Kologrivsky Forest Nature Reserve, Kostroma region PCAB, Russia - RUSS275 Additional Site Information Malcolm K. Hughes, Alexander Olchev, Andrew G. Bunn, Logan T. Berner, Mark Losleben, Elena Novenko Reference: Malcolm K. Hughes, Alexander Olchev, Andrew G. Bunn, Logan T. Berner, Mark Losleben, Elena Novenko. 2019. Different Climate Responses of Spruce and Pine Growth in Northern European Russia. Dendrochronologia, Vol. 56, August 2019, 125601. DOI: 10.1016/j.dendro.2019.05.005 COFECHA output: Chronology file name : RUSS275.CRN Measurement file name : RUSS275.RWL Date checked : 27JUN19 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1805 Ending year : 2009 Principal investigators: Hughes Olchev Bunn Berner Losleben Novenko Site name : Kologrivsky Forest Nature Reserve, Kostroma region Site location : Russia Species information : PCAB NORWAY SPRUCE Latitude : 5854 Longitude : 04405 Elevation : 150M Series intercorrelation: 0.569 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.232 Avg standard deviation : 0.898 Avg autocorrelation : 0.800 Number dated series : 25 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 2 Pct problem segments : 1.67 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: KOL PCAB 11:03 Thu 27 Jun 2019 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 k22002 1815 2009 .40 .43 .60 .66 .59 .68 .79 .82 2 k22003 1815 2009 .51 .36 .34 .40 .49 .55 .57 .56 3 k22006 1949 2009 .48 .55 .56 4 k22007 1945 2009 .59 .58 .71 5 k22010 1935 2009 .64 .72 .68 6 k22011 1930 2009 .66 .57 .53 7 k22012 1924 2009 .67 .65 .71 .81 8 k22013 1926 2009 .52 .72 .78 9 k22015 1928 2009 .73 .76 .74 10 k22016 1915 2009 .58 .54 .62 .71 11 k22018 1840 2009 .32A .34 .37 .44 .66 .75 .81 12 k22019 1937 2009 .72 .68 .73 13 k22020 1814 2009 .41 .37 .58 .60 .46 .67 .67 .69 14 k22021 1806 2009 .38 .32A .42 .61 .60 .44 .47 .53 15 k22022 1805 2009 .55 .54 .41 .48 .56 .69 .77 .78 16 k22023 1920 2009 .45 .64 .78 .78 17 k22024 1933 2009 .49 .52 .60 18 k22025 1870 2009 .67 .70 .58 .43 .45 .54 19 k22028 1898 2009 .47 .50 .64 .66 .67 20 k22029 1903 2009 .41 .63 .68 .66 21 k22030 1908 2009 .59 .50 .36 .43 22 k22031 1922 2009 .44 .52 .58 .61 23 k22032 1815 2009 .43 .47 .46 .49 .50 .50 .52 .56 24 k22034 1930 2009 .60 .54 .59 25 k22036 1925 2009 .63 .56 .52 Av segment correlation .45 .40 .48 .53 .52 .59 .62 .66 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: KOL PCAB 11:03 Thu 27 Jun 2019 Page 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 k22002 1815 2009 195 8 0 .639 1.14 3.88 .718 .869 .226 2.64 .323 -.033 4 2 k22003 1815 2009 195 8 0 .471 .69 1.57 .283 .780 .246 2.71 .392 .006 1 3 k22006 1949 2009 61 3 0 .518 2.65 4.55 .793 .627 .203 2.68 .635 .002 1 4 k22007 1945 2009 65 3 0 .653 2.77 5.77 1.153 .763 .242 2.52 .493 .036 1 5 k22010 1935 2009 75 3 0 .590 2.47 6.33 1.549 .820 .320 2.52 .429 -.039 1 6 k22011 1930 2009 80 3 0 .555 2.47 6.50 1.383 .915 .212 2.56 .414 -.066 1 7 k22012 1924 2009 86 4 0 .727 2.41 5.15 1.022 .732 .294 2.71 .470 -.015 1 8 k22013 1926 2009 84 3 0 .609 1.81 4.31 .997 .838 .324 2.54 .473 -.063 1 9 k22015 1928 2009 82 3 0 .702 2.10 4.59 1.015 .892 .185 2.36 .322 .026 1 10 k22016 1915 2009 95 4 0 .633 1.76 5.41 1.073 .828 .281 2.60 .525 -.072 1 11 k22018 1840 2009 170 7 1 .536 1.36 2.96 .452 .781 .184 2.59 .442 -.027 2 12 k22019 1937 2009 73 3 0 .685 3.12 7.66 1.376 .630 .278 2.69 .448 -.016 1 13 k22020 1814 2009 196 8 0 .559 1.31 4.07 .564 .720 .244 2.56 .349 .011 1 14 k22021 1806 2009 204 8 1 .482 1.02 1.87 .287 .668 .172 2.61 .370 -.056 2 15 k22022 1805 2009 205 8 0 .587 1.47 6.58 1.055 .841 .253 2.74 .425 .004 1 16 k22023 1920 2009 90 4 0 .647 2.40 7.01 1.620 .928 .219 2.64 .471 -.007 1 17 k22024 1933 2009 77 3 0 .514 2.42 6.28 1.481 .911 .188 2.65 .541 .129 1 18 k22025 1870 2009 140 6 0 .566 1.48 3.33 .756 .884 .192 2.80 .493 -.008 1 19 k22028 1898 2009 112 5 0 .580 2.47 4.66 .972 .834 .193 2.55 .428 -.020 1 20 k22029 1903 2009 107 4 0 .522 1.87 4.14 1.190 .830 .293 2.70 .427 -.012 1 21 k22030 1908 2009 102 4 0 .507 1.92 5.27 1.188 .910 .220 2.50 .455 -.015 1 22 k22031 1922 2009 88 4 0 .538 2.48 6.00 1.438 .888 .209 2.70 .405 -.092 1 23 k22032 1815 2009 195 8 0 .506 1.32 4.78 .787 .803 .235 2.65 .376 -.021 1 24 k22034 1930 2009 80 3 0 .608 3.25 6.41 1.159 .667 .243 2.61 .477 -.020 2 25 k22036 1925 2009 85 3 0 .578 2.83 5.15 .955 .660 .230 2.51 .408 -.014 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 2942 120 2 .569 1.79 7.66 .898 .800 .232 2.80 .423 -.016