Pic de sept Hommes, France - FRAN047 Additional Information U. Büntgen J. Esper D. Frank D. Nievergelt A. Verstege Collection purpose: dendroclimatology Cores are stored at: Notes: Formerly rw00463pds References: Büntgen et al (2007) TRACE; Büntgen et al (2008) Climate Dynamics COFECHA output: Chronology file name : FRAN047.CRN Measurement file name : FRAN047.RWL Date checked : 15JAN14 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1798 Ending year : 2005 Principal investigators: U. Büntgen J. Esper D. Frank D. Nievergelt A. Verstege Site name : Pic de sept Hommes Site location : France Species information : PIUN MOUNTAIN PINE Latitude : 4229 Longitude : 00225 Elevation : 2300M Series intercorrelation: 0.513 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.212 Avg standard deviation : 0.633 Avg autocorrelation : 0.787 Number dated series : 42 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 19 Pct problem segments : 9.55 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Podragu 11:13 Wed 15 Jan 2014 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 pds33z 1852 2005 .30A .55 .60 .55 .64 .64 2 pds32b 1901 2005 .54 .72 .67 .65 3 pds32a 1874 2005 .42 .45 .67 .73 .64 .62 4 pds31z 1929 2005 .49 .69 .63 5 pds30z 1882 2005 .62 .71 .72 .79 .71 6 pds29z 1888 2005 .40 .38 .42 .55 .59 7 pds28b 1897 2005 .10B .50B .76 .73 .71 8 pds28a 1894 2004 .35B .40 .68 .64 .63 9 pds27z 1899 2005 .63 .63 .58 .61 .62 10 pds26b 1862 2005 .64 .58 .33 .34B .39 .41 11 pds26a 1887 2005 .59 .64 .67 .46 .41 12 pds25z 1900 2005 .29A .40 .48 .45 13 pds24z 1920 2005 .46 .48 .54 .47 14 pds23z 1888 2005 .40 .58 .65 .63 .63 15 pds22z 1856 2005 .50 .61 .64 .71 .82 .80 16 pds21z 1897 2005 .43 .48 .61 .68 .67 17 pds20c 1917 2005 .75 .76 .76 .75 18 pds20a 1907 2005 .34B .54 .52 .49 19 pds19z 1938 2005 .61 .74 .72 20 pds18z 1867 2005 .54 .50 .35B .51 .61 .57 21 pds17z 1883 2005 .39 .51 .52 .60 .56 22 pds16z 1879 2005 .51 .45 .49 .63 .59 23 pds15z 1884 2005 .54 .61 .62 .61 .58 24 pds14z 1886 2005 .40 .45 .38 .51 .45 25 pds13b 1905 2004 .42 .53 .66 .64 26 pds13a 1867 2004 .65 .56 .49 .54 .68 .65 27 pds12b 1961 2005 .63 28 pds12a 1960 2005 .63 29 pds11z 1924 2005 .31A .32A .23A .26A 30 pds10c 1917 2005 .55 .66 .62 .58 31 pds10a 1922 2004 .42 .49 .42 .41 32 pds09z 1906 2005 .50 .62 .70 .62 33 pds08z 1896 2005 .52 .51 .76 .74 .75 34 pds07z 1866 2005 .72 .80 .70 .52 .58 .56 35 pds06b 1890 2005 .58 .55 .55 .46 .47 36 pds06a 1924 2005 .48 .49 .72 .70 37 pds05z 1898 2005 .27A .31A .59 .56 .52 38 pds03b 1834 2005 .48 .42 .30A .30B .46 .34 .30A 39 pds03a 1798 2005 .61 .51 .45 .42 .56 .56 .49 40 pds02z 1874 2005 .45 .45 .53 .68 .57 .50 41 pds01b 1879 2005 .59 .52 .40 .22A .23A 42 pds01a 1879 2005 .53 .61 .59 .54 .56 Av segment correlation .54 .51 .49 .50 .57 .59 .57 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Podragu 11:13 Wed 15 Jan 2014 Page 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 pds33z 1852 2005 154 6 1 .481 1.56 3.11 .550 .743 .226 2.53 .424 -.011 1 2 pds32b 1901 2005 105 4 0 .622 3.04 5.74 .788 .575 .181 2.52 .449 -.030 1 3 pds32a 1874 2005 