Bar, Kamchatka, Russia - russ209 Additional Site Information Olga Solomina, Gordon Jacoby, Rosanne D'Arrigo, and Moses Gostev Purpose of Collection: Climatology - precipitation analysis Reference: Cook, E.R., K.J. Anchukaitis, B.M. Buckley, R.D. D'Arrigo, G.C. Jacoby, and W.E. Wright. 2010. Asian Monsoon Failure and Megadrought During the Last Millennium. Science, Vol. 328, Issue 5977, pp.486-489, 23 April 2010. DOI: 10.1126/science.1185188 COFECHA output: Chronology file name : RUSS209.CRN Measurement file name : RUSS209.RWL Date checked : 27OCT11 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1776 Ending year : 2001 Principal investigators: Olga Solomina Gordon Jacoby Rosanne D'Arrigo Moses Gostev Site name : Bar, Kamchatka Site location : Russia Species information : LAGM DAHURIAN LARCH Latitude : 5500 Longitude : 16030 Elevation : M Series intercorrelation: 0.644 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.280 Avg standard deviation : 0.404 Avg autocorrelation : 0.487 Number dated series : 42 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 2 Pct problem segments : 1.35 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Bar 13:51 Thu 27 Oct 2011 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 bar1n 1804 1858 .35B .36 2 bar1n 1929 2001 .47 .52 .53 3 bar1w 1928 2001 .46 .54 .53 4 bar2w 1880 2001 .54 .52 .48 .66 .67 5 bar2e 1891 1996 .51 .49 .48 .55 6 bar3s 1930 2001 .48 .58 .60 7 bar4n 1776 1939 .65 .60 .52 .65 .65 .51 8 bar4n 1953 2001 .72 9 bar5n 1788 1847 .80 .66 10 bar5n 1833 1882 .31A 11 bar5n 1873 2001 .45 .49 .65 .66 .60 .59 12 bar6n 1970 2001 .63 13 bar7n 1805 1896 .68 .63 .70 14 bar7n 1908 2001 .58 .68 .82 .81 15 bar8n 1877 2001 .73 .78 .77 .85 .85 16 bar9 1910 2001 .57 .72 .68 .68 17 bar10n 1900 2001 .38 .60 .65 .65 18 bar11n 1930 2001 .66 .79 .80 19 bar12n 1850 1878 .76 20 bar12n 1879 1939 .45 .37 21 bar13 1825 2001 .77 .81 .73 .65 .64 .75 .75 22 bar14e 1790 1860 .65 .64 .63 23 bar14e 1850 2001 .72 .66 .54 .54 .53 .54 24 bar15n 1786 2001 .73 .69 .58 .56 .55 .73 .72 .73 .73 25 bar16n 1840 2001 .42 .55 .58 .66 .73 .43 .42 26 bar17n 1786 1865 .71 .65 .62 27 bar18w 1816 1886 .71 .67 .63 28 bar18w 1888 2001 .83 .80 .66 .79 .79 29 bar19w 1808 1898 .73 .73 .85 30 bar19w 1941 2001 .69 .71 .72 31 bar19w 1900 1939 .74 32 bar20w 1820 1913 .77 .80 .79 .82 33 bar20w 1915 1970 .73 .74 34 bar20w 1971 2001 .85 35 bar21s 1820 2001 .77 .76 .67 .76 .83 .65 .71 .71 36 bar22n 1805 1866 .72 .70 37 bar22n 1900 2001 .69 .68 .76 .76 38 bar23n 1828 1915 .75 .68 .59 39 bar23n 1900 2001 .63 .62 .79 .79 40 bar24 1950 2001 .82 .83 41 bar28w 1841 1900 .54 .51 .51 42 bar28w 1950 2001 .63 .65 Av segment correlation .71 .66 .61 .67 .63 .62 .63 .68 .69 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Bar 13:51 Thu 27 Oct 2011 Page 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 bar1n 1804 1858 55 2 1 .368 .73 1.41 .292 .563 .323 2.51 .413 -.083 1 2 bar1n 1929 2001 73 3 0 .491 .52 .95 .167 .483 .265 2.67 .581 .021 1 3 bar1w 1928 2001 74 3 0 .511 .75 1.50 .242 .478 .275 2.71 .513 .027 1 4 bar2w 1880 2001 122 5 0 .562 .97 6.06 .535 .268 .250 2.55 .374 -.012 1 5 bar2e 1891 1996 106 4 0 .519 .87 1.88 .236 .490 .203 2.87 .476 -.006 1 6 bar3s 1930 2001 72 3 0 .501 2.75 5.28 1.186 .814 .233 2.49 .480 -.088 2 7 bar4n 1776 1939 164 6 0 .589 .76 1.46 .216 .416 .255 2.47 .422 .055 1 8 bar4n 1953 2001 49 1 0 .722 .72 1.01 .197 .340 .263 2.50 .529 .091 1 9 bar5n 1788 1847 60 2 0 .707 .91 1.49 .228 .428 .224 2.49 .518 -.038 1 10 bar5n 1833 1882 50 1 1 .312 1.08 1.68 .321 .286 .296 2.50 .526 -.014 1 11 bar5n 1873 2001 129 6 0 .568 .88 17.37 1.476 .009 .271 2.47 .367 .006 1 12 bar6n 1970 2001 32 1 0 .625 .59 1.05 .208 .373 .327 2.64 .617 -.086 2 13 bar7n 1805 1896 92 3 0 .661 .68 1.90 .294 .386 .359 2.72 .439 .036 1 14 bar7n 1908 2001 94 4 0 .726 .66 1.24 .217 .405 .312 2.49 .398 -.031 1 15 bar8n 1877 2001 125 5 0 .789 1.03 2.51 .399 .664 .271 2.46 .297 -.007 1 16 bar9 1910 2001 92 4 0 .617 .68 1.37 .256 .762 .213 2.72 .536 .002 2 17 bar10n 1900 2001 102 4 0 .515 .64 1.09 .237 .669 .251 2.58 .464 .049 1 18 bar11n 1930 2001 72 3 0 .687 1.03 1.86 .335 .492 .263 2.49 .326 -.026 1 19 bar12n 1850 1878 29 1 0 .758 .82 1.57 .344 .343 .384 2.58 .557 -.160 2 20 bar12n 1879 1939 61 2 0 .401 .87 1.60 .305 .425 .346 2.49 .428 -.007 1 21 bar13 1825 2001 177 7 0 .733 .97 2.03 .379 .671 .281 2.45 .380 -.009 2 22 bar14e 1790 1860 71 3 0 .597 1.07 1.96 .332 .515 .233 2.59 .396 .079 2 23 bar14e 1850 2001 152 6 0 .596 .68 1.26 .201 .439 .262 2.52 .400 .034 1 24 bar15n 1786 2001 216 9 0 .675 .68 1.47 .241 .444 .317 2.49 .370 .040 2 25 bar16n 1840 2001 162 7 0 .506 .67 2.42 .259 .425 .275 2.86 .459 -.013 2 26 bar17n 1786 1865 80 3 0 .658 1.02 1.77 .369 .629 .268 2.60 .466 .103 1 27 bar18w 1816 1886 71 3 0 .663 2.11 5.25 1.069 .589 .326 2.64 .434 .024 3 28 bar18w 1888 2001 114 5 0 .795 1.04 1.92 .328 .398 .283 2.49 .394 -.025 1 29 bar19w 1808 1898 91 3 0 .778 1.78 3.90 .781 .567 .342 2.71 .395 .016 2 30 bar19w 1941 2001 61 3 0 .683 .76 1.28 .235 .274 .305 2.40 .421 -.038 2 31 bar19w 1900 1939 40 1 0 .744 .92 1.49 .305 .500 .295 2.65 .578 .126 1 32 bar20w 1820 1913 94 4 0 .780 1.69 3.44 .736 .653 .326 2.47 .446 .020 2 33 bar20w 1915 1970 56 2 0 .737 .87 1.64 .293 .408 .286 2.52 .425 -.018 2 34 bar20w 1971 2001 31 1 0 .853 .60 1.05 .235 .361 .352 2.60 .759 -.014 1 35 bar21s 1820 2001 182 8 0 .749 1.69 4.14 .756 .620 .306 2.51 .403 -.002 3 36 bar22n 1805 1866 62 2 0 .712 1.83 3.34 .669 .561 .294 2.47 .426 -.025 2 37 bar22n 1900 2001 102 4 0 .726 .87 1.62 .279 .458 .288 2.44 .394 -.051 2 38 bar23n 1828 1915 88 3 0 .681 .68 1.31 .223 .611 .235 2.57 .450 -.002 1 39 bar23n 1900 2001 102 4 0 .714 .60 1.19 .183 .506 .253 2.37 .330 -.008 3 40 bar24 1950 2001 52 2 0 .818 .70 1.48 .208 .612 .202 2.54 .359 -.030 1 41 bar28w 1841 1900 60 3 0 .539 .85 1.39 .251 .401 .263 2.59 .480 -.046 1 42 bar28w 1950 2001 52 2 0 .631 .53 1.11 .180 .445 .291 2.72 .521 -.105 2 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 3769 148 2 .644 .97 17.37 .404 .487 .280 2.87 .429 .002