Montgomery Place chestnut oak, New York - ny031 Additional Site Information N. Pederson D. Dukpa K. Rock Reference: Pederson, N., A.R. Bell, E.R. Cook, U. Lall, N. Devineni, R. Seager, K. Eggleston, and K.J. Vranes. In press 2013. Is an Epic Pluvial Masking the Water Insecurity of the Greater New York City Region? Journal of Climate, Early Online Release 2012 doi: Notes: This collection of QUMO/QUPR (Quercus montana, formerly known as Q. prinus) raw ring widths was made by N. Pederson on rolling terrain within the Montgomery Place Historic site near Barrytown, NY. These data were collected for a dendroecological study of southern temperate trees growing at or near a northern range margin. While the oldest trees in the stand were targeted, the goal of field sampling was to collect a range of existing tree ages within the stand. The stand in which they are sampled has good soil depth. At the time of sampling, the forest was fairly dense. And, while there are old trees in this collection and maps show intact forest at the time of purchase in the early 19th cenrtury, there is evidence of past logging. Because of this, detrending of these raw data should be conducted with closed-canopy or forest interior conditions and forest disturbance in mind. The raw data in this collection contains values of -8888 for years where the rings were distorted or otherwise not useful for dendroclimatology. The latest version of ARSTAN reads these as dummy variables and can in-fill these gaps. COFECHA output: Chronology file name : NY031.CRN Measurement file name : NY031.RWL Date checked : 26JAN13 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1727 Ending year : 2002 Principal investigators: N. Pederson D. Dukpa K. Rock Site name : Montgomery Place Site location : New York Species information : QUPR CHESTNUT OAK Latitude : 4211 Longitude : -07359 Elevation : 61M Series intercorrelation: 0.588 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.190 Avg standard deviation : 0.577 Avg autocorrelation : 0.750 Number dated series : 33 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 18 Pct problem segments : 7.29 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Montgomery Place QUPR 09:10 Sat 26 Jan 2013 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 SSP01a 1942 2002 .72 .83 .84 2 SSP01b 1805 2002 .66 .74 .76 .79 .50 .47 .81 .83 3 SSP02a 1805 2002 .68 .78 .80 .75 .61 .25A .30A .42 4 SSP02b 1842 2002 .66 .64 .61 .53 .29B .38 .50 5 SSP03a 1841 2002 .81 .76 .61 .58 .66 .80 .81 6 SSP03b 1819 2002 .54 .48 .09B .03B .31A .38 .50 .53 7 SSP04a 1769 2002 .29B .24B .31B .45 .58 .73 .55 .42 .39 .43 8 SSP05a 1840 2002 .64 .71 .82 .60 .58 .80 .76 9 SSP05b 1816 2002 .78 .81 .81 .74 .43 .40B .73 .74 10 SSP06a 1851 2002 .54 .75 .63 .51 .61 .60 11 SSP07a 1727 2002 .45 .35 .57 .72 .62 .63 .68 .52 .71 .73 12 SSP07b 1788 2002 .46 .60 .69 .61 .62 .68 .53 .44 .53 13 SSP08a 1805 2002 .59 .62 .65 .52 .50 .64 .78 .82 14 SSP08b 1824 2002 .64 .67 .66 .52 .28A .59 .57 .59 15 SSP09a 1822 2002 .57 .58 .67 .41 .20B .47 .66 .69 16 SSP10a 1820 2002 .76 .78 .82 .72 .55 .63 .65 .68 17 SSP10b 1779 2002 .48 .58 .67 .67 .64 .62 .63 .70 .71 18 SSP12a 1812 2002 .55 .68 .73 .66 .53 .40 .72 .73 19 SSP13a 1830 2002 .79 .71 .62 .53 .53 .81 .80 20 SSP13b 1763 2002 .52 .47 .57 .57 .49 .62 .53 .42B .71 .71 21 SSP14a 1824 2002 .61 .62 .75 .53 .31A .53 .64 .66 22 SSP15a 