Frederick Butte, Oregon Additional Site Information B.L. Coulthard K.J. Anchukaitis L.A. Dye I.K. Homfeld T.N. Salazar Measurement type: Total ring width Location of core material: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona Notes: Update of an existing collection at Frederick Butte (ITRDB OR093) COFECHA output: Chronology file name : fbu TRW_std chronology.txt Measurement file name : fbu TRW_raw measurements.rwl Date checked : 04APR21 Technician's name : T.N. Salazar; L.A. Dye Supervisor's name : B.L. Coulthard Beginning year : 870 Ending year : 2019 Principal investigators: B.L. Coulthard K.J. Anchukaitis Site name : Frederick Butte Update Site location : Oregon, USA Species information : JUOC Western juniper Latitude : 4363 Longitude : -12047 Elevation : 1475M Series intercorrelation: 0.811 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.471 Avg standard deviation : 0.324 Avg autocorrelation : 0.515 Number dated series : 78 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 9 Pct problem segments : PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: fbu 15:10 Sun 04 Apr 2021 Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under 0.3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 850 875 900 925 950 975 1000 1025 1050 1075 1100 1125 1150 1175 1200 1225 1250 1275 1300 1325 899 924 949 974 999 1024 1049 1074 1099 1124 1149 1174 1199 1224 1249 1274 1299 1324 1349 1374 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 FRB21C 1106 1530 .89 .94 .94 .91 .91 .92 .86 .88 .90 .90 2 FRB28A 870 1324 .89 .87 .88 .86 .84 .90 .93 .92 .84 .82 .92 .92 .89 .89 .90 .91 .88 .89 3 FRB28B 870 1290 .91 .90 .89 .89 .88 .90 .88 .91 .88 .82 .88 .91 .86 .85 .87 .84 .67 4 FRB19A 870 1138 .89 .87 .88 .91 .88 .84 .79 .86 .90 .85 .78 5 FRB18B 912 1630 .82 .80 .72 .81 .90 .88 .82 .75 .65 .64 .81 .89 .87 .89 .94 .90 .84 .76 6 FRB27A 983 1623 .85 .86 .93 .92 .86 .88 .93 .93 .95 .94 .92 .94 .91 .86 .87 7 FRB29A 936 1599 .70 .73 .89 .93 .93 .89 .84 .90 .94 .89 .89 .91 .90 .82 .83 .89 .91 9 SCJ4A 1039 1493 .72 .71 .66 .76 .80 .65 .68 .80 .81 .68 .72 .81 .80 12 FRE08C 1290 1982 .69 .75 .79 13 FRE34V 1096 1647 .81 .80 .88 .92 .93 .94 .93 .91 .91 .90 .92 14 FRE34Z 1163 1667 .93 .93 .94 .94 .92 .91 .88 .87 44 FRB21D 1011 1350 .90 .93 .89 .80 .83 .94 .95 .93 .88 .91 .95 .94 .85 .83 Av segment correlation 0.90 0.88 0.87 0.83 0.81 0.86 0.88 0.89 0.86 0.80 0.83 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.90 0.90 0.86 0.86 0.85 0.85 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: fbu 15:10 Sun 04 Apr 2021 Page 