020 2 10 ONR06A 1925 2011 87 3 0 .617 1.49 3.78 .787 .635 .378 2.55 .499 -.066 2 11 ONR08B 1926 2011 86 3 0 .458 1.73 4.02 .749 .421 .425 2.83 .427 -.048 2 12 ONR09A 1916 2011 96 4 0 .523 1.67 4.70 .832 .514 .357 2.93 .556 -.025 1 13 ONR10B 1940 2011 72 3 0 .448 1.47 3.12 .653 .558 .341 2.52 .406 -.004 2 14 ONR11B 1925 2011 87 3 0 .555 1.40 4.15 1.000 .754 .408 2.76 .495 .005 1 15 ONR13A 1976 2011 36 1 0 .792 2.10 3.18 .547 .334 .257 2.51 .663 -.019 1 16 ONR13B 1977 2011 35 1 0 .807 2.65 3.66 .629 .323 .220 2.30 .468 -.055 1 17 ONR15A 1969 2011 43 1 0 .662 3.62 6.84 1.283 .648 .258 2.46 .447 .002 1 18 ONR15B 1970 2011 42 1 0 .655 3.59 6.41 1.312 .610 .277 2.40 .415 .034 1 19 ONR16A 1975 2011 37 1 0 .683 3.17 5.24 .926 .547 .240 2.58 .564 -.068 1 20 ONR16B 1975 2011 37 1 0 .444 2.73 4.61 .992 .649 .267 2.40 .442 -.058 1 21 ONR18B 1961 2011 51 2 2 .303 .98 2.63 .697 .880 .318 2.61 .507 -.072 3 22 ONR19A 1960 2011 52 2 0 .596 1.73 3.30 .607 .665 .249 2.64 .618 -.029 2 23 ONR20A 1924 2011 88 4 0 .491 1.03 3.01 .619 .689 .429 2.57 .477 -.013 1 24 ONR21A 1980 2011 32 1 0 .585 3.28 6.23 1.028 .516 .237 2.60 .569 -.019 1 25 ONR21B 1979 2011 33 1 1 .420 3.57 6.63 1.414 .700 .235 2.37 .465 .053 1 26 ONR22A 1975 2011 37 1 0 .706 3.72 6.05 1.257 .447 .298 2.50 .657 -.012 1 27 ONR22B 1974 2011 38 1 0 .380 3.07 5.25 .978 .422 .290 2.53 .438 .015 1 28 ONR23A 1972 2011 40 1 1 .308 3.22 5.71 1.204 .716 .229 2.34 .527 -.032 2 29 ONR23B 1971 2011 41 1 0 .356 3.91 6.89 1.557 .724 .259 2.38 .560 -.046 2 30 ONR24A 1963 2011 49 1 0 .563 2.69 7.14 1.434 .704 .316 2.73 .522 -.095 1 31 ONR24B 1972 2011 40 1 0 .669 2.68 4.95 .839 .403 .263 2.68 .622 -.047 2 32 ONR25A 1966 2009 44 1 0 .410 2.92 6.02 1.820 .818 .306 2.67 .534 -.065 1 33 ONR25B 1965 2011 47 1 0 .392 2.67 5.70 1.309 .701 .321 2.58 .533 .011 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 2016 69 6 .532 2.35 7.23 .975 .594 .318 3.20 .502 -.014