Chronology file name : CO529.CRN Measurement file name : CO529.RWL Date checked : 15MAR05 Checked by : H. ADAMS AND J. LUKAS Beginning year : 1726 Ending year : 1984 Principal investigators: T. W. SWETNAM, A. M. LYNCH, B. J. RAIMO Site name : OPHIR CREEK, COLORADO Site location : COLORADO Species information : PIPO PONDEROSA PINE Latitude : 3804 Longitude : -10508 Elevation : 2438M Series intercorrelation: 0.762 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.376 Avg standard deviation : 0.801 Avg autocorrelation : 0.761 Number dated series : 31 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 0 Pct problem segments : 0.00 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: co529.rwl 17:04 Tue 15 Mar 2005 Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 OPH011 1890 1983 .64 .60 .81 .78 2 OPH012 1898 1983 .57 .62 .83 .77 3 OPH021 1897 1983 .53 .54 .76 .81 4 OPH022 1897 1983 .53 .64 .77 .77 5 OPH031 1878 1983 .65 .63 .69 .66 6 OPH041 1864 1983 .63 .59 .62 .70 .72 7 OPH051 1830 1984 .81 .79 .67 .55 .73 .75 8 OPH052 1830 1984 .88 .89 .87 .61 .77 .80 9 OPH061 1831 1984 .87 .86 .83 .62 .78 .83 10 OPH062 1830 1984 .71 .81 .85 .71 .87 .89 11 OPH071 1860 1984 .69 .85 .79 .80 .80 12 OPH072 1869 1984 .84 .85 .70 .84 .83 13 OPH081 1870 1984 .80 .82 .78 .85 .86 14 OPH082 1870 1984 .77 .77 .58 .81 .88 15 OPH091 1804 1984 .65 .68 .80 .81 .77 .75 .72 16 OPH101 1830 1984 .65 .79 .83 .71 .85 .82 17 OPH102 1830 1984 .67 .80 .84 .68 .83 .81 18 OPH111 1792 1984 .64 .73 .73 .88 .88 .80 .82 .77 19 OPH112 1795 1984 .73 .72 .80 .90 .86 .72 .74 .76 20 OPH121 1821 1984 .78 .76 .81 .81 .71 .70 .80 21 OPH122 1807 1984 .76 .77 .82 .85 .77 .79 .85 22 OPH131 1726 1984 .64 .78 .68 .45 .67 .74 .68 .71 .73 .76 23 OPH132 1732 1984 .72 .76 .78 .72 .83 .85 .78 .79 .81 .81 24 OPH141 1848 1984 .60 .62 .58 .53 .71 .73 25 OPH142 1840 1984 .52 .54 .60 .53 .43 .41 26 OPH161 1830 1984 .63 .83 .85 .77 .88 .80 27 OPH162 1830 1984 .78 .84 .85 .76 .83 .75 28 OPH171 1731 1984 .65 .76 .77 .57 .64 .75 .79 .73 .60 .64 29 OPH172 1775 1984 .80 .68 .76 .87 .86 .79 .80 .80 30 OPH181 1854 1984 .80 .87 .84 .80 .80 31 OPH182 1862 1984 .79 .84 .86 .81 .76 Av segment correlation .67 .77 .73 .67 .72 .79 .76 .69 .77 .77 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: co529.rwl 17:04 Tue 15 Mar 2005 Page 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 OPH011 1890 1983 94 4 0 .727 .83 2.16 .394 .762 .322 2.71 .512 -.029 1 2 OPH012 1898 1983 86 4 0 .684 .87 2.53 .571 .858 .329 2.61 .504 -.016 1 3 OPH021 1897 1983 87 4 0 .712 1.13 2.38 .489 .813 .235 2.58 .421 .050 1 4 OPH022 1897 1983 87 4 0 .668 .87 2.23 .511 .872 .276 2.79 .510 -.038 1 5 OPH031 1878 1983 106 4 0 .647 .63 1.89 .300 .688 .283 2.59 .412 -.081 1 6 OPH041 1864 1983 120 5 0 .658 .90 2.81 .593 .871 .243 2.56 .399 -.022 1 7 OPH051 1830 1984 155 6 0 .733 1.13 3.52 .619 .802 .325 2.61 .457 .038 1 8 OPH052 1830 1984 155 6 0 .825 1.18 3.80 .747 .824 .325 2.52 .388 .055 1 9 OPH061 1831 1984 154 6 0 .803 1.54 4.78 .896 .831 .299 2.55 .379 .030 4 10 OPH062 1830 1984 155 6 0 .810 .99 3.41 .698 .856 .332 2.51 .336 .047 2 11 OPH071 1860 1984 125 5 0 .718 1.22 3.21 .608 .582 .439 2.56 .424 .081 1 12 OPH072 1869 1984 116 5 0 .799 1.72 4.40 .940 .553 .501 2.51 .414 .012 1 13 OPH081 1870 1984 115 5 0 .817 1.74 4.32 .972 .775 .312 2.64 .517 .061 1 14 OPH082 1870 1984 115 5 0 .778 2.24 5.25 1.017 .732 .271 2.53 .399 .016 1 15 OPH091 1804 1984 181 7 0 .715 1.41 2.97 .646 .771 .297 2.38 .278 -.019 1 16 OPH101 1830 1984 155 6 0 .779 1.35 3.63 .736 .846 .257 2.63 .326 .001 1 17 OPH102 1830 1984 155 6 0 .768 1.61 4.66 1.050 .874 .355 2.51 .297 .003 1 18 OPH111 1792 1984 193 8 0 .781 1.24 3.43 .755 .830 .336 2.50 .339 -.020 1 19 OPH112 1795 1984 190 8 0 .784 1.25 3.56 .771 .819 .360 2.43 .334 -.015 3 20 OPH121 1821 1984 164 7 0 .806 1.70 4.93 1.006 .735 .369 2.60 .393 .017 2 21 OPH122 1807 1984 178 7 0 .812 1.92 5.11 1.172 .787 .366 2.55 .410 .018 1 22 OPH131 1726 1984 259 10 0 .731 .90 3.96 .710 .632 .580 2.53 .414 -.018 1 23 OPH132 1732 1984 253 10 0 .802 1.48 5.26 1.034 .721 .445 2.65 .421 -.014 1 24 OPH141 1848 1984 137 6 0 .684 1.17 4.30 .857 .638 .486 2.75 .413 -.001 1 25 OPH142 1840 1984 145 6 0 .622 1.36 6.66 1.310 .715 .549 2.51 .389 .002 1 26 OPH161 1830 1984 155 6 0 .763 1.48 4.83 1.085 .858 .338 2.58 .412 -.013 1 27 OPH162 1830 1984 155 6 0 .840 1.28 3.46 .877 .839 .336 2.40 .330 .015 1 28 OPH171 1731 1984 254 10 0 .760 .73 3.04 .646 .770 .519 2.62 .373 -.035 1 29 OPH172 1775 1984 210 8 0 .808 .93 2.61 .580 .717 .445 2.63 .423 -.025 1 30 OPH181 1854 1984 131 5 0 .801 2.14 5.96 .928 .538 .314 2.88 .378 .039 1 31 OPH182 1862 1984 123 5 0 .804 1.69 3.64 .831 .727 .344 2.39 .358 .003 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 4708 190 0 .762 1.30 6.66 .801 .761 .376 2.88 .392 .003