Morgex (Aosta AO), Italy - ITA056 Additional Site Information Giorgio VACCHIANO (University of Milan) Chronology file name : ITA056.CRN Measurement file name : ITA056.RWL Date checked : 02AUG23 Checked by : NOAA Paleoclimatology Beginning year : 1831 Ending year : 2005 Principal investigators: Giorgio VACCHIANO (University of Milan) Site name : Morgex (Aosta AO) Site location : Italy Species information : PISY SCOTS PINE Latitude : 4546 Longitude : N0700E Elevation : 1090M Series intercorrelation: 0.557 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.264 Avg standard deviation : 0.664 Avg autocorrelation : 0.801 Number dated series : 75 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 24 Pct problem segments : 8.28 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: ita056 12:24 Wed 02 Aug 2023 Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 MX102176 1831 2005 .30A .52 .55 .51 .68 .60 .54 2 MX102824 1833 2005 .17B .35 .47 .50 .61 .76 .75 3 MX2101ps 1906 2005 .59 .77 .75 .66 4 MX2117ps 1912 2005 .47 .77 .70 .65 5 MX2136ps 1921 2005 .58 .50 .65 .63 6 MX2146ps 1943 2005 .58 .59 .56 7 MX2157ps 1933 2005 .73 .79 .73 8 MX2178ps 1923 2005 .33 .37 .77 .64 9 MX2180ps 1917 2005 .51 .55 .77 .73 10 MX2239ps 1920 2005 .65 .61 .62 .59 11 MX2303ps 1924 2005 .68 .70 .73 .67 12 MX2304ps 1919 2005 .29A .34 .73 .70 13 MX2309ps 1916 2005 .42 .51 .58 .62 14 MX2324ps 1954 2005 .59 .61 15 MX2332ps 1901 2005 .40 .66 .79 .78 16 MX2334ps 1921 2005 .40 .39 .64 .64 17 MX2335ps 1907 2005 .09B .44 .81 .82 18 MX2351ps 1927 2005 .48 .60 .62 19 MX2352ps 1920 2005 .49 .49 .81 .80 20 MX2354ps 1916 2005 .35 .48 .69 .62 21 MX2381ps 1941 2005 .59 .67 .64 22 MX2388ps 1939 2005 .51 .54 .51 23 MX2398ps 1940 2005 .65 .73 .72 24 MX2399ps 1933 2005 .71 .75 .71 25 MX2410ps 1932 2005 .75 .84 .83 26 MX2508ps 1940 2005 .50 .56 .43 27 MX2525ps 1927 2005 .58 .62 .60 28 MX2529ps 1934 2005 .69 .81 .74 29 MX2531ps 1933 2005 .73 .83 .82 30 MX2532ps 1931 2005 .53 .57 .52 31 MX2537ps 1906 2005 .29B .59 .78 .77 32 MX2538ps 1951 2005 .65 .70 33 MX2539ps 1936 2005 .70 .81 .78 34 MX2556ps 1937 2005 .86 .83 .80 35 MX2557ps 1939 2005 .58 .69 .67 36 MX2563ps 1938 2005 .56 .75 .75 37 MX2568ps 1955 2005 .54 .54 38 MX2574ps 1931 2005 .54 .75 .70 39 MX2615ps 1886 2005 .39B .58 .66 .74 .72 40 MX2616ps 1912 2005 .35 .69 .76 .65 41 MX2617ps 1945 2005 .61 .61 .61 42 MX2631ps 1935 2005 .65 .70 .67 43 MX2801ps 1919 2005 .64 .68 .73 .68 44 MX2837ps 1947 2005 .75 .77 .72 45 mx102129 