26/28 Wynyard Street, Auckland, New Zealand - newz115 Additional Site Information Andrew Lorrey and Gretel Boswijk Purpose of collection: Archaeology - construction (felling dates) Cores stored at: Samples stored at the Tree-Ring Laboratory, School of Environment, University of Auckland. Available to view on site. References: Lorrey AM, Lux J, Boswijk G. and Crossley P. 2004. Dendrochronological analysis of salvaged kauri timber from 26 and 28 Wynyard Street, The University of Auckland. School of Geography and Environmental Science Working Paper 20. Auckland: The University of Auckland. Fowler AM, Boswijk G, Lorrey AM, Gergis J, Pirie M, McCloskey SPJ, Palmer JG, Wunder J. 2012. Multi-centennial tree-ring record of ENSO- related activity in New Zealand. Nature Climate Change 2:172-176. NOTES: WYND (26/28 Wynyard Street, Auckland) was from a demolished house and shed. Seventy-three timber samples collected for development of the late-Holocene kauri chronology. Two site chronologies originally developed by Lorrey et al 2003, and revised by Boswijk (no date). Raw ring width data (0.01mm). CRN files contains two site chronologies. Please note: 1) The site assemblage reviewed August 2012 prior to upload to ITRDB; 2) because of the large size of kauri and industrialized production methods (a) series represent only part of the growth span of the tree; (b) there may be a high proportion of 'same- tree' material in the assemblage; (c) timber may be sourced from throughout the kauri growth region. Original site report and further information available on request from the TRL. 17April2019: Chronology series separated into two .crn files: newz115.crn = chronology WYND28a, 915-1450 AD newz115-2.crn = chronology WYND28b, 1521-1907 AD COFECHA output: Chronology file name : NEWZ115.CRN Measurement file name : NEWZ115.RWL Date checked : 10SEP12 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 940 Ending year : 1907 Principal investigators: Andrew Lorrey Gretel Boswijk Site name : 26/28 Wynyard Street, Auckland Site location : New Zealand Species information : AGAU KAURI PINE Latitude : -3651 Longitude : 17446 Elevation : 21M Series intercorrelation: 0.192 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.294 Avg standard deviation : 0.393 Avg autocorrelation : 0.556 Number dated series : 15 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 10 Pct problem segments : 15.38 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: 26/28 Wynyard St, Auckland 14:05 Mon 10 Sep 2012 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1500 1525 1550 1575 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1549 1574 1599 1624 1649 1674 1699 1724 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 UOA005 1784 1905 .38 .51 .32B .20B .26B 2 UOA015 1579 1712 .57 .67 .76 .72 .55 3 UOA022 1560 1663 .60 .58 .29B .30B 4 UOA031 1676 1787 .52 .60 .74 .74 5 UOA032 1677 1819 .56 .52 .58 .64 .41 6 UOA046 1527 1583 .25A .27A 7 UOA057 1698 1820 .77 .76 .79 .65 .40 8 UOA061 1809 1907 .35 .32A .20B .26B 9 UOA072 1564 1652 .66 .69 .64 .64 10 UOA074 1549 1641 .55 .53 .53 .63 11 UOA082 1576 1664 .67 .77 .71 12 UOA087 1534 1633 .40 .56 .61 .68 13 UOA096 1521 1653 .65 .50 .63 .51 .50 .49 14 UOA098 1525 1630 .44 .62 .64 .52 15 UOA216 1569 1701 .72 .71 .64 .65 .76 .77 Av segment correlation .65 .43 .57 .61 .59 .59 .74 .64 .63 .70 .68 .40 .43 .32 .20 .26 1 UOA005 1784 1905 122 5 3 .347 .77 1.73 .291 .530 .298 2.52 .374 -.054 2 2 UOA015 1579 1712 134 5 0 .616 1.26 2.55 .488 .618 .254 2.66 .553 -.025 2 3 UOA022 1560 1663 104 4 2 .427 1.04 1.62 .234 .259 .215 2.73 .581 -.032 1 4 UOA031 1676 1787 112 4 0 .634 .93 2.42 .374 .417 .275 3.09 .591 -.043 1 5 UOA032 1677 1819 143 5 0 .517 .65 1.20 .231 .184 .386 2.74 .502 .052 2 6 UOA046 1527 1583 57 2 2 .272 1.61 2.42 .338 .145 .202 2.60 .480 -.001 1 7 UOA057 1698 1820 123 5 0 .609 .67 1.77 .289 .578 .269 2.62 .411 -.017 2 8 UOA061 1809 1907 99 4 3 .305 1.00 2.23 .424 .658 .279 2.75 .458 -.005 1 9 UOA072 1564 1652 89 4 0 .652 1.70 3.43 .610 .469 .277 2.82 .478 -.068 1 10 UOA074 1549 1641 93 4 0 .594 1.75 4.44 .611 .254 .307 2.95 .660 -.056 1 11 UOA082 1576 1664 89 3 0 .703 1.60 3.62 .711 .617 .313 2.84 .501 -.047 1 12 UOA087 1534 1633 100 4 0 .548 1.47 2.93 .497 .335 .334 2.58 .413 -.025 2 13 UOA096 1521 1653 133 6 0 .559 1.30 2.55 .404 .484 .234 2.62 .476 .037 1 14 UOA098 1525 1630 106 4 0 .551 1.34 3.13 .391 .501 .219 2.58 .428 -.056 2 15 UOA216 1569 1701 133 6 0 .707 1.29 3.43 .473 .656 .230 2.63 .417 -.031 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 4638 65 10 .192 1.00 4.44 .393 .556 .294 3.09 .443 -.019