Parco della Versiliana, Pietrasanta (LU), Tuscany, Italy - ITAL054 Additional Site Information Anna Coppola, Riccardo Cerrato, Carlo Baroni Reference: Carlo Baroni, Michele Brunetti, Riccardo Cerrato, Anna Coppola, Giulio Betti, Maria Cristina Salvatore. 2020. A long-term chronology of Pinus pinea L. from Parco della Versiliana (Pietrasanta, Italy) derived from treefall induced by a windstorm on March 4th-5th, 2015 Dendrochronologia, vol. 62, 125710, DOI: 10.1016/j.dendro.2020.125710 Funding sources: University of Pisa PRA-2017_35; PNR National Research Programme 2011-2013, NEXTDATA WP 1.6 COFECHA output: Chronology file name : ITAL054.CRN Measurement file name : ITAL054.RWL Date checked : 27OCT20 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1828 Ending year : 2015 Principal investigators: Anna Coppola Riccardo Cerrato Carlo Baroni Site name : Parco della Versiliana Site location : Italy Species information : PIPN ITALIAN STONE PINE Latitude : 4357 Longitude : 01011 Elevation : 1M Series intercorrelation: 0.370 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.202 Avg standard deviation : 1.353 Avg autocorrelation : 0.843 Number dated series : 69 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 137 Pct problem segments : 35.22 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Parco della Versiliana 17:31 Tue 27 Oct 2020 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 VERS001 1876 2014 .31A .63 .69 .58 .44 2 VERS002 1853 2014 .29A .49 .65 .55 .49 .48 3 VERS004 1849 2014 .11B .13B .15B .26A .43 .32B .37 4 VERS006 1852 2014 .40 .37 .35 .36 .51 .61 5 VERS007 1853 2014 .16B .38 .50 .49 .54 .55 6 VERS008 1859 2014 .27A .39 .53 .53 .49 .53 7 VERS011 1859 2014 .11B .28A .57 .52 .47 .60 8 VERS012 1920 2015 .37 .33A .37 .31B 9 VERS014 1834 2014 .35 .37 .35 .50 .68 .58 .51 10 VERS015 1828 2014 .34 .34 .44 .62 .70 .70 .47 11 VERS018 1854 2013 .24B .38 .55 .68 .58 .58 12 VERS020 1859 2014 .35 .42 .43 .56 .53 .44 13 VERS021 1839 2014 .34B .33 .20B .52 .35 .25B .49 14 VERS025 1833 2014 -.05B .37 .21B .46 .47 .50 .57 15 VERS026 1892 2014 .35 .52 .38 .08B .09B 16 VERS027 1835 2014 .27A .34 .35 .34 .33 .39 .52 17 VERS028 1848 2014 .44 .42 .41 .48 .65 .56 .48 18 VERS030 1835 2014 .24B .36B .32B .36 .59 .61 .51 19 VERS031 1841 2014 .22B .37B .36 .41 .53 .54 .47 20 VERS032 1841 2014 -.10B-.18B-.21B-.09B-.30B-.21B-.02B 21 VERS033 1857 2014 -.16B-.06B .01B .15B .42 .44 22 VERS034 1852 2014 .28A .35 .57 .52 .34B .41 23 VERS035 1925 2014 -.25B .07B .20B 24 VERS036 1941 2014 -.05B-.13B-.01B 25 VERS037 1880 2014 .40 .54 .62 .34B .16B 26 VERS040 1892 2014 .38 .22B .26A .59 .52 27 VERS041 1893 2014 .18B .28A .37B .56 .41 28 VERS042 1907 2014 .39 .39 .37 .31A 29 VERS045 1899 2014 .33B .38B .45 .57 .61 30 VERS046 1896 2014 .30A .32A .40 .46 .34 31 VERS047 1889 2014 .20B .19B .30B .53 .54 32 VERS048 1886 2014 .25B .22A .31A .65 .62 33 VERS049 1885 2014 .39 .24A .37 .45 .38 34 VERS051 1914 2014 .04B .07B .22B .50 35 VERS055 1913 2014 .26B .29A .39 .42 36 VERS056 1916 2014 .31B .24B .26B .31B 37 VERS057 1835 2014 .58 .46 .44 .58 .61 .64 .57 38 VERS058 1834 2014 .47 .39B .37 .54 .42 .52 .69 39 VERS059 1835 2014 .36B .51 .42 .56 .47 .58 .57 40 VERS060 1834 2014 .25A .34 .22A .50 .56 .44 .46 41 VERS061 1835 2014 .39 .41 .42 .52 .53 .62 .59 42 VERS062 1843 2014 .43 .19B .36 .32A .28B .40 .46 43 VERS063 1861 2014 .14B .14B .27B .70 .62 .58 44 VERS064 1833 2014 .37 .28A .24B .48 .34 .49 .50 45 VERS065 1836 2014 .30A .21B .16B .58 .71 .66 .60 46 VERS067 1908 2014 .55 .50 .54 .54 47 VERS069 1875 2014 .52 .49 .42 .48 .48 48 VERS070 1865 2014 .25B .49 .58 .41 .29A .35 49 VERS076 1838 2014 .08B .32A .47 .58 .59 .40B .37B 50 VERS077 1873 2014 .32B .30B .41 .55 .58 .51 51 VERS078 1889 2000 -.02B .04B .02B-.13B-.15B 52 VERS081 1870 2014 .47 .51 .32A .21A .41 .52 53 VERS082 1909 2014 .56 .53 .64 .62 54 VERS083 1911 2014 .55 .46 .57 .64 55 VERS084 1884 2014 .21B .30A .49 .50 .47 56 VERS086 1925 2014 .14B .44B .42 57 VERS089 1889 2014 .12B .18A .50 .68 .53 58 VERS090 1886 2014 .08B .16B .42 .59 .47 59 VERS091 1883 2014 .19B .32A .64 .68 .60 60 VERS092 1896 2014 .09B .13B .42 .51 .56 61 VERS093 1883 2014 -.05B .20B .44 .39 .15B 62 VERS095 1885 2014 .11B .32A .62 .59 .57 63 VERS096 1882 2014 -.02B .14B .20B .15B .27B 64 VERS097 1886 2013 .41 .35 .33 .52 .43 65 VERS098 1837 2014 .28B .08B .21B .41 .52 .59 .50 66 VERS099 1836 2014 .33 .24B .41 .58 .71 .52 .30A 67 VERS100 1840 2014 .13B .34 .54 .54 .59 .65 .56 68 VERS101 1837 2014 .30B .21B .51 .51 .61 .66 .61 69 VERS102 1920 2012 .16B .17B .25B .36 Av segment correlation .28 .28 .29 .39 .42 .46 .45 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Parco della Versiliana 17:31 Tue 27 Oct 2020 Page 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 VERS001 1876 2014 139 5 1 .468 2.28 4.97 .736 .606 .205 2.60 .443 .034 2 2 VERS002 1853 2014 162 6 1 .468 1.87 5.34 .985 .893 .154 2.63 .408 -.029 2 3 VERS004 1849 2014 166 7 5 .271 1.98 8.58 1.454 .893 .204 2.61 .364 -.065 2 4 VERS006 1852 2014 163 6 0 .455 1.89 4.73 .867 .888 .166 2.58 .395 -.014 4 5 VERS007 1853 2014 162 6 1 .387 2.12 6.94 1.171 .844 .192 2.64 .350 -.057 2 6 VERS008 1859 2014 156 6 1 .461 1.92 8.66 1.304 .870 .213 2.67 .492 -.055 2 7 VERS011 1859 2014 156 6 2 .393 2.07 5.23 .909 .831 .197 2.77 .434 -.051 2 8 VERS012 1920 2015 96 4 2 .340 2.77 8.80 1.516 .865 .154 2.62 .391 .084 1 9 VERS014 1834 2014 181 7 0 .463 1.85 11.22 1.094 .626 .210 2.67 .415 -.075 2 10 VERS015 1828 2014 187 7 0 .491 1.83 9.35 1.331 .744 .256 2.61 .433 -.064 4 11 VERS018 1854 2013 160 6 1 .443 1.95 5.09 .863 .807 .208 2.56 .339 -.022 4 12 VERS020 1859 2014 156 6 0 .426 1.75 5.04 .898 .740 .222 2.76 .490 -.041 2 13 VERS021 1839 2014 176 7 3 .375 1.84 15.67 1.483 .642 .133 2.78 .374 .009 1 14 VERS025 1833 2014 182 7 2 .272 2.03 9.63 1.249 .838 .184 2.62 .329 -.074 2 15 VERS026 1892 2014 123 5 2 .272 2.66 8.31 1.501 .901 .167 2.49 .351 -.038 2 16 VERS027 1835 2014 180 7 1 .345 1.59 11.59 1.747 .938 .181 2.59 .339 .004 3 17 VERS028 1848 2014 167 7 0 .481 2.09 7.34 1.538 .908 .209 2.57 .363 -.058 2 18 VERS030 1835 2014 180 7 3 .373 1.55 11.63 1.966 .946 .256 2.70 .483 -.070 5 19 VERS031 1841 2014 174 7 2 .387 1.68 8.82 1.462 .913 .176 2.49 .369 -.059 2 20 VERS032 1841 2014 174 7 7 -.084 1.34 11.46 1.672 .822 .259 2.60 .363 -.015 3 21 VERS033 1857 2014 158 6 4 .107 1.58 5.46 1.011 .903 .233 2.82 .447 -.106 2 22 VERS034 1852 2014 163 6 2 .403 2.25 4.54 .874 .817 .184 2.58 .371 -.054 2 23 VERS035 1925 2014 90 3 3 .018 3.01 5.29 .913 .519 .237 2.54 .441 -.012 3 24 VERS036 1941 2014 74 3 3 .014 3.92 6.52 1.198 .746 .173 2.70 .524 .010 1 25 VERS037 1880 2014 135 5 2 .381 2.83 10.56 1.904 .819 .263 2.67 .408 -.100 2 26 VERS040 1892 2014 123 5 2 .392 2.76 7.41 1.636 .891 .231 2.85 .464 -.021 2 27 VERS041 1893 2014 122 5 3 .332 3.14 7.33 1.523 .836 .188 2.87 .461 -.004 2 28 VERS042 1907 2014 108 4 1 .340 3.28 8.88 1.612 .837 .204 2.58 .438 -.013 2 29 VERS045 1899 2014 116 5 2 .434 2.52 9.83 1.768 .910 .240 2.60 .363 -.081 2 30 VERS046 1896 2014 119 5 2 .360 2.46 9.12 1.509 .856 .177 2.62 .418 -.026 5 31 VERS047 1889 2014 126 5 3 .339 2.06 6.16 1.033 .794 .216 2.76 .390 .016 2 32 VERS048 1886 2014 129 5 3 .404 2.33 6.27 1.019 .868 .147 2.91 .400 -.037 2 33 VERS049 1885 2014 130 5 1 .355 2.35 5.25 1.196 .904 .192 2.63 .413 -.027 2 34 VERS051 1914 2014 101 4 3 .266 3.14 5.97 1.209 .732 .207 2.68 .445 -.003 2 35 VERS055 1913 2014 102 4 2 .339 3.20 7.74 1.549 .833 .220 2.68 .413 -.018 2 36 VERS056 1916 2014 99 4 4 .303 2.79 9.17 1.924 .935 .194 2.77 .434 -.015 3 37 VERS057 1835 2014 180 7 0 .560 1.87 9.07 1.424 .886 .237 2.48 .274 -.040 3 38 VERS058 1834 2014 181 7 1 .513 1.87 12.29 1.586 .882 .260 2.59 .319 -.021 3 39 VERS059 1835 2014 180 7 1 .433 2.02 7.29 1.326 .860 .244 2.61 .397 -.042 4 40 VERS060 