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under 0.3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1350 1375 1400 1425 1450 1475 1500 1525 1550 1575 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1399 1424 1449 1474 1499 1524 1549 1574 1599 1624 1649 1674 1699 1724 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 FRB21C 1106 1530 .89 .82 .85 .89 .84 .84 .87 5 FRB18B 912 1630 .76 .77 .85 .88 .86 .89 .88 .89 .89 .86 .85 6 FRB27A 983 1623 .88 .85 .90 .93 .89 .86 .89 .93 .82 .80 7 FRB29A 936 1599 .86 .79 .87 .89 .85 .88 .84 .86 .85 8 FRB29B 1697 1996 .58 .56 .66 .85 .84 .85 .80 9 SCJ4A 1039 1493 .75 .77 .76 .75 .74 10 FRE02A 1354 1982 .69 .70 .72 .79 .69 .69 .79 .80 .82 .81 .83 .84 .84 .88 .82 .77 .84 .75 .74 .78 11 FRE08B 1386 1982 .74 .76 .75 .80 .84 .83 .89 .88 .85 .84 .70 .67 .84 .83 .63 .65 .71 .74 .76 12 FRE08C 1290 1982 .80 .77 .73 .74 .80 .83 .84 .90 .91 .89 .88 .70 .69 .86 .79 .68 .73 .77 .81 .76 13 FRE34V 1096 1647 .92 .92 .95 .94 .93 .95 .88 .86 .92 .94 .94 14 FRE34Z 1163 1667 .91 .92 .92 .89 .86 .89 .91 .90 .90 .93 .91 .85 15 FRE24A 1533 1982 .80 .84 .86 .88 .89 .91 .92 .89 .80 .73 .75 .79 .76 16 FRE24B 1576 1982 .82 .88 .88 .85 .88 .88 .83 .74 .73 .79 .74 17 FBK01A 1772 2010 .76 .74 .79 .75 18 FBK03A 1798 2010 .77 .71 .62 19 FBK04A 1762 2010 .85 .84 .84 .87 20 FBK04B 1831 2010 .81 21 FBK05A 1762 2010 .84 .80 .89 .88 22 FBK05B 1707 2010 .80 .88 .86 .89 .89 .83 23 FBK06A 1764 2010 .82 .75 .81 .77 24 FBK06B 1749 2010 .92 .92 .82 .78 .77 25 FBK07A 1745 2010 .84 .89 .87 .83 .86 26 FBK07B 1611 2010 .87 .82 .83 .84 .82 .80 .86 .84 .75 .78 27 FBK08B 1386 1459 .83 .86 .87 28 FBK08C 1386 1478 .76 .80 .80 .79 30 FBK09B 1785 2010 .89 .87 .87 31 FBK10B 1746 2010 .90 .90 .89 .90 .77 32 FBK11A 1845 2010 .72 34 FBK12A 1753 2010 .90 .87 .86 .81 35 FBK12B 1695 2010 .91 .91 .88 .87 .82 .85 .80 36 FBK14A 1822 2010 .87 .87 37 FBK14B 1806 2010 .41 .60 38 FBK15A 1847 2010 .82 39 FBK16A 1800 2010 .86 .86 40 FBK16B 1807 2010 .86 .85 42 FBK17B 1775 2010 .75 .83 .84 43 FBK19B 1788 2010 .64 .70 .86 45 FRB30C 1419 1624 .86 .86 .89 .88 .85 .90 .88 .88 46 FRB30D 1631 1996 .81 .71 .75 .87 .87 .84 .80 .81 .81 47 FBU01AAU 1833 2019 .70 49 FBU03BBU 1827 2019 .70 51 FBU04BBU 1827 2019 .86 52 FBU05AAU 1839 2019 .73 53 FBU05BBU 1841 2019 .76 55 FBU06BBU 1831 2019 .82 56 FBU07AAU 1774 2019 .79 .79 .54 .62 57 FBU08AAU 1818 2019 .47 .55 58 FBU09AAU 1847 2019 .76 60 FBU10BBU 1795 2019 .87 .79 .76 61 FBU11AAU 1811 2019 .11B .05B 64 FBU13AAU 1773 2019 .84 .82 .77 .78 65 FBU13BBU 1799 2019 .79 .80 .79 68 FBU15AAU 1783 2019 .80 .72 .59 69 FBU15BBU 1807 2019 .68 .56 71 FBU17AAU 1763 2019 .53 .60 .68 .63 72 FBU17BBU 1838 2019 .47 73 FBU19AAU 1802 2019 .69 .81 74 FBU19BBU 1775 2019 .79 .80 .82 75 FBU20AAU 1782 2019 .86 .85 .87 76 FBU20BBU 1819 2019 .82 .85 77 FBU22AAU 1774 2019 .86 .84 .84 .84 78 FBU22BBU 1788 2019 .65 .71 .85 Av segment correlation 0.83 0.80 0.83 0.84 0.83 0.86 0.86 0.87 0.87 0.86 0.87 0.81 0.79 0.83 0.82 0.80 0.81 0.79 0.76 0.75 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: fbu 15:10 Sun 04 Apr 2021 Page 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under 0.3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 8 FRB29B 1697 1996 .80 .86 .78 .78 .85 10 FRE02A 1354 1982 .79 .70 .63 .76 .68 11 FRE08B 1386 1982 .71 .72 .72 .79 .74 12 FRE08C 1290 1982 .74 .79 .80 .82 .78 15 FRE24A 1533 1982 .72 .77 .79 .76 .75 16 FRE24B 1576 1982 .74 .72 .69 .79 .76 17 FBK01A 1772 2010 .71 .81 .87 .89 .91 .89 18 FBK03A 1798 2010 .64 .59 .40 .61 .76 .75 19 FBK04A 1762 2010 .92 .91 .86 .89 .92 .92 20 FBK04B 1831 2010 .86 .83 .73 .85 .89 .86 21 FBK05A 1762 2010 .89 .90 .83 .86 .87 .85 22 FBK05B 1707 2010 .75 .74 .79 .87 .86 .85 23 FBK06A 1764 2010 .71 .72 .75 .71 .67 .62 24 FBK06B 1749 2010 .81 .84 .77 .87 .91 .92 25 FBK07A 1745 2010 .90 .89 .86 .89 .89 .88 26 FBK07B 1611 2010 .85 .85 .88 .91 .90 .90 29 FBK09A 1862 2010 .84 .84 .83 .89 .91 .89 30 FBK09B 1785 2010 .84 .84 .82 .86 .89 .89 31 FBK10B 1746 2010 .76 .88 .84 .84 .86 .89 32 FBK11A 1845 2010 .77 .89 .82 .78 .87 .87 33 FBK11B 1850 2010 .72 .85 .83 .83 .89 .89 34 FBK12A 1753 2010 .80 .84 .81 .76 .80 .84 35 FBK12B 1695 2010 .77 .84 .83 .77 .77 .82 36 FBK14A 1822 2010 .88 .89 .71 .74 .91 .89 37 FBK14B 1806 2010 .84 .88 .90 .86 .84 .82 38 FBK15A 1847 2010 .82 .88 .92 .91 .85 .83 39 FBK16A 1800 2010 .86 .86 .82 .85 .90 .87 40 FBK16B 1807 2010 .88 .89 .85 .86 .87 .89 41 FBK17A 1851 2010 .89 .93 .89 .88 .90 .89 42 FBK17B 1775 2010 .85 .90 .87 .88 .91 .90 43 FBK19B 1788 2010 .89 .87 .66 .67 .86 .85 46 FRB30D 1631 1996 .78 .81 .73 .75 .84 47 FBU01AAU 1833 2019 .78 .79 .80 .83 .89 .84 48 FBU01BBU 1850 2019 .72 .75 .76 .85 .86 .74 49 FBU03BBU 1827 2019 .81 .87 .86 .92 .92 .81 50 FBU04AAU 1867 2019 .82 .85 .89 .89 .84 .78 51 FBU04BBU 1827 2019 .87 .85 .81 .89 .86 .81 52 FBU05AAU 1839 2019 .81 .86 .85 .89 .88 .82 53 FBU05BBU 1841 2019 .79 .82 .59 .68 .90 .86 54 FBU06AAU 1859 2019 .85 .87 .89 .87 .83 .78 55 FBU06BBU 1831 2019 .84 .90 .89 .88 .88 .83 56 FBU07AAU 1774 2019 .66 .64 .76 .80 .73 .58 57 FBU08AAU 1818 2019 .63 .73 .82 .84 .87 .79 58 FBU09AAU 1847 2019 .79 .82 .82 .86 .81 .67 59 FBU09BBU 1851 2019 .73 .83 .82 .90 .91 .86 60 FBU10BBU 