Chronology file name : CO526.CRN Measurement file name : CO526.RWL Date checked : 15MAR05 Checked by : H. ADAMS AND J. LUKAS Beginning year : 1650 Ending year : 1980 Principal investigators: T. W. SWETNAM, A. M. LYNCH, B. J. RAIMO Site name : DEVIL'S GULCH, COLORADO Site location : COLORADO Species information : PIPO PONDEROSA PINE Latitude : 4025 Longitude : -10528 Elevation : 2400M Series intercorrelation: 0.820 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.411 Avg standard deviation : 0.363 Avg autocorrelation : 0.688 Number dated series : 31 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 0 Pct problem segments : 0.00 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: co526.rwl 17:04 Tue 15 Mar 2005 Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 DVG011 1866 1960 .79 .88 .92 .89 2 DVG012 1872 1960 .81 .81 .91 .93 3 DVG021 1908 1980 .52 .51 .53 4 DVG022 1903 1980 .56 .50 .51 5 DVG031 1883 1980 .87 .90 .86 .88 6 DVG032 1886 1980 .86 .88 .88 .89 7 DVG041 1896 1980 .88 .89 .93 .94 8 DVG042 1886 1980 .87 .90 .84 .84 9 DVG051 1893 1920 .84 10 DVG052 1892 1920 .84 11 DVG061 1846 1920 .80 .82 .86 12 DVG062 1840 1920 .78 .85 .85 13 DVG071 1803 1920 .78 .88 .81 .73 14 DVG081 1804 1980 .85 .78 .78 .79 .78 .78 .80 15 DVG082 1807 1980 .81 .83 .92 .90 .81 .79 .80 16 DVG091 1867 1980 .82 .86 .83 .88 .87 17 DVG092 1879 1980 .84 .85 .80 .81 18 DVG111 1783 1980 .89 .87 .83 .87 .89 .90 .87 .87 19 DVG112 1770 1950 .84 .90 .88 .83 .90 .92 .92 .92 20 DVG113 1765 1980 .81 .90 .88 .82 .89 .90 .90 .85 .86 21 DVG121 1720 1980 .74 .70 .71 .74 .76 .84 .91 .93 .89 .90 .92 22 DVG122 1756 1950 .66 .78 .86 .83 .92 .96 .91 .91 23 DVG131 1650 1980 .73 .74 .79 .91 .89 .76 .80 .90 .91 .80 .80 24 DVG141 1750 1980 .88 .92 .87 .83 .85 .85 .88 .83 .79 25 DVG142 1773 1980 .91 .92 .90 .77 .83 .89 .87 .79 .79 26 DVG181 1800 1980 .69 .75 .69 .66 .75 .77 .79 27 DVG182 1774 1980 .63 .65 .78 .78 .77 .74 .79 .74 .74 28 DVG191 1744 1980 .57 .63 .71 .79 .82 .81 .85 .85 .82 .82 29 DVG192 1795 1980 .73 .71 .75 .78 .76 .75 .79 .77 30 DVG201 1786 1950 .91 .93 .91 .93 .90 .90 .90 31 DVG202 1803 1980 .88 .88 .85 .86 .91 .84 .83 Av segment correlation .73 .67 .76 .83 .83 .81 .83 .85 .84 .82 .80 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: co526.rwl 17:04 Tue 15 Mar 2005 Page 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 DVG011 1866 1960 95 4 0 .837 1.16 3.86 1.005 .909 .418 2.49 .477 .005 1 2 DVG012 1872 1960 89 4 0 .865 1.16 3.96 .952 .857 .390 2.54 .486 .015 1 3 DVG021 1908 1980 73 3 0 .552 .66 1.66 .388 .746 .340 2.63 .514 -.069 1 4 DVG022 1903 1980 78 3 0 .597 .42 1.49 .273 .790 .389 2.78 .584 -.010 1 5 DVG031 1883 1980 98 4 0 .871 .68 2.31 .480 .711 .501 2.60 .592 .053 1 6 DVG032 1886 1980 95 4 0 .870 .79 2.49 .489 .723 .434 2.49 .458 -.030 1 7 DVG041 1896 1980 85 4 0 .906 .64 2.13 .488 .833 .458 2.56 .545 -.007 1 8 DVG042 1886 1980 95 4 0 .842 .69 2.26 .564 .844 .537 2.52 .448 -.021 1 9 DVG051 1893 1920 28 1 0 .840 .33 .92 .200 .436 .482 2.52 .591 .120 1 10 DVG052 1892 1920 29 1 0 .837 .29 .70 .155 .365 .524 2.45 .539 .047 1 11 DVG061 1846 1920 75 3 0 .830 .52 .98 .180 .492 .335 2.66 .578 -.023 2 12 DVG062 1840 1920 81 3 0 .819 .54 1.76 .275 .734 .337 2.56 .453 -.076 2 13 DVG071 1803 1920 118 4 0 .739 .44 1.33 .264 .569 .561 2.57 .465 -.055 2 14 DVG081 1804 1980 177 7 0 .810 .47 1.77 .303 .800 .356 2.52 .378 -.026 1 15 DVG082 1807 1980 174 7 0 .846 .60 1.67 .321 .759 .354 2.47 .375 -.027 1 16 DVG091 1867 1980 114 5 0 .834 .77 1.92 .348 .723 .262 2.68 .394 -.044 1 17 DVG092 1879 1980 102 4 0 .821 .69 1.72 .293 .627 .336 2.48 .427 -.009 1 18 DVG111 1783 1980 198 8 0 .872 .63 1.64 .340 .662 .426 2.51 .392 -.043 1 19 DVG112 1770 1950 181 8 0 .889 .68 1.80 .342 .578 .405 2.46 .360 -.011 1 20 DVG113 1765 1980 216 9 0 .867 .65 2.15 .380 .692 .427 2.53 .395 -.037 1 21 DVG121 1720 1980 261 11 0 .819 .62 2.08 .388 .764 .427 2.48 .354 -.009 2 22 DVG122 1756 1950 195 8 0 .842 .70 1.79 .355 .730 .360 2.56 .415 -.024 1 23 DVG131 1650 1980 331 11 0 .852 .32 1.32 .223 .771 .497 2.42 .333 -.029 2 24 DVG141 1750 1980 231 9 0 .843 .62 1.42 .279 .535 .384 2.58 .434 -.018 2 25 DVG142 1773 1980 208 9 0 .839 .54 1.48 .267 .650 .398 2.35 .298 -.026 5 26 DVG181 1800 1980 181 7 0 .718 .73 2.40 .443 .716 .394 2.63 .364 -.058 2 27 DVG182 1774 1980 207 9 0 .717 .78 2.78 .490 .732 .380 2.52 .315 -.033 2 28 DVG191 1744 1980 237 10 0 .770 .33 .72 .141 .431 .414 2.55 .391 -.019 2 29 DVG192 1795 1980 186 8 0 .768 .33 .73 .157 .516 .430 2.70 .467 -.014 1 30 DVG201 1786 1950 165 7 0 .907 .70 2.14 .383 .697 .398 2.45 .378 -.048 1 31 DVG202 1803 1980 178 7 0 .854 .91 3.01 .587 .805 .419 2.46 .364 -.038 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 4581 186 0 .820 .62 3.96 .363 .688 .411 2.78 .406 -.025