Zanoaga, Romania - ROMA010 Additional Information R. Kaszka U. Büntgen Collection purpose: dendroclimatology Cores are stored at: Notes: Formerly rw00552zan52 References: Kaszka & Büntgen (2007) TRACE COFECHA output: Chronology file name : ROMA010.CRN Measurement file name : ROMA010.RWL Date checked : 29JAN14 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1880 Ending year : 2004 Principal investigators: R. Kaszka U. Büntgen Site name : Zanoaga Site location : Romania Species information : PCAB NORWAY SPRUCE Latitude : 4521 Longitude : 02246 Elevation : 1640M Series intercorrelation: 0.655 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.182 Avg standard deviation : 0.865 Avg autocorrelation : 0.850 Number dated series : 52 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 0 Pct problem segments : 0.00 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Zanoaga 09:24 Wed 29 Jan 2014 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 reba22 1937 2004 .47 .62 .66 2 reba20 1931 2004 .45 .63 .64 3 reba18 1906 2004 .34 .41 .46 .49 4 reba15 1927 2004 .63 .82 .77 5 reba07 1907 2004 .75 .78 .69 .68 6 reba24 1924 2004 .54 .54 .62 .62 7 rebb40 1932 2004 .87 .84 .83 8 rebb34 1887 2004 .56 .70 .78 .77 .76 9 rebb42 1893 2004 .55 .69 .70 .68 .67 10 rebb41 1911 2004 .72 .85 .78 .71 11 rebb23 1911 2004 .51 .51 .76 .73 12 rebb13 1897 2004 .35 .56 .77 .68 .64 13 rebb09 1913 2004 .83 .84 .71 .69 14 rebb01 1922 2004 .63 .70 .52 .49 15 rebc33 1880 2004 .47 .69 .87 .65 .61 16 rebc38 1910 2004 .77 .84 .81 .82 17 rebc37 1918 2004 .75 .74 .64 .66 18 rebc27 1927 2004 .78 .75 .68 19 rebc23 1890 2004 .62 .62 .59 .61 .66 20 rebc02 1882 2004 .39 .67 .71 .72 .73 21 rebc29 1911 2004 .52 .52 .54 .54 22 rebc28 1917 2004 .85 .88 .75 .74 23 rfd03 1934 2004 .57 .61 .62 24 rfal06 1919 2004 .67 .71 .73 .71 25 reb011 1929 2004 .73 .70 .75 26 reb004 1923 2004 .49 .56 .53 .50 27 reaa33 1938 2004 .40 .56 .70 28 reaa30 1924 2004 .43 .41 .44 .50 29 reaa21 1916 2004 .85 .87 .74 .73 30 reaa17 1920 2004 .46 .59 .51 .60 31 reaa06 1940 2004 .61 .48 .47 32 reaa05 1930 2004 .52 .38 .39 33 reaa01 1953 2004 .57 .58 34 reaa25 1927 2004 .72 .70 .70 35 reaa40 1962 2004 .52 36 reab15 1922 2004 .77 .78 .75 .82 37 reab14 1911 2004 .71 .75 .71 .71 38 reab39 1921 2004 .86 .85 .74 .80 39 reab27 1914 2004 .71 .69 .64 .65 40 reab07 1905 2004 .61 .67 .43 .46 41 reab04 1944 2004 .58 .62 .64 42 reab13 1914 2004 .76 .74 .79 .80 43 reab26 1926 2004 .74 .69 .72 44 rlztl-08 1907 2004 .69 .71 .74 .69 45 rlztl-04 1890 2004 .54 .67 .75 .60 .55 46 rlztl-03 1921 2004 .81 .79 .74 .72 47 rlztl-02 1915 2004 .63 .66 .56 .56 48 rlztl-01 1920 2004 .79 .80 .72 .75 49 rlztl-11 1914 2004 .62 .69 .55 .59 50 rlztl-09 1930 2004 .63 .59 .59 51 rea024 1913 2004 .81 .81 .52 .46 52 rea018 1913 2004 .79 .80 .59 .57 Av segment correlation .50 .67 .69 .64 .65 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Zanoaga 09:24 Wed 29 Jan 2014 Page 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 reba22 1937 2004 68 3 0 .522 1.81 3.42 .632 .855 .153 2.52 .514 -.065 1 2 reba20 1931 2004 74 3 0 .561 1.67 2.81 .459 .787 .143 2.62 .553 .022 1 3 reba18 1906 2004 99 4 0 .412 1.25 2.57 .388 .781 .149 2.74 .610 .061 1 4 reba15 1927 2004 78 3 0 .673 1.13 2.07 .395 .754 .188 2.67 .460 .092 2 5 reba07 1907 2004 98 4 0 .726 1.10 2.56 .423 .795 .187 2.73 .529 .022 1 6 reba24 1924 2004 81 4 0 .596 1.06 3.14 .560 .851 .179 2.79 .512 -.076 1 7 rebb40 1932 2004 73 3 0 .861 1.96 3.66 .510 .724 .145 2.63 .461 -.005 1 8 rebb34 1887 2004 118 5 0 .721 1.78 4.80 1.198 .928 .161 2.60 .409 .044 1 