1922 2005 .52 .54 .84 .85 46 mx102134 1932 2005 .55 .54 .55 47 mx102145 1943 2005 .25B .24B .18B 48 mx102149 1952 2005 .65 .65 49 mx102159 1949 2005 .59 .60 .71 50 mx102160 1948 2005 .84 .84 .79 51 mx102164 1921 2005 .68 .68 .88 .82 52 mx102185 1927 2005 .66 .69 .64 53 mx102299 1853 2005 .55 .52 .52 .60 .52 .45 54 mx102347 1843 2005 .00B .02B .24B .53 .40 .57 .48 55 mx102376 1917 2005 .64 .67 .70 .70 56 mx102379 1931 2005 .41 .55 .57 57 mx102413 1924 2005 .57 .56 .77 .78 58 mx102414 1916 2005 .74 .72 .72 .70 59 mx102427 1896 2005 .60 .68 .73 .78 .77 60 mx102430 1844 2005 .44 .42 .66 .52 .55 .67 .55 61 mx102442 1846 2005 .28A .32B .77 .57 .57 .66 .65 62 mx102481 1917 2005 .25B .30A .51 .47 63 mx102510 1862 2005 .33 .52 .62 .79 .70 .54 64 mx102516 1906 2005 .23B .20B .65 .63 65 mx102523 1944 2005 .71 .78 .77 66 mx102544 1948 2005 .71 .71 .71 67 mx102545 1948 2005 .50 .51 .41 68 mx102564 1942 2005 .63 .71 .71 69 mx102567 1853 2005 .06B .24B .64 .76 .64 .55 70 mx102613 1913 2005 .39 .58 .61 .63 71 mx102805 1926 2005 .26B .50 .50 72 mx102968 1938 2005 .55 .50 .46 73 mx102969 1845 2005 .00B .00B .70 .56 .60 .62 .58 74 mx102970 1845 2005 .38B .36 .52 .58 .63 .71 .68 75 mx102973 1855 2005 .53 .58 .66 .77 .83 .82 Av segment correlation .22 .31 .52 .50 .59 .68 .65 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: ita056 12:24 Wed 02 Aug 2023 Page 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 MX102176 1831 2005 175 7 1 .435 .80 2.83 .448 .809 .233 2.49 .399 -.055 1 2 MX102824 1833 2005 173 7 1 .482 .75 1.99 .308 .616 .282 2.57 .406 -.037 1 3 MX2101ps 1906 2005 100 4 0 .638 1.11 3.63 .787 .913 .294 2.41 .349 -.027 1 4 MX2117ps 1912 2005 94 4 0 .594 .88 3.64 .705 .821 .332 2.49 .400 -.001 1 5 MX2136ps 1921 2005 85 4 0 .604 1.23 4.53 .925 .897 .243 2.85 .535 -.057 1 6 MX2146ps 1943 2005 63 3 0 .541 1.42 2.74 .542 .783 .198 2.59 .430 -.094 1 7 MX2157ps 1933 2005 73 3 0 .633 .89 2.30 .688 .934 .227 2.72 .386 -.063 1 8 MX2178ps 1923 2005 83 4 0 .506 1.08 3.27 .801 .900 .231 2.71 .491 -.081 1 9 MX2180ps 1917 2005 89 4 0 .662 1.35 3.44 .651 .869 .174 2.45 .372 -.123 1 10 MX2239ps 1920 2005 86 4 0 .575 1.34 3.50 .605 .810 .228 2.75 .500 -.048 2 11 MX2303ps 1924 2005 82 4 0 .620 1.46 3.93 .830 .874 .231 2.53 .425 -.055 1 12 MX2304ps 1919 2005 87 4 1 .513 1.21 3.45 .835 .837 .230 2.69 .492 .025 1 13 MX2309ps 1916 2005 90 4 0 .548 .74 1.99 .374 .779 .243 2.80 .689 -.057 1 14 MX2324ps 1954 2005 52 2 0 .598 2.15 4.31 .712 .647 .232 2.68 .462 -.007 1 15 MX2332ps 1901 2005 105 4 0 .656 1.39 3.43 .657 .765 .267 2.55 .379 -.008 1 16 MX2334ps 1921 2005 85 4 0 .547 .86 2.67 .595 .842 .291 2.46 .403 -.029 1 17 MX2335ps 1907 2005 99 4 1 .568 1.28 2.89 .763 .902 .221 2.53 .360 -.021 1 18 MX2351ps 1927 2005 79 3 0 .524 1.13 2.68 .476 .692 .266 2.62 .454 -.045 1 19 MX2352ps 1920 2005 86 4 0 .617 1.01 2.73 .639 .843 .252 2.67 .516 -.040 1 20 MX2354ps 1916 2005 90 4 0 .460 1.01 1.87 .386 .844 .175 2.57 .388 -.078 1 21 MX2381ps 1941 2005 65 3 0 .562 .75 1.42 .259 .500 .260 2.59 .548 -.001 1 22 MX2388ps 1939 2005 67 3 0 .449 1.81 3.84 .570 .529 .208 2.69 .540 -.052 1 23 MX2398ps 1940 2005 66 3 0 .625 1.49 4.25 .750 .813 .233 2.53 .520 -.066 2 24 MX2399ps 1933 2005 73 3 0 .656 1.33 2.63 .474 .597 .254 2.62 .590 -.108 1 25 MX2410ps 1932 2005 74 3 0 .723 1.82 4.69 .980 .855 .239 2.71 .486 -.014 1 26 MX2508ps 1940 2005 66 3 0 .405 .81 2.24 .597 .900 .268 2.66 .464 .013 1 27 MX2525ps 1927 2005 79 3 0 .517 1.22 3.38 .587 .683 .287 2.60 .428 -.055 1 28 MX2529ps 1934 2005 72 3 0 .649 .76 3.64 .628 .708 .254 3.06 .632 .053 2 29 MX2531ps 1933 2005 73 3 0 .686 1.61 3.55 .789 .663 .300 2.61 .465 -.008 1 30 MX2532ps 1931 2005 75 3 0 .480 .77 2.65 .512 .826 .270 3.04 .530 -.036 1 31 MX2537ps 1906 2005 100 4 1 .628 .68 2.81 .493 .747 .321 2.62 .454 -.065 1 32 MX2538ps 1951 2005 55 2 0 .636 .96 3.24 .814 .906 .339 2.58 .525 .088 2 33 MX2539ps 1936 2005 70 3 0 .682 2.32 3.80 .841 .739 .240 2.45 .367 -.088 1 34 MX2556ps 1937 2005 69 3 0 .787 2.05 4.61 .956 .796 .230 2.46 .435 -.054 1 35 MX2557ps 1939 2005 67 3 0 .565 1.39 4.58 1.076 .922 .255 2.69 .545 .038 1 36 MX2563ps 1938 2005 68 3 0 .579 1.93 3.97 .706 .418 .230 2.42 .423 -.035 1 37 MX2568ps 1955 2005 51 2 0 .543 1.32 2.48 .484 .673 .253 2.67 .523 -.037 1 38 MX2574ps 1931 2005 75 3 0 .556 1.31 3.39 .925 .771 .269 2.43 .373 -.099 1 39 MX2615ps 1886 2005 120 5 1 .589 1.20 4.12 .972 .827 .229 2.47 .448 -.065 1 40 MX2616ps 1912 2005 94 4 0 .559 1.71 4.88 1.102 .838 .303 2.52 .468 .022 1 41 MX2617ps 1945 2005 61 3 0 .620 2.86 6.16 .970 .766 .163 2.67 .451 -.052 1 42 MX2631ps 1935 2005 71 3 0 .633 1.08 2.26 .475 .860 .163 2.79 .457 -.019 2 43 MX2801ps 1919 2005 87 4 0 .627 1.24 3.71 .716 .861 .220 2.72 .518 .016 1 44 MX2837ps 1947 2005 59 3 0 .704 1.49 4.50 1.125 .922 .209 2.88 .533 -.065 1 45 mx102129 1922 2005 84 4 0 .605 1.35 3.83 .961 .947 .241 2.61 .599 -.054 1 46 mx102134 1932 2005 74 3 0 .478 1.44 3.99 1.048 .945 .223 2.58 .431 .008 1 47 mx102145 