Indylyun River LAGM, Yakutia, Russia - russ204 Additional Information Andrea H. Lloyd, Andrew G. Bunn, and Logan Berner Purpose of Collection: Ecology Cores and cross-sections are stored at: Middlebury College Reference: Manuscripts currently in review Notes: Site was at the confluence of the Indylyun River and the Lena River. This is a very old stand of mixed Larix cajanderi and Picea obovata, with minimal evidence of human disturbance. An old survey tower is near the site. This file contains all of the measured trees. Trees have been crossdated, but some cores contain persistent problems that were not resolved. We advise users to examine COFECHA output prior to use-- for climatological studies, users will probably want to eliminate a few cores with persistent problems. COFECHA output: Chronology file name : RUSS204.CRN Measurement file name : RUSS204.RWL Date checked : 03SEP10 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1519 Ending year : 2007 Principal investigators: Andrea H. Lloyd Andrew G. Bunn Logan Berner Site name : Indylyun River Site location : Russia Species information : LAGM DAHURIAN LARCH Latitude : 6617 Longitude : 12355 Elevation : 22M Series intercorrelation: 0.626 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.328 Avg standard deviation : 0.334 Avg autocorrelation : 0.732 Number dated series : 47 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 33 Pct problem segments : 6.78 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Indylyun River 16:54 Fri 03 Sep 2010 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1649 1674 1699 1724 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 IND001A 1687 2007 .57 .63 .70 .72 .69 .68 .72 .77 .75 .68 .40 .48 .58 2 IND001B 1710 2007 .38 .70 .67 .46 .52 .72 .83 .78 .73 .67 .68 .71 3 IND002A 1732 2007 .47 .49 .59 .69 .68 .69 .79 .74 .58 .45 .49 4 IND002B 1764 2007 .46 .48 .52 .56 .43 .56 .79 .63 .59 .59 5 IND006A 1696 2007 .60 .61 .72 .67 .64 .66 .66 .72 .72 .58 .59 .53 .46 6 IND006B 1713 2007 .64 .64 .65 .79 .81 .79 .76 .67 .57 .42 .48 .50 7 IND007A 1727 2007 .52 .46 .62 .78 .70 .56 .40B .24B .53 .76 .79 8 IND007B 1718 2007 .50 .61 .58 .77 .73 .71 .71 .74 .62 .58 .73 .82 9 IND009A 1822 2007 .23A .28B .46 .73 .61 .59 .76 .78 10 IND009B 1839 2007 .53 .59 .70 .61 .58 .70 .79 11 IND010A 1809 2007 .44 .60 .81 .83 .78 .47 .51 .57 12 IND010B 1812 2007 .47 .53 .66 .80 .77 .33A .42 .51 13 IND011A 1866 2007 .45 .48 .48 .41 .70 .79 14 IND011B 1871 2007 .62 .62 .57 .52 .77 .85 15 IND013A 1604 2007 .10B .10B .10B .60 .61 .60 .76 .67 .45 .44 .59 .68 .62 .57 .63 .70 16 IND013B 1669 1999 .26B .42 .65 .62 .65 .80 .78 .70 .72 .71 .62 .55 .58 17 IND014A 1800 2007 .71 .67 .56 .37 .23B .37 .60 .68 18 IND014B 1705 2007 .31A .44 .32A .41 .71 .68 .55 .36 .36B .55 .58 .70 19 IND018A 1748 2007 .38 .35 .43 .66 .81 .45 .40 .67 .68 .73 .76 20 