1828 2002 .81 .81 .67 .55 .57 .76 .79 23 SSP15b 1845 2002 .81 .83 .78 .53 .40 .66 .72 24 SSP16a 1834 2002 .52 .55 .58 .62 .31B .49 .50 25 SSP17a 1820 2002 .58 .70 .68 .64 .54 .35 .73 .74 26 SSP17b 1829 2002 .69 .65 .53 .45 .35B .67 .70 27 SSP18a 1846 1922 .60 .57 .44 28 SSP18b 1848 2002 .57 .58 .57 .49 .51 .65 .68 29 SSP19a 1814 2002 .51 .71 .70 .67 .60 .44 .35 .39 30 SSP19b 1780 2002 .29A .37 .58 .63 .59 .45 .53 .37 .42 31 SSP20a 1867 2002 .36 .29A .35 .54 .42 .45 32 SSP21a 1857 2002 .58 .66 .64 .41 .38 .42 33 SSP21b 1834 2002 .72 .72 .71 .73 .60 .60 .63 Av segment correlation .42 .38 .58 .67 .65 .61 .52 .49 .61 .64 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Montgomery Place QUPR 09:10 Sat 26 Jan 2013 Page 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 SSP01a 1942 2002 61 3 0 .750 1.75 3.36 .436 .526 .172 2.57 .510 -.018 1 2 SSP01b 1805 2002 198 8 0 .674 1.43 3.76 .573 .822 .182 2.60 .398 .000 2 3 SSP02a 1805 2002 198 8 2 .570 1.59 5.33 .878 .856 .182 3.01 .444 -.010 2 4 SSP02b 1842 2002 161 7 1 .534 1.60 4.11 .804 .845 .182 2.85 .474 -.021 1 5 SSP03a 1841 2002 162 7 0 .731 1.58 3.28 .409 .741 .139 2.47 .321 -.016 2 6 SSP03b 1819 2002 184 8 3 .312 .93 3.68 1.877 .830 .172 2.38 .303 .021 1 7 SSP04a 1769 2002 234 10 3 .442 1.03 3.35 .530 .868 .211 2.81 .482 -.087 1 8 SSP05a 1840 2002 163 7 0 .673 1.74 4.23 .547 .413 .235 2.60 .381 .005 1 9 SSP05b 1816 2002 187 8 1 .688 1.46 3.82 .471 .629 .208 2.69 .415 -.053 1 10 SSP06a 1851 2002 152 6 0 .580 1.44 2.75 .445 .566 .221 2.93 .540 .029 1 11 SSP07a 1727 2002 276 10 0 .601 .83 2.27 .436 .921 .179 2.53 .396 -.019 1 12 SSP07b 1788 2002 215 9 0 .568 .73 1.81 .280 .879 .164 2.61 .422 -.014 1 13 SSP08a 1805 2002 198 8 0 .612 1.02 2.15 .343 .742 .185 2.77 .465 -.092 1 14 SSP08b 1824 2002 179 8 1 .557 1.16 2.71 .379 .740 .181 2.67 .509 -.012 1 15 SSP09a 1822 2002 181 8 1 .519 1.30 2.25 .375 .588 .212 2.61 .447 -.006 1 16 SSP10a 1820 2002 183 8 0 .694 1.26 3.63 .516 .827 .173 2.59 .357 -.048 1 17 SSP10b 1779 2002 224 9 0 .629 1.12 4.23 .555 .849 .196 2.75 .463 -.039 1 18 SSP12a 1812 2002 191 8 0 .636 1.47 3.05 .550 .798 .186 2.54 .362 -.038 2 19 SSP13a 1830 2002 173 7 0 .688 1.69 3.80 .494 .583 .181 3.08 .478 -.007 2 20 SSP13b 1763 2002 240 10 1 .572 1.23 2.44 .412 .772 .174 2.64 .338 -.055 1 21 SSP14a 1824 2002 179 8 1 .584 1.50 5.83 .661 .855 .149 3.01 .488 -.046 3 22 SSP15a 1828 2002 175 7 0 .728 1.15 4.48 .622 .773 .224 2.83 .511 -.047 1 23 SSP15b 1845 2002 158 7 0 .701 1.50 3.26 .563 .415 .285 2.90 .496 -.015 1 24 SSP16a 1834 2002 169 7 1 .535 .99 2.69 .368 .646 .222 2.79 .476 .012 2 25 SSP17a 1820 2002 183 8 0 .636 1.36 3.57 .641 .791 .195 2.84 .392 -.053 1 26 SSP17b 1829 2002 174 7 1 .596 1.51 4.85 .675 .796 .192 2.97 .410 -.058 3 27 SSP18a 1846 1922 77 3 0 .475 1.67 2.68 .330 .479 .154 2.68 .472 .071 1 28 SSP18b 1848 2002 155 7 0 .577 1.80 3.10 .491 .644 .182 2.63 .415 -.025 1 29 SSP19a 1814 2002 189 8 0 .524 1.52 3.36 .608 .775 .187 2.89 .348 -.024 2 30 SSP19b 1780 2002 223 9 1 .473 1.41 3.01 .493 .762 .184 2.75 .396 -.058 1 31 SSP20a 1867 2002 136 6 1 .413 1.65 3.01 .634 .769 .196 2.48 .271 -.020 5 32 SSP21a 1857 2002 146 6 0 .535 1.98 4.73 1.074 .875 .182 2.55 .370 -.033 1 33 SSP21b 1834 2002 169 7 0 .687 1.73 3.77 .609 .766 .183 2.78 .415 -.026 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 5893 247 18 .588 1.36 5.83 .577 .750 .190 3.08 .420 -.028