Mountain Research Station Site 5, Colorado - CO679 Additional Site Information Ricardo Villalba Thomas T. Veblen Reference: Ricardo Villalba, Thomas T. Veblen, John Ogden. 1994. Climatic Influences on the Growth of Subalpine Trees in the Colorado Front Range. Ecology, Vol. 75, issue 5, pp. 1450-1462, July 1994. DOI: 10.2307/1937468 Funding: US National Park Service's Global Change Program, US National Science Foundation, University of Colorado Council on Research and Creative Work Program on Environmental Quality and Global Change Chronology file name : CO679.CRN Measurement file name : CO679.RWL Date checked : 19JAN22 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1374 Ending year : 1990 Principal investigators: Ricardo Villalba Thomas T. Veblen Site name : Mt. Research Station Site 5 Site location : Colorado Species information : PCEN ENGELMANN SPRUCE Latitude : 4003 Longitude : -10535 Elevation : 3350 Series intercorrelation: 0.549 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.215 Avg standard deviation : 0.221 Avg autocorrelation : 0.845 Number dated series : 39 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 45 Pct problem segments : 7.83 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: co679 11:41 Wed 19 Jan 2022 Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1400 1425 1450 1475 1500 1525 1550 1575 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1449 1474 1499 1524 1549 1574 1599 1624 1649 1674 1699 1724 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 MR503A 1613 1990 .61 .63 .61 .51 .42 .51 .56 .60 .66 .69 .69 .59 2 MR507A 1593 1990 .71 .64 .49 .37 .36B .37 .38 .54 .67 .73 .72 .70 .63 3 MR507B 1592 1990 .77 .76 .54 .26A .42 .41 .34 .36 .39 .63 .68 .65 .59 4 MR508A 1678 1990 .43 .41 .48 .62 .65 .75 .69 .59 .55 5 MR510A 1480 1990 .69 .70 .71 .73 .67 .60 .59 .59 .60 .60 .62 .67 .65 .72 .81 .78 .68 6 MR512A 1473 1990 .56 .59 .74 .70 .67 .79 .80 .65 .41 .52 .58 .55 .72 .69 .67 .70 .63 .62 7 MR513A 1605 1990 .38 .49 .52 .47 .41 .62 .75 .63 .66 .78 .71 .70 8 MR514A 1612 1990 .70 .70 .67 .73 .44 .56 .76 .66 .58 .66 .67 .41 9 MR515A 1553 1990 .26B .39 .54 .66 .59 .51 .41 .42 .61 .65 .74 .81 .76 .78 10 MR520A 1740 1990 .46 .47 .47 .54 .67 .48 .49 11 MR520B 1740 1990 .42 .42 .57 .70 .75 .66 .56 12 MR53157 1621 1930 .37 .42 .62 .57 .33A .39 .44 .33 .57 .75 .62 .57 13 MR53158 1550 1931 .32A .54 .45 .46 .70 .62 .27A .40 .56 .51 .68 .73 .70 .50 14 MR53159 1598 1835 .45 .43 .56 .62 .39 .26A .43 .49 .41 .39 15 MR53173 1443 1886 .49 .48 .27A .32A .48 .60 .43 .39 .59 .64 .56 .51 .39 .45 .44 .38 .46 .49 16 MR53174 1445 1885 .30A .28A .31A .35 .31A .47 .45 .51 .61 .59 .53 .45 .54 .43 .43 .54 .55 .66 17 MR53175 1664 1920 .29B .47 .36 .40 .59 .30B .33 .72 .62 .63 18 MR53184 1374 1709 .58 .39 .30A .51 .66 .62 .61 .62 .53 .56 .56 .44 19 MR53191 1436 1875 .39 .41 .63 .78 .69 .58 .62 .68 .51 .45 .47 .33 .53 .65 .70 .39 .37 .37 20 MR53192 1435 