1943 2005 63 3 3 .212 1.55 4.75 1.009 .906 .208 2.64 .470 -.022 1 48 mx102149 1952 2005 54 2 0 .647 1.29 2.47 .407 .603 .217 2.90 .648 -.054 4 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: ita056 12:24 Wed 02 Aug 2023 Page 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 49 mx102159 1949 2005 57 3 0 .592 1.01 2.46 .454 .774 .223 2.58 .450 -.024 1 50 mx102160 1948 2005 58 3 0 .791 1.19 3.41 .784 .914 .186 2.61 .448 .007 1 51 mx102164 1921 2005 85 4 0 .742 1.77 3.76 .714 .713 .232 2.54 .459 -.014 1 52 mx102185 1927 2005 79 3 0 .621 .88 2.81 .676 .822 .392 2.74 .435 -.028 1 53 mx102299 1853 2005 153 6 0 .495 .96 3.09 .594 .787 .296 2.60 .395 -.073 2 54 mx102347 1843 2005 163 7 3 .298 .66 3.75 .621 .920 .287 2.70 .410 -.008 1 55 mx102376 1917 2005 89 4 0 .610 .94 2.64 .654 .906 .218 2.57 .387 -.003 2 56 mx102379 1931 2005 75 3 0 .458 1.40 3.08 .624 .628 .297 2.62 .548 .137 2 57 mx102413 1924 2005 82 4 0 .607 1.51 3.10 .577 .611 .269 2.48 .430 -.004 1 58 mx102414 1916 2005 90 4 0 .692 .77 2.43 .554 .870 .296 2.70 .393 -.054 1 59 mx102427 1896 2005 110 5 0 .718 .86 3.12 .483 .802 .253 2.50 .372 -.043 1 60 mx102430 1844 2005 162 7 0 .534 .66 2.22 .404 .791 .304 2.68 .414 .042 1 61 mx102442 1846 2005 160 7 2 .502 1.14 3.62 .732 .856 .265 2.69 .338 -.057 1 62 mx102481 1917 2005 89 4 2 .386 .72 3.77 .670 .801 .333 2.83 .549 .037 1 63 mx102510 1862 2005 144 6 0 .522 1.17 3.53 .922 .909 .295 2.48 .403 -.080 1 64 mx102516 1906 2005 100 4 2 .477 1.00 3.74 .664 .827 .241 2.83 .400 -.087 1 65 mx102523 1944 2005 62 3 0 .697 1.15 2.99 .739 .818 .307 2.65 .575 -.088 1 66 mx102544 1948 2005 58 3 0 .705 1.93 4.21 1.024 .873 .214 2.79 .487 .004 1 67 mx102545 1948 2005 58 3 0 .416 1.55 3.69 .954 .825 .342 2.97 .580 -.040 1 68 mx102564 1942 2005 64 3 0 .639 1.38 3.27 .630 .684 .307 2.46 .395 -.064 1 69 mx102567 1853 2005 153 6 2 .455 .73 2.93 .513 .719 .409 2.67 .425 -.007 2 70 mx102613 1913 2005 93 4 0 .580 1.17 4.48 .707 .756 .339 2.60 .353 -.038 1 71 mx102805 1926 2005 80 3 1 .420 1.19 2.90 .555 .797 .231 2.51 .426 .051 1 72 mx102968 1938 2005 68 3 0 .441 1.08 3.83 .774 .821 .304 2.70 .589 -.056 1 73 mx102969 1845 2005 161 7 2 .341 .74 3.16 .502 .873 .285 2.46 .268 -.065 1 74 mx102970 1845 2005 161 7 1 .567 .62 2.76 .399 .848 .259 2.55 .362 -.004 1 75 mx102973 1855 2005 151 6 0 .662 .98 3.04 .602 .827 .303 2.60 .456 -.009 2 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 6713 290 24 .557 1.15 6.16 .664 .801 .264 3.06 .445 -.031