IND018B 1727 2007 .50 .34B .50 .67 .78 .58 .61 .73 .64 .56 .56 21 IND019A 1675 2007 .44 .53 .50 .31B .07B .34B .65 .68 .75 .72 .64 .66 .74 22 IND019B 1677 2007 .07B .20B .27B .32B .47 .63 .68 .44 .26B .37 .67 .72 .74 23 IND021B 1692 2007 .48 .52 .61 .78 .58 .50 .56 .62 .69 .68 .49 .54 .68 24 IND025A 1767 2007 .60 .53 .57 .66 .69 .76 .67 .61 .68 .70 25 IND025B 1816 2007 .56 .65 .80 .78 .70 .59 .67 .74 26 IND026A 1740 2007 .60 .60 .52 .70 .86 .77 .79 .79 .70 .73 .64 27 IND026B 1743 2007 .66 .60 .60 .77 .84 .69 .73 .79 .74 .72 .73 28 IND027a 1806 2007 .46 .59 .52 .65 .75 .46 .44 .56 29 IND027B 1827 2007 .59 .68 .74 .79 .75 .69 .76 30 IND028A 1792 2007 .52 .65 .71 .62 .72 .81 .77 .79 .80 31 IND029A 1787 2007 .51 .59 .72 .87 .85 .85 .79 .77 .79 32 IND029B 1757 2007 .72 .68 .72 .82 .76 .78 .77 .71 .75 .82 33 IND030A 1758 2007 .53 .66 .61 .47 .56 .75 .76 .76 .81 .84 34 IND030B 1774 2007 .71 .68 .64 .64 .71 .78 .77 .72 .71 .71 35 IND031A 1717 2007 .42 .32A .30A .56 .62 .37 .37 .64 .71 .69 .75 .80 36 IND031B 1792 2007 .41 .49 .17B .29B .67 .73 .67 .70 .76 37 IND032A 1743 2007 .43 .42 .63 .73 .76 .71 .73 .83 .81 .82 .86 38 IND032B 1758 2007 .35 .54 .77 .81 .65 .74 .85 .67 .69 .70 39 IND033A 1751 2007 .52 .58 .71 .78 .77 .86 .84 .67 .73 .78 40 IND033B 1734 2007 .62 .70 .62 .68 .77 .75 .82 .89 .77 .70 .75 41 IND034A 1737 2007 .72 .61 .55 .74 .78 .74 .70 .69 .70 .76 .83 42 IND034B 1725 2007 .77 .68 .65 .79 .83 .77 .70 .70 .81 .75 .74 43 IND035A 1768 2006 .58 .58 .58 .73 .75 .73 .81 .66 .35 .37 44 IND037A 1809 2007 .19B .22A .53 .69 .72 .76 .84 .87 45 IND037B 1863 2007 .64 .64 .62 .69 .84 .83 46 IND039A 1519 2007 .10B .08B .05B .48 .64 .61 .55 .55 .69 .81 .71 .74 .81 .74 .65 .73 47 IND041A 1704 2001 .51 .55 .72 .58 .72 .83 .79 .80 .76 .41 .15B .13B Av segment correlation .10 .09 .14 .46 .51 .56 .55 .57 .62 .66 .65 .69 .68 .62 .65 .70 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Indylyun River 16:54 Fri 03 Sep 2010 Page 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 IND001A 1687 2007 321 13 0 .650 .60 1.95 .348 .781 .291 2.68 .356 -.016 2 2 IND001B 1710 2007 298 12 0 .650 .54 2.09 .363 .790 .294 2.62 .335 -.030 1 3 IND002A 1732 2007 276 11 0 .615 .59 2.13 .419 .859 .301 2.67 .432 -.026 1 4 IND002B 1764 2007 244 10 0 .561 .51 2.52 .385 .855 .297 2.62 .380 -.020 1 5 IND006A 1696 2007 312 13 0 .611 .38 1.54 .187 .586 .334 2.76 .378 -.001 7 6 IND006B 1713 2007 295 12 0 .668 .38 1.73 .244 .733 .325 2.76 .289 -.029 5 7 IND007A 1727 2007 281 11 2 .609 .50 1.65 .284 .584 .378 2.73 .430 -.008 2 8 IND007B 1718 2007 290 12 0 .702 .38 1.23 .186 .441 .384 2.62 .342 -.057 1 9 IND009A 1822 2007 186 8 2 .586 .72 1.79 .338 .763 .275 2.66 .436 .003 2 10 IND009B 1839 2007 169 7 0 .635 1.01 2.45 .395 .505 .289 2.66 .452 -.028 1 11 IND010A 1809 2007 199 8 0 .650 .76 2.36 .515 .795 .403 2.59 .405 -.024 1 12 IND010B 1812 