1795 2019 .80 .83 .79 .83 .82 .76 61 FBU11AAU 1811 2019 -.15B-.15B .05B-.05B-.20B-.26B 62 FBU12AAU 1914 2019 .92 .90 .90 .82 63 FBU12BBU 1902 2019 .83 .84 .88 .81 64 FBU13AAU 1773 2019 .88 .91 .83 .86 .85 .79 65 FBU13BBU 1799 2019 .84 .90 .87 .86 .87 .80 66 FBU14AAU 1850 2019 .74 .87 .88 .88 .89 .80 67 FBU14BBU 1911 2019 .51 .72 .60 .24A 68 FBU15AAU 1783 2019 .71 .78 .75 .80 .76 .63 69 FBU15BBU 1807 2019 .62 .73 .73 .80 .77 .67 70 FBU16BBU 1852 2019 .67 .71 .66 .79 .80 .72 71 FBU17AAU 1763 2019 .56 .65 .69 .76 .79 .76 72 FBU17BBU 1838 2019 .54 .77 .61 .69 .82 .66 73 FBU19AAU 1802 2019 .74 .71 .77 .89 .93 .87 74 FBU19BBU 1775 2019 .76 .59 .42 .76 .94 .84 75 FBU20AAU 1782 2019 .83 .83 .90 .93 .91 .84 76 FBU20BBU 1819 2019 .85 .68 .52 .77 .93 .86 77 FBU22AAU 1774 2019 .83 .85 .88 .92 .95 .87 78 FBU22BBU 1788 2019 .81 .87 .91 .92 .87 .79 Av segment correlation 0.77 0.80 0.77 0.82 0.83 0.79 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: fbu 15:10 Sun 04 Apr 2021 Page 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 FRB21C 1106 1530 425 17 0 0.889 0.53 2.05 0.378 0.610 0.581 1.43 0.554 0.001 1 2 FRB28A 870 1324 455 18 0 0.890 0.58 1.54 0.321 0.455 0.529 1.32 0.500 -0.001 6 3 FRB28B 870 1290 421 17 0 0.863 0.56 2.48 0.410 0.640 0.519 1.74 0.554 -0.004 4 4 FRB19A 870 1138 269 11 0 0.869 0.68 2.66 0.490 0.530 0.647 1.78 0.627 0.003 1 5 FRB18B 912 1630 719 29 0 0.840 0.59 3.43 0.469 0.703 0.579 1.46 0.554 0.000 1 6 FRB27A 983 1623 641 25 0 0.895 0.64 2.21 0.423 0.632 0.522 1.41 0.517 -0.002 2 7 FRB29A 936 1599 664 26 0 0.862 0.82 2.31 0.405 0.410 0.458 1.23 0.463 -0.002 2 8 FRB29B 1697 1996 300 12 0 0.775 0.79 2.08 0.393 0.429 0.422 1.28 0.446 -0.001 1 9 SCJ4A 1039 1493 455 18 0 0.747 0.57 1.67 0.370 0.717 0.424 1.20 0.443 -0.003 2 10 FRE02A 1354 1982 629 25 0 0.767 0.51 3.17 0.451 0.762 0.435 1.40 0.469 0.001 1 11 FRE08B 1386 1982 597 24 0 0.776 0.49 1.35 0.263 0.494 0.495 1.62 0.503 0.008 1 12 FRE08C 1290 1982 693 28 0 0.791 0.59 1.74 0.302 0.498 0.465 1.51 0.487 0.004 1 13 FRE34V 1096 1647 552 22 0 0.911 0.50 1.49 0.274 0.208 0.637 1.25 0.570 -0.005 2 14 FRE34Z 1163 1667 505 20 0 0.904 0.47 1.32 0.256 0.169 0.653 1.47 0.572 -0.005 6 15 FRE24A 1533 1982 450 18 0 0.815 0.71 2.03 0.332 0.413 0.410 1.06 0.419 -0.005 2 16 FRE24B 1576 1982 407 16 0 0.801 0.66 1.70 0.308 0.406 0.420 1.05 0.443 -0.001 2 17 FBK01A 1772 2010 239 10 0 0.823 0.63 1.96 0.337 0.427 0.520 1.39 0.495 -0.002 4 18 FBK03A 1798 2010 213 9 0 0.666 0.33 1.04 0.192 0.651 0.429 1.16 0.445 0.001 1 19 FBK04A 1762 2010 249 10 0 0.891 0.66 1.92 0.338 0.473 0.479 1.54 0.516 