Mid Hudson Valley Region historical oak, New York - ny041 Additional Site Information E. Cook P. Krusic Reference: Pederson, N., A.R. Bell, E.R. Cook, U. Lall, N. Devineni, R. Seager, K. Eggleston, and K.J. Vranes. In press 2013. Is an Epic Pluvial Masking the Water Insecurity of the Greater New York City Region? Journal of Climate, Early Online Release 2012 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00723.1 Notes: This collection of Quercus subgenera Leucobalanus raw ring widths was made from historical timbers and structures by E. Cook in and around the greater mid Hudson Valley region of NY State. Many of the samples are likely Quercus alba, but there could be some Q. montana (formerly Q. prinus) in this collection. We cannot say anything about forest conditions from which these samples originally grew. However, there are growth release patterns in some series that are similar to those seen in trees from dense forest. Therefore, it might be useful to consider detrending these raw data with closed-canopy or forest interior conditions in mind. These data were combined with the Mohonk Preserve chestnut oak (Q. montana/prinus) data in the ITRDB. COFECHA output: Chronology file name : NY041.CRN Measurement file name : NY041.RWL Date checked : 28JAN13 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1449 Ending year : 1805 Principal investigators: E. Cook P. Krusic Site name : Mid Hudson Valley Region historical oak Site location : New York Species information : QUSP OAK Latitude : 4139 Longitude : -07400 Elevation : M Series intercorrelation: 0.547 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.179 Avg standard deviation : 0.370 Avg autocorrelation : 0.720 Number dated series : 57 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 15 Pct problem segments : 5.56 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Mid Hudson Valley Region historcial 11:33 Mon 28 Jan 2013 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1500 1525 1550 1575 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1549 1574 1599 1624 1649 1674 1699 1724 1749 1774 1799 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 LLL.2A 1659 1799 .54 .46 .46 .56 .47 2 LLL.2A' 1659 1805 .29A .48 .44 .40 .26B 3 LLL.2A 1659 1799 .45 .36 .37 .57 .44 4 6AH04 1616 1681 .52 .44 .56 5 1AH01A 1579 1721 .71 .74 .64 .47 .35 6 1AH01B 1592 1728 .72 .66 .63 .72 .71 .70 7 2AH01 1564 1673 .61 .66 .68 .65 8 2AH02 1622 1702 .60 .61 .61 .59 9 4AH03 1634 1731 .38 .59 .54 .47 10 4AH03B 1714 1731 .64 11 4AH02A 1518 1688 .69 .82 .70 .57 .32A .30A .49 12 4AH04 1538 1718 .57 .46 .39 .62 .71 .62 .37 13 4AH04B 1656 1721 .61 .45 14 4AH02B 1530 1726 .77 .71 .51 .52 .64 .59 .53 .53 15 4AH01 1662 1735 .49 .50 .54 16 4AH05 1515 1706 .67 .73 .73 .77 .64 .66 .75 .72 17 4AH06 1584 1709 .33A .47 .66 .73 .66 18 JH18 1449 1677 .65 .75 .69 .69 .60 .47 .47 19 JH20 1529 1721 .68 .60 .65 .63 .60 .68 .71 20 JH12 1514 1721 .62 .69 .69 .67 .66 .66 .74 .69 21 JH21 1625 1721 .62 .73 .71 22 JH17 1544 1721 .47 .40 .66 .73 .66 .60 .65 23 JH16 1553 1721 .62 .73 .72 .71 .65 .29B 24 JH14 1618 1721 .50 .53 .55 .44 25 DF02A 1570 1692 .55 .59 .62 .62 .56 26 DF02B 1531 1703 .67 .52 .51 .50 .62 .69 .69 27 DF03 1549 1703 .57 .60 .61 .60 .69 .67 .64 28 DF14 1564 1693 .52 .52 .41 .44 .54 29 DB14B 1617 1703 .66 .65 .62 .63 30 DF15C 1514 1690 .75 .79 .58 .56 .68 .69 .64 31 DF15B 1536 1703 .66 .56 .57 .63 .68 .64 .63 32 DF16 1543 1703 .46 .53 .54 .54 .51 .56 .58 33 DF17B 1567 1703 .65 .58 .61 .78 .67 .65 34 TH02 1558 1620 .32A .38 35 TH02 1630 1724 .42 .80 .62 36 TH03 1566 1738 .46 .37B .41 .55 .70 .68 .62 37 TH06 1607 1755 .52 .70 .74 .46 .24B .28A 38 TH08 1630 1738 .47 .58 .53 .41 39 TH09 1538 1728 .40 .45 .47 .60 .72 .81 .63 .65 40 BEHNY01 1634 1731 .74 .80 .67 .64 41 BEHNY02 1622 1731 .56 .62 .68 .55 .35 42 BEHNY03 1670 1731 .53 .57 .60 43 BEHNY05 1620 1676 .76 .74 .73 44 BEHNY06 1619 1716 .55 .61 .76 .58 45 BEHNY07 1637 1786 .41 .37 .36 .33 .23A .20B 46 LF02 1681 1799 .49 .52 .55 .46 47 LF03 1688 1732 .09B 48 LF04 1725 1798 .53 .31A 49 LF05 1729 1798 .64 .48 50 LF06 1749 1795 .60 51 LF08 1661 1799 .55 .65 .66 .46 .28A 52 LF09 1681 1796 .58 .45 .39 .36 53 LF11 1728 1799 .62 .60 54 LF15 1697 1799 .55 .57 .78 .71 55 LF16 1674 1799 .72 .72 .57 .62 .37 56 LF17 1712 1799 .68 .61 .42 57 LF18 1655 1737 .70 .62 .49 Av segment correlation .67 .65 .57 .57 .59 .60 .62 .56 .52 .52 .41 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Mid Hudson Valley Region historcial oak 11:33 Mon 28 Jan 2013 Page 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 LLL.2A 1659 1799 141 5 0 .478 .65 1.72 .259 .854 .170 2.63 .418 -.023 1 2 LLL.2A' 1659 1805 147 5 2 .321 .68 2.19 .335 .927 .138 2.45 .315 -.008 2 3 LLL.2A 1659 1799 141 5 0 .413 .65 1.70 .254 .799 .185 2.58 .384 -.006 3 4 6AH04 1616 1681 66 3 0 .509 1.52 3.09 .485 .561 .231 2.73 .594 -.057 2 5 1AH01A 1579 1721 143 5 0 .547 1.23 3.00 .555 .838 .161 3.03 .511 .030 1 6 1AH01B 1592 1728 137 6 0 .658 1.17 2.53 .425 .845 .145 2.58 .339 -.031 1 7 2AH01 1564 1673 110 4 0 .626 1.22 2.11 .356 .641 .196 2.57 .441 -.005 1 8 2AH02 1622 1702 81 4 0 .562 1.20 3.02 .360 .603 .168 3.02 .525 .011 1 9 4AH03 1634 1731 98 4 0 .429 1.22 2.93 .642 .835 .241 2.79 .487 .040 1 10 4AH03B 1714 1731 18 1 0 .637 1.87 2.75 .440 .507 .202 2.65 .781 -.021 2 11 4AH02A 1518 1688 171 7 2 .497 .79 1.86 .289 .798 .169 2.48 .338 -.031 1 12 4AH04 1538 1718 181 7 0 .520 1.00 2.31 .503 .862 .194 2.79 .324 -.001 1 13 4AH04B 1656 1721 66 2 0 .499 .88 2.00 .254 .587 .157 2.65 .396 .007 1 14 4AH02B 1530 1726 197 8 0 .591 .70 5.00 .397 .678 .196 2.67 .392 -.051 1 15 4AH01 1662 1735 74 3 0 .446 1.69 3.67 .577 .721 .189 2.73 .486 -.053 2 16 4AH05 1515 1706 192 8 0 .682 .93 2.51 .402 .768 .221 2.65 .425 -.019 1 17 4AH06 1584 1709 126 5 1 .547 1.16 3.36 .582 .817 .183 2.66 .481 -.009 3 18 JH18 1449 1677 229 7 0 .600 .66 2.36 .328 .645 .264 2.82 .370 -.012 1 19 JH20 1529 1721 193 7 0 .659 1.06 1.93 .267 .670 .154 2.52 .339 -.012 1 20 JH12 1514 1721 208 8 0 .657 1.15 2.40 .346 .755 .153 2.71 .365 .021 1 21 JH21 1625 1721 97 3 0 .665 1.37 3.25 .383 .442 .213 2.81 .467 .004 1 22 JH17 1544 1721 178 7 0 .602 .96 2.32 .360 .807 .173 2.62 .432 .004 1 23 JH16 1553 1721 169 6 1 .560 .96 2.58 .343 .678 .200 2.76 .370 -.063 2 24 JH14 1618 1721 104 4 0 .419 1.02 2.33 .256 .262 .166 2.73 .391 -.053 1 25 DF02A 1570 1692 123 5 0 .556 1.05 1.63 .189 .376 .143 2.74 .558 -.005 1 26 DF02B 1531 1703 173 7 0 .612 .93 1.51 .188 .564 .147 2.69 .395 .012 1 27 DF03 1549 1703 155 7 0 .600 1.14 2.32 .317 .742 .156 2.64 .406 -.015 1 28 DF14 1564 1693 130 5 0 .470 .91 1.38 .195 .635 .136 2.71 .457 -.005 1 29 DB14B 1617 1703 87 4 0 .618 .89 1.44 .216 .638 .153 2.74 .554 -.021 1 30 DF15C 1514 1690 177 7 0 .677 1.03 2.00 .266 .754 .133 2.61 .359 -.005 1 31 DF15B 1536 1703 168 7 0 .632 .92 1.54 .216 .728 .134 2.61 .390 -.011 1 32 DF16 1543 1703 161 7 0 .503 .89 5.06 .521 .851 .160 2.96 .580 -.028 1 33 DF17B 1567 1703 137 6 0 .639 1.00 2.43 .340 .628 .217 2.63 .370 -.033 1 34 TH02 1558 1620 63 2 1 .364 .81 1.35 .288 .787 .168 2.64 .505 -.088 1 35 TH02 1630 1724 95 3 0 .520 .88 1.53 .249 .680 .190 2.50 .428 -.039 1 36 TH03 1566 1738 173 7 1 .531 1.09 2.34 .386 .791 .167 2.83 .546 -.028 1 37 TH06 1607 1755 149 6 2 .484 .79 2.82 .425 .845 .205 2.53 .354 -.024 1 38 TH08 1630 1738 109 4 0 .485 1.18 3.55 .523 .689 .206 2.98 .443 .010 1 39 TH09 1538 1728 191 8 0 .554 .89 3.04 .395 .838 .202 2.65 .413 -.046 1 40 BEHNY01 1634 1731 98 4 0 .675 .99 1.78 .246 .498 .164 2.76 .413 .078 1 41 BEHNY02 1622 1731 110 5 0 .530 1.05 2.18 .314 .679 .173 2.53 .307 -.034 1 42 BEHNY03 1670 1731 62 3 0 .539 1.41 2.46 .426 .791 .148 2.59 .557 .006 1 43 BEHNY05 1620 1676 57 3 0 .706 1.78 3.68 .627 .730 .203 2.80 .502 .144 1 44 BEHNY06 1619 1716 98 4 0 .560 1.71 3.66 .866 .835 .240 2.48 .369 -.013 1 45 BEHNY07 1637 1786 150 6 2 .284 .77 2.02 .322 .838 .172 2.69 .446 -.015 2 46 LF02 1681 1799 119 4 0 .491 .93 1.46 .227 .782 .124 2.48 .297 -.070 2 47 LF03 1688 1732 45 1 1 .087 1.68 3.04 .554 .495 .250 2.80 .535 .015 1 48 LF04 1725 1798 74 2 1 .367 1.29 3.36 .651 .862 .219 2.68 .436 .002 1 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Mid Hudson Valley Region historcial oak 11:33 Mon 28 Jan 2013 Page 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 49 LF05 1729 1798 70 2 0 .544 1.18 2.55 .444 .747 .208 2.77 .547 .078 1 50 LF06 1749 1795 47 1 0 .599 1.59 3.27 .500 .438 .243 2.93 .530 -.048 1 51 LF08 1661 1799 139 5 1 .500 1.03 2.02 .278 .726 .136 2.79 .460 -.037 2 52 LF09 1681 1796 116 4 0 .456 .99 1.78 .318 .774 .168 2.56 .353 -.031 2 53 LF11 1728 1799 72 2 0 .600 1.81 3.26 .591 .576 .241 2.58 .476 .047 1 54 LF15 1697 1799 103 4 0 .600 1.43 2.75 .398 .787 .155 2.34 .308 -.054 1 55 LF16 1674 1799 126 5 0 .587 .97 1.57 .230 .611 .163 2.56 .347 -.013 1 56 LF17 1712 1799 88 3 0 .561 1.37 2.25 .281 .666 .139 2.66 .529 .054 1 57 LF18 1655 1737 83 3 0 .591 1.70 4.58 .758 .696 .216 3.01 .461 -.060 3 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 7015 270 15 .547 1.04 5.06 .370 .720 .179 3.03 .419 -.013