Frick Creek, Georgia TSCA - ga014 Additional Site Information N. Pederson, W. Blozan, A. Brice, B. Catron, C. Leland, J. Scheff, N. Malcomb, K. Tackett Notes: Hemlock woolly-adelgid had begun infesting these trees by the time of coring. Ring width analysis indicated a significant drop in ring width for the last ring collected. Thus, for our study, we dropped this ring to ensure that an insect infestation would not be confused as drought-induced reduction in radial increment. Some raw data here have values of -8888 for years where the rings were distorted or otherwise not useful for dendroclimatology. The latest version of ARSTAN reads these as dummy variables and can in-fill these gaps. See the citation above for standardization methods. The ARSTAN standardization menu is below: opt plt tree-ring data type 1 !tucson ring-width format missing data in gap -9 0 !missing values estimated (no plots) data transformation 4 0 !spread/level power transform (no plots) first detrending 2 0 0 !1st-neg expon curve (k>0), no = opt 5 second detrending 6 0 0 !2nd-horizontal line through mean robust detrending 1 !non-robust detrending methods used interactive detrend 2 !interactive detrending used index calculation 2 !residuals or differences (rt-gt) ar modeling method 1 0 !non-robust autoregressive modeling pooled ar order 0 0 !minimum aic pooled ar model order fit series ar order 0 !pooled ar order fit to all series mean chronology 2 0 0 0 !robust (biweight) mean chronology stabilize variance 100 !spline stabilized (fixed 50% cutoff) common period years 1880 2005 !first and last years of common period site-tree-core mask SSSTTC !site-tree-core separation mask running rbar 50 25 0 !running rbar window/overlap (no plots) printout option 2 !summary & series statistics printed core series save 1 !series saved in tucson raw data format summary plot displays 3 !spaghetti and mean chronology plots stand dynamics stuf 0 0 !no stand dynamics analyses done running mean window 0 !running mean window width percent growth change 0 !percent growth change threshold std error threshold 0 !standard error limit threshold Reference: Pederson, N., A.R. Bell, T.A. Knight, C. Leland, N. Malcomb, K.J. Anchukaitis, K. Tackett, J. Scheff, A. Brice, B. Catron, W. Blozan, and J. Riddle. 2012. Long-term perspective on a modern drought in the American Southeast. Environmental Research Letters, 7, 014034. COFECHA output: Chronology file name : GA014.CRN Measurement file name : GA014.RWL Date checked : 06JUL12 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1689 Ending year : 2009 Principal investigators: Pederson Blozan Brice Catron Leland Scheff Malcomb Tackett Site name : Frick Creek Site location : Georgia Species information : TSCA EASTERN HEMLOCK Latitude : 3446 Longitude : -08418 Elevation : 777M Series intercorrelation: 0.567 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.226 Avg standard deviation : 0.630 Avg autocorrelation : 0.759 Number dated series : 24 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 11 Pct problem segments : 4.78 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Frick Creek TSCA 11:59 Fri 06 Jul 2012 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1724 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 fct02a 1754 2008 .35 .43 .31A .43 .61 .70 .58 .50 .61 .66 2 fct03a 1800 2009 .52 .65 .66 .76 .70 .57 .65 .65 3 fct03b 1787 2009 .34 .50 .51 .58 .64 .60 .59 .54 .51 4 fct04a 1776 2007 .50 .43 .58 .70 .62 .46 .45 .47 .56 5 fct04b 1699 2009 .29A .31A .42 .39 .49 .65 .76 .68 .66 .56 .50 .57 .63 6 fct05a 1745 2009 .58 .66 .71 .62 .63 .77 .79 .78 .67 .57 .66 7 fct05b 1752 2009 .53 .56 .68 .66 .72 .77 .79 .79 .72 .75 8 fct06a 1843 2009 .46 .47 .57 .61 .60 .53 .53 9 fct06b 1874 2009 .50 .51 .60 .63 .63 .64 10 fct07a 1850 2009 .45 .65 .76 .61 .67 .73 11 FCT07b 1796 2009 .50 .50 .63 .73 .67 .60 .60 .64 .69 12 fct08a 1708 2009 .69 .63 .60 .65 .51 .57 .56 .60 .57 .38 .41 .41 13 fct09a 1717 2009 .62 .61 .50 .39 .41 .20B .13B .39 .45 .50 .38 .44 14 fct09b 1689 2009 .39 .41 .58 .38 .42 .55 .42 .27B .39 .59 .41 .51 .55 15 fct12a 1917 2009 .65 .62 .63 .56 16 fct12b 1842 2009 .54 .58 .65 .58 .54 .55 .63 17 fct13a 1744 2009 .75 .71 .64 .68 .64 .61 .50 .60 .78 .57 .53 18 fct13b 1722 2009 .71 .74 .74 .66 .68 .66 .75 .78 .78 .72 .66 .58 19 fct14a 1787 2009 .65 .61 .44 .67 .74 .66 .75 .62 .61 20 fct15a 1720 2009 .64 .68 .62 .65 .40 .31A .56 .70 .55 .42 .41 .35 21 fct15b 1710 2009 .70 .73 .68 .55 .37 .37 .21B .26B .44 .47 .56 .57 22 fct16a 1709 2009 .50 .72 .66 .56 .69 .70 .65 .68 .67 .54 .37 .37 23 fct16b 1728 2009 .67 .59 .42B .49 .48 .29A .48 .56 .51 .55 .63 24 fct17a 1878 2009 .81 .78 .66 .58 .47 Av segment correlation .34 .57 .65 .57 .54 .53 .53 .55 .62 .62 .58 .56 .57 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Frick Creek TSCA 11:59 Fri 06 Jul 2012 Page 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 fct02a 1754 2008 255 10 1 .524 1.42 4.11 .771 .870 .185 2.65 .375 -.001 1 2 fct03a 1800 2009 210 8 0 .650 1.45 3.78 .587 .763 .185 2.78 .417 -.015 1 3 fct03b 1787 2009 223 9 0 .514 1.26 2.23 .338 .592 .186 2.59 .393 -.036 5 4 fct04a 1776 2007 232 9 0 .535 1.30 6.87 .923 .865 .233 2.82 .375 .010 1 5 fct04b 1699 2009 311 13 2 .519 .91 3.02 .461 .769 .228 3.01 .418 -.022 1 6 fct05a 1745 2009 265 11 0 .669 1.00 1.95 .298 .639 .196 2.61 .386 -.008 1 7 fct05b 1752 2009 258 10 0 .690 1.28 4.23 .742 .860 .207 2.71 .405 -.027 1 8 fct06a 1843 2009 167 7 0 .532 1.88 3.93 .695 .665 .213 2.86 .578 .005 1 9 fct06b 1874 2009 136 6 0 .567 2.38 5.06 1.057 .819 .207 2.68 .394 .005 1 10 fct07a 1850 2009 160 6 0 .638 2.24 7.18 1.261 .719 .309 2.68 .436 -.028 1 11 FCT07b 1796 2009 214 9 0 .629 1.39 3.75 .565 .547 .273 2.69 .381 -.035 2 12 fct08a 1708 2009 302 12 0 .561 .85 2.06 .316 .741 .201 2.68 .447 .001 1 13 fct09a 1717 2009 293 12 2 .405 1.06 3.27 .511 .798 .198 2.66 .361 -.031 3 14 fct09b 1689 2009 321 13 1 .439 .97 3.93 .544 .823 .222 2.76 .356 -.022 2 15 fct12a 1917 2009 93 4 0 .621 .99 2.78 .558 .790 .236 2.74 .425 -.025 1 16 fct12b 1842 2009 168 7 0 .586 1.32 5.90 .926 .851 .254 2.82 .507 -.018 1 17 fct13a 1744 2009 266 11 0 .636 1.30 5.07 .665 .691 .256 2.76 .459 -.009 1 18 fct13b 1722 2009 288 12 0 .692 1.22 2.79 .432 .603 .223 2.79 .391 .032 1 19 fct14a 1787 2009 223 9 0 .627 1.04 3.36 .593 .754 .271 2.77 .451 -.026 6 20 fct15a 1720 2009 290 12 1 .518 1.19 4.39 .721 .863 .233 2.69 .452 -.052 2 21 fct15b 1710 2009 300 12 2 .472 1.06 3.61 .667 .888 .227 2.51 .297 -.021 1 22 fct16a 1709 2009 301 12 0 .585 .94 4.70 .713 .774 .264 2.99 .389 .006 1 23 fct16b 1728 2009 282 11 2 .517 1.09 5.33 .689 .835 .220 2.43 .275 .010 2 24 fct17a 1878 2009 132 5 0 .668 2.24 4.45 .762 .549 .252 2.56 .389 -.020 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 5690 230 11 .567 1.25 7.18 .630 .759 .226 3.01 .400 -.013