2007 196 8 1 .624 .83 2.89 .641 .825 .412 2.69 .417 -.041 2 13 IND011A 1866 2007 142 6 0 .533 .59 1.54 .258 .389 .376 2.66 .423 -.028 1 14 IND011B 1871 2007 137 6 0 .640 .72 1.91 .297 .415 .325 2.62 .406 -.034 1 15 IND013A 1604 2007 404 16 3 .447 .37 1.22 .239 .846 .279 2.43 .211 -.022 1 16 IND013B 1669 1999 331 13 1 .597 .46 1.50 .282 .879 .254 2.57 .383 .001 1 17 IND014A 1800 2007 208 8 1 .543 .44 1.43 .244 .749 .308 2.63 .356 -.062 1 18 IND014B 1705 2007 303 12 3 .497 .37 .91 .160 .611 .301 2.80 .368 -.065 1 19 IND018A 1748 2007 260 11 0 .613 .61 1.99 .376 .667 .413 2.84 .452 -.068 1 20 IND018B 1727 2007 281 11 1 .615 .46 1.86 .323 .741 .455 2.71 .401 -.040 1 21 IND019A 1675 2007 333 13 3 .564 .37 1.77 .250 .734 .369 2.83 .446 -.039 1 22 IND019B 1677 2007 331 13 5 .464 .28 1.35 .203 .726 .353 2.74 .381 -.043 1 23 IND021B 1692 2007 316 13 0 .577 .55 1.97 .394 .858 .347 2.59 .308 -.045 1 24 IND025A 1767 2007 241 10 0 .635 .54 1.57 .269 .753 .249 2.58 .306 -.026 2 25 IND025B 1816 2007 192 8 0 .686 .59 1.92 .327 .830 .252 2.65 .395 -.030 1 26 IND026A 1740 2007 268 11 0 .695 .31 .96 .147 .607 .358 2.77 .396 -.009 2 27 IND026B 1743 2007 265 11 0 .720 .31 .99 .144 .550 .354 2.84 .461 -.042 1 28 IND027a 1806 2007 202 8 0 .574 .87 2.75 .418 .709 .228 2.86 .468 -.013 1 29 IND027B 1827 2007 181 7 0 .716 .67 2.13 .388 .790 .220 2.67 .367 -.007 1 30 IND028A 1792 2007 216 9 0 .712 .89 1.93 .398 .689 .294 2.54 .389 .007 2 31 IND029A 1787 2007 221 9 0 .758 .62 1.93 .281 .675 .289 2.72 .391 -.023 2 32 IND029B 1757 2007 251 10 0 .750 .51 1.27 .222 .682 .280 2.71 .503 -.071 1 33 IND030A 1758 2007 250 10 0 .667 .42 1.09 .193 .582 .313 2.67 .350 -.034 2 34 IND030B 1774 2007 234 10 0 .707 .46 1.49 .200 .563 .327 2.74 .357 -.026 1 35 IND031A 1717 2007 291 12 2 .543 .48 1.73 .318 .754 .355 2.67 .400 -.051 1 36 IND031B 1792 2007 216 9 2 .544 .58 2.25 .440 .811 .366 2.71 .394 -.016 2 37 IND032A 1743 2007 265 11 0 .720 .80 2.30 .473 .784 .323 2.63 .377 -.028 2 38 IND032B 1758 2007 250 10 0 .677 .84 2.29 .564 .856 .319 2.69 .521 -.040 1 39 IND033A 1751 2007 257 10 0 .732 .62 2.23 .391 .821 .323 2.62 .373 -.048 1 40 IND033B 1734 2007 274 11 0 .735 .70 3.37 .581 .881 .347 2.66 .367 -.037 1 41 IND034A 1737 2007 271 11 0 .709 .77 2.47 .518 .814 .330 2.67 .401 -.067 1 42 IND034B 1725 2007 283 11 0 .744 .86 3.20 .556 .777 .320 2.79 .331 -.058 1 43 IND035A 1768 2006 239 10 0 .600 .51 2.79 .488 .909 .400 2.79 .339 -.003 1 44 IND037A 1809 2007 199 8 2 .627 .72 1.95 .442 .803 .341 2.64 .417 -.009 1 45 IND037B 1863 2007 145 6 0 .697 .90 1.99 .436 .749 .295 2.60 .353 -.040 1 46 IND039A 1519 2007 489 16 3 .526 .50 2.09 .299 .741 .317 2.60 .329 -.019 1 47 IND041A 1704 2001 298 12 2 .583 .38 1.26 .283 .783 .420 2.64 .309 -.012 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 12111 487 33 .626 .56 3.37 .334 .732 .328 2.86 .379 -.031