Puerto de Gudar High, Teruel, Spain - spai063 Additional Site Information Gabriel Sangüesa and J. Julio Camarero Purpose of Collection: Ecology, Effects of mistletoe on growth Cores stored at: Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (CSIC-Zaragoza) Reference: EFECTOS DEL MUÉRDAGO (Viscum album L.) SOBRE EL CRECIMIENTO SECUNDARIO DEL PINO SILVESTRE (Pinus sylvestris L.) EN LA SIERRA DE GÚDAR (TERUEL): INTERACCIONES CON EL CLIMA. PROYECTO FINAL DE CARRERA DE INGENIERO DE MONTES ESCOLA TÈCNICA SUPERIOR D´ ENGINYERIA AGRÀRIA (ETSEA) LLEIDA www.recercat.net/bitstream/2072/17900/1/sanguesa.pdf COFECHA output: Chronology file name : SPAI063.CRN Measurement file name : SPAI063.RWL Date checked : 01MAR10 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1956 Ending year : 2008 Principal investigators: Gabriel Sangüesa J. Julio Camarero Site name : Puerto de Gudar High Site location : Spain Species information : PISY SCOTS PINE Latitude : 4021 Longitude : -00042 Elevation : 1660M Series intercorrelation: 0.655 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.259 Avg standard deviation : 1.291 Avg autocorrelation : 0.837 Number dated series : 29 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 0 Pct problem segments : 0.00 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Puerto de Gudar High 08:52 Mon 01 Mar 2010 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1950 1975 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 4SO205NO 1975 2008 .74 2 4SO205SE 1975 2008 .74 3 4SO210NO 1980 2008 .70 4 4SO210SE 1980 2008 .57 5 4SO220NO 1976 2008 .67 6 4SO220SE 1976 2008 .74 7 4SO238NO 1960 2008 .46 8 4SO238SE 1960 2008 .47 9 4SO242NO 1963 2008 .67 10 4SO242SE 1963 2008 .71 11 4SO258NO 1968 2008 .60 12 4SO258SE 1968 2007 .51 13 4SO264NO 1974 2008 .82 14 4SO264SE 1974 2008 .49 15 4SO269NO 1974 2008 .60 16 4SO269SE 1974 2008 .65 17 4SO270NO 1964 2008 .66 18 4SO270SE 1964 2008 .71 19 4SO275NO 1969 2008 .44 20 4SO275SE 1969 2008 .37 21 4SO276NO 1958 2008 .78 .78 22 4SO276SE 1958 2008 .54 .60 23 4SO278NO 1990 2008 .77 24 4SO281NO 1976 2008 .85 25 4SO281SE 1976 2008 .85 26 4SO282NO 1956 2008 .80 .80 27 4SO282SE 1956 2008 .77 .77 28 4SO284NO 1958 2008 .77 .74 29 4SO284SE 1958 2008 .71 .69 Av segment correlation .63 .73 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Puerto de Gudar High 08:52 Mon 01 Mar 2010 Page 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 4SO205NO 1975 2008 34 1 0 .741 2.50 7.74 2.023 .918 .269 2.84 .657 -.016 1 2 4SO205SE 1975 2008 34 1 0 .737 2.28 6.99 1.700 .894 .298 2.60 .713 -.008 1 3 4SO210NO 1980 2008 29 1 0 .700 1.62 4.90 1.291 .951 .219 2.64 .633 -.001 1 4 4SO210SE 1980 2008 29 1 0 .566 2.29 6.16 1.489 .908 .278 2.52 .665 -.081 1 5 4SO220NO 1976 2008 33 1 0 .670 1.75 6.79 1.561 .892 .353 2.71 .650 -.080 1 6 4SO220SE 1976 2008 33 1 0 .740 1.87 5.79 1.614 .889 .299 2.55 .569 .074 1 7 4SO238NO 1960 2008 49 1 0 .463 2.27 6.15 1.689 .924 .273 2.48 .470 .046 1 8 4SO238SE 1960 2008 49 1 0 .470 2.07 9.50 1.905 .851 .251 2.67 .502 -.082 1 9 4SO242NO 1963 2008 46 1 0 .665 1.42 3.53 .916 .893 .254 2.63 .521 .010 1 10 4SO242SE 1963 2008 46 1 0 .709 1.36 3.18 .809 .867 .224 2.59 .488 -.048 1 11 4SO258NO 1968 2008 41 1 0 .600 1.75 4.98 1.487 .927 .286 2.82 .571 -.077 1 12 4SO258SE 1968 2007 40 1 0 .509 1.75 4.75 1.485 .950 .246 2.71 .487 -.078 1 13 4SO264NO 1974 2008 35 1 0 .821 2.44 6.22 1.561 .920 .209 2.50 .608 -.049 1 14 4SO264SE 1974 2008 35 1 0 .486 3.06 6.44 1.551 .923 .178 2.46 .525 -.075 3 15 4SO269NO 1974 2008 35 1 0 .603 2.65 4.28 .782 .692 .195 2.45 .473 -.012 1 16 4SO269SE 1974 2008 35 1 0 .654 2.31 3.75 .620 .504 .212 2.56 .567 -.053 1 17 4SO270NO 1964 2008 45 1 0 .656 2.53 7.24 1.972 .933 .263 2.57 .526 .036 1 18 4SO270SE 1964 2008 45 1 0 .714 2.37 5.49 1.006 .730 .239 2.77 .643 -.081 1 19 4SO275NO 1969 2008 40 1 0 .437 2.08 3.88 1.114 .876 .255 2.42 .471 -.071 1 20 4SO275SE 1969 2008 40 1 0 .367 1.76 3.75 1.044 .900 .257 2.54 .474 -.081 1 21 4SO276NO 1958 2008 51 2 0 .780 1.63 4.34 1.233 .946 .224 2.52 .438 -.058 1 22 4SO276SE 1958 2008 51 2 0 .534 1.92 7.32 1.739 .898 .277 2.48 .448 -.087 1 23 4SO278NO 1990 2008 19 1 0 .768 3.80 5.87 1.020 .202 .269 2.42 .596 -.112 3 24 4SO281NO 1976 2008 33 1 0 .849 2.33 6.51 1.104 .610 .314 2.59 .533 -.056 1 25 4SO281SE 1976 2008 33 1 0 .847 2.36 5.81 1.101 .753 .262 2.42 .553 -.048 2 26 4SO282NO 1956 2008 53 2 0 .796 2.17 5.46 1.366 .820 .305 2.53 .467 -.021 1 27 4SO282SE 1956 2008 53 2 0 .768 1.97 4.56 1.119 .812 .309 2.55 .416 -.070 1 28 4SO284NO 1958 2008 51 2 0 .747 1.58 3.58 .688 .771 .238 2.51 .510 -.064 1 29 4SO284SE 1958 2008 51 2 0 .697 1.45 2.70 .614 .749 .261 2.54 .507 -.045 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 1168 35 0 .655 2.05 9.50 1.291 .837 .259 2.84 .530 -.044