132 6 0 .576 1.97 5.49 .923 .804 .212 2.66 .509 -.047 1 4 pds31z 1929 2005 77 3 0 .503 2.53 4.57 1.051 .829 .206 2.55 .519 -.095 1 5 pds30z 1882 2005 124 5 0 .678 1.20 3.61 .754 .919 .237 2.63 .477 .006 1 6 pds29z 1888 2005 118 5 0 .475 1.30 3.38 .498 .818 .174 2.61 .385 -.037 1 7 pds28b 1897 2005 109 5 2 .363 2.24 4.64 .877 .769 .213 2.30 .257 -.060 1 8 pds28a 1894 2004 111 5 1 .493 1.37 8.45 1.089 .824 .235 2.55 .450 -.075 1 9 pds27z 1899 2005 107 5 0 .609 1.72 4.99 .827 .830 .227 2.71 .543 -.045 1 10 pds26b 1862 2005 144 6 1 .441 1.13 4.84 .829 .910 .198 2.64 .422 -.020 1 11 pds26a 1887 2005 119 5 0 .499 1.35 2.65 .550 .848 .191 2.68 .422 .036 1 12 pds25z 1900 2005 106 4 1 .398 1.04 2.40 .347 .740 .182 2.61 .460 -.030 2 13 pds24z 1920 2005 86 4 0 .438 1.83 3.36 .931 .926 .179 2.56 .469 .090 1 14 pds23z 1888 2005 118 5 0 .548 1.35 2.47 .411 .614 .224 2.66 .507 -.008 1 15 pds22z 1856 2005 150 6 0 .657 1.40 4.82 1.021 .923 .206 2.87 .566 .026 1 16 pds21z 1897 2005 109 5 0 .587 1.39 2.37 .415 .729 .186 2.50 .340 .003 1 17 pds20c 1917 2005 89 4 0 .735 1.16 2.43 .400 .736 .201 2.49 .410 .055 1 18 pds20a 1907 2005 99 4 1 .433 1.72 4.30 .913 .864 .194 2.83 .541 -.007 1 19 pds19z 1938 2005 68 3 0 .575 1.09 2.38 .462 .781 .202 2.58 .509 -.037 1 20 pds18z 1867 2005 139 6 1 .456 1.47 4.09 .850 .913 .171 2.54 .390 .023 1 21 pds17z 1883 2005 123 5 0 .465 1.44 3.68 .670 .837 .196 3.06 .517 -.008 1 22 pds16z 1879 2005 127 5 0 .519 1.32 2.99 .569 .870 .176 2.62 .469 -.003 2 23 pds15z 1884 2005 122 5 0 .538 1.02 5.60 .969 .931 .240 2.82 .468 -.011 1 24 pds14z 1886 2005 120 5 0 .437 1.36 3.84 .736 .847 .219 2.75 .431 .128 3 25 pds13b 1905 2004 100 4 0 .537 2.80 5.27 1.046 .761 .216 2.72 .516 .063 3 26 pds13a 1867 2004 138 6 0 .584 1.55 3.29 .671 .787 .227 2.50 .354 .028 2 27 pds12b 1961 2005 45 1 0 .629 1.17 2.35 .540 .739 .207 2.68 .594 -.096 1 28 pds12a 1960 2005 46 1 0 .633 1.22 2.46 .471 .634 .258 2.55 .440 -.026 1 29 pds11z 1924 2005 82 4 4 .286 1.06 2.39 .359 .387 .311 2.52 .356 -.009 1 30 pds10c 1917 2005 89 4 0 .523 2.30 3.84 .590 .580 .194 2.81 .603 .018 1 31 pds10a 1922 2004 83 4 0 .436 .42 .89 .149 .733 .210 2.57 .434 -.065 1 32 pds09z 1906 2005 100 4 0 .573 1.44 3.56 .606 .615 .298 2.56 .421 -.044 2 33 pds08z 1896 2005 110 5 0 .650 .78 2.85 .399 .743 .269 2.72 .467 -.011 1 34 pds07z 1866 2005 140 6 0 .623 1.40 3.02 .606 .828 .195 2.73 .376 -.010 1 35 pds06b 1890 2005 116 5 0 .505 1.30 2.31 .371 .662 .171 2.58 .394 -.041 4 36 pds06a 1924 2005 82 4 0 .486 1.15 2.74 .440 .812 .172 2.59 .407 .007 1 37 pds05z 1898 2005 108 5 2 .409 1.80 3.82 .736 .799 .195 2.73 .505 -.059 1 38 pds03b 1834 2005 172 7 3 .384 .66 1.28 .294 .839 .196 2.75 .448 -.048 1 39 pds03a 1798 2005 208 7 0 .502 .86 1.97 .379 .830 .202 2.55 .423 -.004 1 40 pds02z 1874 2005 132 6 0 .488 1.43 4.07 .666 .726 .241 2.64 .390 -.053 4 41 pds01b 1879 2005 127 5 2 .378 .82 2.58 .381 .712 .235 2.90 .384 -.037 1 42 pds01a 1879 2005 127 5 0 .530 .67 2.32 .408 .823 .275 2.57 .443 .013 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 4761 199 19 .513 1.40 8.45 .633 .787 .212 3.06 .445 -.011