1834 2014 181 7 2 .361 1.51 9.41 1.468 .839 .259 2.89 .479 -.088 2 41 VERS061 1835 2014 180 7 0 .499 1.99 10.46 1.170 .743 .213 2.76 .462 .023 3 42 VERS062 1843 2014 172 7 3 .402 1.90 6.75 1.080 .768 .232 2.47 .374 -.073 2 43 VERS063 1861 2014 154 6 3 .397 2.22 5.44 .962 .893 .174 2.55 .438 -.028 2 44 VERS064 1833 2014 182 7 2 .406 1.60 12.28 1.737 .954 .209 2.77 .349 -.037 2 45 VERS065 1836 2014 179 7 3 .476 1.59 12.40 1.553 .817 .173 2.61 .374 -.035 2 46 VERS067 1908 2014 107 4 0 .539 3.13 8.82 2.044 .930 .187 2.73 .570 .046 2 47 VERS069 1875 2014 140 5 0 .488 2.19 5.17 .820 .785 .172 2.65 .428 -.038 2 48 VERS070 1865 2014 150 6 2 .366 2.40 7.10 1.133 .734 .204 2.64 .435 -.087 2 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Parco della Versiliana 17:31 Tue 27 Oct 2020 Page 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 49 VERS076 1838 2014 177 7 4 .315 1.75 12.21 2.041 .934 .213 2.61 .369 -.022 2 50 VERS077 1873 2014 142 6 2 .440 2.07 8.40 1.304 .899 .192 2.77 .435 -.080 2 51 VERS078 1889 2000 112 5 5 -.039 3.36 8.48 1.472 .843 .210 2.63 .515 -.022 2 52 VERS081 1870 2014 145 6 2 .411 1.84 5.85 1.241 .921 .178 2.63 .407 -.013 3 53 VERS082 1909 2014 106 4 0 .585 2.73 6.18 1.201 .878 .182 2.54 .455 -.005 3 54 VERS083 1911 2014 104 4 0 .586 3.35 7.71 1.374 .840 .159 2.63 .363 .014 1 55 VERS084 1884 2014 131 5 2 .349 2.78 6.74 1.482 .911 .166 2.49 .356 -.058 2 56 VERS086 1925 2014 90 3 2 .284 3.71 14.96 2.700 .879 .185 2.73 .467 -.028 2 57 VERS089 1889 2014 126 5 2 .380 2.62 7.56 1.456 .900 .194 2.62 .454 -.082 2 58 VERS090 1886 2014 129 5 2 .300 2.33 6.40 1.312 .930 .183 2.70 .428 -.011 2 59 VERS091 1883 2014 132 5 2 .417 2.25 4.70 .928 .760 .227 2.69 .468 .037 2 60 VERS092 1896 2014 119 5 2 .353 2.36 7.73 1.340 .895 .179 2.64 .446 .046 3 61 VERS093 1883 2014 132 5 3 .166 2.34 5.88 1.000 .824 .180 2.83 .411 -.023 2 62 VERS095 1885 2014 130 5 2 .306 2.12 5.50 1.239 .886 .230 2.69 .364 -.043 3 63 VERS096 1882 2014 133 5 5 .114 2.27 5.42 .909 .795 .194 2.64 .434 -.012 1 64 VERS097 1886 2013 128 5 0 .358 2.10 5.46 1.145 .918 .152 2.74 .480 -.067 3 65 VERS098 1837 2014 178 7 3 .374 1.77 9.76 1.467 .839 .190 2.52 .313 -.011 2 66 VERS099 1836 2014 179 7 2 .406 1.85 9.71 1.680 .870 .223 2.56 .371 -.029 3 67 VERS100 1840 2014 175 7 1 .392 1.71 11.97 1.695 .925 .211 2.64 .411 -.083 2 68 VERS101 1837 2014 178 7 2 .466 1.93 11.23 1.446 .816 .191 2.57 .310 -.002 2 69 VERS102 1920 2012 93 4 3 .268 2.99 6.03 1.239 .883 .153 2.60 .479 .020 4 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 9960 389 137 .370 2.17 15.67 1.353 .843 .202 2.91 .406 -.033