0.013 1 20 FBK04B 1831 2010 180 7 0 0.842 0.50 1.22 0.243 0.354 0.501 1.37 0.518 -0.012 1 21 FBK05A 1762 2010 249 10 0 0.862 0.61 1.53 0.289 0.426 0.428 1.07 0.444 -0.007 4 22 FBK05B 1707 2010 304 12 0 0.829 0.43 1.33 0.243 0.504 0.500 1.29 0.493 -0.002 6 23 FBK06A 1764 2010 247 10 0 0.747 0.40 1.14 0.233 0.436 0.497 1.45 0.502 0.000 1 24 FBK06B 1749 2010 262 11 0 0.858 0.42 1.20 0.227 0.561 0.459 1.10 0.458 -0.001 1 25 FBK07A 1745 2010 266 11 0 0.859 0.45 1.99 0.319 0.578 0.577 1.37 0.566 -0.005 1 26 FBK07B 1611 2010 400 16 0 0.845 0.42 1.89 0.289 0.478 0.581 1.68 0.576 -0.006 1 27 FBK08B 1386 1459 74 3 0 0.844 1.40 2.80 0.547 0.352 0.365 0.83 0.345 -0.001 1 28 FBK08C 1386 1478 93 4 0 0.772 1.31 2.78 0.435 0.090 0.345 0.99 0.343 -0.009 1 29 FBK09A 1862 2010 149 6 0 0.870 0.59 1.80 0.268 0.078 0.503 1.22 0.465 -0.014 4 30 FBK09B 1785 2010 226 9 0 0.863 0.81 1.96 0.380 0.246 0.473 1.33 0.478 -0.001 1 31 FBK10B 1746 2010 265 11 0 0.851 0.53 1.26 0.271 0.634 0.388 1.07 0.417 0.006 1 32 FBK11A 1845 2010 166 7 0 0.807 0.99 2.52 0.430 0.387 0.433 1.11 0.440 -0.003 1 33 FBK11B 1850 2010 161 6 0 0.823 0.75 1.91 0.354 0.419 0.465 1.09 0.473 -0.003 1 34 FBK12A 1753 2010 258 10 0 0.829 0.62 1.51 0.292 0.587 0.395 1.10 0.424 0.006 1 35 FBK12B 1695 2010 316 13 0 0.829 0.72 1.87 0.351 0.595 0.378 1.11 0.407 0.004 1 36 FBK14A 1822 2010 189 8 0 0.824 0.62 1.61 0.294 0.338 0.494 1.22 0.497 -0.007 1 37 FBK14B 1806 2010 205 8 0 0.763 0.56 1.59 0.276 0.436 0.457 1.75 0.507 -0.010 1 38 FBK15A 1847 2010 164 7 0 0.859 0.52 1.17 0.268 0.383 0.531 1.19 0.542 -0.013 1 39 FBK16A 1800 2010 211 8 0 0.861 0.47 1.38 0.242 0.605 0.433 1.06 0.435 -0.009 1 40 FBK16B 1807 2010 204 8 0 0.876 0.52 1.31 0.250 0.632 0.417 1.12 0.421 -0.001 1 41 FBK17A 1851 2010 160 6 0 0.894 0.80 1.81 0.376 0.369 0.469 1.40 0.487 -0.008 1 42 FBK17B 1775 2010 236 9 0 0.860 0.59 1.66 0.298 0.493 0.472 1.32 0.500 -0.018 1 43 FBK19B 1788 2010 223 9 0 0.778 0.31 0.83 0.167 0.401 0.559 1.10 0.543 -0.001 1 44 FRB21D 1011 1350 340 14 0 0.893 0.77 2.78 0.497 0.641 0.495 1.44 0.474 -0.010 2 45 FRB30C 1419 1624 206 8 0 0.886 0.47 1.29 0.277 0.372 0.638 1.28 0.577 -0.002 1 46 FRB30D 1631 1996 366 14 0 0.811 0.44 1.34 0.259 0.446 0.633 1.48 0.606 -0.006 1 47 FBU01AAU 1833 2019 187 7 0 0.801 0.72 2.01 0.381 0.690 0.366 0.96 0.370 -0.012 3 48 FBU01BBU 1850 2019 170 6 0 0.759 0.63 1.93 0.332 0.706 0.358 1.46 0.396 -0.009 3 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: fbu 15:10 Sun 04 Apr 2021 Page 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 49 FBU03BBU 1827 2019 193 7 0 0.827 0.66 1.35 