1879 .35 .43 .55 .63 .63 .65 .64 .67 .72 .64 .56 .44 .44 .53 .56 .27B .40 .45 21 MR53193 1602 1841 .67 .64 .55 .44 .26A .39 .50 .54 .56 22 MR53195 1436 1819 .51 .47 .42 .56 .57 .60 .66 .69 .67 .65 .69 .57 .52 .46 .42 23 MR53196 1423 1837 .46 .42 .42 .65 .81 .77 .67 .70 .79 .81 .66 .66 .45 .43 .68 .56 .59 24 MR53197 1487 1950 .26B .39 .51 .48 .72 .78 .55 .51 .67 .46 .27A .43 .46 .52 .67 .65 .62 25 MR53198 1445 1965 .35 .40 .64 .76 .67 .56 .58 .68 .63 .55 .53 .37 .51 .72 .56 .54 .63 .64 .50 26 MR53199 1420 1885 .34 .40 .50 .60 .72 .59 .60 .63 .56 .67 .58 .52 .34 .27A .53 .70 .72 .68 .71 27 MR53200 1475 1924 .46 .68 .71 .60 .64 .74 .67 .69 .50 .30B .59 .63 .64 .68 .71 .69 .57 28 MR53203 1730 1963 .38 .43 .23A .33 .53 .57 .62 29 MR53204 1719 1963 .46 .41 .58 .53 .50 .63 .51 .48 30 MR536A 1726 1990 .35 .61 .59 .69 .77 .79 .72 31 MR536B 1726 1990 .45 .50 .62 .60 .67 .63 .56 32 MR538A 1735 1990 .31B .26A .49 .78 .78 .82 .88 33 MR541A 1659 1990 .28B .34B .18B .23B .42 .56 .65 .73 .77 .64 34 MR542A 1748 1990 .43 .46 .53 .69 .73 .71 .68 35 MR545A 1452 1981 .66 .69 .79 .70 .52 .58 .64 .67 .69 .44 .35 .43 .56 .60 .72 .81 .65 .60 36 MR549A 1410 1990 .33A .25A .64 .66 .78 .76 .60 .55 .45 .39 .45B .52 .43 .44 .70 .79 .76 .77 .69 .54 37 MR551A 1554 1990 .72 .85 .73 .64 .65 .61 .49 .47 .69 .71 .75 .71 .67 .72 38 MR558A 1528 1990 .23A .59 .69 .56 .49 .56 .47 .44 .65 .73 .68 .66 .74 .69 .57 39 MR560A 1798 1990 .63 .64 .63 .63 .62 Av segment correlation .43 .38 .46 .53 .64 .60 .57 .62 .61 .59 .55 .52 .40 .44 .55 .56 .60 .68 .65 .61 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: co679 11:41 Wed 19 Jan 2022 Page 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1900 1925 1950 1949 1974 1999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 MR503A 1613 1990 .50 .64 .71 2 MR507A 1593 1990 .57 .57 .48 3 MR507B 1592 1990 .42 .39 .45 4 MR508A 1678 1990 .22B .23B .46 5 MR510A 1480 1990 .66 .62 .52 6 MR512A 1473 1990 .57 .62 .46 7 MR513A 1605 1990 .61 .60 .54 8 MR514A 1612 1990 .16B .22B .35 9 MR515A 1553 1990 .75 .57 .59 10 MR520A 1740 1990 .63 .52 .46 11 MR520B 1740 1990 .46 .47 .35 12 MR53157 1621 1930 .52 13 MR53158 1550 1931 .39 24 MR53197 1487 1950 .39B .38B 25 MR53198 1445 1965 .31A .28A 28 MR53203 1730 1963 .57 .35 29 MR53204 1719 1963 .51 .21B 30 MR536A 1726 1990 .49 .19B .17B 31 MR536B 1726 1990 .55 .55 .44 32 MR538A 1735 1990 .58 .56 .64 33 MR541A 1659 1990 .50 .51 .39 34 MR542A 1748 1990 .68 .62 .46 35 MR545A 1452 1981 .55 .46 .46 36 MR549A 1410 1990 .50 .55 .32A 37 MR551A 1554 1990 .57 .49 .53 38 MR558A 1528 1990 .55 .54 .59 39 MR560A 1798 1990 .52 .52 .50 Av segment correlation .51 .47 .47 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: co679 11:41 Wed 19 Jan 2022 Page 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 MR503A 1613 1990 378 15 0 .603 .56 1.32 .241 .865 .187 2.63 .369 -.019 1 2 MR507A 1593 1990 398 16 1 .559 .32 .96 .221 .939 .212 2.60 .321 -.007 1 3 MR507B 1592 1990 399 16 1 .512 .42 1.51 .342 .954 .213 2.60 .382 .025 1 4 MR508A 1678 1990 313 12 2 .512 .95 2.89 .469 .890 .171 2.71 .408 -.005 1 5 MR510A 1480 1990 511 20 0 .655 .44 1.17 .220 .906 .202 2.53 .343 -.014 8 6 MR512A 1473 1990 518 21 0 .618 .26 .87 .112 .830 .196 2.75 .343 -.024 1 7 MR513A 1605 1990 386 15 0 .579 .62 1.17 .195 .798 .156 2.70 .396 -.009 4 8 MR514A 1612 1990 379 15 2 .559 .40 1.13 .199 .851 .228 2.68 .456 -.035 1 9 MR515A 1553 1990 438 17 1 .588 .41 1.05 .176 .860 .179 2.62 .307 -.017 1 10 MR520A 1740 1990 251 10 0 .516 .30 .92 .143 .799 .243 2.55 .300 -.011 1 11 MR520B 1740 1990 251 10 0 .524 .64 2.18 .443 .903 .236 2.50 .323 -.046 1 12 MR53157 1621 1930 310 13 1 .495 .61 1.92 .404 .910 .211 2.65 .389 -.038 2 13 MR53158 1550 1931 382 15 2 .504 .49 1.48 .242 .830 .230 2.79 .351 -.005 1 14 MR53159 1598 1835 238 10 1 .426 .28 .84 .101 .739 .196 2.50 .301 -.021 1 15 MR53173 1443 1886 444 18 2 .460 .32 .70 .121 .728 .226 2.53 .312 -.039 1 16 MR53174 1445 1885 441 18 4 .469 .32 .75 .126 .825 .178 2.76 .461 .012 1 17 MR53175 1664 1920 257 10 2 .447 .33 .62 .103 .677 .206 2.41 .240 -.046 1 18 MR53184 1374 1709 336 12 1 .541 .44 1.83 .433 .959 .222 2.72 .444 -.035 1 19 MR53191 1436 1875 440 18 0 .545 .35 1.11 .205 .845 .279 2.65 .406 -.042 1 20 MR53192 1435 1879 445 18 1 .537 .35 1.20 .210 .863 .250 2.68 .360 -.010 1 21 MR53193 1602 1841 240 9 1 .530 .47 .90 .151 .562 .244 2.56 .408 -.042 1 22 MR53195 1436 1819 384 15 0 .562 .49 2.42 .448 .956 .211 2.61 .332 -.004 1 23 MR53196 1423 1837 415 17 0 .633 .41 2.39 .325 .932 .193 2.74 .377 .013 2 24 MR53197 1487 1950 464 19 4 .501 .20 1.60 .127 .805 .258 2.65 .314 -.021 1 25 MR53198 1445 1965 521 21 2 .527 .30 1.94 .269 .895 .286 2.49 .275 .006 1 26 MR53199 1420 1885 466 19 1 .572 .36 2.13 .304 .931 .220 2.66 .335 -.032 1 27 MR53200 1475 1924 450 17 1 .594 .25 .73 .114 .773 .242 2.68 .312 -.005 1 28 MR53203 1730 1963 234 9 1 .436 .25 .61 .110 .773 .224 2.67 .389 .019 2 29 MR53204 1719 1963 245 10 1 .457 .26 .66 .134 .858 .228 2.78 .427 -.026 2 30 MR536A 1726 1990 265 10 2 .525 .35 .69 .124 .780 .199 2.69 .434 -.017 1 31 MR536B 1726 1990 265 10 0 .549 .51 1.36 .236 .875 .193 2.73 .396 .017 1 32 MR538A 1735 1990 256 10 2 .632 .67 1.49 .251 .828 .178 2.66 .409 .029 1 33 MR541A 1659 1990 332 13 4 .467 .47 1.19 .217 .880 .186 2.74 .341 .001 1 34 MR542A 1748 1990 243 10 0 .606 .40 1.11 .218 .916 .186 2.79 .354 -.019 1 35 MR545A 1452 1981 530 21 0 .592 .27 .81 .148 .864 .209 2.61 .262 -.016 1 36 MR549A 1410 1990 581 23 4 .550 .33 1.12 .209 .892 .229 2.73 .360 -.027 1 37 MR551A 1554 1990 437 17 0 .653 .45 .97 .174 .775 .210 2.55 .288 -.021 2 38 MR558A 1528 1990 463 18 1 .571 .45 .93 .155 .681 .222 2.70 .371 -.005 1 39 MR560A 1798 1990 193 8 0 .585 .84 1.86 .338 .830 .199 2.68 .520 -.021 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 14499 575 45 .549 .41 2.89 .221 .845 .215 2.79 .356 -.014