Pitt Street, New Zealand - newz096 Additional Site Information Gretel Boswijk Purpose of collection: Archaeology - construction (felling dates) Cores stored at: Single sample stored at the Tree-Ring Laboratory, School of Environment, University of Auckland. Available to view on site. References: Fowler AM, Boswijk G, Lorrey AM, Gergis J, Pirie M, McCloskey SPJ, Palmer JG, Wunder J. 2012. Multi-centennial tree-ring record of ENSO- related activity in New Zealand. Nature Climate Change 2: 172 - 176. NOTES: Single sample recovered from a well on upper Pitt Street (PITT), Auckland City for dating. Raw ring width measurement (0.01 mm). Included in late-Holocene kauri chronology data set. See supplementary information in Fowler et al 2012 for further details. No site report.