0.235 0.423 0.340 1.12 0.357 0.003 4 50 FBU04AAU 1867 2019 153 6 0 0.836 0.64 1.66 0.297 0.610 0.367 0.97 0.382 -0.003 1 51 FBU04BBU 1827 2019 193 7 0 0.855 0.65 1.82 0.268 0.529 0.377 1.21 0.392 -0.006 1 52 FBU05AAU 1839 2019 181 7 0 0.827 0.82 1.68 0.357 0.505 0.384 1.04 0.399 -0.015 1 53 FBU05BBU 1841 2019 179 7 0 0.774 0.88 2.09 0.438 0.554 0.391 0.89 0.419 -0.016 1 54 FBU06AAU 1859 2019 161 6 0 0.840 0.99 2.30 0.418 0.478 0.372 1.01 0.366 -0.008 4 55 FBU06BBU 1831 2019 189 7 0 0.857 1.26 4.24 0.691 0.607 0.387 1.16 0.414 0.004 1 56 FBU07AAU 1774 2019 246 10 0 0.687 0.38 1.27 0.239 0.620 0.460 1.19 0.439 -0.002 1 57 FBU08AAU 1818 2019 202 8 0 0.703 0.60 1.68 0.274 0.682 0.309 0.78 0.345 -0.004 1 58 FBU09AAU 1847 2019 173 7 0 0.778 0.43 1.83 0.284 0.660 0.535 1.37 0.518 0.011 2 59 FBU09BBU 1851 2019 169 6 0 0.829 0.53 1.39 0.275 0.623 0.444 0.92 0.411 0.012 2 60 FBU10BBU 1795 2019 225 9 0 0.795 0.55 1.51 0.243 0.565 0.330 1.21 0.367 0.000 1 61 FBU11AAU 1811 2019 209 8 8 -0.080 0.37 1.25 0.260 0.718 0.444 1.46 0.519 0.000 1 62 FBU12AAU 1914 2019 106 4 0 0.864 0.56 1.65 0.341 0.590 0.456 1.26 0.441 0.002 1 63 FBU12BBU 1902 2019 118 4 0 0.837 0.62 1.49 0.340 0.569 0.401 0.91 0.386 -0.023 3 64 FBU13AAU 1773 2019 247 10 0 0.833 0.54 1.74 0.279 0.557 0.373 1.01 0.397 0.001 1 65 FBU13BBU 1799 2019 221 9 0 0.837 0.53 1.65 0.256 0.517 0.365 0.90 0.377 -0.005 1 66 FBU14AAU 1850 2019 170 6 0 0.822 1.01 2.07 0.385 0.638 0.272 0.70 0.294 -0.016 3 67 FBU14BBU 1911 2019 109 4 1 0.412 0.51 1.33 0.289 0.727 0.387 0.98 0.463 -0.004 1 68 FBU15AAU 1783 2019 237 9 0 0.711 0.52 1.70 0.291 0.677 0.346 1.04 0.386 0.012 1 69 FBU15BBU 1807 2019 213 8 0 0.693 0.33 0.90 0.186 0.694 0.395 1.61 0.441 -0.021 1 70 FBU16BBU 1852 2019 168 6 0 0.708 0.84 1.76 0.280 0.353 0.301 0.78 0.334 -0.006 3 71 FBU17AAU 1763 2019 257 10 0 0.655 0.53 1.60 0.268 0.671 0.383 1.13 0.416 0.005 2 72 FBU17BBU 1838 2019 182 7 0 0.659 0.50 0.95 0.181 0.258 0.368 1.07 0.381 0.001 1 73 FBU19AAU 1802 2019 218 8 0 0.791 0.74 1.89 0.347 0.541 0.405 1.11 0.408 -0.007 4 74 FBU19BBU 1775 2019 245 9 0 0.759 0.40 1.10 0.193 0.404 0.462 1.34 0.461 -0.011 4 75 FBU20AAU 1782 2019 238 9 0 0.869 0.54 1.30 0.243 0.299 0.481 0.97 0.443 -0.004 4 76 FBU20BBU 1819 2019 201 8 0 0.775 0.45 1.09 0.202 0.374 0.468 1.17 0.442 0.002 1 77 FBU22AAU 1774 2019 246 10 0 0.870 0.39 1.30 0.248 0.593 0.514 1.27 0.514 -0.007 1 78 FBU22BBU 1788 2019 232 9 0 0.805 0.44 1.82 0.321 0.711 0.525 1.62 0.538 -0.001 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 21241 838 9 0.811 0.59 4.24 0.324 0.515 0.471 1.78 0.474 -0.002