Northern Yakutia larch regional chronology, Yakutia/Sacca Republic, Russia - RUSS191 Additional Site Information M.K.Hughes, E.A.Vaganov, S.Shiyatov, R.Touchan, G.Funkhouser. Purpose of Collection: Climatology - temperature reconstruction. Detrend method: Negative exponontial or linear regression with negative or 0 slope. This is the regional chronology calculated from a selection of samples from the sites Indigirka, Lakeside south of Chokurdak, Berelekh, Kirlach, Allayka, Nanjan and Argaa, as descibed in the cited paper. The minimum number of rings on any sample used in this chronology is 300. Cores are stored at the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona. Reference: Hughes, M.K., E.A.Vaganov, S.Shiyatov, R.Touchan and G.Funkhouser. 1999. Twentieth-century summer warmth in northern Yakutia in a 600-year context. The Holocene, 9, 629-634. COFECHA output: Chronology file name : RUSS191.CRN Measurement file name : RUSS191.RWL Date checked : 30MAR05 Checked by : H. ADAMS AND J. LUKAS Beginning year : 1259 Ending year : 1994 Principal investigators: M.K.Hughes, E.A.Vaganov, S.Shiyatov, R.Touchan, G.Funkhouser Site name : Northern Yakutia larch regional Site location : Russia Species information : LAGM DAHURIAN LARCH Latitude : 6930 Longitude : 14700 Elevation : 80M Series intercorrelation: 0.739 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.458 Avg standard deviation : 0.124 Avg autocorrelation : 0.558 Number dated series : 34 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 3 Pct problem segments : 0.57 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: russ191.rwl 09:59 Wed 30 Mar 2005 Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1300 1325 1350 1375 1400 1425 1450 1475 1500 1525 1550 1575 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1349 1374 1399 1424 1449 1474 1499 1524 1549 1574 1599 1624 1649 1674 1699 1724 1749 1774 1799 1824 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 IND03A 1554 1994 .76 .77 .83 .86 .86 .78 .71 .80 .76 .79 2 LAK02 1522 1994 .62 .67 .72 .80 .83 .84 .84 .84 .56 .60 .83 .74 3 LAK03 1412 1994 .43 .52 .66 .57 .43 .58 .62 .79 .88 .90 .71 .72 .80 .75 .81 .87 4 LAK06A 1564 1994 .65 .77 .87 .87 .85 .82 .77 .81 .76 .79 5 LAK06B 1623 1994 .84 .87 .88 .83 .78 .79 .88 .90 6 LAK08 1600 1920 .79 .82 .77 .81 .75 .81 .80 .57 7 LAK09 1613 1994 .76 .76 .83 .83 .78 .78 .83 .79 8 LAK10 1680 1994 .79 .76 .79 .82 .80 9 BER40 1321 1643 .46 .43 .64 .65 .50 .62 .81 .78 .65 .67 .74 .67 .57 10 KIL041 1665 1994 .68 .70 .68 .75 .75 .76 11 KIL042 1655 1994 .84 .86 .84 .80 .79 .83 12 KIL071A 1552 1901 .78 .80 .83 .81 .84 .87 .87 .89 .87 .86 13 KIL072A 1552 1994 .85 .82 .77 .66 .70 .79 .77 .78 .62 .54 14 KIL081 1539 1994 .76 .79 .82 .86 .85 .75 .70 .70 .78 .82 .80 15 KIL082 1537 1994 .77 .81 .85 .84 .82 .78 .71 .75 .78 .79 .85 16 KIL181 1598 1994 .66 .68 .73 .82 .79 .77 .83 .83 .80 17 KIL202 1669 1994 .78 .83 .75 .69 .61 .64 18 KIL251 1534 1994 .74 .78 .84 .88 .87 .86 .85 .84 .90 .87 .84 19 KIL291 1690 1994 .83 .80 .83 .71 .67 20 KIL292 1690 1994 .80 .78 .80 .86 .80 21 KIL331 1569 1994 .76 .79 .76 .75 .81 .84 .83 .88 .84 .84 22 KIL332 1570 1994 .82 .84 .73 .67 .77 .82 .81 .78 .71 .77 23 KIL381 1545 1900 .77 .78 .79 .83 .77 .80 .84 .85 .90 .85 .83 24 KIL68 1493 1994 .50 .64 .75 .78 .75 .70 .76 .88 .72 .66 .82 .75 .81 25 ALL161 1590 1994 .65 .74 .76 .73 .80 .73 .72 .73 .71 26 ALL201 1572 1840 .30A .38 .54 .71 .72 .41 .42 .76 .76 .80 27 RAS05 1431 1740 .44 .54 .63 .67 .64 .41 .37 .64 .69 .62 .33A .36B 28 RAS061 1259 1670 .46 .44 .54 .61 .62 .72 .81 .72 .62 .79 .76 .69 .70 .38 29 RAS071 1342 1788 .67 .75 .81 .55 .63 .85 .85 .81 .80 .76 .68 .60 .55 .51 .35 .49 .48 .37 30 RAS091 1379 1824 .67 .58 .63 .74 .78 .72 .78 .76 .58 .58 .52 .51 .62 .55 .44 .54 .72 31 RAS101 1360 1848 .73 .67 .49 .57 .73 .76 .74 .68 .67 .58 .65 .72 .68 .57 .48 .59 .67 .82 32 NAN031 1504 1994 .44 .75 .79 .66 .78 .85 .81 .76 .63 .62 .70 .74 33 NAN07 1700 1994 .54 .55 .69 .62 34 NAN081 1596 1994 .79 .79 .79 .76 .77 .64 .65 .75 .68 Av segment correlation .46 .51 .66 .68 .53 .59 .73 .70 .63 .73 .72 .71 .75 .75 .76 .74 .70 .75 .75 .77 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: russ191.rwl 09:59 Wed 30 Mar 2005 Page 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 IND03A 1554 1994 .82 .77 .74 .78 .86 .87 .88 2 LAK02 1522 1994 .78 .74 .70 .80 .80 .80 .85 3 LAK03 1412 1994 .89 .81 .72 .76 .69 .75 .86 4 LAK06A 1564 1994 .85 .84 .85 .85 .65 .64 .74 5 LAK06B 1623 1994 .91 .91 .88 .83 .78 .81 .83 6 LAK08 1600 1920 .42 .53 .72 .68 7 LAK09 1613 1994 .79 .81 .80 .83 .74 .74 .81 8 LAK10 1680 1994 .63 .63 .81 .85 .80 .77 .78 10 KIL041 1665 1994 .81 .83 .77 .78 .80 .64 .62 11 KIL042 1655 1994 .86 .83 .81 .86 .85 .73 .80 12 KIL071A 1552 1901 .84 .81 .76 .76 13 KIL072A 1552 1994 .44 .41 .59 .66 .72 .58 .62 14 KIL081 1539 1994 .82 .83 .76 .69 .77 .75 .75 15 KIL082 1537 1994 .86 .81 .66 .66 .78 .69 .69 16 KIL181 1598 1994 .85 .87 .77 .81 .82 .79 .83 17 KIL202 1669 1994 .74 .78 .79 .65 .55 .68 .71 18 KIL251 1534 1994 .90 .88 .80 .78 .76 .74 .77 19 KIL291 1690 1994 .84 .86 .81 .78 .79 .81 .85 20 KIL292 1690 1994 .89 .84 .74 .76 .79 .67 .60 21 KIL331 1569 1994 .85 .83 .83 .81 .76 .73 .76 22 KIL332 1570 1994 .84 .56 .46 .73 .81 .75 .77 23 KIL381 1545 1900 .87 .84 .79 .79 24 KIL68 1493 1994 .85 .76 .76 .78 .70 .69 .73 25 ALL161 1590 1994 .80 .76 .68 .70 .76 .76 .80 26 ALL201 1572 1840 .83 31 RAS101 1360 1848 .76 32 NAN031 1504 1994 .74 .66 .40 .53 .73 .65 .69 33 NAN07 1700 1994 .61 .64 .54 .65 .71 .59 .69 34 NAN081 1596 1994 .69 .74 .62 .54 .59 .63 .58 Av segment correlation .78 .76 .73 .74 .75 .72 .75 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: russ191.rwl 09:59 Wed 30 Mar 2005 Page 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 IND03A 1554 1994 441 17 0 .806 .25 1.05 .133 .543 .417 2.60 .377 -.009 2 2 LAK02 1522 1994 473 19 0 .771 .26 .87 .141 .527 .462 2.56 .313 -.015 2 3 LAK03 1412 1994 583 23 0 .739 .23 1.02 .134 .566 .482 2.71 .412 -.003 1 4 LAK06A 1564 1994 431 17 0 .789 .36 1.10 .182 .479 .436 2.73 .408 -.020 2 5 LAK06B 1623 1994 372 15 0 .854 .23 1.01 .126 .451 .448 2.73 .412 -.007 2 6 LAK08 1600 1920 321 12 0 .720 .19 .76 .128 .624 .478 2.75 .446 -.028 2 7 LAK09 1613 1994 382 15 0 .800 .19 .59 .100 .531 .424 2.60 .356 -.007 1 8 LAK10 1680 1994 315 12 0 .762 .14 .39 .073 .187 .558 2.77 .469 .017 2 9 BER40 1321 1643 323 13 0 .650 .18 .69 .122 .559 .504 2.65 .347 -.038 1 10 KIL041 1665 1994 330 13 0 .723 .20 .74 .106 .606 .356 2.57 .347 .006 1 11 KIL042 1655 1994 340 13 0 .820 .17 .50 .081 .380 .448 2.55 .412 -.033 1 12 KIL071A 1552 1901 350 14 0 .811 .15 .63 .106 .466 .552 2.59 .319 -.020 1 13 KIL072A 1552 1994 443 17 0 .688 .12 .62 .099 .552 .565 2.73 .435 -.022 1 14 KIL081 1539 1994 456 18 0 .786 .14 .55 .079 .505 .441 2.64 .371 .002 2 15 KIL082 1537 1994 458 18 0 .778 .13 .43 .070 .493 .422 2.46 .275 -.013 1 16 KIL181 1598 1994 397 16 0 .792 .24 .74 .109 .476 .385 2.65 .362 -.040 1 17 KIL202 1669 1994 326 13 0 .704 .19 .89 .144 .688 .424 2.57 .340 -.017 1 18 KIL251 1534 1994 461 18 0 .836 .18 .65 .104 .417 .519 2.54 .371 -.012 1 19 KIL291 1690 1994 305 12 0 .808 .11 .29 .056 .456 .476 2.56 .359 -.012 1 20 KIL292 1690 1994 305 12 0 .760 .12 .36 .069 .532 .488 2.76 .419 -.024 2 21 KIL331 1569 1994 426 17 0 .809 .16 .57 .082 .510 .461 2.43 .275 -.018 1 22 KIL332 1570 1994 425 17 0 .763 .10 .55 .064 .507 .503 2.56 .336 .007 1 23 KIL381 1545 1900 356 15 0 .828 .15 .47 .090 .587 .500 2.44 .357 -.006 1 24 KIL68 1493 1994 502 20 0 .731 .15 .51 .086 .657 .417 2.68 .368 -.015 2 25 ALL161 1590 1994 405 16 0 .756 .21 .83 .121 .596 .474 2.70 .316 -.030 2 26 ALL201 1572 1840 269 11 1 .641 .12 .58 .066 .491 .418 2.56 .349 -.021 2 27 RAS05 1431 1740 310 12 2 .542 .19 .71 .135 .740 .426 2.82 .435 -.029 3 28 RAS061 1259 1670 412 14 0 .628 .36 1.54 .242 .675 .425 2.53 .341 -.025 1 29 RAS071 1342 1788 447 18 0 .649 .32 1.15 .173 .592 .434 2.57 .346 -.021 1 30 RAS091 1379 1824 446 17 0 .646 .28 1.29 .167 .702 .429 2.64 .424 -.040 1 31 RAS101 1360 1848 489 19 0 .672 .29 1.02 .172 .668 .416 2.78 .427 -.020 1 32 NAN031 1504 1994 491 19 0 .677 .29 1.41 .225 .757 .426 2.75 .443 .012 1 33 NAN07 1700 1994 295 11 0 .631 .15 .62 .099 .588 .514 2.59 .405 -.019 3 34 NAN081 1596 1994 399 16 0 .691 .28 1.41 .228 .729 .482 2.79 .427 -.019 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 13484 529 3 .739 .21 1.54 .124 .558 .458 2.82 .376 -.015