9 rebb42 1893 2004 112 5 0 .691 1.41 2.51 .402 .635 .186 2.85 .495 -.033 1 10 rebb41 1911 2004 94 4 0 .718 1.96 4.06 .779 .902 .152 2.54 .422 .069 1 11 rebb23 1911 2004 94 4 0 .604 1.41 3.22 .457 .735 .162 2.37 .341 -.041 1 12 rebb13 1897 2004 108 5 0 .596 1.37 3.91 .727 .896 .174 2.59 .492 .055 1 13 rebb09 1913 2004 92 4 0 .768 2.08 5.48 1.269 .907 .201 2.58 .456 -.020 2 14 rebb01 1922 2004 83 4 0 .553 2.11 4.36 .727 .858 .142 2.66 .397 -.066 1 15 rebc33 1880 2004 125 5 0 .619 1.63 6.43 1.309 .899 .278 2.62 .430 -.052 1 16 rebc38 1910 2004 95 4 0 .792 1.77 4.41 .820 .871 .167 2.63 .483 -.097 1 17 rebc37 1918 2004 87 4 0 .705 1.89 3.75 .673 .864 .146 2.70 .428 .086 1 18 rebc27 1927 2004 78 3 0 .708 1.70 4.61 .994 .926 .118 2.52 .389 -.023 1 19 rebc23 1890 2004 115 5 0 .630 1.20 2.84 .452 .720 .183 2.85 .508 .027 1 20 rebc02 1882 2004 123 5 0 .644 1.56 3.81 .776 .933 .158 2.54 .395 -.071 1 21 rebc29 1911 2004 94 4 0 .524 2.61 6.21 1.217 .878 .177 2.73 .489 -.003 1 22 rebc28 1917 2004 88 4 0 .797 1.95 4.45 .953 .932 .140 2.51 .415 -.045 1 23 rfd03 1934 2004 71 3 0 .645 .67 2.00 .330 .830 .213 2.44 .391 -.012 1 24 rfal06 1919 2004 86 4 0 .710 1.01 2.95 .591 .874 .199 2.77 .504 -.010 1 25 reb011 1929 2004 76 3 0 .752 1.15 3.30 .655 .832 .229 2.74 .532 -.002 1 26 reb004 1923 2004 82 4 0 .496 1.01 3.14 .711 .922 .205 2.81 .556 -.050 1 27 reaa33 1938 2004 67 3 0 .503 .92 1.49 .275 .707 .201 2.53 .426 -.086 1 28 reaa30 1924 2004 81 4 0 .431 .86 1.94 .301 .783 .187 2.66 .545 .064 2 29 reaa21 1916 2004 89 4 0 .801 1.79 3.74 .874 .898 .175 2.34 .352 -.089 1 30 reaa17 1920 2004 85 4 0 .517 1.56 2.65 .454 .697 .169 2.68 .583 .072 1 31 reaa06 1940 2004 65 3 0 .606 1.72 5.07 1.305 .842 .260 2.55 .504 -.034 1 32 reaa05 1930 2004 75 3 0 .431 1.48 3.47 .633 .850 .194 2.83 .541 -.086 1 33 reaa01 1953 2004 52 2 0 .573 3.20 6.46 1.482 .846 .228 2.62 .436 .008 2 34 reaa25 1927 2004 78 3 0 .702 1.64 3.86 .592 .823 .155 2.55 .502 -.077 1 35 reaa40 1962 2004 43 1 0 .516 .90 1.69 .304 .727 .197 2.66 .504 .003 1 36 reab15 1922 2004 83 4 0 .781 3.01 6.28 1.416 .872 .186 2.55 .447 -.034 1 37 reab14 1911 2004 94 4 0 .699 2.02 5.75 1.406 .892 .176 2.39 .320 -.063 1 38 reab39 1921 2004 84 4 0 .838 2.06 5.31 1.227 .912 .194 2.51 .456 -.033 3 39 reab27 1914 2004 91 4 0 .723 2.59 6.34 .990 .817 .169 2.53 .398 -.046 1 40 reab07 1905 2004 100 4 0 .554 2.72 9.07 1.620 .871 .171 2.47 .309 .000 1 41 reab04 1944 2004 61 3 0 .600 3.03 4.96 .927 .677 .207 2.52 .426 .036 1 42 reab13 1914 2004 91 4 0 .773 2.08 5.53 1.231 .911 .151 2.77 .453 .062 1 43 reab26 1926 2004 79 3 0 .730 2.45 8.04 1.770 .914 .182 2.74 .469 -.029 1 44 rlztl-08 1907 2004 98 4 0 .687 1.00 2.66 .535 .929 .164 2.50 .371 .009 1 45 rlztl-04 1890 2004 115 5 0 .629 1.35 2.95 .627 .909 .153 2.69 .489 -.002 2 46 rlztl-03 1921 2004 84 4 0 .759 2.03 6.14 1.439 .945 .177 2.46 .394 .075 1 47 rlztl-02 1915 2004 90 4 0 .598 1.53 3.90 .822 .793 .266 2.46 .369 -.054 1 48 rlztl-01 1920 2004 85 4 0 .771 1.30 3.50 .680 .873 .170 2.43 .295 .060 1 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Zanoaga 09:24 Wed 29 Jan 2014 Page 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 49 rlztl-11 1914 2004 91 4 0 .613 2.66 6.64 1.511 .891 .196 2.36 .350 -.056 1 50 rlztl-09 1930 2004 75 3 0 .630 1.63 3.29 .712 .841 .206 2.60 .481 .016 1 51 rea024 1913 2004 92 4 0 .693 1.18 5.64 1.363 .966 .207 2.50 .375 -.033 1 52 rea018 1913 2004 92 4 0 .706 1.56 6.22 1.658 .928 .210 2.52 .372 -.078 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 4532 196 0 .655 1.69 9.07 .865 .850 .182 2.85 .447 -.011